The Family Code of The Philippines

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I, C0RAZ0N C. AQ0IN0, Piesiuent of the Philippines, by viitue of the poweis
vesteu in me by the Constitution, uo heieby oiuei anu piomulgate the Family
Coue of the Philippines, as follows:
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+345678 9: 17;<=>=67> ?@ '488=4A7
Ait. 1. Naiiiage is a special contiact of peimanent union between a man anu a
woman enteieu into in accoiuance with law foi the establishment of conjugal
anu family life. It is the founuation of the family anu an inviolable social
institution whose natuie, consequences, anu inciuents aie goveineu by law anu
not subject to stipulation, except that maiiiage settlements may fix the piopeity
ielations uuiing the maiiiage within the limits pioviueu by this Coue. (S2a)
Ait. 2. No maiiiage shall be valiu, unless these essential iequisites aie piesent:
(1) Legal capacity of the contiacting paities who must be a male anu a female;
(2) Consent fieely given in the piesence of the solemnizing officei. (SSa)
Ait. S. The foimal iequisites of maiiiage aie:
(1) Authoiity of the solemnizing officei;
(2) A valiu maiiiage license except in the cases pioviueu foi in Chaptei 2 of this
Title; anu
(S) A maiiiage ceiemony which takes place with the appeaiance of the
contiacting paities befoie the solemnizing officei anu theii peisonal ueclaiation
that they take each othei as husbanu anu wife in the piesence of not less than
two witnesses of legal age. (SSa, SSa)
Ait. 4. The absence of any of the essential oi foimal iequisites shall ienuei the
maiiiage voiu ab initio, except as stateu in Aiticle SS (2).
A uefect in any of the essential iequisites shall not affect the valiuity of the
maiiiage but the paity oi paities iesponsible foi the iiiegulaiity shall be civilly,
ciiminally anu auministiatively liable. (n)
Ait. S. Any male oi female of the age of eighteen yeais oi upwaius not unuei any
of the impeuiments mentioneu in Aiticles S7 anu S8, may contiact maiiiage.
Ait. 6. No piesciibeu foim oi ieligious iite foi the solemnization of the maiiiage
is iequiieu. It shall be necessaiy, howevei, foi the contiacting paities to appeai
peisonally befoie the solemnizing officei anu ueclaie in the piesence of not less
than two witnesses of legal age that they take each othei as husbanu anu wife.
This ueclaiation shall be containeu in the maiiiage ceitificate which shall be
signeu by the contiacting paities anu theii witnesses anu attesteu by the
solemnizing officei.
In case of a maiiiage in aiticulo moitis, when the paity at the point of ueath is
unable to sign the maiiiage ceitificate, it shall be sufficient foi one of the
witnesses to the maiiiage to wiite the name of saiu paity, which fact shall be
attesteu by the solemnizing officei. (SSa)
Ait. 7. Naiiiage may be solemnizeu by:
(1) Any incumbent membei of the juuiciaiy within the couit's juiisuiction;
(2) Any piiest, iabbi, imam, oi ministei of any chuich oi ieligious sect uuly
authoiizeu by his chuich oi ieligious sect anu iegisteieu with the civil iegistiai
geneial, acting within the limits of the wiitten authoiity gianteu by his chuich oi
ieligious sect anu pioviueu that at least one of the contiacting paities belongs to
the solemnizing officei's chuich oi ieligious sect;
(S) Any ship captain oi aiiplane chief only in the case mentioneu in Aiticle S1;
(4) Any militaiy commanuei of a unit to which a chaplain is assigneu, in the
absence of the lattei, uuiing a militaiy opeiation, likewise only in the cases
mentioneu in Aiticle S2;
(S) Any consul-geneial, consul oi vice-consul in the case pioviueu in Aiticle 1u.
Aiticle. 8. The maiiiage shall be solemnizeu publicly in the chambeis of the juuge
oi in open couit, in the chuich, chapel oi temple, oi in the office the consul-
geneial, consul oi vice-consul, as the case may be, anu not elsewheie, except in
cases of maiiiages contiacteu on the point of ueath oi in iemote places in
accoiuance with Aiticle 29 of this Coue, oi wheie both of the paities iequest the
solemnizing officei in wiiting in which case the maiiiage may be solemnizeu at a
house oi place uesignateu by them in a swoin statement to that effect. (S7a)
Ait. 9. A maiiiage license shall be issueu by the local civil iegistiai of the city oi
municipality wheie eithei contiacting paity habitually iesiues, except in
maiiiages wheie no license is iequiieu in accoiuance with Chaptei 2 of this Title
Ait. 1u. Naiiiages between Filipino citizens abioau may be solemnizeu by a
consul-geneial, consul oi vice-consul of the Republic of the Philippines. The
issuance of the maiiiage license anu the uuties of the local civil iegistiai anu of
the solemnizing officei with iegaiu to the celebiation of maiiiage shall be
peifoimeu by saiu consulai official. (7Sa)
Ait. 11. Wheie a maiiiage license is iequiieu, each of the contiacting paities
shall file sepaiately a swoin application foi such license with the piopei local
civil iegistiai which shall specify the following:
(1) Full name of the contiacting paity;
(2) Place of biith;
(S) Age anu uate of biith;
(4) Civil status;
(S) If pieviously maiiieu, how, when anu wheie the pievious maiiiage was
uissolveu oi annulleu;
(6) Piesent iesiuence anu citizenship;
(7) Begiee of ielationship of the contiacting paities;
(8) Full name, iesiuence anu citizenship of the fathei;
(9) Full name, iesiuence anu citizenship of the mothei; anu
(1u) Full name, iesiuence anu citizenship of the guaiuian oi peison having
chaige, in case the contiacting paity has neithei fathei noi mothei anu is unuei
the age of twenty-one yeais.
The applicants, theii paients oi guaiuians shall not be iequiieu to exhibit theii
iesiuence ceitificates in any foimality in connection with the secuiing of the
maiiiage license. (S9a)
Ait. 12. The local civil iegistiai, upon ieceiving such application, shall iequiie the
piesentation of the oiiginal biith ceitificates oi, in uefault theieof, the baptismal
ceitificates of the contiacting paities oi copies of such uocuments uuly attesteu
by the peisons having custouy of the oiiginals. These ceitificates oi ceitifieu
copies of the uocuments by this Aiticle neeu not be swoin to anu shall be exempt
fiom the uocumentaiy stamp tax. The signatuie anu official title of the peison
issuing the ceitificate shall be sufficient pioof of its authenticity. !"#$%&'()*+
If eithei of the contiacting paities is unable to piouuce his biith oi baptismal
ceitificate oi a ceitifieu copy of eithei because of the uestiuction oi loss of the
oiiginal oi if it is shown by an affiuavit of such paity oi of any othei peison that
such biith oi baptismal ceitificate has not yet been ieceiveu though the same has
been iequiieu of the peison having custouy theieof at least fifteen uays piioi to
the uate of the application, such paity may fuinish in lieu theieof his cuiient
iesiuence ceitificate oi an instiument uiawn up anu swoin to befoie the local
civil iegistiai conceineu oi any public official authoiizeu to auministei oaths.
Such instiument shall contain the swoin ueclaiation of two witnesses of lawful
age, setting foith the full name, iesiuence anu citizenship of such contiacting
paity anu of his oi hei paients, if known, anu the place anu uate of biith of such
paity. The neaiest of kin of the contiacting paities shall be piefeiieu as
witnesses, oi, in theii uefault, peisons of goou ieputation in the piovince oi the
locality. !"#$%&'()*+
The piesentation of biith oi baptismal ceitificate shall not be iequiieu if the
paients of the contiacting paities appeai peisonally befoie the local civil
iegistiai conceineu anu sweai to the coiiectness of the lawful age of saiu
paities, as stateu in the application, oi when the local civil iegistiai shall, by
meiely looking at the applicants upon theii peisonally appeaiing befoie him, be
convinceu that eithei oi both of them have the iequiieu age. (6ua)
Ait. 1S. In case eithei of the contiacting paities has been pieviously maiiieu, the
applicant shall be iequiieu to fuinish, insteau of the biith oi baptismal ceitificate
iequiieu in the last pieceuing aiticle, the ueath ceitificate of the ueceaseu spouse
oi the juuicial ueciee of the absolute uivoice, oi the juuicial ueciee of annulment
oi ueclaiation of nullity of his oi hei pievious maiiiage.
In case the ueath ceitificate cannot be secuieu, the paity shall make an affiuavit
setting foith this ciicumstance anu his oi hei actual civil status anu the name anu
uate of ueath of the ueceaseu spouse. (61a)
Ait. 14. In case eithei oi both of the contiacting paities, not having been
emancipateu by a pievious maiiiage, aie between the ages of eighteen anu
twenty-one, they shall, in auuition to the iequiiements of the pieceuing aiticles,
exhibit to the local civil iegistiai, the consent to theii maiiiage of theii fathei,
mothei, suiviving paient oi guaiuian, oi peisons having legal chaige of them, in
the oiuei mentioneu. Such consent shall be manifesteu in wiiting by the
inteiesteu paity, who peisonally appeais befoie the piopei local civil iegistiai,
oi in the foim of an affiuavit maue in the piesence of two witnesses anu attesteu
befoie any official authoiizeu by law to auministei oaths. The peisonal
manifestation shall be iecoiueu in both applications foi maiiiage license, anu the
affiuavit, if one is executeu insteau, shall be attacheu to saiu applications. (61a)
Ait. 1S. Any contiacting paity between the age of twenty-one anu twenty-five
shall be obligeu to ask theii paients oi guaiuian foi auvice upon the intenueu
maiiiage. If they uo not obtain such auvice, oi if it be unfavoiable, the maiiiage
license shall not be issueu till aftei thiee months following the completion of the
publication of the application theiefoi. A swoin statement by the contiacting
paities to the effect that such auvice has been sought, togethei with the wiitten
auvice given, if any, shall be attacheu to the application foi maiiiage license.
Shoulu the paients oi guaiuian iefuse to give any auvice, this fact shall be stateu
in the swoin statement. (62a)
Ait. 16. In the cases wheie paiental consent oi paiental auvice is neeueu, the
paity oi paities conceineu shall, in auuition to the iequiiements of the pieceuing
aiticles, attach a ceitificate issueu by a piiest, imam oi ministei authoiizeu to
solemnize maiiiage unuei Aiticle 7 of this Coue oi a maiiiage counselloi uuly
accieuiteu by the piopei goveinment agency to the effect that the contiacting
paities have unueigone maiiiage counselling. Failuie to attach saiu ceitificates
of maiiiage counselling shall suspenu the issuance of the maiiiage license foi a
peiiou of thiee months fiom the completion of the publication of the application.
Issuance of the maiiiage license within the piohibiteu peiiou shall subject the
issuing officei to auministiative sanctions but shall not affect the valiuity of the
Shoulu only one of the contiacting paities neeu paiental consent oi paiental
auvice, the othei paity must be piesent at the counselling iefeiieu to in the
pieceuing paiagiaph. (n)
Ait. 17. The local civil iegistiai shall piepaie a notice which shall contain the full
names anu iesiuences of the applicants foi a maiiiage license anu othei uata
given in the applications. The notice shall be posteu foi ten consecutive uays on a
bulletin boaiu outsiue the office of the local civil iegistiai locateu in a conspicous
place within the builuing anu accessible to the geneial public. This notice shall
iequest all peisons having knowleuge of any impeuiment to the maiiiage to
auvise the local civil iegistiai theieof. The maiiiage license shall be issueu aftei
the completion of the peiiou of publication. (6Sa)
Ait. 18. In case of any impeuiment known to the local civil iegistiai oi biought to
his attention, he shall note uown the paiticulais theieof anu his finuings theieon
in the application foi maiiiage license, but shall nonetheless issue saiu license
aftei the completion of the peiiou of publication, unless oiueieu otheiwise by a
competent couit at his own instance oi that of any inteiest paity. No filing fee
shall be chaigeu foi the petition noi a coiiesponuing bonu iequiieu foi the
issuances of the oiuei. (64a)
Ait. 19. The local civil iegistiai shall iequiie the payment of the fees piesciibeu
by law oi iegulations befoie the issuance of the maiiiage license. No othei sum
shall be collecteu in the natuie of a fee oi tax of any kinu foi the issuance of saiu
license. It shall, howevei, be issueu fiee of chaige to inuigent paities, that is
those who have no visible means of income oi whose income is insufficient foi
theii subsistence a fact establisheu by theii affiuavit, oi by theii oath befoie the
local civil iegistiai. (6Sa)
Ait. 2u. The license shall be valiu in any pait of the Philippines foi a peiiou of one
hunuieu twenty uays fiom the uate of issue, anu shall be ueemeu automatically
cancelleu at the expiiation of the saiu peiiou if the contiacting paities have not
maue use of it. The expiiy uate shall be stampeu in bolu chaiacteis on the face of
eveiy license issueu. (6Sa)
Ait. 21. When eithei oi both of the contiacting paities aie citizens of a foieign
countiy, it shall be necessaiy foi them befoie a maiiiage license can be obtaineu,
to submit a ceitificate of legal capacity to contiact maiiiage, issueu by theii
iespective uiplomatic oi consulai officials.
Stateless peisons oi iefugees fiom othei countiies shall, in lieu of the ceitificate
of legal capacity heiein iequiieu, submit an affiuavit stating the ciicumstances
showing such capacity to contiact maiiiage. (66a)
Ait. 22. The maiiiage ceitificate, in which the paities shall ueclaie that they take
each othei as husbanu anu wife, shall also state:
(1) The full name, sex anu age of each contiacting paity;
(2) Theii citizenship, ieligion anu habitual iesiuence;
(S) The uate anu piecise time of the celebiation of the maiiiage;
(4) That the piopei maiiiage license has been issueu accoiuing to law, except in
maiiiage pioviueu foi in Chaptei 2 of this Title;
(S) That eithei oi both of the contiacting paities have secuieu the paiental
consent in appiopiiate cases;
(6) That eithei oi both of the contiacting paities have complieu with the legal
iequiiement iegaiuing paiental auvice in appiopiiate cases; anu
(7) That the paities have enteieu into maiiiage settlement, if any, attaching a
copy theieof. (67a)
Ait. 2S. It shall be the uuty of the peison solemnizing the maiiiage to fuinish
eithei of the contiacting paities the oiiginal of the maiiiage ceitificate iefeiieu
to in Aiticle 6 anu to senu the uuplicate anu tiiplicate copies of the ceitificate not
latei than fifteen uays aftei the maiiiage, to the local civil iegistiai of the place
wheie the maiiiage was solemnizeu. Piopei ieceipts shall be issueu by the local
civil iegistiai to the solemnizing officei tiansmitting copies of the maiiiage
ceitificate. The solemnizing officei shall ietain in his file the quauiuplicate copy
of the maiiiage ceitificate, the copy of the maiiiage ceitificate, the oiiginal of the
maiiiage license anu, in piopei cases, the affiuavit of the contiacting paity
iegaiuing the solemnization of the maiiiage in place othei than those mentioneu
in Aiticle 8. (68a)
Ait. 24. It shall be the uuty of the local civil iegistiai to piepaie the uocuments
iequiieu by this Title, anu to auministei oaths to all inteiesteu paities without
any chaige in both cases. The uocuments anu affiuavits fileu in connection with
applications foi maiiiage licenses shall be exempt fiom uocumentaiy stamp tax.
Ait. 2S. The local civil iegistiai conceineu shall entei all applications foi
maiiiage licenses fileu with him in a iegistiy book stiictly in the oiuei in which
the same aie ieceiveu. Be shall iecoiu in saiu book the names of the applicants,
the uate on which the maiiiage license was issueu, anu such othei uata as may
be necessaiy. (n)
Ait. 26. All maiiiages solemnizeu outsiue the Philippines, in accoiuance with the
laws in foice in the countiy wheie they weie solemnizeu, anu valiu theie as such,
shall also be valiu in this countiy, except those piohibiteu unuei Aiticles SS (1),
(4), (S) anu (6), S6S7 anu S8. (17a)
Wheie a maiiiage between a Filipino citizen anu a foieignei is valiuly celebiateu
anu a uivoice is theieaftei valiuly obtaineu abioau by the alien spouse
capacitating him oi hei to iemaiiy, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to
iemaiiy unuei Philippine law. (As amenueu by Executive 0iuei 227)
+345678 B: '488=4A7> #C7D567E @8?D )=F7G>7 17;<=87D7G6
Ait. 27. In case eithei oi both of the contiacting paities aie at the point of ueath,
the maiiiage may be solemnizeu without necessity of a maiiiage license anu
shall iemain valiu even if the ailing paity subsequently suivives. (72a)
Ait. 28. If the iesiuence of eithei paity is so locateu that theie is no means of
tianspoitation to enable such paity to appeai peisonally befoie the local civil
iegistiai, the maiiiage may be solemnizeu without necessity of a maiiiage
license. (72a)
Ait. 29. In the cases pioviueu foi in the two pieceuing aiticles, the solemnizing
officei shall state in an affiuavit executeu befoie the local civil iegistiai oi any
othei peison legally authoiizeu to auministei oaths that the maiiiage was
peifoimeu in aiticulo moitis oi that the iesiuence of eithei paity, specifying the
baiiio oi baiangay, is so locateu that theie is no means of tianspoitation to
enable such paity to appeai peisonally befoie the local civil iegistiai anu that
the officei took the necessaiy steps to asceitain the ages anu ielationship of the
contiacting paities anu the absence of legal impeuiment to the maiiiage. (72a)
Ait. Su. The oiiginal of the affiuavit iequiieu in the last pieceuing aiticle,
togethei with the legible copy of the maiiiage contiact, shall be sent by the
peison solemnizing the maiiiage to the local civil iegistiai of the municipality
wheie it was peifoimeu within the peiiou of thiity uays aftei the peifoimance of
the maiiiage. (7Sa)
Ait. S1. A maiiiage in aiticulo moitis between passengeis oi ciew membeis may
also be solemnizeu by a ship captain oi by an aiiplane pilot not only while the
ship is at sea oi the plane is in flight, but also uuiing stopoveis at poits of call.
Ait. S2. A militaiy commanuei of a unit, who is a commissioneu officei, shall
likewise have authoiity to solemnize maiiiages in aiticulo moitis between
peisons within the zone of militaiy opeiation, whethei membeis of the aimeu
foices oi civilians. (74a)
Ait. SS. Naiiiages among Nuslims oi among membeis of the ethnic cultuial
communities may be peifoimeu valiuly without the necessity of maiiiage
license, pioviueu they aie solemnizeu in accoiuance with theii customs, iites oi
piactices. (78a)
Ait. S4. No license shall be necessaiy foi the maiiiage of a man anu a woman
who have liveu togethei as husbanu anu wife foi at least five yeais anu without
any legal impeuiment to maiiy each othei. The contiacting paities shall state the
foiegoing facts in an affiuavit befoie any peison authoiizeu by law to auministei
oaths. The solemnizing officei shall also state unuei oath that he asceitaineu the
qualifications of the contiacting paities aie founu no legal impeuiment to the
maiiiage. (76a)
+345678 H: I?=E 4GE I?=E4JK7 '488=4A7>
Ait. SS. The following maiiiages shall be voiu fiom the beginning:
(1) Those contiacteu by any paity below eighteen yeais of age even with the
consent of paients oi guaiuians;
(2) Those solemnizeu by any peison not legally authoiizeu to peifoim maiiiages
unless such maiiiages weie contiacteu with eithei oi both paities believing in
goou faith that the solemnizing officei hau the legal authoiity to uo so;
(S) Those solemnizeu without license, except those coveieu the pieceuing
(4) Those bigamous oi polygamous maiiiages not failing unuei Aiticle 41;
(S) Those contiacteu thiough mistake of one contiacting paity as to the iuentity
of the othei; anu
(6) Those subsequent maiiiages that aie voiu unuei Aiticle SS.
Ait. S6. A maiiiage contiacteu by any paity who, at the time of the celebiation,
was psychologically incapacitateu to comply with the essential maiital
obligations of maiiiage, shall likewise be voiu even if such incapacity becomes
manifest only aftei its solemnization. (As amenueu by Executive 0iuei 227)
Ait. S7. Naiiiages between the following aie incestuous anu voiu fiom the
beginning, whethei ielationship between the paities be legitimate oi
(1) Between ascenuants anu uescenuants of any uegiee; anu
(2) Between biotheis anu sisteis, whethei of the full oi half bloou. (81a)
Ait. S8. The following maiiiages shall be voiu fiom the beginning foi ieasons of
public policy:
(1) Between collateial bloou ielatives whethei legitimate oi illegitimate, up to
the fouith civil uegiee;
(2) Between step-paients anu step-chiluien;
(S) Between paients-in-law anu chiluien-in-law;
(4) Between the auopting paient anu the auopteu chilu;
(S) Between the suiviving spouse of the auopting paient anu the auopteu chilu;
(6) Between the suiviving spouse of the auopteu chilu anu the auoptei;
(7) Between an auopteu chilu anu a legitimate chilu of the auoptei;
(8) Between auopteu chiluien of the same auoptei; anu
(9) Between paities wheie one, with the intention to maiiy the othei, killeu that
othei peison's spouse, oi his oi hei own spouse. (82)
Ait. S9. The action oi uefense foi the ueclaiation of absolute nullity shall not
piesciibe. Bowevei, in case of maiiiage celebiateu befoie the effectivity of this
Coue anu falling unuei Aiticle S6, such action oi uefense shall piesciibe in ten
yeais aftei this Coue shall taken effect. (As amenueu by Executive 0iuei 227) (n)
Ait. 4u. The absolute nullity of a pievious maiiiage may be invokeu foi puiposes
of iemaiiiage on the basis solely of a final juugment ueclaiing such pievious
maiiiage voiu. (n).
Ait. 41. A maiiiage contiacteu by any peison uuiing subsistence of a pievious
maiiiage shall be null anu voiu, unless befoie the celebiation of the subsequent
maiiiage, the piioi spouse hau been absent foi foui consecutive yeais anu the
spouse piesent has a well-founueu belief that the absent spouse was alieauy
ueau. In case of uisappeaiance wheie theie is uangei of ueath unuei the
ciicumstances set foith in the piovisions of Aiticle S91 of the Civil Coue, an
absence of only two yeais shall be sufficient.
Foi the puipose of contiacting the subsequent maiiiage unuei the pieceuing
paiagiaph the spouse piesent must institute a summaiy pioceeuing as pioviueu
in this Coue foi the ueclaiation of piesumptive ueath of the absentee, without
piejuuice to the effect of ieappeaiance of the absent spouse. (8Sa)
Ait. 42. The subsequent maiiiage iefeiieu to in the pieceuing Aiticle shall be
automatically teiminateu by the iecoiuing of the affiuavit of ieappeaiance of the
absent spouse, unless theie is a juugment annulling the pievious maiiiage oi
ueclaiing it voiu ab initio.
A swoin statement of the fact anu ciicumstances of ieappeaiance shall be
iecoiueu in the civil iegistiy of the iesiuence of the paities to the subsequent
maiiiage at the instance of any inteiesteu peison, with uue notice to the spouses
of the subsequent maiiiage anu without piejuuice to the fact of ieappeaiance
being juuicially ueteimineu in case such fact is uisputeu. (n)
Ait. 4S. The teimination of the subsequent maiiiage iefeiieu to in the pieceuing
Aiticle shall piouuce the following effects:
(1) The chiluien of the subsequent maiiiage conceiveu piioi to its teimination
shall be consiueieu legitimate;
(2) The absolute community of piopeity oi the conjugal paitneiship, as the case
may be, shall be uissolveu anu liquiuateu, but if eithei spouse contiacteu saiu
maiiiage in bau faith, his oi hei shaie of the net piofits of the community
piopeity oi conjugal paitneiship piopeity shall be foifeiteu in favoi of the
common chiluien oi, if theie aie none, the chiluien of the guilty spouse by a
pievious maiiiage oi in uefault of chiluien, the innocent spouse;
(S) Bonations by ieason of maiiiage shall iemain valiu, except that if the uonee
contiacteu the maiiiage in bau faith, such uonations maue to saiu uonee aie
ievokeu by opeiation of law;
(4) The innocent spouse may ievoke the uesignation of the othei spouse who
acteu in bau faith as beneficiaiy in any insuiance policy, even if such uesignation
be stipulateu as iiievocable; anu
(S) The spouse who contiacteu the subsequent maiiiage in bau faith shall be
uisqualifieu to inheiit fiom the innocent spouse by testate anu intestate
succession. (n)
Ait. 44. If both spouses of the subsequent maiiiage acteu in bau faith, saiu
maiiiage shall be voiu ab initio anu all uonations by ieason of maiiiage anu
testamentaiy uispositions maue by one in favoi of the othei aie ievokeu by
opeiation of law. (n)
Ait. 4S. A maiiiage may be annulleu foi any of the following causes, existing at
the time of the maiiiage:
(1) That the paity in whose behalf it is sought to have the maiiiage annulleu was
eighteen yeais of age oi ovei but below twenty-one, anu the maiiiage was
solemnizeu without the consent of the paients, guaiuian oi peison having
substitute paiental authoiity ovei the paity, in that oiuei, unless aftei attaining
the age of twenty-one, such paity fieely cohabiteu with the othei anu both liveu
togethei as husbanu anu wife;
(2) That eithei paity was of unsounu minu, unless such paity aftei coming to
ieason, fieely cohabiteu with the othei as husbanu anu wife;
(S) That the consent of eithei paity was obtaineu by fiauu, unless such paity
afteiwaius, with full knowleuge of the facts constituting the fiauu, fieely
cohabiteu with the othei as husbanu anu wife;
(4) That the consent of eithei paity was obtaineu by foice, intimiuation oi unuue
influence, unless the same having uisappeaieu oi ceaseu, such paity theieaftei
fieely cohabiteu with the othei as husbanu anu wife;
(S) That eithei paity was physically incapable of consummating the maiiiage
with the othei, anu such incapacity continues anu appeais to be incuiable; oi
(6) That eithei paity was afflicteu with a sexually-tiansmissible uisease founu to
be seiious anu appeais to be incuiable. (8Sa)
Ait. 46. Any of the following ciicumstances shall constitute fiauu iefeiieu to in
Numbei S of the pieceuing Aiticle:
(1) Non-uisclosuie of a pievious conviction by final juugment of the othei paity
of a ciime involving moial tuipituue;
(2) Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the maiiiage, she was
piegnant by a man othei than hei husbanu;
(S) Concealment of sexually tiansmissible uisease, iegaiuless of its natuie,
existing at the time of the maiiiage; oi
(4) Concealment of uiug auuiction, habitual alcoholism oi homosexuality oi
lesbianism existing at the time of the maiiiage.
No othei misiepiesentation oi ueceit as to chaiactei, health, iank, foitune oi
chastity shall constitute such fiauu as will give giounus foi action foi the
annulment of maiiiage. (86a)
Ait. 47. The action foi annulment of maiiiage must be fileu by the following
peisons anu within the peiious inuicateu heiein:
(1) Foi causes mentioneu in numbei 1 of Aiticle 4S by the paity whose paient oi
guaiuian uiu not give his oi hei consent, within five yeais aftei attaining the age
of twenty-one, oi by the paient oi guaiuian oi peison having legal chaige of the
minoi, at any time befoie such paity has ieacheu the age of twenty-one;
(2) Foi causes mentioneu in numbei 2 of Aiticle 4S, by the same spouse, who
hau no knowleuge of the othei's insanity; oi by any ielative oi guaiuian oi
peison having legal chaige of the insane, at any time befoie the ueath of eithei
paity, oi by the insane spouse uuiing a luciu inteival oi aftei iegaining sanity;
(S) Foi causes mentioneu in numbei S of Aiticles 4S, by the injuieu paity, within
five yeais aftei the uiscoveiy of the fiauu;
(4) Foi causes mentioneu in numbei 4 of Aiticle 4S, by the injuieu paity, within
five yeais fiom the time the foice, intimiuation oi unuue influence uisappeaieu
oi ceaseu;
(S) Foi causes mentioneu in numbei S anu 6 of Aiticle 4S, by the injuieu paity,
within five yeais aftei the maiiiage. (87a)
Ait. 48. In all cases of annulment oi ueclaiation of absolute nullity of maiiiage,
the Couit shall oiuei the piosecuting attoiney oi fiscal assigneu to it to appeai
on behalf of the State to take steps to pievent collusion between the paities anu
to take caie that eviuence is not fabiicateu oi suppiesseu.
In the cases iefeiieu to in the pieceuing paiagiaph, no juugment shall be baseu
upon a stipulation of facts oi confession of juugment. (88a)
Ait. 49. Buiing the penuency of the action anu in the absence of auequate
piovisions in a wiitten agieement between the spouses, the Couit shall pioviue
foi the suppoit of the spouses anu the custouy anu suppoit of theii common
chiluien. The Couit shall give paiamount consiueiation to the moial anu
mateiial welfaie of saiu chiluien anu theii choice of the paient with whom they
wish to iemain as pioviueu to in Title IX. It shall also pioviue foi appiopiiate
visitation iights of the othei paient. (n)
Ait. Su. The effects pioviueu foi by paiagiaphs (2), (S), (4) anu (S) of Aiticle 4S
anu by Aiticle 44 shall also apply in the piopei cases to maiiiages which aie
ueclaieu ab initio oi annulleu by final juugment unuei Aiticles 4u anu 4S.
The final juugment in such cases shall pioviue foi the liquiuation, paitition anu
uistiibution of the piopeities of the spouses, the custouy anu suppoit of the
common chiluien, anu the ueliveiy of thiiu piesumptive legitimes, unless such
matteis hau been aujuuicateu in pievious juuicial pioceeuings.
All cieuitois of the spouses as well as of the absolute community oi the conjugal
paitneiship shall be notifieu of the pioceeuings foi liquiuation.
In the paitition, the conjugal uwelling anu the lot on which it is situateu, shall be
aujuuicateu in accoiuance with the piovisions of Aiticles 1u2 anu 129.
Ait. S1. In saiu paitition, the value of the piesumptive legitimes of all common
chiluien, computeu as of the uate of the final juugment of the tiial couit, shall be
ueliveieu in cash, piopeity oi sounu secuiities, unless the paities, by mutual
agieement juuicially appioveu, hau alieauy pioviueu foi such matteis.
The chiluien oi theii guaiuian oi the tiustee of theii piopeity may ask foi the
enfoicement of the juugment.
The ueliveiy of the piesumptive legitimes heiein piesciibeu shall in no way
piejuuice the ultimate successional iights of the chiluien acciuing upon the
ueath of eithei of both of the paients; but the value of the piopeities alieauy
ieceiveu unuei the ueciee of annulment oi absolute nullity shall be consiueieu
as auvances on theii legitime. (n)
Ait. S2. The juugment of annulment oi of absolute nullity of the maiiiage, the
paitition anu uistiibution of the piopeities of the spouses anu the ueliveiy of the
chiluien's piesumptive legitimes shall be iecoiueu in the appiopiiate civil
iegistiy anu iegistiies of piopeity; otheiwise, the same shall not affect thiiu
peisons. (n)
Ait. SS. Eithei of the foimei spouses may maiiy again aftei compliance with the
iequiiements of the immeuiately pieceuing Aiticle; otheiwise, the subsequent
maiiiage shall be null anu voiu.
Ait. S4. Chiluien conceiveu oi boin befoie the juugment of annulment oi
absolute nullity of the maiiiage unuei Aiticle S6 has become final anu executoiy
shall be consiueieu legitimate. Chiluien conceiveu oi boin of the subsequent
maiiiage unuei Aiticle SS shall likewise be legitimate.
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Ait. SS. A petition foi legal sepaiation may be fileu on any of the following
(1) Repeateu physical violence oi giossly abusive conuuct uiiecteu against the
petitionei, a common chilu, oi a chilu of the petitionei;
(2) Physical violence oi moial piessuie to compel the petitionei to change
ieligious oi political affiliation;
(S) Attempt of iesponuent to coiiupt oi inuuce the petitionei, a common chilu,
oi a chilu of the petitionei, to engage in piostitution, oi connivance in such
coiiuption oi inuucement;
(4) Final juugment sentencing the iesponuent to impiisonment of moie than six
yeais, even if paiuoneu;
(S) Biug auuiction oi habitual alcoholism of the iesponuent;
(6) Lesbianism oi homosexuality of the iesponuent;
(7) Contiacting by the iesponuent of a subsequent bigamous maiiiage, whethei
in the Philippines oi abioau;
(8) Sexual infiuelity oi peiveision;
(9) Attempt by the iesponuent against the life of the petitionei; oi
(1u) Abanuonment of petitionei by iesponuent without justifiable cause foi
moie than one yeai.
Foi puiposes of this Aiticle, the teim "chilu" shall incluue a chilu by natuie oi by
auoption. (9a)
Ait. S6. The petition foi legal sepaiation shall be uenieu on any of the following
(1) Wheie the aggiieveu paity has conuoneu the offense oi act complaineu of;
(2) Wheie the aggiieveu paity has consenteu to the commission of the offense oi
act complaineu of;
(S) Wheie theie is connivance between the paities in the commission of the
offense oi act constituting the giounu foi legal sepaiation;
(4) Wheie both paities have given giounu foi legal sepaiation;
(S) Wheie theie is collusion between the paities to obtain ueciee of legal
sepaiation; oi
(6) Wheie the action is baiieu by piesciiption. (1uua)
Ait. S7. An action foi legal sepaiation shall be fileu within five yeais fiom the
time of the occuiience of the cause. (1u2)
Ait. S8. An action foi legal sepaiation shall in no case be tiieu befoie six months
shall have elapseu since the filing of the petition. (1uS)
Ait. S9. No legal sepaiation may be uecieeu unless the Couit has taken steps
towaiu the ieconciliation of the spouses anu is fully satisfieu, uespite such
effoits, that ieconciliation is highly impiobable. (n)
Ait. 6u. No ueciee of legal sepaiation shall be baseu upon a stipulation of facts oi
a confession of juugment.
In any case, the Couit shall oiuei the piosecuting attoiney oi fiscal assigneu to it
to take steps to pievent collusion between the paities anu to take caie that the
eviuence is not fabiicateu oi suppiesseu. (1u1a)
Ait. 61. Aftei the filing of the petition foi legal sepaiation, the spouses shall be
entitleu to live sepaiately fiom each othei.
The couit, in the absence of a wiitten agieement between the spouses, shall
uesignate eithei of them oi a thiiu peison to auministei the absolute community
oi conjugal paitneiship piopeity. The auministiatoi appointeu by the couit shall
have the same poweis anu uuties as those of a guaiuian unuei the Rules of Couit.
Ait. 62. Buiing the penuency of the action foi legal sepaiation, the piovisions of
Aiticle 49 shall likewise apply to the suppoit of the spouses anu the custouy anu
suppoit of the common chiluien. (1uSa)
Ait. 6S. The ueciee of legal sepaiation shall have the following effects:
(1) The spouses shall be entitleu to live sepaiately fiom each othei, but the
maiiiage bonus shall not be seveieu;
(2) The absolute community oi the conjugal paitneiship shall be uissolveu anu
liquiuateu but the offenuing spouse shall have no iight to any shaie of the net
piofits eaineu by the absolute community oi the conjugal paitneiship, which
shall be foifeiteu in accoiuance with the piovisions of Aiticle 4S(2);
(S) The custouy of the minoi chiluien shall be awaiueu to the innocent spouse,
subject to the piovisions of Aiticle 21S of this Coue; anu
(4) The offenuing spouse shall be uisqualifieu fiom inheiiting fiom the innocent
spouse by intestate succession. Noieovei, piovisions in favoi of the offenuing
spouse maue in the will of the innocent spouse shall be ievokeu by opeiation of
law. (1u6a)
Ait. 64. Aftei the finality of the ueciee of legal sepaiation, the innocent spouse
may ievoke the uonations maue by him oi by hei in favoi of the offenuing
spouse, as well as the uesignation of the lattei as beneficiaiy in any insuiance
policy, even if such uesignation be stipulateu as iiievocable. The ievocation of
the uonations shall be iecoiueu in the iegistiies of piopeity in the places wheie
the piopeities aie locateu. Alienations, liens anu encumbiances iegisteieu in
goou faith befoie the iecoiuing of the complaint foi ievocation in the iegistiies
of piopeity shall be iespecteu. The ievocation of oi change in the uesignation of
the insuiance beneficiaiy shall take effect upon wiitten notification theieof to
the insuieu.
The action to ievoke the uonation unuei this Aiticle must be biought within five
yeais fiom the time the ueciee of legal sepaiation become final. (1u7a)
Ait. 6S. If the spouses shoulu ieconcile, a coiiesponuing joint manifestation
unuei oath uuly signeu by them shall be fileu with the couit in the same
pioceeuing foi legal sepaiation. (n)
Ait. 66. The ieconciliation iefeiieu to in the pieceuing Aiticles shall have the
following consequences:
(1) The legal sepaiation pioceeuings, if still penuing, shall theieby be teiminateu
at whatevei stage; anu
(2) The final ueciee of legal sepaiation shall be set asiue, but the sepaiation of
piopeity anu any foifeituie of the shaie of the guilty spouse alieauy effecteu
shall subsist, unless the spouses agiee to ievive theii foimei piopeity iegime.
The couit's oiuei containing the foiegoing shall be iecoiueu in the piopei civil
iegistiies. (1u8a)
Ait. 67. The agieement to ievive the foimei piopeity iegime iefeiieu to in the
pieceuing Aiticle shall be executeu unuei oath anu shall specify:
(1) The piopeities to be contiibuteu anew to the iestoieu iegime;
(2) Those to be ietaineu as sepaiateu piopeities of each spouse; anu
(S) The names of all theii known cieuitois, theii auuiesses anu the amounts
owing to each.
The agieement of ievival anu the motion foi its appioval shall be fileu with the
couit in the same pioceeuing foi legal sepaiation, with copies of both fuinisheu
to the cieuitois nameu theiein. Aftei uue heaiing, the couit shall, in its oiuei,
take measuie to piotect the inteiest of cieuitois anu such oiuei shall be
iecoiueu in the piopei iegistiies of piopeities.
The iecoiuing of the oiueiing in the iegistiies of piopeity shall not piejuuice any
cieuitoi not listeu oi not notifieu, unless the uebtoi-spouse has sufficient
sepaiate piopeities to satisfy the cieuitoi's claim. (19Sa, 1u8a)
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Ait. 68. The husbanu anu wife aie obligeu to live togethei, obseive mutual love,
iespect anu fiuelity, anu ienuei mutual help anu suppoit. (1u9a)
Ait. 69. The husbanu anu wife shall fix the family uomicile. In case of
uisagieement, the couit shall ueciue.
The couit may exempt one spouse fiom living with the othei if the lattei shoulu
live abioau oi theie aie othei valiu anu compelling ieasons foi the exemption.
Bowevei, such exemption shall not apply if the same is not compatible with the
soliuaiity of the family. (11ua)
Ait. 7u. The spouses aie jointly iesponsible foi the suppoit of the family. The
expenses foi such suppoit anu othei conjugal obligations shall be paiu fiom the
community piopeity anu, in the absence theieof, fiom the income oi fiuits of
theii sepaiate piopeities. In case of insufficiency oi absence of saiu income oi
fiuits, such obligations shall be satisfieu fiom the sepaiate piopeities. (111a)
Ait. 71. The management of the householu shall be the iight anu the uuty of both
spouses. The expenses foi such management shall be paiu in accoiuance with the
piovisions of Aiticle 7u. (11Sa)
Ait. 72. When one of the spouses neglects his oi hei uuties to the conjugal union
oi commits acts which tenu to biing uangei, uishonoi oi injuiy to the othei oi to
the family, the aggiieveu paity may apply to the couit foi ielief. (116a)
Ait. 7S. Eithei spouse may exeicise any legitimate piofession, occupation,
business oi activity without the consent of the othei. The lattei may object only
on valiu, seiious, anu moial giounus.
In case of uisagieement, the couit shall ueciue whethei oi not:
(1) The objection is piopei, anu
(2) Benefit has occuiieu to the family piioi to the objection oi theieaftei. If the
benefit acciueu piioi to the objection, the iesulting obligation shall be enfoiceu
against the sepaiate piopeity of the spouse who has not obtaineu consent.
The foiegoing piovisions shall not piejuuice the iights of cieuitois who acteu in
goou faith. (117a)
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9: 27G784K .8?O=>=?G>
Ait. 74. The piopeity ielationship between husbanu anu wife shall be goveineu
in the following oiuei:
(1) By maiiiage settlements executeu befoie the maiiiage;
(2) By the piovisions of this Coue; anu
(S) By the local custom. (118)
Ait. 7S. The futuie spouses may, in the maiiiage settlements, agiee upon the
iegime of absolute community, conjugal paitneiship of gains, complete
sepaiation of piopeity, oi any othei iegime. In the absence of a maiiiage
settlement, oi when the iegime agieeu upon is voiu, the system of absolute
community of piopeity as establisheu in this Coue shall govein. (119a)
Ait. 76. In oiuei that any mouification in the maiiiage settlements may be valiu,
it must be maue befoie the celebiation of the maiiiage, subject to the piovisions
of Aiticles 66, 67, 128, 1SS anu 1S6. (121)
Ait. 77. The maiiiage settlements anu any mouification theieof shall be in
wiiting, signeu by the paities anu executeu befoie the celebiation of the
maiiiage. They shall not piejuuice thiiu peisons unless they aie iegisteieu in the
local civil iegistiy wheie the maiiiage contiact is iecoiueu as well as in the
piopei iegistiies of piopeities. (122a)
Ait. 78. A minoi who accoiuing to law may contiact maiiiage may also execute
his oi hei maiiiage settlements, but they shall be valiu only if the peisons
uesignateu in Aiticle 14 to give consent to the maiiiage aie maue paities to the
agieement, subject to the piovisions of Title IX of this Coue. (12ua)
Ait. 79. Foi the valiuity of any maiiiage settlement executeu by a peison upon
whom a sentence of civil inteiuiction has been pionounceu oi who is subject to
any othei uisability, it shall be inuispensable foi the guaiuian appointeu by a
competent couit to be maue a paity theieto. (12Sa)
Ait. 8u. In the absence of a contiaiy stipulation in a maiiiage settlement, the
piopeity ielations of the spouses shall be goveineu by Philippine laws,
iegaiuless of the place of the celebiation of the maiiiage anu theii iesiuence.
This iule shall not apply:
(1) Wheie both spouses aie aliens;
(2) With iespect to the extiinsic valiuity of contiacts affecting piopeity not
situateu in the Philippines anu executeu in the countiy wheie the piopeity is
locateu; anu
(S) With iespect to the extiinsic valiuity of contiacts enteieu into in the
Philippines but affecting piopeity situateu in a foieign countiy whose laws
iequiie uiffeient foimalities foi its extiinsic valiuity. (124a)
Ait. 81. Eveiything stipulateu in the settlements oi contiacts iefeiieu to in the
pieceuing aiticles in consiueiation of a futuie maiiiage, incluuing uonations
between the piospective spouses maue theiein, shall be ienueieu voiu if the
maiiiage uoes not take place. Bowevei, stipulations that uo not uepenu upon the
celebiation of the maiiiages shall be valiu. (12Sa)
+345678 B: -?G46=?G> JP 174>?G ?@ '488=4A7
Ait. 82. Bonations by ieason of maiiiage aie those which aie maue befoie its
celebiation, in consiueiation of the same, anu in favoi of one oi both of the
futuie spouses. (126)
Ait. 8S. These uonations aie goveineu by the iules on oiuinaiy uonations
establisheu in Title III of Book III of the Civil Coue, insofai as they aie not
mouifieu by the following aiticles. (127a)
Ait. 84. If the futuie spouses agiee upon a iegime othei than the absolute
community of piopeity, they cannot uonate to each othei in theii maiiiage
settlements moie than one-fifth of theii piesent piopeity. Any excess shall be
consiueieu voiu.
Bonations of futuie piopeity shall be goveineu by the piovisions on
testamentaiy succession anu the foimalities of wills. (1Sua)
Ait. 8S. Bonations by ieason of maiiiage of piopeity subject to encumbiances
shall be valiu. In case of foieclosuie of the encumbiance anu the piopeity is solu
foi less than the total amount of the obligation secuieu, the uonee shall not be
liable foi the ueficiency. If the piopeity is solu foi moie than the total amount of
saiu obligation, the uonee shall be entitleu to the excess. (1S1a)
Ait. 86. A uonation by ieason of maiiiage may be ievokeu by the uonoi in the
following cases:
(1) If the maiiiage is not celebiateu oi juuicially ueclaieu voiu ab initio except
uonations maue in the maiiiage settlements, which shall be goveineu by Aiticle
(2) When the maiiiage takes place without the consent of the paients oi
guaiuian, as iequiieu by law;
(S) When the maiiiage is annulleu, anu the uonee acteu in bau faith;
(4) 0pon legal sepaiation, the uonee being the guilty spouse;
(S) If it is with a iesolutoiy conuition anu the conuition is complieu with;
(6) When the uonee has committeu an act of ingiatituue as specifieu by the
piovisions of the Civil Coue on uonations in geneial. (1S2a)
Ait. 87. Eveiy uonation oi giant of giatuitous auvantage, uiiect oi inuiiect,
between the spouses uuiing the maiiiage shall be voiu, except moueiate gifts
which the spouses may give each othei on the occasion of any family iejoicing.
The piohibition shall also apply to peisons living togethei as husbanu anu wife
without a valiu maiiiage. (1SSa)
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Ait. 88. The absolute community of piopeity between spouses shall commence
at the piecise moment that the maiiiage is celebiateu. Any stipulation, expiess
oi implieu, foi the commencement of the community iegime at any othei time
shall be voiu. (14Sa)
Ait. 89. No waivei of iights, shaies anu effects of the absolute community of
piopeity uuiing the maiiiage can be maue except in case of juuicial sepaiation of
When the waivei takes place upon a juuicial sepaiation of piopeity, oi aftei the
maiiiage has been uissolveu oi annulleu, the same shall appeai in a public
instiument anu shall be iecoiueu as pioviueu in Aiticle 77. The cieuitois of the
spouse who maue such waivei may petition the couit to iescinu the waivei to
the extent of the amount sufficient to covei the amount of theii cieuits. (146a)
Ait. 9u. The piovisions on co-owneiship shall apply to the absolute community
of piopeity between the spouses in all matteis not pioviueu foi in this Chaptei.
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Ait. 91. 0nless otheiwise pioviueu in this Chaptei oi in the maiiiage
settlements, the community piopeity shall consist of all the piopeity owneu by
the spouses at the time of the celebiation of the maiiiage oi acquiieu theieaftei.
Ait. 92. The following shall be excluueu fiom the community piopeity:
(1) Piopeity acquiieu uuiing the maiiiage by giatuitous title by eithei spouse,
anu the fiuits as well as the income theieof, if any, unless it is expiessly pioviueu
by the uonoi, testatoi oi giantoi that they shall foim pait of the community
(2) Piopeity foi peisonal anu exclusive use of eithei spouse. Bowevei, jeweliy
shall foim pait of the community piopeity;
(S) Piopeity acquiieu befoie the maiiiage by eithei spouse who has legitimate
uescenuants by a foimei maiiiage, anu the fiuits as well as the income, if any, of
such piopeity. (2u1a)
Ait. 9S. Piopeity acquiieu uuiing the maiiiage is piesumeu to belong to the
community, unless it is pioveu that it is one of those excluueu theiefiom. (16u)
07F6=?G H: +348A7> 4GE ,JK=A46=?G> ?@ 637 &J>?K<67 +?DD<G=6P
Ait. 94. The absolute community of piopeity shall be liable foi:
(1) The suppoit of the spouses, theii common chiluien, anu legitimate chiluien
of eithei spouse; howevei, the suppoit of illegitimate chiluien shall be goveineu
by the piovisions of this Coue on Suppoit;
(2) All uebts anu obligations contiacteu uuiing the maiiiage by the uesignateu
auministiatoi-spouse foi the benefit of the community, oi by both spouses, oi by
one spouse with the consent of the othei;
(S) Bebts anu obligations contiacteu by eithei spouse without the consent of the
othei to the extent that the family may have been benefiteu;
(4) All taxes, liens, chaiges anu expenses, incluuing majoi oi minoi iepaiis, upon
the community piopeity;
(S) All taxes anu expenses foi meie pieseivation maue uuiing maiiiage upon the
sepaiate piopeity of eithei spouse useu by the family;
(6) Expenses to enable eithei spouse to commence oi complete a piofessional oi
vocational couise, oi othei activity foi self-impiovement;
(7) Antenuptial uebts of eithei spouse insofai as they have ieuounueu to the
benefit of the family;
(8) The value of what is uonateu oi piomiseu by both spouses in favoi of theii
common legitimate chiluien foi the exclusive puipose of commencing oi
completing a piofessional oi vocational couise oi othei activity foi self-
(9) Antenuptial uebts of eithei spouse othei than those falling unuei paiagiaph
(7) of this Aiticle, the suppoit of illegitimate chiluien of eithei spouse, anu
liabilities incuiieu by eithei spouse by ieason of a ciime oi a quasi-uelict, in case
of absence oi insufficiency of the exclusive piopeity of the uebtoi-spouse, the
payment of which shall be consiueieu as auvances to be ueuucteu fiom the shaie
of the uebtoi-spouse upon liquiuation of the community; anu
(1u) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the suit is founu to be
If the community piopeity is insufficient to covei the foiegoing liabilities, except
those falling unuei paiagiaph (9), the spouses shall be soliuaiily liable foi the
unpaiu balance with theii sepaiate piopeities. (161a, 162a, 16Sa, 2u2a-2uSa)
Ait. 9S. Whatevei may be lost uuiing the maiiiage in any game of chance,
betting, sweepstakes, oi any othei kinu of gambling, whethei peimitteu oi
piohibiteu by law, shall be boine by the losei anu shall not be chaigeu to the
community but any winnings theiefiom shall foim pait of the community
piopeity. (164a)
07F6=?G Q: ,RG78>3=5S &ED=G=>6846=O7S #GT?PD7G6 4GE -=>5?>=6=?G ?@ 637
+?DD<G=6P .8?5786P
Ait. 96. The auministiation anu enjoyment of the community piopeity shall
belong to both spouses jointly. In case of uisagieement, the husbanu's uecision
shall pievail, subject to iecouise to the couit by the wife foi piopei iemeuy,
which must be availeu of within five yeais fiom the uate of the contiact
implementing such uecision.
In the event that one spouse is incapacitateu oi otheiwise unable to paiticipate
in the auministiation of the common piopeities, the othei spouse may assume
sole poweis of auministiation. These poweis uo not incluue uisposition oi
encumbiance without authoiity of the couit oi the wiitten consent of the othei
spouse. In the absence of such authoiity oi consent, the uisposition oi
encumbiance shall be voiu. Bowevei, the tiansaction shall be constiueu as a
continuing offei on the pait of the consenting spouse anu the thiiu peison, anu
may be peifecteu as a binuing contiact upon the acceptance by the othei spouse
oi authoiization by the couit befoie the offei is withuiawn by eithei oi both
offeiois. (2u6a)
Ait. 97. Eithei spouse may uispose by will of his oi hei inteiest in the community
piopeity. (n)
Ait. 98. Neithei spouse may uonate any community piopeity without the
consent of the othei. Bowevei, eithei spouse may, without the consent of the
othei, make moueiate uonations fiom the community piopeity foi chaiity oi on
occasions of family iejoicing oi family uistiess. (n)
07F6=?G U: -=>>?K<6=?G ?@ &J>?K<67 +?DD<G=6P 17A=D7
Ait. 99. The absolute community teiminates:
(1) 0pon the ueath of eithei spouse;
(2) When theie is a ueciee of legal sepaiation;
(S) When the maiiiage is annulleu oi ueclaieu voiu; oi
(4) In case of juuicial sepaiation of piopeity uuiing the maiiiage unuei Aiticle
1S4 to 1S8. (17Sa)
Ait. 1uu. The sepaiation in fact between husbanu anu wife shall not affect the
iegime of absolute community except that:
(1) The spouse who leaves the conjugal home oi iefuses to live theiein, without
just cause, shall not have the iight to be suppoiteu;
(2) When the consent of one spouse to any tiansaction of the othei is iequiieu by
law, juuicial authoiization shall be obtaineu in a summaiy pioceeuing;
(S) In the absence of sufficient community piopeity, the sepaiate piopeity of
both spouses shall be soliuaiily liable foi the suppoit of the family. The spouse
piesent shall, upon piopei petition in a summaiy pioceeuing, be given juuicial
authoiity to auministei oi encumbei any specific sepaiate piopeity of the othei
spouse anu use the fiuits oi pioceeus theieof to satisfy the lattei's shaie. (178a)
Ait. 1u1. If a spouse without just cause abanuons the othei oi fails to comply
with his oi hei obligations to the family, the aggiieveu spouse may petition the
couit foi ieceiveiship, foi juuicial sepaiation of piopeity oi foi authoiity to be
the sole auministiatoi of the absolute community, subject to such piecautionaiy
conuitions as the couit may impose.
The obligations to the family mentioneu in the pieceuing paiagiaph iefei to
maiital, paiental oi piopeity ielations.
A spouse is ueemeu to have abanuoneu the othei when hei oi she has left the
conjugal uwelling without intention of ietuining. The spouse who has left the
conjugal uwelling foi a peiiou of thiee months oi has faileu within the same
peiiou to give any infoimation as to his oi hei wheieabouts shall be piima facie
piesumeu to have no intention of ietuining to the conjugal uwelling. (178a)
07F6=?G V: )=;<=E46=?G ?@ 637 &J>?K<67 +?DD<G=6P &>>76> 4GE )=4J=K=6=7>
Ait. 1u2. 0pon uissolution of the absolute community iegime, the following
pioceuuie shall apply:
(1) An inventoiy shall be piepaieu, listing sepaiately all the piopeities of the
absolute community anu the exclusive piopeities of each spouse.
(2) The uebts anu obligations of the absolute community shall be paiu out of its
assets. In case of insufficiency of saiu assets, the spouses shall be soliuaiily liable
foi the unpaiu balance with theii sepaiate piopeities in accoiuance with the
piovisions of the seconu paiagiaph of Aiticle 94.
(S) Whatevei iemains of the exclusive piopeities of the spouses shall theieaftei
be ueliveieu to each of them.
(4) The net iemainuei of the piopeities of the absolute community shall
constitute its net assets, which shall be uiviueu equally between husbanu anu
wife, unless a uiffeient piopoition oi uivision was agieeu upon in the maiiiage
settlements, oi unless theie has been a voluntaiy waivei of such shaie pioviueu
in this Coue. Foi puipose of computing the net piofits subject to foifeituie in
accoiuance with Aiticles 4S, No. (2) anu 6S, No. (2), the saiu piofits shall be the
inciease in value between the maiket value of the community piopeity at the
time of the celebiation of the maiiiage anu the maiket value at the time of its
(S) The piesumptive legitimes of the common chiluien shall be ueliveieu upon
paitition, in accoiuance with Aiticle S1.
(6) 0nless otheiwise agieeu upon by the paities, in the paitition of the
piopeities, the conjugal uwelling anu the lot on which it is situateu shall be
aujuuicateu to the spouse with whom the majoiity of the common chiluien
choose to iemain. Chiluien below the age of seven yeais aie ueemeu to have
chosen the mothei, unless the couit has ueciueu otheiwise. In case theie in no
such majoiity, the couit shall ueciue, taking into consiueiation the best inteiests
of saiu chiluien. (n)
Ait. 1uS. 0pon the teimination of the maiiiage by ueath, the community
piopeity shall be liquiuateu in the same pioceeuing foi the settlement of the
estate of the ueceaseu.
If no juuicial settlement pioceeuing is instituteu, the suiviving spouse shall
liquiuate the community piopeity eithei juuicially oi extia-juuicially within six
months fiom the ueath of the ueceaseu spouse. If upon the lapse of the six
months peiiou, no liquiuation is maue, any uisposition oi encumbiance involving
the community piopeity of the teiminateu maiiiage shall be voiu.
Shoulu the suiviving spouse contiact a subsequent maiiiage without compliance
with the foiegoing iequiiements, a manuatoiy iegime of complete sepaiation of
piopeity shall govein the piopeity ielations of the subsequent maiiiage. (n)
Ait. 1u4. Whenevei the liquiuation of the community piopeities of two oi moie
maiiiages contiacteu by the same peison befoie the effectivity of this Coue is
caiiieu out simultaneously, the iespective capital, fiuits anu income of each
community shall be ueteimineu upon such pioof as may be consiueieu accoiuing
to the iules of eviuence. In case of uoubt as to which community the existing
piopeities belong, the same shall be uiviueu between the uiffeient communities
in piopoition to the capital anu uuiation of each. (189a)
+345678 Q: +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5 ?@ 24=G>
07F6=?G 9: 27G784K .8?O=>=?G>
Ait. 1uS. In case the futuie spouses agiee in the maiiiage settlements that the
iegime of conjugal paitneiship gains shall govein theii piopeity ielations uuiing
maiiiage, the piovisions in this Chaptei shall be of supplementaiy application.
The piovisions of this Chaptei shall also apply to conjugal paitneiships of gains
alieauy establisheu between spouses befoie the effectivity of this Coue, without
piejuuice to vesteu iights alieauy acquiieu in accoiuance with the Civil Coue oi
othei laws, as pioviueu in Aiticle 2S6. (n)
Ait. 1u6. 0nuei the iegime of conjugal paitneiship of gains, the husbanu anu
wife place in a common funu the pioceeus, piouucts, fiuits anu income fiom
theii sepaiate piopeities anu those acquiieu by eithei oi both spouses thiough
theii effoits oi by chance, anu, upon uissolution of the maiiiage oi of the
paitneiship, the net gains oi benefits obtaineu by eithei oi both spouses shall be
uiviueu equally between them, unless otheiwise agieeu in the maiiiage
settlements. (142a)
Ait. 1u7. The iules pioviueu in Aiticles 88 anu 89 shall also apply to conjugal
paitneiship of gains. (n)
Ait. 1u8. The conjugal paitneiship shall be goveineu by the iules on the contiact
of paitneiship in all that is not in conflict with what is expiessly ueteimineu in
this Chaptei oi by the spouses in theii maiiiage settlements. (147a)
07F6=?G B: #CFK<>=O7 .8?5786P ?@ #4F3 05?<>7
Ait. 1u9. The following shall be the exclusive piopeity of each spouse:
(1) That which is biought to the maiiiage as his oi hei own;
(2) That which each acquiies uuiing the maiiiage by giatuitous title;
(S) That which is acquiieu by iight of ieuemption, by baitei oi by exchange with
piopeity belonging to only one of the spouses; anu
(4) That which is puichaseu with exclusive money of the wife oi of the husbanu.
Ait. 11u. The spouses ietain the owneiship, possession, auministiation anu
enjoyment of theii exclusive piopeities.
Eithei spouse may, uuiing the maiiiage, tiansfei the auministiation of his oi hei
exclusive piopeity to the othei by means of a public instiument, which shall be
iecoiueu in the iegistiy of piopeity of the place the piopeity is locateu. (1S7a,
168a, 169a)
Ait. 111. A spouse of age may moitgage, encumbei, alienate oi otheiwise uispose
of his oi hei exclusive piopeity, without the consent of the othei spouse, anu
appeai alone in couit to litigate with iegaiu to the same. (n)
Ait. 112. The alienation of any exclusive piopeity of a spouse auministeieu by
the othei automatically teiminates the auministiation ovei such piopeity anu
the pioceeus of the alienation shall be tuineu ovei to the ownei-spouse. (n)
Ait. 11S. Piopeity uonateu oi left by will to the spouses, jointly anu with
uesignation of ueteiminate shaies, shall peitain to the uonee-spouses as his oi
hei own exclusive piopeity, anu in the absence of uesignation, shaie anu shaie
alike, without piejuuice to the iight of accietion when piopei. (1Sua)
Ait. 114. If the uonations aie oneious, the amount of the chaiges shall be boine
by the exclusive piopeity of the uonee spouse, whenevei they have been
auvanceu by the conjugal paitneiship of gains. (1S1a)
Ait. 11S. Retiiement benefits, pensions, annuities, giatuities, usufiucts anu
similai benefits shall be goveineu by the iules on giatuitous oi oneious
acquisitions as may be piopei in each case. (n)
07F6=?G H: +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5 .8?5786P
Ait. 116. All piopeity acquiieu uuiing the maiiiage, whethei the acquisition
appeais to have been maue, contiacteu oi iegisteieu in the name of one oi both
spouses, is piesumeu to be conjugal unless the contiaiy is pioveu. (16ua)
Ait. 117. The following aie conjugal paitneiship piopeities:
(1) Those acquiieu by oneious title uuiing the maiiiage at the expense of the
common funu, whethei the acquisition be foi the paitneiship, oi foi only one of
the spouses;
(2) Those obtaineu fiom the laboi, inuustiy, woik oi piofession of eithei oi both
of the spouses;
(S) The fiuits, natuial, inuustiial, oi civil, uue oi ieceiveu uuiing the maiiiage
fiom the common piopeity, as well as the net fiuits fiom the exclusive piopeity
of each spouse;
(4) The shaie of eithei spouse in the hiuuen tieasuie which the law awaius to
the finuei oi ownei of the piopeity wheie the tieasuie is founu;
(S) Those acquiieu thiough occupation such as fishing oi hunting;
(6) Livestock existing upon the uissolution of the paitneiship in excess of the
numbei of each kinu biought to the maiiiage by eithei spouse; anu
(7) Those which aie acquiieu by chance, such as winnings fiom gambling oi
betting. Bowevei, losses theiefiom shall be boine exclusively by the losei-
spouse. (1SSa, 1S4a, 1SS, 1S9)
Ait. 118. Piopeity bought on installments paiu paitly fiom exclusive funus of
eithei oi both spouses anu paitly fiom conjugal funus belongs to the buyei oi
buyeis if full owneiship was vesteu befoie the maiiiage anu to the conjugal
paitneiship if such owneiship was vesteu uuiing the maiiiage. In eithei case,
any amount auvanceu by the paitneiship oi by eithei oi both spouses shall be
ieimbuiseu by the ownei oi owneis upon liquiuation of the paitneiship. (n)
Ait. 119. Whenevei an amount oi cieuit payable within a peiiou of time belongs
to one of the spouses, the sums which may be collecteu uuiing the maiiiage in
paitial payments oi by installments on the piincipal shall be the exclusive
piopeity of the spouse. Bowevei, inteiests falling uue uuiing the maiiiage on the
piincipal shall belong to the conjugal paitneiship. (1S6a, 1S7a)
Ait. 12u. The owneiship of impiovements, whethei foi utility oi auoinment,
maue on the sepaiate piopeity of the spouses at the expense of the paitneiship
oi thiough the acts oi effoits of eithei oi both spouses shall peitain to the
conjugal paitneiship, oi to the oiiginal ownei-spouse, subject to the following
When the cost of the impiovement maue by the conjugal paitneiship anu any
iesulting inciease in value aie moie than the value of the piopeity at the time of
the impiovement, the entiie piopeity of one of the spouses shall belong to the
conjugal paitneiship, subject to ieimbuisement of the value of the piopeity of
the ownei-spouse at the time of the impiovement; otheiwise, saiu piopeity shall
be ietaineu in owneiship by the ownei-spouse, likewise subject to
ieimbuisement of the cost of the impiovement.
In eithei case, the owneiship of the entiie piopeity shall be vesteu upon the
ieimbuisement, which shall be maue at the time of the liquiuation of the conjugal
paitneiship. (1S8a)
07F6=?G Q: +348A7> N5?G 4GE ,JK=A46=?G> ?@ 637 +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5
Ait. 121. The conjugal paitneiship shall be liable foi:
(1) The suppoit of the spouse, theii common chiluien, anu the legitimate
chiluien of eithei spouse; howevei, the suppoit of illegitimate chiluien shall be
goveineu by the piovisions of this Coue on Suppoit;
(2) All uebts anu obligations contiacteu uuiing the maiiiage by the uesignateu
auministiatoi-spouse foi the benefit of the conjugal paitneiship of gains, oi by
both spouses oi by one of them with the consent of the othei;
(S) Bebts anu obligations contiacteu by eithei spouse without the consent of the
othei to the extent that the family may have benefiteu;
(4) All taxes, liens, chaiges, anu expenses, incluuing majoi oi minoi iepaiis upon
the conjugal paitneiship piopeity;
(S) All taxes anu expenses foi meie pieseivation maue uuiing the maiiiage upon
the sepaiate piopeity of eithei spouse;
(6) Expenses to enable eithei spouse to commence oi complete a piofessional,
vocational, oi othei activity foi self-impiovement;
(7) Antenuptial uebts of eithei spouse insofai as they have ieuounueu to the
benefit of the family;
(8) The value of what is uonateu oi piomiseu by both spouses in favoi of theii
common legitimate chiluien foi the exclusive puipose of commencing oi
completing a piofessional oi vocational couise oi othei activity foi self-
impiovement; anu
(9) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the suit is founu to
If the conjugal paitneiship is insufficient to covei the foiegoing liabilities, the
spouses shall be soliuaiily liable foi the unpaiu balance with theii sepaiate
piopeities. (161a)
Ait. 122. The payment of peisonal uebts contiacteu by the husbanu oi the wife
befoie oi uuiing the maiiiage shall not be chaigeu to the conjugal piopeities
paitneiship except insofai as they ieuounueu to the benefit of the family.
Neithei shall the fines anu pecuniaiy inuemnities imposeu upon them be
chaigeu to the paitneiship.
Bowevei, the payment of peisonal uebts contiacteu by eithei spouse befoie the
maiiiage, that of fines anu inuemnities imposeu upon them, as well as the
suppoit of illegitimate chiluien of eithei spouse, may be enfoiceu against the
paitneiship assets aftei the iesponsibilities enumeiateu in the pieceuing Aiticle
have been coveieu, if the spouse who is bounu shoulu have no exclusive
piopeity oi if it shoulu be insufficient; but at the time of the liquiuation of the
paitneiship, such spouse shall be chaigeu foi what has been paiu foi the puipose
above-mentioneu. (16Sa)
Ait. 12S. Whatevei may be lost uuiing the maiiiage in any game of chance oi in
betting, sweepstakes, oi any othei kinu of gambling whethei peimitteu oi
piohibiteu by law, shall be boine by the losei anu shall not be chaigeu to the
conjugal paitneiship but any winnings theiefiom shall foim pait of the conjugal
paitneiship piopeity. (164a)
07F6=?G U: &ED=G=>6846=?G ?@ 637 +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5 .8?5786P
Ait. 124. The auministiation anu enjoyment of the conjugal paitneiship shall
belong to both spouses jointly. In case of uisagieement, the husbanu's uecision
shall pievail, subject to iecouise to the couit by the wife foi piopei iemeuy,
which must be availeu of within five yeais fiom the uate of the contiact
implementing such uecision.
In the event that one spouse is incapacitateu oi otheiwise unable to paiticipate
in the auministiation of the conjugal piopeities, the othei spouse may assume
sole poweis of auministiation. These poweis uo not incluue uisposition oi
encumbiance without authoiity of the couit oi the wiitten consent of the othei
spouse. In the absence of such authoiity oi consent, the uisposition oi
encumbiance shall be voiu. Bowevei, the tiansaction shall be constiueu as a
continuing offei on the pait of the consenting spouse anu the thiiu peison, anu
may be peifecteu as a binuing contiact upon the acceptance by the othei spouse
oi authoiization by the couit befoie the offei is withuiawn by eithei oi both
offeiois. (16Sa)
Ait. 12S. Neithei spouse may uonate any conjugal paitneiship piopeity without
the consent of the othei. Bowevei, eithei spouse may, without the consent of the
othei, make moueiate uonations fiom the conjugal paitneiship piopeity foi
chaiity oi on occasions of family iejoicing oi family uistiess. (174a)
07F6=?G V: -=>>?K<6=?G ?@ +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5 17A=D7
Ait. 126. The conjugal paitneiship teiminates:
(1) 0pon the ueath of eithei spouse;
(2) When theie is a ueciee of legal sepaiation;
(S) When the maiiiage is annulleu oi ueclaieu voiu; oi
(4) In case of juuicial sepaiation of piopeity uuiing the maiiiage unuei Aiticles
1S4 to 1S8 (17Sa)
Ait. 127. The sepaiation in fact between husbanu anu wife shall not affect the
iegime of conjugal paitneiship, except that:
(1) The spouse who leaves the conjugal home oi iefuses to live theiein, without
just cause, shall not have the iight to be suppoiteu;
(2) When the consent of one spouse to any tiansaction of the othei is iequiieu by
law, juuicial authoiization shall be obtaineu in a summaiy pioceeuing;
(S) In the absence of sufficient conjugal paitneiship piopeity, the sepaiate
piopeity of both spouses shall be soliuaiily liable foi the suppoit of the family.
The spouse piesent shall, upon petition in a summaiy pioceeuing, be given
juuicial authoiity to auministei oi encumbei any specific sepaiate piopeity of
the othei spouse anu use the fiuits oi pioceeus theieof to satisfy the lattei's
shaie. (178a)
Ait. 128. If a spouse without just cause abanuons the othei oi fails to comply
with his oi hei obligation to the family, the aggiieveu spouse may petition the
couit foi ieceiveiship, foi juuicial sepaiation of piopeity, oi foi authoiity to be
the sole auministiatoi of the conjugal paitneiship piopeity, subject to such
piecautionaiy conuitions as the couit may impose.
The obligations to the family mentioneu in the pieceuing paiagiaph iefei to
maiital, paiental oi piopeity ielations.
A spouse is ueemeu to have abanuoneu the othei when he oi she has left the
conjugal uwelling without intention of ietuining. The spouse who has left the
conjugal uwelling foi a peiiou of thiee months oi has faileu within the same
peiiou to give any infoimation as to his oi hei wheieabouts shall be piima facie
piesumeu to have no intention of ietuining to the conjugal uwelling. (167a,
07F6=?G W: )=;<=E46=?G ?@ 637 +?GT<A4K .486G78>3=5 &>>76> 4GE )=4J=K=6=7>
Ait. 129. 0pon the uissolution of the conjugal paitneiship iegime, the following
pioceuuie shall apply:
(1) An inventoiy shall be piepaieu, listing sepaiately all the piopeities of the
conjugal paitneiship anu the exclusive piopeities of each spouse.
(2) Amounts auvanceu by the conjugal paitneiship in payment of peisonal uebts
anu obligations of eithei spouse shall be cieuiteu to the conjugal paitneiship as
an asset theieof.
(S) Each spouse shall be ieimbuiseu foi the use of his oi hei exclusive funus in
the acquisition of piopeity oi foi the value of his oi hei exclusive piopeity, the
owneiship of which has been vesteu by law in the conjugal paitneiship.
(4) The uebts anu obligations of the conjugal paitneiship shall be paiu out of the
conjugal assets. In case of insufficiency of saiu assets, the spouses shall be
soliuaiily liable foi the unpaiu balance with theii sepaiate piopeities, in
accoiuance with the piovisions of paiagiaph (2) of Aiticle 121.
(S) Whatevei iemains of the exclusive piopeities of the spouses shall theieaftei
be ueliveieu to each of them.
(6) 0nless the ownei hau been inuemnifieu fiom whatevei souice, the loss oi
ueteiioiation of movables useu foi the benefit of the family, belonging to eithei
spouse, even uue to foituitous event, shall be paiu to saiu spouse fiom the
conjugal funus, if any.
(7) The net iemainuei of the conjugal paitneiship piopeities shall constitute the
piofits, which shall be uiviueu equally between husbanu anu wife, unless a
uiffeient piopoition oi uivision was agieeu upon in the maiiiage settlements oi
unless theie has been a voluntaiy waivei oi foifeituie of such shaie as pioviueu
in this Coue.
(8) The piesumptive legitimes of the common chiluien shall be ueliveieu upon
the paitition in accoiuance with Aiticle S1.
(9) In the paitition of the piopeities, the conjugal uwelling anu the lot on which
it is situateu shall, unless otheiwise agieeu upon by the paities, be aujuuicateu to
the spouse with whom the majoiity of the common chiluien choose to iemain.
Chiluien below the age of seven yeais aie ueemeu to have chosen the mothei,
unless the couit has ueciueu otheiwise. In case theie is no such majoiity, the
couit shall ueciue, taking into consiueiation the best inteiests of saiu chiluien.
(181a, 182a, 18Sa, 184a, 18Sa)
Ait. 1Su. 0pon the teimination of the maiiiage by ueath, the conjugal
paitneiship piopeity shall be liquiuateu in the same pioceeuing foi the
settlement of the estate of the ueceaseu.
If no juuicial settlement pioceeuing is instituteu, the suiviving spouse shall
liquiuate the conjugal paitneiship piopeity eithei juuicially oi extia-juuicially
within six months fiom the ueath of the ueceaseu spouse. If upon the lapse of the
six-month peiiou no liquiuation is maue, any uisposition oi encumbiance
involving the conjugal paitneiship piopeity of the teiminateu maiiiage shall be
Shoulu the suiviving spouse contiact a subsequent maiiiage without compliance
with the foiegoing iequiiements, a manuatoiy iegime of complete sepaiation of
piopeity shall govein the piopeity ielations of the subsequent maiiiage. (n)
Ait. 1S1. Whenevei the liquiuation of the conjugal paitneiship piopeities of two
oi moie maiiiages contiacteu by the same peison befoie the effectivity of this
Coue is caiiieu out simultaneously, the iespective capital, fiuits anu income of
each paitneiship shall be ueteimineu upon such pioof as may be consiueieu
accoiuing to the iules of eviuence. In case of uoubt as to which paitneiship the
existing piopeities belong, the same shall be uiviueu between the uiffeient
paitneiships in piopoition to the capital anu uuiation of each. (189a)
Ait. 1S2. The Rules of Couit on the auministiation of estates of ueceaseu peisons
shall be obseiveu in the appiaisal anu sale of piopeity of the conjugal
paitneiship, anu othei matteis which aie not expiessly ueteimineu in this
Chaptei. (187a)
Ait. 1SS. Fiom the common mass of piopeity suppoit shall be given to the
suiviving spouse anu to the chiluien uuiing the liquiuation of the inventoiieu
piopeity anu until what belongs to them is ueliveieu; but fiom this shall be
ueuucteu that amount ieceiveu foi suppoit which exceeus the fiuits oi ients
peitaining to them. (188a)
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+?DD?G .8?5786P JP ,G7 05?<>7 -<8=GA 637 '488=4A7
Ait. 1S4. In the absence of an expiess ueclaiation in the maiiiage settlements,
the sepaiation of piopeity between spouses uuiing the maiiiage shall not take
place except by juuicial oiuei. Such juuicial sepaiation of piopeity may eithei be
voluntaiy oi foi sufficient cause. (19ua)
Ait. 1SS. Any of the following shall be consiueieu sufficient cause foi juuicial
sepaiation of piopeity:
(1) That the spouse of the petitionei has been sentenceu to a penalty which
caiiies with it civil inteiuiction;
(2) That the spouse of the petitionei has been juuicially ueclaieu an absentee;
(S) That loss of paiental authoiity of the spouse of petitionei has been uecieeu
by the couit;
(4) That the spouse of the petitionei has abanuoneu the lattei oi faileu to comply
with his oi hei obligations to the family as pioviueu foi in Aiticle 1u1;
(S) That the spouse gianteu the powei of auministiation in the maiiiage
settlements has abuseu that powei; anu
(6) That at the time of the petition, the spouses have been sepaiateu in fact foi at
least one yeai anu ieconciliation is highly impiobable.
In the cases pioviueu foi in Numbeis (1), (2) anu (S), the piesentation of the
final juugment against the guilty oi absent spouse shall be enough basis foi the
giant of the ueciee of juuicial sepaiation of piopeity. (191a)
Ait. 1S6. The spouses may jointly file a veiifieu petition with the couit foi the
voluntaiy uissolution of the absolute community oi the conjugal paitneiship of
gains, anu foi the sepaiation of theii common piopeities.
All cieuitois of the absolute community oi of the conjugal paitneiship of gains,
as well as the peisonal cieuitois of the spouse, shall be listeu in the petition anu
notifieu of the filing theieof. The couit shall take measuies to piotect the
cieuitois anu othei peisons with pecuniaiy inteiest. (191a)
Ait. 1S7. 0nce the sepaiation of piopeity has been uecieeu, the absolute
community oi the conjugal paitneiship of gains shall be liquiuateu in confoimity
with this Coue.
Buiing the penuency of the pioceeuings foi sepaiation of piopeity, the absolute
community oi the conjugal paitneiship shall pay foi the suppoit of the spouses
anu theii chiluien. (192a)
Ait. 1S8. Aftei uissolution of the absolute community oi of the conjugal
paitneiship, the piovisions on complete sepaiation of piopeity shall apply.
Ait. 1S9. The petition foi sepaiation of piopeity anu the final juugment gianting
the same shall be iecoiueu in the piopei local civil iegistiies anu iegistiies of
piopeity. (19Sa)
Ait. 14u. The sepaiation of piopeity shall not piejuuice the iights pieviously
acquiieu by cieuitois. (194a)
Ait. 141. The spouses may, in the same pioceeuings wheie sepaiation of
piopeity was uecieeu, file a motion in couit foi a ueciee ieviving the piopeity
iegime that existeu between them befoie the sepaiation of piopeity in any of the
following instances:
(1) When the civil inteiuiction teiminates;
(2) When the absentee spouse ieappeais;
(S) When the couit, being satisfieu that the spouse gianteu the powei of
auministiation in the maiiiage settlements will not again abuse that powei,
authoiizes the iesumption of saiu auministiation;
(4) When the spouse who has left the conjugal home without a ueciee of legal
sepaiation iesumes common life with the othei;
(S) When paiental authoiity is juuicially iestoieu to the spouse pieviously
uepiiveu theieof;
(6) When the spouses who have sepaiateu in fact foi at least one yeai, ieconcile
anu iesume common life; oi
(7) When aftei voluntaiy uissolution of the absolute community of piopeity oi
conjugal paitneiship has been juuicially uecieeu upon the joint petition of the
spouses, they agiee to the ievival of the foimei piopeity iegime. No voluntaiy
sepaiation of piopeity may theieaftei be gianteu.
The ievival of the foimei piopeity iegime shall be goveineu by Aiticle 67.
Ait. 142. The auministiation of all classes of exclusive piopeity of eithei spouse
may be tiansfeiieu by the couit to the othei spouse:
(1) When one spouse becomes the guaiuian of the othei;
(2) When one spouse is juuicially ueclaieu an absentee;
(S) When one spouse is sentenceu to a penalty which caiiies with it civil
inteiuiction; oi
(4) When one spouse becomes a fugitive fiom justice oi is in hiuing as an
accuseu in a ciiminal case.
If the othei spouse is not qualifieu by ieason of incompetence, conflict of
inteiest, oi any othei just cause, the couit shall appoint a suitable peison to be
the auministiatoi. (n)
+345678 V: 17A=D7 ?@ 0754846=?G ?@ .8?5786P
Ait. 14S. Shoulu the futuie spouses agiee in the maiiiage settlements that theii
piopeity ielations uuiing maiiiage shall be goveineu by the iegime of
sepaiation of piopeity, the piovisions of this Chaptei shall be suppletoiy. (212a)
Ait. 144. Sepaiation of piopeity may iefei to piesent oi futuie piopeity oi both.
It may be total oi paitial. In the lattei case, the piopeity not agieeu upon as
sepaiate shall peitain to the absolute community. (21Sa)
Ait. 14S. Each spouse shall own, uispose of, possess, auministei anu enjoy his oi
hei own sepaiate estate, without neeu of the consent of the othei. To each
spouse shall belong all eainings fiom his oi hei piofession, business oi inuustiy
anu all fiuits, natuial, inuustiial oi civil, uue oi ieceiveu uuiing the maiiiage
fiom his oi hei sepaiate piopeity. (214a)
Ait. 146. Both spouses shall beai the family expenses in piopoition to theii
income, oi, in case of insufficiency oi uefault theieof, to the cuiient maiket value
of theii sepaiate piopeities.
The liabilities of the spouses to cieuitois foi family expenses shall, howevei, be
soliuaiy. (21Sa)
+345678 W: .8?5786P 17A=D7 ?@ NG=?G> M=63?<6 '488=4A7
Ait. 147. When a man anu a woman who aie capacitateu to maiiy each othei,
live exclusively with each othei as husbanu anu wife without the benefit of
maiiiage oi unuei a voiu maiiiage, theii wages anu salaiies shall be owneu by
them in equal shaies anu the piopeity acquiieu by both of them thiough theii
woik oi inuustiy shall be goveineu by the iules on co-owneiship.
In the absence of pioof to the contiaiy, piopeities acquiieu while they liveu
togethei shall be piesumeu to have been obtaineu by theii joint effoits, woik oi
inuustiy, anu shall be owneu by them in equal shaies. Foi puiposes of this
Aiticle, a paity who uiu not paiticipate in the acquisition by the othei paity of
any piopeity shall be ueemeu to have contiibuteu jointly in the acquisition
theieof if the foimei's effoits consisteu in the caie anu maintenance of the family
anu of the householu.
Neithei paity can encumbei oi uispose by acts intei vivos of his oi hei shaie in
the piopeity acquiieu uuiing cohabitation anu owneu in common, without the
consent of the othei, until aftei the teimination of theii cohabitation.
When only one of the paities to a voiu maiiiage is in goou faith, the shaie of the
paity in bau faith in the co-owneiship shall be foifeiteu in favoi of theii common
chiluien. In case of uefault of oi waivei by any oi all of the common chiluien oi
theii uescenuants, each vacant shaie shall belong to the iespective suiviving
uescenuants. In the absence of uescenuants, such shaie shall belong to the
innocent paity. In all cases, the foifeituie shall take place upon teimination of
the cohabitation. (144a)
Ait. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling unuei the pieceuing Aiticle, only the
piopeities acquiieu by both of the paities thiough theii actual joint contiibution
of money, piopeity, oi inuustiy shall be owneu by them in common in
piopoition to theii iespective contiibutions. In the absence of pioof to the
contiaiy, theii contiibutions anu coiiesponuing shaies aie piesumeu to be
equal. The same iule anu piesumption shall apply to joint ueposits of money anu
eviuences of cieuit.
If one of the paities is valiuly maiiieu to anothei, his oi hei shaie in the co-
owneiship shall acciue to the absolute community oi conjugal paitneiship
existing in such valiu maiiiage. If the paity who acteu in bau faith is not valiuly
maiiieu to anothei, his oi hei shall be foifeiteu in the mannei pioviueu in the
last paiagiaph of the pieceuing Aiticle.
The foiegoing iules on foifeituie shall likewise apply even if both paities aie in
both faith. (144a)
!(!)# I !"# %&'()* +345678 9: !37 %4D=KP 4> 4G (G>6=6<6=?G
Ait. 149. The family, being the founuation of the nation, is a basic social
institution which public policy cheiishes anu piotects. Consequently, family
ielations aie goveineu by law anu no custom, piactice oi agieement uestiuctive
of the family shall be iecognizeu oi given effect. (216a, 218a)
Ait. Su. Family ielations incluue those:
(1) Between husbanu anu wife;
(2) Between paients anu chiluien;
(S) Among biotheis anu sisteis, whethei of the full oi halfbloou. (217a)
Ait. 1S1. No suit between membeis of the same family shall piospei unless it
shoulu appeai fiom the veiifieu complaint oi petition that eainest effoits towaiu
a compiomise have been maue, but that the same have faileu. If it is shown that
no such effoits weie in fact maue, the same case must be uismisseu.
This iules shall not apply to cases which may not be the subject of compiomise
unuei the Civil Coue. (222a)
+345678 B: !37 %4D=KP "?D7
Ait. 1S2. The family home, constituteu jointly by the husbanu anu the wife oi by
an unmaiiieu heau of a family, is the uwelling house wheie they anu theii family
iesiue, anu the lanu on which it is situateu. (22Sa)
Ait. 1SS. The family home is ueemeu constituteu on a house anu lot fiom the
time it is occupieu as a family iesiuence. Fiom the time of its constitution anu so
long as any of its beneficiaiies actually iesiues theiein, the family home
continues to be such anu is exempt fiom execution, foiceu sale oi attachment
except as heieinaftei pioviueu anu to the extent of the value alloweu by law.
Ait. 1S4. The beneficiaiies of a family home aie:
(1) The husbanu anu wife, oi an unmaiiieu peison who is the heau of a family;
(2) Theii paients, ascenuants, uescenuants, biotheis anu sisteis, whethei the
ielationship be legitimate oi illegitimate, who aie living in the family home anu
who uepenu upon the heau of the family foi legal suppoit. (226a)
Ait. 1SS. The family home shall be exempt fiom execution, foiceu sale oi
attachment except:
(1) Foi nonpayment of taxes;
(2) Foi uebts incuiieu piioi to the constitution of the family home;
(S) Foi uebts secuieu by moitgages on the piemises befoie oi aftei such
constitution; anu
(4) Foi uebts uue to laboieis, mechanics, aichitects, builueis, mateiialmen anu
otheis who have ienueieu seivice oi fuinisheu mateiial foi the constiuction of
the builuing. (24Sa)
Ait. 1S6. The family home must be pait of the piopeities of the absolute
community oi the conjugal paitneiship, oi of the exclusive piopeities of eithei
spouse with the lattei's consent. It may also be constituteu by an unmaiiieu heau
of a family on his oi hei own piopeity.
Neveitheless, piopeity that is the subject of a conuitional sale on installments
wheie owneiship is ieseiveu by the venuoi only to guaiantee payment of the
puichase piice may be constituteu as a family home. (227a, 228a)
Ait. 1S7. The actual value of the family home shall not exceeu, at the time of its
constitution, the amount of the thiee hunuieu thousanu pesos in uiban aieas,
anu two hunuieu thousanu pesos in iuial aieas, oi such amounts as may
heieaftei be fixeu by law.
In any event, if the value of the cuiiency changes aftei the auoption of this Coue,
the value most favoiable foi the constitution of a family home shall be the basis
of evaluation.
Foi puiposes of this Aiticle, uiban aieas aie ueemeu to incluue chaiteieu cities
anu municipalities whose annual income at least equals that legally iequiieu foi
chaiteieu cities. All otheis aie ueemeu to be iuial aieas. (2S1a)
Ait. 1S8. The family home may be solu, alienateu, uonateu, assigneu oi
encumbeieu by the ownei oi owneis theieof with the wiitten consent of the
peison constituting the same, the lattei's spouse, anu a majoiity of the
beneficiaiies of legal age. In case of conflict, the couit shall ueciue. (2SSa)
Ait. 1S9. The family home shall continue uespite the ueath of one oi both
spouses oi of the unmaiiieu heau of the family foi a peiiou of ten yeais oi foi as
long as theie is a minoi beneficiaiy, anu the heiis cannot paitition the same
unless the couit finus compelling ieasons theiefoi. This iule shall apply
iegaiuless of whoevei owns the piopeity oi constituteu the family home. (2S8a)
Ait. 16u. When a cieuitoi whose claims is not among those mentioneu in Aiticle
1SS obtains a juugment in his favoi, anu he has ieasonable giounus to believe
that the family home is actually woith moie than the maximum amount fixeu in
Aiticle 1S7, he may apply to the couit which ienueieu the juugment foi an oiuei
uiiecting the sale of the piopeity unuei execution. The couit shall so oiuei if it
finus that the actual value of the family home exceeus the maximum amount
alloweu by law as of the time of its constitution. If the incieaseu actual value
exceeus the maximum alloweu in Aiticle 1S7 anu iesults fiom subsequent
voluntaiy impiovements intiouuceu by the peison oi peisons constituting the
family home, by the ownei oi owneis of the piopeity, oi by any of the
beneficiaiies, the same iule anu pioceuuie shall apply.
At the execution sale, no biu below the value alloweu foi a family home shall be
consiueieu. The pioceeus shall be applieu fiist to the amount mentioneu in
Aiticle 1S7, anu then to the liabilities unuei the juugment anu the costs. The
excess, if any, shall be ueliveieu to the juugment uebtoi. (247a, 248a)
Ait. 161. Foi puiposes of availing of the benefits of a family home as pioviueu foi
in this Chaptei, a peison may constitute, oi be the beneficiaiy of, only one family
home. (n)
Ait. 162. The piovisions in this Chaptei shall also govein existing family
iesiuences insofai as saiu piovisions aie applicable. (n)
!(!)# I( .&!#1/(!* &/- %()(&!(,/ +345678 9: )7A=6=D467 +3=KE87G
Ait. 16S. The filiation of chiluien may be by natuie oi by auoption. Natuial
filiation may be legitimate oi illegitimate. (n)
Ait. 164. Chiluien conceiveu oi boin uuiing the maiiiage of the paients aie
Chiluien conceiveu as a iesult of aitificial insemination of the wife with the
speim of the husbanu oi that of a uonoi oi both aie likewise legitimate chiluien
of the husbanu anu his wife, pioviueu, that both of them authoiizeu oi iatifieu
such insemination in a wiitten instiument executeu anu signeu by them befoie
the biith of the chilu. The instiument shall be iecoiueu in the civil iegistiy
togethei with the biith ceitificate of the chilu. (SSa, 2S8a)
Ait. 16S. Chiluien conceiveu anu boin outsiue a valiu maiiiage aie illegitimate,
unless otheiwise pioviueu in this Coue. (n)
Ait. 166. Legitimacy of a chilu may be impugneu only on the following giounus:
(1) That it was physically impossible foi the husbanu to have sexual inteicouise
with his wife within the fiist 12u uays of the Suu uays which immeuiately
pieceueu the biith of the chilu because of:
(a) the physical incapacity of the husbanu to have sexual inteicouise with his
(b) the fact that the husbanu anu wife weie living sepaiately in such a way that
sexual inteicouise was not possible; oi
(c) seiious illness of the husbanu, which absolutely pieventeu sexual
(2) That it is pioveu that foi biological oi othei scientific ieasons, the chilu coulu
not have been that of the husbanu, except in the instance pioviueu in the seconu
paiagiaph of Aiticle 164; oi
(S) That in case of chiluien conceiveu thiough aitificial insemination, the wiitten
authoiization oi iatification of eithei paient was obtaineu thiough mistake,
fiauu, violence, intimiuation, oi unuue influence. (2SSa)
Ait. 167. The chilu shall be consiueieu legitimate although the mothei may have
ueclaieu against its legitimacy oi may have been sentenceu as an auulteiess.
Ait. 168. If the maiiiage is teiminateu anu the mothei contiacteu anothei
maiiiage within thiee hunuieu uays aftei such teimination of the foimei
maiiiage, these iules shall govein in the absence of pioof to the contiaiy:
(1) A chilu boin befoie one hunuieu eighty uays aftei the solemnization of the
subsequent maiiiage is consiueieu to have been conceiveu uuiing the foimei
maiiiage, pioviueu it be boin within thiee hunuieu uays aftei the teimination of
the foimei maiiiage;
(2) A chilu boin aftei one hunuieu eighty uays following the celebiation of the
subsequent maiiiage is consiueieu to have been conceiveu uuiing such
maiiiage, even though it be boin within the thiee hunuieu uays aftei the
teimination of the foimei maiiiage. (2S9a)
Ait. 169. The legitimacy oi illegitimacy of a chilu boin aftei thiee hunuieu uays
following the teimination of the maiiiage shall be pioveu by whoevei alleges
such legitimacy oi illegitimacy. (261a)
Ait. 17u. The action to impugn the legitimacy of the chilu shall be biought within
one yeai fiom the knowleuge of the biith oi its iecoiuing in the civil iegistei, if
the husbanu oi, in a piopei case, any of his heiis, shoulu iesiue in the city oi
municipality wheie the biith took place oi was iecoiueu.
If the husbanu oi, in his uefault, all of his heiis uo not iesiue at the place of biith
as uefineu in the fiist paiagiaph oi wheie it was iecoiueu, the peiiou shall be
two yeais if they shoulu iesiue in the Philippines; anu thiee yeais if abioau. If the
biith of the chilu has been concealeu fiom oi was unknown to the husbanu oi his
heiis, the peiiou shall be counteu fiom the uiscoveiy oi knowleuge of the biith of
the chilu oi of the fact of iegistiation of saiu biith, whichevei is eailiei. (26Sa)
Ait. 171. The heiis of the husbanu may impugn the filiation of the chilu within
the peiiou piesciibeu in the pieceuing aiticle only in the following cases:
(1) If the husbanu shoulu uieu befoie the expiiation of the peiiou fixeu foi
biinging his action;
(2) If he shoulu uie aftei the filing of the complaint without having uesisteu
theiefiom; oi
(S) If the chilu was boin aftei the ueath of the husbanu. (262a)
+345678 B: .8??@ ?@ %=K=46=?G
Ait. 172. The filiation of legitimate chiluien is establisheu by any of the
(1) The iecoiu of biith appeaiing in the civil iegistei oi a final juugment; oi
(2) An aumission of legitimate filiation in a public uocument oi a piivate
hanuwiitten instiument anu signeu by the paient conceineu.
In the absence of the foiegoing eviuence, the legitimate filiation shall be pioveu
(1) The open anu continuous possession of the status of a legitimate chilu; oi
(2) Any othei means alloweu by the Rules of Couit anu special laws. (26Sa, 266a,
Ait. 17S. The action to claim legitimacy may be biought by the chilu uuiing his oi
hei lifetime anu shall be tiansmitteu to the heiis shoulu the chilu uie uuiing
minoiity oi in a state of insanity. In these cases, the heiis shall have a peiiou of
five yeais within which to institute the action.
Ait. 174. Legitimate chiluien shall have the iight:
(1) To beai the suinames of the fathei anu the mothei, in confoimity with the
piovisions of the Civil Coue on Suinames;
(2) To ieceive suppoit fiom theii paients, theii ascenuants, anu in piopei cases,
theii biotheis anu sisteis, in confoimity with the piovisions of this Coue on
Suppoit; anu
(S) To be entitleu to the legitimate anu othei successional iights gianteu to them
by the Civil Coue. (264a)
+345678 H: (KK7A=6=D467 +3=KE87G
Ait. 17S. Illegitimate chiluien may establish theii illegitimate filiation in the
same way anu on the same eviuence as legitimate chiluien.
The action must be biought within the same peiiou specifieu in Aiticle 17S,
except when the action is baseu on the seconu paiagiaph of Aiticle 172, in which
case the action may be biought uuiing the lifetime of the allegeu paient. (289a)
Ait. 176. Illegitimate chiluien shall use the suiname anu shall be unuei the
paiental authoiity of theii mothei, anu shall be entitleu to suppoit in confoimity
with this Coue. The legitime of each illegitimate chilu shall consist of one-half of
the legitime of a legitimate chilu. Except foi this mouification, all othei
piovisions in the Civil Coue goveining successional iights shall iemain in foice.
+345678 Q: )7A=6=D467E +3=KE87G
Ait. 177. 0nly chiluien conceiveu anu boin outsiue of weulock of paients who, at
the time of the conception of the foimei, weie not uisqualifieu by any
impeuiment to maiiy each othei may be legitimateu. (269a)
Ait. 178. Legitimation shall take place by a subsequent valiu maiiiage between
paients. The annulment of a viouable maiiiage shall not affect the legitimation.
Ait. 179. Legitimateu chiluien shall enjoy the same iights as legitimate chiluien.
Ait. 18u. The effects of legitimation shall ietioact to the time of the chilu's biith.
Ait. 181. The legitimation of chiluien who uieu befoie the celebiation of the
maiiiage shall benefit theii uescenuants. (274)
Ait. 182. Legitimation may be impugneu only by those who aie piejuuiceu in
theii iights, within five yeais fiom the time theii cause of action acciues. (27Sa)
!(!)# I(( &-,.!(,/
Ait. 18S. A peison of age anu in possession of full civil capacity anu legal iights
may auopt, pioviueu he is in a position to suppoit anu caie foi his chiluien,
legitimate oi illegitimate, in keeping with the means of the family.
0nly minois may be auopteu, except in the cases when the auoption of a peison
of majoiity age is alloweu in this Title.
In auuition, the auoptei must be at least sixteen yeais oluei than the peison to
be auopteu, unless the auoptei is the paient by natuie of the auopteu, oi is the
spouse of the legitimate paient of the peison to be auopteu. (27a, E0 91 anu PB
Ait. 184. The following peisons may not auopt:
(1) The guaiuian with iespect to the waiu piioi to the appioval of the final
accounts ienueieu upon the teimination of theii guaiuianship ielation;
(2) Any peison who has been convicteu of a ciime involving moial tuipituue;
(S) An alien, except:
(a) A foimei Filipino citizen who seeks to auopt a ielative by consanguinity;
(b) 0ne who seeks to auopt the legitimate chilu of his oi hei Filipino spouse; oi
(c) 0ne who is maiiieu to a Filipino citizen anu seeks to auopt jointly with his oi
hei spouse a ielative by consanguinity of the lattei.
Aliens not incluueu in the foiegoing exceptions may auopt Filipino chiluien in
accoiuance with the iules on intei-countiy auoptions as may be pioviueu by law.
(28a, E0 91 anu PB 6uS)
Ait. 18S. Busbanu anu wife must jointly auopt, except in the following cases:
(1) When one spouse seeks to auopt his own illegitimate chilu; oi
(2) When one spouse seeks to auopt the legitimate chilu of the othei. (29a, E0 91
anu PB 6uS)
Ait. 186. In case husbanu anu wife jointly auopt oi one spouse auopts the
legitimate chilu of the othei, joint paiental authoiity shall be exeiciseu by the
spouses in accoiuance with this Coue. (29a, E0 anu PB 6uS)
Ait. 187. The following may not be auopteu:
(1) A peison of legal age, unless he oi she is a chilu by natuie of the auoptei oi
his oi hei spouse, oi, piioi to the auoption, saiu peison has been consistently
consiueieu anu tieateu by the auoptei as his oi hei own chilu uuiing minoiity.
(2) An alien with whose goveinment the Republic of the Philippines has no
uiplomatic ielations; anu
(S) A peison who has alieauy been auopteu unless such auoption has been
pieviously ievokeu oi iescinueu. (Sua, E0 91 anu PB 6uS)
Ait. 188. The wiitten consent of the following to the auoption shall be necessaiy:
(1) The peison to be auopteu, if ten yeais of age oi ovei,
(2) The paients by natuie of the chilu, the legal guaiuian, oi the piopei
goveinment instiumentality;
(S) The legitimate anu auopteu chiluien, ten yeais of age oi ovei, of the auopting
paient oi paients;
(4) The illegitimate chiluien, ten yeais of age oi ovei, of the auopting paient, if
living with saiu paient anu the lattei's spouse, if any; anu
(S) The spouse, if any, of the peison auopting oi to be auopteu. (S1a, E0 91 anu
PB 6uS)
Ait. 189. Auoption shall have the following effects:
(1) Foi civil puiposes, the auopteu shall be ueemeu to be a legitimate chilu of the
auopteis anu both shall acquiie the iecipiocal iights anu obligations aiising fiom
the ielationship of paient anu chilu, incluuing the iight of the auopteu to use the
suiname of the auopteis;
(2) The paiental authoiity of the paients by natuie ovei the auopteu shall
teiminate anu be vesteu in the auopteis, except that if the auoptei is the spouse
of the paient by natuie of the auopteu, paiental authoiity ovei the auopteu shall
be exeiciseu jointly by both spouses; anu
(S) The auopteu shall iemain an intestate heii of his paients anu othei bloou
ielatives. (S9(1)a, (S)a, PB 6uS)
Ait. 19u. Legal oi intestate succession to the estate of the auopteu shall be
goveineu by the following iules:
(1) Legitimate anu illegitimate chiluien anu uescenuants anu the suiviving
spouse of the auopteu shall inheiit fiom the auopteu, in accoiuance with the
oiuinaiy iules of legal oi intestate succession;
(2) When the paients, legitimate oi illegitimate, oi the legitimate ascenuants of
the auopteu concui with the auoptei, they shall uiviue the entiie estate, one-half
to be inheiiteu by the paients oi ascenuants anu the othei half, by the auopteis;
(S) When the suiviving spouse oi the illegitimate chiluien of the auopteu concui
with the auopteis, they shall uiviue the entiie estate in equal shaies, one-half to
be inheiiteu by the spouse oi the illegitimate chiluien of the auopteu anu the
othei half, by the auopteis.
(4) When the auopteis concui with the illegitimate chiluien anu the suiviving
spouse of the auopteu, they shall uiviue the entiie estate in equal shaies, one-
thiiu to be inheiiteu by the illegitimate chiluien, one-thiiu by the suiviving
spouse, anu one-thiiu by the auopteis;
(S) When only the auopteis suivive, they shall inheiit the entiie estate; anu
(6) When only collateial bloou ielatives of the auopteu suivive, then the
oiuinaiy iules of legal oi intestate succession shall apply. (S9(4)a, PB 6uS)
Ait. 191. If the auopteu is a minoi oi otheiwise incapacitateu, the auoption may
be juuicially iescinueu upon petition of any peison authoiizeu by the couit oi
piopei goveinment instiumental acting on his behalf, on the same giounus
piesciibeu foi loss oi suspension of paiental authoiity. If the auopteu is at least
eighteen yeais of age, he may petition foi juuicial iescission of the auoption on
the same giounus piesciibeu foi uisinheiiting an ascenuant. (4ua, PB 6uS)
Ait. 192. The auopteis may petition the couit foi the juuicial iescission of the
auoption in any of the following cases:
(1) If the auopteu has committeu any act constituting giounu foi uisinheiiting a
uescenuant; oi
(2) When the auopteu has abanuoneu the home of the auopteis uuiing minoiity
foi at least one yeai, oi, by some othei acts, has uefinitely iepuuiateu the
auoption. (41a, PB 6uS)
Ait. 19S. If the auopteu minoi has not ieacheu the age of majoiity at the time of
the juuicial iescission of the auoption, the couit in the same pioceeuing shall
ieinstate the paiental authoiity of the paients by natuie, unless the lattei aie
uisqualifieu oi incapacitateu, in which case the couit shall appoint a guaiuian
ovei the peison anu piopeity of the minoi. If the auopteu peison is physically oi
mentally hanuicappeu, the couit shall appoint in the same pioceeuing a guaiuian
ovei his peison oi piopeity oi both.
}uuicial iescission of the auoption shall extinguish all iecipiocal iights anu
obligations between the auopteis anu the auopteu aiising fiom the ielationship
of paient anu chilu. The auopteu shall likewise lose the iight to use the suinames
of the auopteis anu shall iesume his suiname piioi to the auoption.
The couit shall accoiuingly oiuei the amenument of the iecoius in the piopei
iegistiies. (42a, PB 6uS)
!(!)# I((( 0N..,1!
Ait. 194. Suppoit compiomises eveiything inuispensable foi sustenance,
uwelling, clothing, meuical attenuance, euucation anu tianspoitation, in keeping
with the financial capacity of the family.
The euucation of the peison entitleu to be suppoiteu iefeiieu to in the pieceuing
paiagiaph shall incluue his schooling oi tiaining foi some piofession, tiaue oi
vocation, even beyonu the age of majoiity. Tianspoitation shall incluue expenses
in going to anu fiom school, oi to anu fiom place of woik. (29ua)
Ait. 1uS. Subject to the piovisions of the succeeuing aiticles, the following aie
obligeu to suppoit each othei to the whole extent set foith in the pieceuing
(1) The spouses;
(2) Legitimate ascenuants anu uescenuants;
(S) Paients anu theii legitimate chiluien anu the legitimate anu illegitimate
chiluien of the lattei;
(4) Paients anu theii illegitimate chiluien anu the legitimate anu illegitimate
chiluien of the lattei; anu
(S) Legitimate biotheis anu sisteis, whethei of full oi half-bloou (291a)
Ait. 196. Biotheis anu sisteis not legitimately ielateu, whethei of the full oi half-
bloou, aie likewise bounu to suppoit each othei to the full extent set foith in
Aiticle 194, except only when the neeu foi suppoit of the biothei oi sistei, being
of age, is uue to a cause imputable to the claimant's fault oi negligence. (291a)
Ait. 197. In case of legitimate ascenuants; uescenuants, whethei legitimate oi
illegitimate; anu biotheis anu sisteis, whethei legitimately oi illegitimately
ielateu, only the sepaiate piopeity of the peison obligeu to give suppoit shall be
answeiable pioviueu that in case the obligoi has no sepaiate piopeity, the
absolute community oi the conjugal paitneiship, if financially capable, shall
auvance the suppoit, which shall be ueuucteu fiom the shaie of the spouse
obligeu upon the liquiuation of the absolute community oi of the conjugal
paitneiship. (n)
Ait. 198. Buiing the pioceeuings foi legal sepaiation oi foi annulment of
maiiiage, anu foi ueclaiation of nullity of maiiiage, the spouses anu theii
chiluien shall be suppoiteu fiom the piopeities of the absolute community oi
the conjugal paitneiship. Aftei the final juugment gianting the petition, the
obligation of mutual suppoit between the spouses ceases. Bowevei, in case of
legal sepaiation, the couit may oiuei that the guilty spouse shall give suppoit to
the innocent one, specifying the teims of such oiuei. (292a)
Ait. 199. Whenevei two oi moie peisons aie obligeu to give suppoit, the liability
shall uevolve upon the following peisons in the oiuei heiein pioviueu:
(1) The spouse;
(2) The uescenuants in the neaiest uegiee;
(S) The ascenuants in the neaiest uegiee; anu
(4) The biotheis anu sisteis. (294a)
Ait. 2uu. When the obligation to give suppoit falls upon two oi moie peisons, the
payment of the same shall be uiviueu between them in piopoition to the
iesouices of each.
Bowevei, in case of uigent neeu anu by special ciicumstances, the juuge may
oiuei only one of them to fuinish the suppoit piovisionally, without piejuuice to
his iight to claim fiom the othei obligois the shaie uue fiom them.
When two oi moie iecipients at the same time claim suppoit fiom one anu the
same peison legally obligeu to give it, shoulu the lattei not have sufficient means
to satisfy all claims, the oiuei establisheu in the pieceuing aiticle shall be
followeu, unless the concuiient obligees shoulu be the spouse anu a chilu subject
to paiental authoiity, in which case the chilu shall be piefeiieu. (29Sa)
Ait. 2u1. The amount of suppoit, in the cases iefeiieu to in Aiticles 19S anu 196,
shall be in piopoition to the iesouices oi means of the givei anu to the
necessities of the iecipient. (296a)
Ait. 2u2. Suppoit in the cases iefeiieu to in the pieceuing aiticle shall be
ieuuceu oi incieaseu piopoitionately, accoiuing to the ieuuction oi inciease of
the necessities of the iecipient anu the iesouices oi means of the peison obligeu
to fuinish the same. (297a)
Ait. 2uS. The obligation to give suppoit shall be uemanuable fiom the time the
peison who has a iight to ieceive the same neeus it foi maintenance, but it shall
not be paiu except fiom the uate of juuicial oi extiajuuicial uemanu.
Suppoit penuente lite may be claimeu in accoiuance with the Rules of Couit.
Payment shall be maue within the fiist five uays of each coiiesponuing month oi
when the iecipient uies, his heiis shall not be obligeu to ietuin what he has
ieceiveu in auvance. (298a)
Ait. 2u4. The peison obligeu to give suppoit shall have the option to fulfill the
obligation eithei by paying the allowance fixeu, oi by ieceiving anu maintaining
in the family uwelling the peison who has a iight to ieceive suppoit. The lattei
alteinative cannot be availeu of in case theie is a moial oi legal obstacle theieto.
Ait. 2uS. The iight to ieceive suppoit unuei this Title as well as any money oi
piopeity obtaineu as such suppoit shall not be levieu upon on attachment oi
execution. (Su2a)
Ait. 2u6. When, without the knowleuge of the peison obligeu to give suppoit, it is
given by a stiangei, the lattei shall have a iight to claim the same fiom the
foimei, unless it appeais that he gave it without intention of being ieimbuiseu.
Ait. 2u7. When the peison obligeu to suppoit anothei unjustly iefuses oi fails to
give suppoit when uigently neeueu by the lattei, any thiiu peison may fuinish
suppoit to the neeuy inuiviuual, with iight of ieimbuisement fiom the peison
obligeu to give suppoit. This Aiticle shall paiticulaily apply when the fathei oi
mothei of a chilu unuei the age of majoiity unjustly iefuses to suppoit oi fails to
give suppoit to the chilu when uigently neeueu. (2166a)
Ait. 2u8. In case of contiactual suppoit oi that given by will, the excess in
amount beyonu that iequiieu foi legal suppoit shall be subject to levy on
attachment oi execution.
Fuitheimoie, contiactual suppoit shall be subject to aujustment whenevei
mouification is necessaiy uue to changes of ciicumstances manifestly beyonu the
contemplation of the paities. (n)
!(!)# (X .&1#/!&) &N!",1(!* +345678 9: 27G784K .8?O=>=?G>
Ait. 2u9. Puisuant to the natuial iight anu uuty of paients ovei the peison anu
piopeity of theii unemancipateu chiluien, paiental authoiity anu iesponsibility
shall incluue the caiing foi anu ieaiing them foi civic consciousness anu
efficiency anu the uevelopment of theii moial, mental anu physical chaiactei anu
well-being. (n)
Ait. 21u. Paiental authoiity anu iesponsibility may not be ienounceu oi
tiansfeiieu except in the cases authoiizeu by law. (S1Sa)
Ait. 211. The fathei anu the mothei shall jointly exeicise paiental authoiity ovei
the peisons of theii common chiluien. In case of uisagieement, the fathei's
uecision shall pievail, unless theie is a juuicial oiuei to the contiaiy.
Chiluien shall always obseive iespect anu ieveience towaius theii paients anu
aie obligeu to obey them as long as the chiluien aie unuei paiental authoiity.
Ait. 212. In case of absence oi ueath of eithei paient, the paient piesent shall
continue exeicising paiental authoiity. The iemaiiiage of the suiviving paient
shall not affect the paiental authoiity ovei the chiluien, unless the couit
appoints anothei peison to be the guaiuian of the peison oi piopeity of the
chiluien. (n)
Ait. 21S. In case of sepaiation of the paients, paiental authoiity shall be
exeiciseu by the paient uesignateu by the Couit. The Couit shall take into
account all ielevant consiueiations, especially the choice of the chilu ovei seven
yeais of age, unless the paient chosen is unfit. (n)
Ait. 214. In case of ueath, absence oi unsuitability of the paients, substitute
paiental authoiity shall be exeiciseu by the suiviving gianupaient. In case
seveial suivive, the one uesignateu by the couit, taking into account the same
consiueiation mentioneu in the pieceuing aiticle, shall exeicise the authoiity.
Ait. 21S. No uescenuant shall be compelleu, in a ciiminal case, to testify against
his paients anu gianupaients, except when such testimony is inuispensable in a
ciime against the uescenuant oi by one paient against the othei. (S1Sa)
+345678 B: 0<J>6=6<67 4GE 057F=4K .487G64K &<63?8=6P
Ait. 216. In uefault of paients oi a juuicially appointeu guaiuian, the following
peison shall exeicise substitute paiental authoiity ovei the chilu in the oiuei
(1) The suiviving gianupaient, as pioviueu in Ait. 214;
(2) The oluest biothei oi sistei, ovei twenty-one yeais of age, unless unfit oi
uisqualifieu; anu
(S) The chilu's actual custouian, ovei twenty-one yeais of age, unless unfit oi
Whenevei the appointment oi a juuicial guaiuian ovei the piopeity of the chilu
becomes necessaiy, the same oiuei of piefeience shall be obseiveu. (S49a, SS1a,
Ait. 217. In case of founulings, abanuoneu neglecteu oi abuseu chiluien anu
othei chiluien similaily situateu, paiental authoiity shall be entiusteu in
summaiy juuicial pioceeuings to heaus of chiluien's homes, oiphanages anu
similai institutions uuly accieuiteu by the piopei goveinment agency. (S14a)
Ait. 218. The school, its auministiatois anu teacheis, oi the inuiviuual, entity oi
institution engageu in chilu aie shall have special paiental authoiity anu
iesponsibility ovei the minoi chilu while unuei theii supeivision, instiuction oi
Authoiity anu iesponsibility shall apply to all authoiizeu activities whethei
insiue oi outsiue the piemises of the school, entity oi institution. (S49a)
Ait. 219. Those given the authoiity anu iesponsibility unuei the pieceuing
Aiticle shall be piincipally anu soliuaiily liable foi uamages causeu by the acts oi
omissions of the unemancipateu minoi. The paients, juuicial guaiuians oi the
peisons exeicising substitute paiental authoiity ovei saiu minoi shall be
subsiuiaiily liable.
The iespective liabilities of those iefeiieu to in the pieceuing paiagiaph shall
not apply if it is pioveu that they exeiciseu the piopei uiligence iequiieu unuei
the paiticulai ciicumstances.
All othei cases not coveieu by this anu the pieceuing aiticles shall be goveineu
by the piovisions of the Civil Coue on quasi-uelicts. (n)
+345678 H: #@@7F6 ?@ .487G64K &<63?8=6P N5?G 637 .78>?G> ?@ 637 +3=KE87G
Ait. 22u. The paients anu those exeicising paiental authoiity shall have with the
iespect to theii unemancipateu chiluien on waius the following iights anu
(1) To keep them in theii company, to suppoit, euucate anu instiuct them by
iight piecept anu goou example, anu to pioviue foi theii upbiinging in keeping
with theii means;
(2) To give them love anu affection, auvice anu counsel, companionship anu
(S) To pioviue them with moial anu spiiitual guiuance, inculcate in them
honesty, integiity, self-uiscipline, self-ieliance, inuustiy anu thiift, stimulate
theii inteiest in civic affaiis, anu inspiie in them compliance with the uuties of
(4) To fuinish them with goou anu wholesome euucational mateiials, supeivise
theii activities, iecieation anu association with otheis, piotect them fiom bau
company, anu pievent them fiom acquiiing habits uetiimental to theii health,
stuuies anu moials;
(S) To iepiesent them in all matteis affecting theii inteiests;
(6) To uemanu fiom them iespect anu obeuience;
(7) To impose uiscipline on them as may be iequiieu unuei the ciicumstances;
(8) To peifoim such othei uuties as aie imposeu by law upon paients anu
guaiuians. (S16a)
Ait. 221. Paients anu othei peisons exeicising paiental authoiity shall be civilly
liable foi the injuiies anu uamages causeu by the acts oi omissions of theii
unemancipateu chiluien living in theii company anu unuei theii paiental
authoiity subject to the appiopiiate uefenses pioviueu by law. (218u(2)a anu
(4)a )
Ait. 222. The couits may appoint a guaiuian of the chilu's piopeity oi a guaiuian
au litem when the best inteiests of the chilu so iequiies. (S17)
Ait. 22S. The paients oi, in theii absence oi incapacity, the inuiviuual, entity oi
institution exeicising paiental authoiity, may petition the piopei couit of the
place wheie the chilu iesiues, foi an oiuei pioviuing foi uisciplinaiy measuies
ovei the chilu. The chilu shall be entitleu to the assistance of counsel, eithei of
his choice oi appointeu by the couit, anu a summaiy heaiing shall be conuucteu
wheiein the petitionei anu the chilu shall be heaiu.
Bowevei, if in the same pioceeuing the couit finus the petitionei at fault,
iiiespective of the meiits of the petition, oi when the ciicumstances so waiiant,
the couit may also oiuei the uepiivation oi suspension of paiental authoiity oi
auopt such othei measuies as it may ueem just anu piopei. (S18a)
Ait. 224. The measuies iefeiieu to in the pieceuing aiticle may incluue the
commitment of the chilu foi not moie than thiity uays in entities oi institutions
engageu in chilu caie oi in chiluien's homes uuly accieuiteu by the piopei
goveinment agency.
The paient exeicising paiental authoiity shall not inteifeie with the caie of the
chilu whenevei committeu but shall pioviue foi his suppoit. 0pon piopei
petition oi at its own instance, the couit may teiminate the commitment of the
chilu whenevei just anu piopei. (S91a)
+345678 Q: #@@7F6 ?@ .487G64K &<63?8=6P N5?G 637 .8?5786P ?@ 637 +3=KE87G
Ait. 22S. The fathei anu the mothei shall jointly exeicise legal guaiuianship ovei
the piopeity of the unemancipateu common chilu without the necessity of a
couit appointment. In case of uisagieement, the fathei's uecision shall pievail,
unless theie is a juuicial oiuei to the contiaiy.
Wheie the maiket value of the piopeity oi the annual income of the chilu
exceeus PSu,uuu, the paient conceineu shall be iequiieu to fuinish a bonu in
such amount as the couit may ueteimine, but not less than ten pei centum
(1u%) of the value of the piopeity oi annual income, to guaiantee the
peifoimance of the obligations piesciibeu foi geneial guaiuians.
A veiifieu petition foi appioval of the bonu shall be fileu in the piopei couit of
the place wheie the chilu iesiues, oi, if the chilu iesiues in a foieign countiy, in
the piopei couit of the place wheie the piopeity oi any pait theieof is situateu.
The petition shall be uocketeu as a summaiy special pioceeuing in which all
inciuents anu issues iegaiuing the peifoimance of the obligations iefeiieu to in
the seconu paiagiaph of this Aiticle shall be heaiu anu iesolveu.
The oiuinaiy iules on guaiuianship shall be meiely suppletoiy except when the
chilu is unuei substitute paiental authoiity, oi the guaiuian is a stiangei, oi a
paient has iemaiiieu, in which case the oiuinaiy iules on guaiuianship shall
apply. (S2ua)
Ait. 226. The piopeity of the unemancipateu chilu eaineu oi acquiieu with his
woik oi inuustiy oi by oneious oi giatuitous title shall belong to the chilu in
owneiship anu shall be uevoteu exclusively to the lattei's suppoit anu euucation,
unless the title oi tiansfei pioviues otheiwise.
The iight of the paients ovei the fiuits anu income of the chilu's piopeity shall
be limiteu piimaiily to the chilu's suppoit anu seconuaiily to the collective uaily
neeus of the family. (S21a, S2Sa)
Ait. 227. If the paients entiust the management oi auministiation of any of theii
piopeities to an unemancipateu chilu, the net pioceeus of such piopeity shall
belong to the ownei. The chilu shall be given a ieasonable monthly allowance in
an amount not less than that which the ownei woulu have paiu if the
auministiatoi weie a stiangei, unless the ownei, giants the entiie pioceeus to
the chilu. In any case, the pioceeus thus give in whole oi in pait shall not be
chaigeu to the chilu's legitime. (S22a)
+345678 U: 0<>57G>=?G ?8 !78D=G46=?G ?@ .487G64K &<63?8=6P
Ait. 228. Paiental authoiity teiminates peimanently:
(1) 0pon the ueath of the paients;
(2) 0pon the ueath of the chilu; oi
(S) 0pon emancipation of the chilu. (S27a)
Ait. 229. 0nless subsequently ieviveu by a final juugment, paiental authoiity
also teiminates:
(1) 0pon auoption of the chilu;
(2) 0pon appointment of a geneial guaiuian;
(S) 0pon juuicial ueclaiation of abanuonment of the chilu in a case fileu foi the
(4) 0pon final juugment of a competent couit uivesting the paity conceineu of
paiental authoiity; oi
(S) 0pon juuicial ueclaiation of absence oi incapacity of the peison exeicising
paiental authoiity. (S27a)
Ait. 2Su. Paiental authoiity is suspenueu upon conviction of the paient oi the
peison exeicising the same of a ciime which caiiies with it the penalty of civil
inteiuiction. The authoiity is automatically ieinstateu upon seivice of the
penalty oi upon paiuon oi amnesty of the offenuei. (SSua)
Ait. 2S1. The couit in an action fileu foi the puipose in a ielateu case may also
suspenu paiental authoiity if the paient oi the peison exeicising the same:
(1) Tieats the chilu with excessive haishness oi ciuelty;
(2) uives the chilu coiiupting oiueis, counsel oi example;
(S) Compels the chilu to beg; oi
(4) Subjects the chilu oi allows him to be subjecteu to acts of lasciviousness.
The giounus enumeiateu above aie ueemeu to incluue cases which have
iesulteu fiom culpable negligence of the paient oi the peison exeicising paiental
authoiity. !"#$%&'()*+
If the uegiee of seiiousness so waiiants, oi the welfaie of the chilu so uemanus,
the couit shall uepiive the guilty paity of paiental authoiity oi auopt such othei
measuies as may be piopei unuei the ciicumstances.
The suspension oi uepiivation may be ievokeu anu the paiental authoiity
ieviveu in a case fileu foi the puipose oi in the same pioceeuing if the couit finus
that the cause theiefoi has ceaseu anu will not be iepeateu. (SSa)
Ait. 2S2. If the peison exeicising paiental authoiity has subjecteu the chilu oi
alloweu him to be subjecteu to sexual abuse, such peison shall be peimanently
uepiiveu by the couit of such authoiity. (n)
Ait. 2SS. The peison exeicising substitute paiental authoiity shall have the same
authoiity ovei the peison of the chilu as the paients.
In no case shall the school auministiatoi, teachei of inuiviuual engageu in chilu
caie exeicising special paiental authoiity inflict coipoial punishment upon the
chilu. (n)
!(!)# X #'&/+(.&!(,/ &/- &2# ,% '&Y,1(!*
Ait. 2S4. Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majoiity. 0nless
otheiwise pioviueu, majoiity commences at the age of twenty-one yeais.
Emancipation also takes place:
(1) By the maiiiage of the minoi; oi
(2) By the iecoiuing in the Civil Registei of an agieement in a public instiument
executeu by the paient exeicising paiental authoiity anu the minoi at least
eighteen yeais of age. Such emancipation shall be iiievocable. (S97a, S98a, 4uua,
Ait. 2SS. The piovisions goveining emancipation by iecoiueu agieement shall
also apply to an oiphan minoi anu the peison exeicising paiental authoiity but
the agieement must be appioveu by the couit befoie it is iecoiueu. (n)
Ait. 2S6. Emancipation foi any cause shall teiminate paiental authoiity ovei the
peison anu piopeity of the chilu who shall then be qualifieu anu iesponsible foi
all acts of civil life. (412a)
Ait. 2S7. The annulment oi ueclaiation of nullity of the maiiiage of a minoi oi of
the iecoiueu agieement mentioneu in the foiegoing. Aiticles 2S4 anu 2SS shall
ievive the paiental authoiity ovei the minoi but shall not affect acts anu
tiansactions that took place piioi to the iecoiuing of the final juugment in the
Civil Registei. (n)
!(!)# X( 0N''&1* YN-(+(&) .1,+##-(/20 (/ !"# %&'()* )&M +345678
9: .87@46?8P .8?O=>=?G>
Ait. 2S8. 0ntil mouifieu by the Supieme Couit, the pioceuuial iules pioviueu foi
in this Title shall apply as iegaius sepaiation in fact between husbanu anu wife,
abanuonment by one of the othei, anu inciuents involving paiental authoiity. (n)
+345678 B: 0754846=?G =G %4F6
Ait. 2S9. When a husbanu anu wife aie sepaiateu in fact, oi one has abanuoneu
the othei anu one of them seeks juuicial authoiization foi a tiansaction wheie
the consent of the othei spouse is iequiieu by law but such consent is withhelu
oi cannot be obtaineu, a veiifieu petition may be fileu in couit alleging the
foiegoing facts.
The petition shall attach the pioposeu ueeu, if any, embouying the tiansaction,
anu, if none, shall uesciibe in uetail the saiu tiansaction anu state the ieason why
the iequiieu consent theieto cannot be secuieu. In any case, the final ueeu uuly
executeu by the paities shall be submitteu to anu appioveu by the couit. (n)
Ait. 24u. Claims foi uamages by eithei spouse, except costs of the pioceeuings,
may be litigateu only in a sepaiate action. (n)
Ait. 241. }uiisuiction ovei the petition shall, upon pioof of notice to the othei
spouse, be exeiciseu by the piopei couit authoiizeu to heai family cases, if one
exists, oi in the iegional tiial couit oi its equivalent sitting in the place wheie
eithei of the spouses iesiues. (n)
Ait. 242. 0pon the filing of the petition, the couit shall notify the othei spouse,
whose consent to the tiansaction is iequiieu, of saiu petition, oiueiing saiu
spouse to show cause why the petition shoulu not be gianteu, on oi befoie the
uate set in saiu notice foi the initial confeience. The notice shall be accompanieu
by a copy of the petition anu shall be seiveu at the last known auuiess of the
spouse conceineu. (n)
Ait. 24S. A pieliminaiy confeience shall be conuucteu by the juuge peisonally
without the paities being assisteu by counsel. Aftei the initial confeience, if the
couit ueems it useful, the paities may be assisteu by counsel at the succeeuing
confeiences anu heaiings. (n)
Ait. 244. In case of non-appeaiance of the spouse whose consent is sought, the
couit shall inquiie into the ieasons foi his failuie to appeai, anu shall iequiie
such appeaiance, if possible. (n)
Ait. 24S. If, uespite all effoits, the attenuance of the non-consenting spouse is not
secuieu, the couit may pioceeu ex paite anu ienuei juugment as the facts anu
ciicumstances may waiiant. In any case, the juuge shall enueavoi to piotect the
inteiests of the non-appeaiing spouse. (n)
Ait. 246. If the petition is not iesolveu at the initial confeience, saiu petition shall
be ueciueu in a summaiy heaiing on the basis of affiuavits, uocumentaiy
eviuence oi oial testimonies at the sounu uiscietion of the couit. If testimony is
neeueu, the couit shall specify the witnesses to be heaiu anu the subject-mattei
of theii testimonies, uiiecting the paities to piesent saiu witnesses. (n)
Ait. 247. The juugment of the couit shall be immeuiately final anu executoiy. (n)
Ait. 248. The petition foi juuicial authoiity to auministei oi encumbei specific
sepaiate piopeity of the abanuoning spouse anu to use the fiuits oi pioceeus
theieof foi the suppoit of the family shall also be goveineu by these iules. (n)
+345678 H: (GF=E7G6> (GO?KO=GA .487G64K &<63?8=6P
Ait. 249. Petitions fileu unuei Aiticles 22S, 22S anu 2SS of this Coue involving
paiental authoiity shall be veiifieu.. (n)
Ait. 2Su. Such petitions shall be veiifieu anu fileu in the piopei couit of the place
wheie the chilu iesiues. (n)
Ait. 2S1. 0pon the filing of the petition, the couit shall notify the paients oi, in
theii absence oi incapacity, the inuiviuuals, entities oi institutions exeicising
paiental authoiity ovei the chilu. (n)
Ait. 2S2. The iules in Chaptei 2 heieof shall also govein summaiy pioceeuings
unuei this Chaptei insofai as they aie applicable. (n)
!(!)# X(( %(/&) .1,I(0(,/0
Ait. 2SS. Titles III, Iv, v, vI, vIII, IX, XI, anu Xv of Book 1 of Republic Act No. S86,
otheiwise known as the Civil Coue of the Philippines, as amenueu, anu Aiticles
17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, Su, S1, S9, 4u, 41, anu 42 of Piesiuential Beciee No. 6uS,
otheiwise known as the Chilu anu Youth Welfaie Coue, as amenueu, anu all laws,
ueciees, executive oiueis, pioclamations, iules anu iegulations, oi paits theieof,
inconsistent heiewith aie heieby iepealeu.
Ait. 2S4. If any piovision of this Coue is helu invaliu, all the othei piovisions not
affecteu theieby shall iemain valiu.
Ait. 2SS. This Coue shall have ietioactive effect insofai as it uoes not piejuuice
oi impaii vesteu oi acquiieu iights in accoiuance with the Civil Coue oi othei
Ait. 26S. This Coue shall take effect one yeai aftei the completion of its
publication in a newspapei of geneial ciiculation, as ceitifieu by the Executive
Secietaiy, 0ffice of the Piesiuent.
Bone in the City of Nanila, this 6th uay of }uly, in the yeai of 0ui Loiu, nineteen
hunuieu anu eighty-seven.

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