Terry's RPG Version 2.0

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Written by terry rw whisenant aka texaspoet@gmail.


Primary Stats
Physical Intellectual Magical Social Willpower
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Secondary Stats
Speed= Actions you can take per round. Hexes you can move, attacks you can attempt, defenses you can attempt.

Most skills act as an adder to the Primary Stat they are attached to. The Fighting skill would be added to the Physical Stat for a total. The stun skills make you tougher than your Primary Stat would indicate. They add to your Primary Stat to determine your maximum starting Stun for that Primary Stat. You should put a box around your Primary Stat score, and a circle around your maximum Stun. Your current Stun for each Primary Stat will change often during combats, and you should track it in pencil as it moves up and down.

Physical Skills: Endurance (adds 1 per level to effective Physical stun maximum), Melee, Dodge, Climbing, Swimming,
Running (extra actions just for movement), Ranged, Sailing, Pickpockets, Blind-fighting, Acrobatics, Jumping,

Intellectual Skills: Wits (adds 1 per level to effective Intellectual stun maximum), Awareness, Education, Merchant,
Courage, Memory, Medicine, History, Musical Instrument, Singing, Language, Lockpicking, Poisons, Animal Handling, Farming, Craftsman, Tactics, Philosophy, Engineering, Religion, Tracking, Mineralogy, Mathematics, Plant Lore, Monster Lore, Gambling, Astronomy, Navigation, Siegecraft, Science, Survival, Art

Magical Skills: Aura (adds 1 per level to effective Magical stun maximum), Earth Magic, Water Magic, Air Magic, Fire
Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Green Magic.

Social Skills: Mettle (adds 1 per level to effective Social stun maximum), Persuasion, Deception, Leadership,
Appearance, Nobility, Bargaining, Diplomacy, Seduction, Oratory, Etiquette, Streetwise,

Willpower Skills: Discipline (adds 1 per level to effective Willpower stun maximum), Intimidation, Berserk,
Interrogation, Torture, Resistance,

Stat & Skill Costs

Each level has a cost equal to the level. Level 1 costs 1 point. Level 2 costs 2 points. Buying Level 4 from nothing would cost (1+2+3+4) 10 points. The limit for normal humans is 5. Most normal people have a 1 in every Primary Stat. A stat cannot be reduced lower than -5.

Combat Contests
Combat Turn Declaration of what the character is going to do is based on the total of a characters Intellectual Stat plus Awareness skill, ties are broken by Reason skill, and then Intelligence skill. The lowest score declares what they are going to do first, ascending up to the highest roll. Those who are more aware get to plan better. Initiative: After everyone has declared their intent, each character rolls 1d6 per point of Speed they have, and a total is determined. The highest roll gets to take his actions first. Ties act simultaneously. Success Roll: Attackers roll a d6, plus an extra d6 for every point in difference they have over the Defenders defensive skill total. Every dice equal to or higher than the Defenders total defense skill inflicts a point of penalty, moving the characters slider down by 1. This is shock from being hit, and it reduces the characters effective stat, until he recovers. Example 1: The attacker has a Physical Stat of 3 and a Fighting Skill of 3, for a total attack of 6. The Defender has a Physical Stat of 3 and a Dodge Skill of 2, for a total defense of 5. The Attacker would roll 2d6 vs. the Defender. If he rolls two fours, he inflicts 2 points of penalty, and the Defender would take 2 points of Physical Stun. Example 2: The attacker has a Physical Stat of 3 and a Fighting Skill of 3. He is attacking a peasant with a Physical Stat of 1 and a Fighting Skill of 1 (to parry). The attacker rolls 5d6. If he rolls a 2, 2, 3, 5, and 6 then he would inflict 5 points of penalty, and the Defenders Physical Stat would be moved to -4. The Defender is now stunned. He has to take a recovery on his turn.

When any character takes any Stun damage, he is momentarily shocked, reeling, bewildered, or has lost focus in some appropriate manner, and his effective Primary Stat is hindered. His rolls are based on wherever his Primary Stat is currently. If he has extra stun beyond his normal Primary Stat he is not hindered until his stun is reduced below his normal Primary Stat. Example: Bob has a Physical Stat of 3 and an Endurance Skill of 3, so he has a total of 6 stun in his Physical area. He is hit and takes 2 points of penalty, reducing his stun from 6 to 4, which is still higher than his Physical Stat of 3 so he is not hindered yet. He is tougher than normal. When he is reduced to 2 stun remaining, he will be using an effective Physical Stat of 2. When a character reaches 0 or less on a Primary Stat, he is stunned. He must take an action to recover from being stunned. He may use all of his remaining actions, but he functions off of his current Primary Stat. If his Primary Stat is zero or less then he does not get to roll the dice for his Primary Stat.

Combat Defeat
When a character reaches -5 on his Physical Stat he is defeated. If he reaches -5 on his Willpower Stat he is routed and can only run away. In Combat, all other stats can only stun a character, and requires them to take a recovery each round to become unstunned.

Every time a character is reduced to less than zero in his Physical Stat he takes a wound. When you take a number of wounds higher than your Physical Stat you have been killed. A character can try to recover wounds once per day by making a Physical plus Endurance roll. You need a success to recover a wound, but there are penalties for the characters level of exertion from -5 for marching or fighting down to nothing for total bed rest. The difficulty is 4-6 for one or two wounds, 5-6 for three to four wounds, and 6 for five wounds or more.

Combat Actions
Recovery=You may use an action to take a Recovery at any time. If you are at 0 or less on a Primary Stat, then you must use an action to recover from stun, as your first action. Roll your normal unmodified Primary Stat and for every 4-6 showing on the dice, increase your Primary Stat by 1, back up to your normal maximum. You may only take one Recovery action per turn.

Non-Combat Contests
For static contests, the GM sets a target number of successes and the player rolls his Primary Stat plus Skill level and achieves one success for every 4-6 showing on the dice. The GM decides how many successes it takes to succeed. Simply having the right skill can be enough, though it is normal to ask for one success. If anyone can do it, it requires a single success. If only the main guy at the job can do it, it requires two successes. If only one person in a small hamlet can do it, it requires three successes. If only one person in a village can do it, it requires four successes. If only one person in a small city can do it, it requires five successes. If only one person in a large city can do it, it requires six successes. If only one person in a county can do it, it requires seven successes. If only one person in a state or kingdom can do it, it requires eight successes. If only one person in a country or empire can do it, it requires nine successes. If only one person in the world can do it, it requires ten successes.

Making a horseshoe takes 1 success, making a ragged sword takes 2, making a decent sword takes 3, making a pretty sword takes 4, making a castle-forged sword takes 5, making a fine sword takes 6, making a custom sword takes 7, making a very fine sword takes 8, making a masterwork sword takes 9, making a legendary sword takes 10. For opposed contests, the GM decides what Primary Stats and Skills are used to oppose each other. Physical plus Stealth might oppose Intellectual plus Perception. PCs have the advantage over NPCs, who must exceed the players successes.

Using Multiple Skills

Several skills might seem appropriate to certain tests. At the GMs discretion, players can roll the dice for every skill that they are allowed to use, but can only count the a number dice equal to the Primary Stat and the lowest Skill used. Example 1: If Bob the smarmy scholar has both Plant Lore-2 and Education-3, he could reason with the GM that he is trying to find a recipe in the library for an antidote using both his Plant Lore and Education. His Intellectual score is 3, so he could roll 8 dice and keep the best 5 (3 for Intellectual and 2 for Plant Lore, the lower of the two skills he wanted to use).

Weapons add extra dice as they get nastier. These extra dice are limited by the characters Physical Stat. The extra dice for the weapon are capped at a maximum equal to your Physical Stat. Weapons come in small, medium, large and extralarge varieties. Small weapons actually subtract 1 from your Physical Stat. Medium weapons are the normal range, and do not add or subtract any extra dice. Large weapons typically add a single extra dice, but require two hands and after use require a ready action before they can be used again to attack or parry. Extra-Large weapons typically add two extra dice, but require two hands and require two actions to re-ready after an attack or parry. Item Quality: Extra dice from item Quality stats are not capped by your Physical Stat. You still only get to count a maximum number of dice based off of the Physical Stat and the related Skill, but extra dice from Quality are rolled in addition. Ragged weapons subtract one from your Physical Stat, but cost half as much. Decent weapons are at normal stats. Pretty weapons cost twice as much. Custom weapons add +1 to attack totals, but cost ten times as much. Castleforged weapons roll one extra dice. Fine weapons roll two extra dice, but cost four times as much. Very Fine weapons roll three extra dice, but cost eight times as much. Masterwork weapons roll four extra dice, but cost twenty times as much. Legendary weapons roll five extra dice, and cost a minimum of one hundred times normal, if anyone would ever sell them. A weapon can be castle-forged, fine, very fine, or legendary, but only one of these. A weapon can also be custom made and pretty, in addition to its quality. The costs multiply. A pretty custom-made very-fine weapon would cost one-hundred sixty times normal price. Weapon extra dice: These dice are rolled in addition to the number of dice rolled in an attack, but they can only substitute for the normal rolled dice. A relatively unskilled person who only gets to roll a 1d6 on an attack would get to roll 6d6 with a legendary weapon, but could only count the single best die. Armor blocks stun. Armors range in defense values from 1 to 5, and blocks stun.

Spell Lists
Creation Magic
Level Sample Spells 1 Create small objects, Food 2 Banquet, Create large objects, Create Walls, Animate objects 3 Summon Jinn, Create servants 4 Create Buildings, Enlightenment 5 Wishes, Permanency Notes: Created objects last for only short periods of time. Practitioners: Wizards, Conjurers Spirit Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Detect spirits, Talk to spirits, Calm spirits, Chant

2 Defend vs spirits, Call Animal spirits, Ancestors, Binding 3 Command spirits, Banish, Totem spirit, Fetishes (Magic Items), Vodoo doll 4 Control many spirits, Ghosts, Elemental spirits 5 Control powerful spirits Notes: Fetishes can take the form of masks, charms, Adornments made from Animal parts, shruken heads, etc. It takes days to make a totem and the materials will be rare. Animal spirits and totems confer ability bonuses or guidance. Practitioners: Shamans, Witchdoctors Healing Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Heal minor wounds, Midwife magic, Healing Salves, Enhance Herbs, Soothe pain 2 Neutralize poisons, Heal all wounds, Preservation 3 Cure Diseases, Regeneration, Transfer Wound 4 Longevity, Youth, Mass Heal or Cure 5 Resurrection Practitioners: Healers, Priests, Shamans, Witchdoctors Priest Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Blessing, Prayer, Conversion, Ceremony, Protection, Oath 2 Turn undead, Sanctuary, Silence, Resistance, Ordination, Faith Healing 3 Remove Curses, Dispell, Holy water, Geas, Exorcism 4 Commune, Summon Angel, Absolution, Consecration 5 Reincarnate, Invulnerability, Healing Rain Practitioners: Good Priests, Clerics Witchcraft Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Talismans (Spell store: Potions, Candles, Crystals) 2 Divination, Binding, Evil eye, Scry 3 Familiar, Curses, Hexes, Flying, Banish 4 Summon Demons, Pentagram 5 Possession, Great Curse Notes: A Character can only have one Familiar at a time. Practitioners: Witches, Warlocks, Diabolists Fey Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Detect Fey, Talk to Fey, Fey Lore, Aura, Stealth 2 Fey Travel, Sleep, Vanish, Shapeshift, Dust(Spell store) 3 Control Fey, Fey Form, Summon Fey 4 Polymorph, Shrink, Enchantment Notes: Enchantment makes a person, place, or thing magical. For example: a bush will produce healing berries; a door will talk. Practitioners: Enchanters, Druids, Bards Illusion Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Light, Darkness, Detect Illusions, See Invisible, Mirage, Blur 2 Illusions, Disguise, Mirror Images, Displacement 3 Selective Illusion 4 Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, 5 Prismatic Rays Practitioners: Illusionists, Magicians, Sorcerers Mental Magic Level Sample Spells

1 Empathy, Clairvoyance, Confusion, Fear, Befriend 2 Suggestion, Read mind 3 Mental Blast, Telepathy 4 Insanity 5 Mind control Practitioners: Mentalists Force Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Mind over Matter, Levitation, Shield, Trip, Disarm, Push 2 Force Wall, Flight, Alter Gravity, Strength, Reflect Missiles 3 Telekinesis, Force Cage, Dancing weapon, Force Dome, Shatter 4 Teleport, Disintegration 5 Stop Time, Subdimensional space Practitioners: Wizards Martial Arts Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Meditation, Leap, Balance, Reflexes, Strength, Resistance, Climb 2 Speed, Multiple Attacks, Wall Running, Dodge 3 Crushing Blow, Levitation 4 Death Blow 5 Distance Strike Practitioners: Martial Artists Music Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Taunt, Soothe, Courage, Willpower, Oration, Music, Sadden 2 Berserk, Mesmerize, Seduction, Perfect music 3 Irresistible Dance, Sleep, Lure 4 Charm 5 Laugh to Death Practitioners: Bards, Spellsingers Air Magic (Elemental) Level Sample Spells 1 Shock, Deflect arrows, Wall of Air, Wind Gusts, Purify 2 Lightning Bolts, Cloud Walk, Calm Weather 3 Tornado, Vacuum, Poison Gasses 4 Air Elemental, Gaseous form 5 Hurricane Practitioners: Wizards Fire Magic (Elemental) Level Sample Spells 1 Flaming weapon, Leaping flame, Breathe fire, Heat 2 Fire Ball, Wall of Flame, Resist Fire 3 Immolation, Draught 4 Fire elemental 5 Volcanic eruption, Firestorm Practitioners: Wizards Earth Magic (Elemental) Level Sample Spells 1 Stone skin, Stone feet, Tunnel, Detect gems, Stone to Mud 2 Tremors, Hurl Boulder, Earth meld, Metal skin, Earth wall 3 Petrification, Entomb 4 Earth Elemental

5 Earthquake, Stone rain Practitioners: Wizards Water Magic (Elemental) Level Sample Spells 1 Rain, Create water or ice, Breathe Water, Resist Cold, Fog 2 Freezing cold, Ice shards, Storm, Wall of Ice or Water 3 Floods, Blizzards, Whirlpool, Encase in Ice 4 Water or Ice Elementals 5 Tidal Wave Practitioners: Wizards Death Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Disease, Weakness, Pain, Control Undead 2 Paralyze, Animate dead, Blind 3 Mummification, Drain, Wither 4 Death 5 Mass Death, Lich, Summon & Command Demons Practitioners: Necromancers, Priests Alchemy Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Poisons, Smoke, Analysis, Purification, Acids, Transmute 2 Potions (Spell store), [Courage, Manna], Incendiary Bombs 3 [Strength, Speed, Breathe water, Healing, Love, Antidote] 4 Research [Resistance to Fire, Cold] 5 [Invulnerability, Invisibility, Shapechange, Sizechange] Notes: Potions take hours or days to prepare. Spells in brackets are types of potions. Potions can also take the forms of elixirs, powders, balms, salves, tonics, ointments, resins, serums, oils, perfumes, and other mixtures. Research allows the alchemist to spell store spells he does not know. Research takes days or weeks longer, the first time. Potions cost 50+ gold worth of ingredients per level to produce. The transmute spell is necessary to prepare some ingredients. Practitioners: Alchemists, Sorcerers, Witches Nature Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Talk to animals, Animal senses, Prowess, Bark skin, Tracking 2 Talk to plants, Healing, Poison, Entangle 3 Control or Summon plants or animals, Tree Door 4 Shapeshift, Growth 5 Create plants or animals, Swarms Practitioners: Druids Divination Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Fortune Telling, Detection, Dreams, Predict, Intuition 2 Omens, Locate, Analysis, Read Languages 3 Visions, See Past, Scrying pool, Divination Aids (Magic items) 4 Commune 5 Prophecy Notes: Divination Aids include: Bones, Tarot cards, crystal ball Practitioners: Astrologers, Seers, Soothsayers, Oracles, Witches Rune Magic

Level Sample Spells 1 [Ward, Lock, Protection] 2 Rune stone (Spell store), [Attack, Defense, Damage, Armor] 3 [Stun, Pain, Repulsion, Discord, Elemental attack] 4 [Summoning, Blind] 5 Permanency, [Portal, Death] Notes: A rune takes hours to carve. Spells in brackets are types of runes. A rune's power is exhausted after one use. Runes are also called sigils, symbols, and glyphs. Runes can be carved onto paper, stones, doors, armor, weapons, etc. The Permanency spell allows the rune to be used once per day. Practitioners: Wizards, Rune Masters Wizard Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Unlock, Detect Magic, Cantrips, Energy Bolt 2 Spell shield, Scroll(Spell store), Haste 3 Wizards Eye, Dispell, Slow, Magic items, Familiar 4 Reflect Spell 5 Antimagic Practitioners: Wizards Artificer Magic Level Sample Spells 1 Toys, Detection Devices, Contraptions, Analysis 2 Weapons, Armor, Magic Items, Repair, Homonculous 3 Defenses, Flying Machines, Elemental siege weapons, Servants, Recharge 4 Golems, Teleportation Disks 5 Juggernaught, Colossus, Flying Ship, Floating Castle, Expanding Notes: Artifacts take weeks or months to build. Artifacts cost 500+ gold in materials per level to construct. Artifacts, unlike spell stores, are not used up after one use. They may have permanent bonuses, X charges, or X uses per day. Practitioners: Artificers, Wizards

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