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Summative Test (1) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. Which of these is a scientific way of learning? a. making observations b. forming a hypothesis c. performing experiments d. all of the above ____2. Which unit would you use to find the length of a leaf? a. centimeter b. meter c. milliliter d. kilogram ____3. You feel that your body is hot because of fever. How would you know how hot it is? a. Feel your skin. b. Use a thermometer. c. Feel your breath. d. Use a stethoscope ____4. A scientist wants to see a planet more closely. What instrument will help him? a. telescope b. microscope c. hand lens d. compass ____5. The bottle of milk you bought has 500 mL on the label. What does this mean? a. The weight of the bottle is 500 mL. c. The mass of the milk is 500 mL. b. The length of the bottle is 500 mL. d. The volume of the milk is 500 mL. ____6. A cup is filled with 60 mL of water. When a stone is dropped into the water, it rises to 68 mL. What is the volume of the stone? a. 68 mL b. 8 mL c. 60 mL d. 5 mL ____7. An amateur athlete is practicing to run the 100 meter dash. The table below shows the time he spent to cover the distance of 100 meters on the following dates: June 15 about 10 minutes July 15 about 8 minutes August 15 about 5 minutes If he continues to practice showing the same trend, what do you think would be his time to cover 100 meters in September? a. about 5 minutes b. less than 5 minutes c. more than 5 minutes d. exactly 5 minutes ____8. You observed that the tomato plants in the shaded garden are not growing well although they get enough water. What is your hypothesis? a. The plants will grow well if they get enough sunlight. c. The plants will grow well if they get enough water. b. The plants will die soon if they are not watered. d. The plants will grow well if they are not under the sun. ____9. A flashlight does not light although the batteries are new. Make an inference. a. The batteries are not correctly installed. c. The switch is disconnected. b. The bulb is used up. d. All of the above. ____10. When do you make an inference? a. after observing b. before observing c. after performing an experiment d. before knowing the problem II. Write True if the statement is correct and False if its not. _____________1. Inferring is giving an opinion based on observations. _____________2. Predicting is telling what make likely happen based on a pattern or trend observed. _____________3. A hypothesis is a guess that you cannot test. _____________4.You may prove whether your hypothesis is correct or not through experimenting. _____________5.After making an experiment, return all used materials to their proper places. _____________6. Use your bare hands when handling hot materials. _____________7. Thermometer tells how hot or cold an object is. _____________8.Use millimeters to measure very long objects and use centimeters or meters for smaller ones. _____________9. Newton is the unit of measure for length. _____________10. Measuring helps us describe the things we observe. Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES

Teacher I

Summative Test (2) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? a. protects the delicate organs of the body c. transports food to the different parts of the body b. supports the body d. enables the body to move ____2. A normal adult has about __________ bones. a. 200 b. 203 c. 205 d. 206 ____3. Which of these bones look like a cage? a. ribs b. backbone c. hipbone d. skull ____4. What kind of joint connects the shoulder bone to the upper arm bone? a. gliding joint b. pivot joint c. hinge joint d. ball-and-socket joint ____5. What prevents movable bones from getting out of place? a. cartilage b. ligaments c. fluid d. minerals ____6. Which is the largest bone in the body? a. thighbone b. hipbone c. shoulder bone d. leg bone ____7. The shortest bones called stirrup are found in the __________ a. fingers b. nose c. ears d. legs ____8. What makes a bone hard? a. minerals b. vitamins c. proteins d. fats ____9. Which organs of the body are protected by the ribs? a. stomach and intestines b. lungs and heart c. liver and kidney d. brain and eyes ____10. Why is the red marrow in bones important? a. It produces red blood cells. c. It makes the bones strong. b. It stores much fat. d. It produces a red substance. ____11. The backbone is made up of several bones called ___________________ a. cartilage b. vertebrae c. spinal cord d. joints ____12. It allows a part of the body to turn without making the part attached to it move. a. pivot joint b. gliding joint c. hinge joint d. ball-and-socket joint ____13. ________________ gives shape to our nose. a. cartilage b. ligaments c. joints d. fats ____14. Which organ is protected by hipbone? a. heart b. lungs c. bladder d. intestines ____15. Do bones grow? a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Not sure II. Identify the injuries and diseases that affect the skeletal system. Choose your answer below. sprain scoliosis fracture bone infection dislocation osteoporosis rickets rheumatism arthritis bone cancer

________________1. The most dangerous disease of the bones. ________________2. It is caused by an insufficient supply of vitamin D and lack of exposure to sunlight. ________________3. It is most common among elderly people. It is caused by gradual erosion of the protective layer of the cartilage between the bones at the joints. ________________4. Is any of several diseased conditions of the muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves that cause pain and disability.

________________5. It is the most common bone disorder which is due to lack of calcium and old age. Bones become porous and brittle. ________________6. A bruise or an injury may start an infection, in which pus spreads to the bone. ________________7. It is characterized by the abnormal curvature of the spine. ________________8. A sudden twist or turn of the joints that cause the ligaments to stretched too much and get twisted or torn. ________________9. A break in the bone. ________________10. A condition when bones get out of the joint III. Put a if the practice is good and X if not. __________1. Put an ice bag on the sprained part to reduce pain and swelling. __________2. Let the injured person move or walk. __________3. Cover the wound with sterile dressing. __________4. Eat proper kinds of foods. __________5. Rest if you feel tired. __________6. Place your body weight on the heels, not on the balls of your feet. __________7. Walk with your head down. __________8. Sit tall with your chest up and your shoulders back. __________9. Do not look at the steps when you go up and down the stairs. __________10. Stay away from moving vehicles when walking on the streets.

Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Teacher I

Summative Test (3) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. ___ are body tissues composed of fibers that are capable of contracting and relaxing to produce movement. a. muscles b. bones c. tissues d. fibers ____2. The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius muscle found in the ___________________. a. upper leg b. lower leg c. upper arm d. lower arm ____3. How are muscles attached to a bone? a. by cartilages b. by ligaments c. by tendons d. by joints ____4. How many skeletal muscles make up the whole body? a. 800 b. 660 c. 850 d. 900 ____5. Which of these organs has involuntary muscles? a. arm b. finger c. stomach d. tongue ____6. Why are skeletal muscles called voluntary muscles? a. movements cannot be controlled c. both a and b b. movements can be controlled d. movements are continuous ____7. Movement of the eyelids is _________________. a. voluntary b. involuntary c. both a and b d. continuous ____8. When does a muscle pull a bone? a. when it relaxes b. when it expands c. when it contracts d. when it bends ____9. How does a muscle pulling a bone feel? a. soft b. hard c. cold d. hot ____10. How does muscle work? a. in groups b. in pairs c. all alone d. all of the above ____11. One of a pair of muscles gets longer. What does this show? a. This muscle relaxes. c. This muscle is tired. b. This muscle contracts d. This muscle is strong. ____12. This muscle is found only in the heart. a. striated muscle b. smooth muscle c. striped muscle d. cardiac muscle ____13. The _______________ is the sphincter muscle around the mouth. a. deltoids b. quadriceps femoris c. biceps d. obicularis oris ____14. Which nutrient in foods helps build muscles? a. vitamin b. iron c. calcium d. protein ____15. In which position of the arm is the biceps muscle shortened? a. b. c. d.

____16. You noticed a black-and-blue spot on your thigh a day after you fell from the bed. What does this show? a. strain b. fracture c. muscle bruise d. muscle cramp ____17. While swimming, a boy suddenly felt a pain in his leg. Then he could not move. What was he suffering? a. sprain b. strain c. cramp d. fracture ____18. During a game, your arm was pulled hard by your playmate. Then you felt pain. Which of the following could have happened? a. A muscle was overstretched. c. A muscle was torn from the bone. b. A muscle contracted strongly. d. A muscle lost its strength.

____19. A rare disease of the muscles which is characterized by too much fatigue and extreme weakness. a. myasthenia gravis b. tumors c. cancer d. strain ____20. When someone gets cut in the muscle, the first thing to do is to stop bleeding by___________________. a. pressing on the cut b. washing the cut with water c. putting ointments d. covering the cut ____21. Which of the following shows coordinated functions of muscles and bones? a. writing b. playing c. working d. all of the above ____22. This is the waste substance produced in the muscle cells. a. protein b. fats c. calcium d. lactic acid ____23. Why is exercise good for the muscles? a. It makes the muscles strong. c. It makes the muscles stout. b. It makes the muscles long. d. It makes the muscles flat. ____24. Which of the following shows you have the right attitude toward a handicapped boy in your class? a. You do his assignments for him. c. You remind him of his being handicapped. b. You avoid sitting beside him. d. You show your willingness to play with him. ____25. Which of these activities show that muscles and bones work together? a. beating of the heart c. bending of the arms b. movement of the stomach d. swallowing of food. II. Check ( ) if the practice is good, cross ( X ), if it is not. ____1. Drink milk everyday ____2. Eat plenty of sweets. ____3. Eat foods rich in protein. ____4. Exercise in open air. ____5. Go to bed late at night.

Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Teacher I

Summative Test (4) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. What happens to food during digestion? a. It is changed to liquid. c. It is separated from water. b. It disappears. d. It is removed from the body. ____2. Where does digestion start? a. mouth b. stomach c. esophagus d. small intestine ____3. These teeth have sharp edges for biting and cutting food a. molars b. canines c. incisors d. premolars ____4. These teeth grip and tear food. a. molars b. canines c. incisors d. premolars ____5. It causes a physical change in the food by breaking it into tiny pieces. a. mechanical change b. chemical change c. mechanical digestion d. chemical digestion ____6. When a substance like starch in biscuit is changed into another substance like sugar when you chewed it, the process is called __________________. a. mechanical change b. chemical change c. mechanical digestion d. chemical digestion ____7. This is the tube where the food from the mouth passes through when we swallow it going down to the stomach. a. small intestine b. large intestine c. esophagus d. anus ____8. What movement acts on the food from the time it leaves the mouth to the time it is digested? a. chewing b. peristalsis c. circulation d. constipation ____9.It is a bag of muscles that stretches when food is put into it. a. stomach b. small intestine c. large intestine d. esophagus ____10. Foods containing carbohydrates and sugar are easier to digest while foods containing ________________ takes longer time to digest. a. minerals c. fats and proteins b. calcium and iron d. vitamins ____11. It is formed when the glands released by the stomach like enzymes, hydrochloric acid and water are combined together. a. gastric juice b. saliva c. pancreatic juice d. bile ____12. Peristaltic movement of the muscles of the stomach mixes the food and digestive juices thoroughly and breaks the mixture down into a thick liquid called _______________. a. gastric juice b. bile c. pancreatic juice d. chyme ____13. It is a narrow coiled tube connected to the stomach. If stretched, it measures about 6 meters long. a. small intestine b. large intestine c. liver d. heart ____14. If the pancreas produces pancreatic juices, the liver produces ______________. a. chime b. bile c. gastric juice d. all of the above ____15. Not all food becomes completely digested. Where do they go? a. small intestine b. large intestine c. stomach d. anus ____16. The elimination of body waste is called _______________. a. anus b. alimentary canal c. defecation/bowel movement d. digestion ____17. In which part of the digestive system are proteins digested completely? a. small intestine b. stomach c. large intestine d. esophagus ____18. In which part of the digestive system does digestion end? a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine ____19. When is the body able to use the food it takes? a. when it reaches the stomach c. when it reaches the blood b. when it reaches the intestine d. when it reaches the cells

____20. _______________are the enzymes found at the stomach? a. saliva and amylase b. pepsin and rennin c. liver and bladder b. bile and chime ____21. It is the large red organ shaped like helmet and the largest gland of the body that secrets bile which helps digest fat in the small intestine. a. heart b. liver c. pancreas d. gall bladder ____22. It secretes pancreatic juice, which it pours into the small intestine for final digestion of food. a. heart b. liver c. pancreas d. gall bladder ____23. When do you have a balanced diet? a. when your meal contains the right amount of nutrients needed by the body. b. when you drink milk everyday c. when you eat much rice and fish each meal d. when you have several fruits and vegetables every meal ____24. Marco noticed that while chewing his food, it began to taste sweet. Which nutrient in the food had been changed? a. protein b. fat c. carbohydrates d. mineral ____25. You will not get hungry easily if you eat a lunch of rice, fried chicken and vegetables. Why? a. Chicken is harder to digest so it stays longer in the stomach. b. Rice contains carbohydrates so it takes a longer time to digest. c. Vegetables contain fibers which cannot be digested. d. The digestive system works slowly after each meal. . II. Identify the common ailments of the digestive system. Choose your answer below. Diarrhea Cholera Appendicitis Constipation Gastric Ulcer Gingivitis Mumps Tooth Decay Indigestion Dysentery __________________1. It is an illness where patient suffers diarrhea and sharp pains in the abdomen. __________________2. The symptoms of this illness are pains in the abdomen, belching, vomiting and having unpleasant taste in the mouth __________________3. It is an inflammation of the gums. __________________4. It is a disease caused by a viral infection of the salivary glands behind the jaw. __________________5. When the tooth starts to have cavity. __________________6. It is caused by acidic juices, smoking, alcohol and some drugs. __________________7. It is characterized by irregular bowel movement. __________________8. This is an inflammation of the appendix. __________________9. It usually results from bacterial contamination of food and water. __________________10. It is a contagious and serious disease caused by germs that enter the body through foods and drinks III. Check ( ) if the habit is good, cross ( X ), if it is not. ________1. Have a balanced diet every day. ________2. Buy ready to eat foods without covered containers. ________3. Take plenty of juices and water every day. ________4. Brush your teeth after every meal. ________5. Swallow large chunks of food. Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Teacher I

Summative Test (5) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. What is the process by which animals produce their own kind? a. metamorphosis b. molting c. reproduction d. respiration ____2. A kind of reproduction involving only one parent and produces new individuals which are exact copies of the parents and no sex cells are involved. a. asexual reproduction b. sexual reproduction c. bisexual reproduction d. fertilization ____3. _____________reproduction involves two parents a. sexual b. asexual c. bisexual d. fertilization ____4. If the female has an egg cell called ovum, the male has a ____________ cell. a. ovary b. sperm c. egg d. zygote ____5. What happens when a sperm cell and an egg cell unite? a. The egg is fertilized. c.The sperm is fertilized. b. The egg disappears. d. The sperm disappears ____6. What is formed after fertilization from which new individual develops? a. ovary b. sperm c. egg d. zygote ____7. The male snake injects its sperms into the female snake and fertilizes the egg cells inside the females body. What kind of fertilization is this? a. internal b. external c. both a and b d. none ____8.In other animals, like the frog, the eggs are fertilized outside the females body. This is an example of ______________ fertilization. a. internal b. external c. both a and b d. none ____9. What is the process of keeping the eggs warm until they hatched called? a. fertilization b. reproduction c. respiration d. incubation ____10. The fertilized eggs stay inside the females body to develop into fetus. What is the process called? a. incubation b. gestation c. fertilization d. reproduction ____11. What are the changes that animals undergo from the time they are laid as eggs to the time they can reproduce? a. growth b. reproduction c. life cycle d. metamorphosis ____12. It is the change in the form or structure of animals following after birth. a. growth b. reproduction c. life cycle d. metamorphosis ____13. What is the larva of a butterfly called? a. maggot b. wriggler c. nymph d. caterpillar ____14. You see some white worms crawling on a rotten papaya. What would you infer? a. They are small caterpillars. c. They are the waste matter of cockroaches. b. They are the larvae of houseflies. d. They are young white ants. ____15. The shedding of the skin of caterpillar for several times is called _______________. a. melting b. malting c. milting d. molting ____16. What would you find in a can of water left without a cover? a. maggots b. wrigglers c. caterpillars d. nymphs ____17. Why does a butterfly lays its eggs on a leaf? a. The leaf will be the shelter of the young butterfly. c. The leaf will become a cocoon. b. The leaf will be the food of the caterpillar. d. The leaf will protect the young butterfly. ____18. Why can a tadpole breathe in water? a. It has gills. b. It has lungs c. It has a tail. d. It has a mouth.

____19. How many weeks does it take for the pupa to develop into an adult mosquito? a. 1 week b. 2 weeks c. 3 weeks d. 4 weeks ____20. Where do fly lays eggs? a. animal manure and garbage b. hot foods c. clean places d. bright places ____21. What is the larva of a fly called? a. pupa b. wrigglers c. caterpillar d. maggots ____22. When insects go through four stages of metamorphosis (egg, larva, pupa and adult), the process is called ______________________. a. complete metamorphosis b. incomplete metamorphosis c. both a and b d. none ____23. Why are earthworms useful? a. It loosens the soil c. It digs the soil. b. It gives off waste products which help fertilize the soil. d. all of the above ____24. These insects are useful because they help make reproduction in plants possible. a. bees and butterflies b. silkworm c. flies d. spiders ____25. These are the diseases caused by the germs carried by flies. a. diarrhea and cholera b. malaria and H fever c. cough and colds d. mumps and ulcer II. Arrange the life cycle of the following insects. Use numbers to arrange their orders. 1. (Frog) 2. (Butterfly) 3. (Mosquito) 4. (Fly) 5. (Cockroach) ____ tadpoles ____ adult ____wrigglers ____pupa ____adult ____eggs ____eggs ____ eggs ____eggs ____eggs ____adult ____pupa ____adult ____maggots ____nymphs ____ young adult ____larva(caterpillar) ____pupa ____adults ____young adult

III. A. Name 5 animals that are hatched from eggs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. Name 5 animals that are born as baby animals. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. Check ( ) if it is a proper way of handling animals, cross ( X ), if it is not. _______1. Provide our farm animals with enough food and rest. _______2. Play with your pets everyday. _______3. Touch the flies, cockroaches and rats with your hands and feet. _______4. Exercise care when feeding your newborn pets. _______5. Shoot the birds with your sling shot.

Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Teacher I

Summative Test (6) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. Why are flowers important to plants? a. They make the plants attractive. c. They protect the ovules. b. They become fruits. d. All of the above. ____2. Which parts of the flower help in reproduction? a. sepals and petals b. pistil and stamen c. calyx and anther d. pistil and petals ____3. Flowers which have all parts including pistil and stamen are called ________________ a. perfect b. imperfect c. modified d. incomplete ____4. If a flower lacks either the pistil or the stamen, it is called ________________. a. perfect b. imperfect c. modified d. incomplete ____5 The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a flower consisting of the following except _______________. a. stigma b. style c. ovary d. anther ____6. Which part of the stamen is responsible for producing pollen grains? a. anther b. filament c. petal d. sepal ____7. What is the female sex cell of a flower called? a. egg cell b. sperm cell c. ovary d. ovules ____8. What is the collective name for all the petals of a flower? a. sepals b. peduncle c. corolla d. calyx ____9. It is the stalk that holds the flower. a. sepal b. peduncle c. corolla d. calyx ____10. These are the green segments that look like leaves below the petals. a. sepals b. peduncle c. corolla d. calyx ____11. This is the outer protective covering of a flower when it is only a bud. a. sepals b. peduncle c. corolla d. calyx ____12. What is the transfer of pollen grain to the stigma of the flower called? a. reproduction b. fertilization c. pollination d. mutation ____13. What happens when a bee gets nectar from a flower? a. It causes some pollen grains to fall on the stigma c. It causes the pistil to break. b. It causes the flower to wilt. d. It causes the stamen to make a tube. ____14. If the pistil is pollinated with pollen from the same plant, it is said to be ___________________. a. pollinated b. self-pollinated c. cross-pollinated d. all of the above ____15. If the pistil is pollinated with pollen from a flower of another plant, it is ___________________. a. pollinated b. self-pollinated c. cross-pollinated d. all of the above ____16. Who are the agents of pollination? a. animals b. wind c. people d. all of the above ____17. A ripened ovary is called a _____________. a. ovule b. flower c. fruit d. embryo ____18. It occurs when a sees sprouts into a new plant. a. pollination b. germination c. fertilization d. reproduction ____19. What is the outer waterproof covering of the seed? a. testa b. hilum c. plumule d. radicle ____20. It marks the place where the seed was attached to the ovary wall. a. testa b. hilum c. plumule d. radicle ____21. If the radicle gives rise to the root, ____________ forms the shoot. a. testa b. hilum c. plumule d. radicle

____22. How many cotelydons does a dicot have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 ____23. Which of the following is an example of a monocot seed? a. seeds of corn b. rice grain c. avocado seed d. both a and b ____24. The scattering of seeds from one place to another is called ___________________. a. seed germination b. seed dispersal c. seed growth d. both a and b ____25. What kind of germination is it if the cotyledons grow out of the seed and above the ground? a. epigeal b. hypogeal c. both a and b d. none ____26. A two-week-old plant was kept in a closed room for one week. Which of the following do you think happened to the plant? a. The leaves became greener. c. The leaves became yellow. b. More leaves appeared on the plants. d. The leaves grew bigger. ____27.Two plants were planted in different kinds of soil. Both plants were placed under the sun. Both, were given enough water. One plant did not grow well. Why? a. The soil was not good. c. There was no air. b. The water was not enough. d. The sunlight was not enough. ____28. You noticed some plants growing on a rooftop. Nobody planted them there. What could have brought the seeds that germinated there? a. A boy might have thrown some seeds on the roof. c. The wind blew the seeds to the rooftop. b. A flying bird might have excreted its waste on the roof. d. All of the above ____29. The reproduction without the use of seeds is called _______________________. a. sexual b. asexual c. perfect d. imperfect ____30. It is an underground stem that grows horizontally and from which upright stems appear. a. bulbs b. rhizome c. runners d. tubers ____31. Which is an example of a tuber? a. potato c. ginger c. onions d. katakataka ____32. An onion is an example of a _____________. a. bulb b. rhizome c. runner d. tuber ____33. Horizontal stems that grow on the surface of the ground are called runners or _______________. a. stolons b. suckers c. rhizomes d. shoots ____34. These are the new plants or shoots around the stem of the mature plant. (ex: banana plant) a. stolons b. suckers c. rhizomes d. tuber ____35. Which of the following plants grow from leaves? a. katakataka b. begonia c. banana d. both a and b II. Identify the artificial ways of growing new plants. Choose your answer below. Cutting Marcotting Layering Budding Grafting 1.______________ 2.______________ 3. ________________ 4._______________ 5._____________

Prepared by: MARIA ANGELINE T. PEBRES Teacher I

Summative Test (7) I. Read each question carefully. Then write the letter of the correct answer. ____1. What is the process by which animals produce their own kind?

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