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Current Schedule for APS 510

Mtg # Date 0. Sept 8 A. Lecture Topics GB244

Innovative Technologies and Organizations in Global Energy Systems Fall Term 2011-2012
C. Case For Discussion (subject to change) D. Guest Speaker (subject to change) E. Other Class/ Student Activities (Tues) F. Tutorial Sessions (Thurs) BA2195 Tutorial will not meet on Thurs Sept 8, but Prof V. will be available for Q&A in tutorial room BA2195 from 4:10 pm to 5 pm. Tutorial will meet on Thurs 9/15 all students should attend Tutorial status to be announced (TBA) TBA

B. Assigned Reading for Discussions

1. Sept 13

Course overview syllabus review

(1) Al Gore 2008 speech (2) Bill Gates 2010 interview

2. Sept 20

Global engineering Entrepreneurship (1) Khosla update article (2) Chrysalix Ventures portfolio (1) C. Kennedy et al: GHGs in Global Cities (2) Optional Project Finance Teaching Note U. Penn/Wharton

Jim Poss Suzlon Khosla Ventures

Brief video, BBC Tesla Case study primer Quiz 1 (take home) assigned Quiz 1 due at start of class

3. Sept 27

Venture Capital (VC) Biofuels Cleantech Global projects Project Finance Big Oil Scaling cleantech

4. Oct. 4

Suncor/Oil Sands

Quiz 2 (during tutorial session on Thurs. 10/6)

5. Oct 11

Environmental issues Climate Change & Carbon Markets

Climate Change & BP The Greening of Petrobras


Updated 2011/08/24

6. Oct 18

Environmental issues, contd

(1) 2010 BP Gulf spill (2) Wind Vs. Coal, Atop a Mountain (3) Italian Town NYT

Cape Wind

Intro to group project


7. Oct 25

ICT and Energy Overview and cases - Guest Prof.

(1) Malone & Klein; (2) EnerNOC

Midterm on class on Tues. Oct 25 (about 60 mins.)


8. Nov 1

Modeling Energy Futures

(1) Mark Jacobson paper (2) Crossroads at Mmamabula

Group Project proposal due Thurs. Nov. 3 at 4 pm


9. Nov 8

Globalization context - the BRIC Countries - BRIC growth and energy/environment issues Globalization context developing countries - Guest Prof. (1) Friedman (HF&C) hardcopy Reader C (2) H2CTW - Brazil case in hardcopy Reader C (1) Transport Revolutions (Gilbert) excerpts in hardcopy Reader C



10. Nov 15

E + Co

Quiz 3 (Take home) - due at start of tutorial on Thurs. TBA

11. Nov 22


TA Energy (Turkey)

12. Nov 29

SDTC Canadian solutions targeting global deployment Hydrogen, Fuel Cells



Updated 2011/08/24

13 Dec 6

Class summary and looking ahead

All Project Reports due at start of class on Tues Dec 6; Student Group Project Presentations Part 1 Final Exam Date TBA

Student Group Presentations Part 2 Quiz 4a (Tues) & Quiz 4b (Thurs) - topic: group projects Final Exam prep info

Final Exam

Updated 2011/08/24

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