Overview of Excel VLOOKUP Function

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Excel VLOOKUP Function Tutorial

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

Overview of Excel VLOOKUP Function3


Related Tutorial: Text only version - Excel VLOOKUP Function Excel's VLOOKUP function, which stands for vertical lookup, can help you find specific information in large data tables such as an inventory list of parts or a large membership contact list. Following the steps in the tutorial topics below walk you through using the VLOOKUP function to find specific information in a spreadsheet table. Tutorial Topics

Entering Tutorial Data

Opening the VLOOKUP dialog box

The Lookup Value

The Table Array

The Column Index Number

The Range Lookup

Using the VLOOKUP Function

Excel VLOOKUP Error Messages

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Entering the Tutorial Data

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

Enter the Tutorial Data Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. When entering the data into an Excel worksheet, there are some general rules to follow: 1. Whenever possible, don't leave blank rows or columns when entering your data. Leaving blank rows and columns in data tables can make it difficult to use a number of Excel's functions - including VLOOKUP.

2. Enter your data in columns when possible. When laying out your worksheet, place a title describing the data at the top of the first column of the table with the data below.

If there is more than one data series, list them one after the other in columns (left to right) with the title for each data series at the top.

For this tutorial 1. Enter the data as seen in the image above into cells D4 to E10. The first column of data (column D) contains the part names. The second column (column E) the price of each part.

The VLOOKUP Dialog Box

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

The VLOOKUP Dialog Box Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. Although it is possible to just type the VLOOKUP function into the cell where you want it located, many people find it easier to use the function's dialog box. For this tutorial: 1. Click on cell D1 and type the title Part Name. 2. Click on cell E1 and type the title Price. 3. Click on cell E2 - the location where the results - in this case, the price of a cog - will be displayed.

4. Click on the Formulas tab.

5. Choose Lookup & Reference from the ribbon to open the function drop down list.

6. Click on VLOOKUP in the list to bring up the function's dialog box.

The data that we enter into the four blank rows of the dialog box will form the arguments for the VLOOKUP function. These arguments tell the function what information we are after and where it should search to find it.

The Lookup Value

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

The Lookup Value Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. The lookup value is located in the first column of the table of data. After specifying a subject in the first column, VLOOKUP will then allow you to search for specific information located in the same row as the subject. The lookup value can be a text string, a logical value (TRUE or FALSE only), a number, or a cell reference to a value. It is a good idea to use an absolute cell reference for the lookup value. If you dont use an absolute reference and you copy the VLOOKUP function to other cells, there is a good chance you will get error messages in the cells the function is copied to. For this tutorial 1. Click on the lookup_value line in the dialog box

2. Click on cell D2 to add this cell reference to the lookup_value line. This is the cell where we will type the part name about which we are seeking information. 3. Press the F4 key on the keyboard to make the cell reference absolute.

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The Table Array

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

The Table Array Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. The table array is the table of data that the function searches to find your information. The table array must contain at least two columns of data. The first column contains the lookup values (see previous step). These values can be text, numbers, or logical values. On this line in the VLOOKUP dialog box enter the range of cells where the data is located. It is a good idea to use an absolute cell reference for the table array. If you dont use an absolute reference and you copy the VLOOKUP function to other cells, there is a good chance you will get error messages in the cells the function is copied to. For this tutorial 1. Click on the table_array line in the dialog box.

2. Drag select cells D5 to E10 in the spreadsheet to add this range to the table_array line. This is the range of data that VLOOKUP will search.

3. Press the F4 key on the keyboard to make the range absolute. Return to the Index page

The Column Index Number

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

The Column Index Number Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. The column index number indicates which column of the table array contains the data you are after. For example:

if you enter a 1 into the column index number, VLOOKUP returns a value from the first column in table_array;

if the column index number is 2, it returns a value from the second column in table_array.

For this tutorial 1. Click on the Col_index_num line in the dialog box

2. Type a 2 in this line to indicate that we want VLOOKUP to return information from the second column of the table array.

The Range Lookup

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

The Range Lookup Value Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. The range lookup value is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE only) that indicates whether you want VLOOKUP to find an exact or an approximate match to the lookup value.

If TRUE or if this argument is omitted, VLOOKUP will use an approximate match if it cannot find an exact match to the lookup_value. If an exact match is not found, VLOOKUP uses the next largest lookup value. If FALSE, VLOOKUP will only use an exact match to the lookup_value. If there are two or more values in the first column of table_array that match the lookup value, the first value found is used. If an exact match is not found, an #N/A error is returned.

For this tutorial 1. Click on the Range_lookup line in the dialog box

2. Type the word False in this line to indicate that we want VLOOKUP to return an exact match for the data we are seeking.

3. Click OK to close dialog box.

4. If you have followed all the steps of this tutorial you will have a complete VLOOKUP function in cell E2.

Using the VLOOKUP Function

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

Using the VLOOKUP Function Note: For help with these instructions, see the image above. To use VLOOKUP to find the cost of different parts listed in the table array, type the name of a part into cell D2 and press the ENTER key on the keyboard. The price will be displayed in cell E2. For this tutorial 1. Click on cell D2 in your spreadsheet.

2. Type Cog into cell D2 and press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

3. The value $20.21 - the price of a cog - should be displayed in cell E2 since we asked VLOOKUP to return the price of any part name entered into cell D2.

4. Type the name of other parts into cell D2 and their prices should be displayed in cell E2

Excel VLOOKUP Error Messages

Excel's VLOOKUP Function Ted French

Excel VLOOKUP Error Messages The following error messages are associated with VLOOKUP. #N/A error :

This error is displayed if the lookup value is not found in the first column of the table array.

It will also be displayed if the range for the table arrayargument is inaccurate. If this argument includes empty columns on the left of the table array.


This error is displayed if the column index number argument is greater than the number of columns in table array

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