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A Shot At Life

Written by inksandpapers

Prologue: One Step Closer

"Lo siento, mi amor..." Those were the last words she whispered before she finally dozed off. She rested her head on her arms, her hands touching mineor at least, my body. I tried to talk to her, and touch her but nothing happened. I guess being ethereal had its perks and I did not enjoy any of it. Santana's always around. She barely left my side since the day she arrived. If not for Brittany's persistence, to which I am thankful for, she wouldn't have left for meals or bath. It's not that I wanted her to leaveI did not. But she had to rest too. It pains me to see her depressed and in tears most of the times. Oh waitdid I say pain? I haven't felt any. Although I think I'm supposed to, seeing the love of my life break down once in a while, and not being able to do anything about itnothing. So every second, of every minute, of every day she watched over me, I watched over her. I knew she couldn't hear me, but I did sing for her while she slept. I sit and stared at her for all eternity. It's not how I wanted the two of us spend time together, but I guess this should work since we didn't really have any other choice. Well, I don't think I could ever have the courage to tell her how much I love her in any other way anyway, so I'm half thankful I get to experience this and that I-I get to know her answer. It's been a while now, and I'm staring at her again. She looks so peaceful while she slept. Maybe she could feel me? I don't know, her lips curves into a sweet smile. I hope she's dreaming about me. I have my eyes locked on the beautiful Latina, resting beside my body, but I sensed someone else watching her. As I flew around, I saw the very person I was most grateful for. Her blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail; her rosy lips pursed together; her dashing blue eyes stared at us. If you looked straight into her eyes, you wouldve seen sadness. But there was something else I could not read. It was as if she's thinking way too deeper than that. I was standing behind Santana when she entered the room. I turned sideways and I saw her on the opposite side of the bed, patting my head. She was one of the few doctors who believed that there's still something that could save me, or at least prolong my life. There were few others, but I trust her more. I dont understand why, but I have the strong will to trust her. A tear streamed down her cheek as she placed her hand over mine, her eyes gazing at Santana this time. She wiped the tear off her cheek and cleared her throat. I'm sure she had seen worse, so why was she being emotional? Santana wasn't a light sleeper. But given the circumstance, she managed to learn how to be one. She wanted to be the very first person Quinn would see as she wakes up, and she most definitely not want to miss that moment. A low sound had woke her up. She looked up, eyes half closed, and saw Quinn's doctor stand by her on the other side.

"Dr. Robbins?" She said as she rubbed her eyes. "I-is there... Is she" "No, no. She's fine. Everything is fine, Santana." Arizona's soft voice echoed in the room. "I'm just checking up on her, and" "There's no change, is there?" The brunette spat bitterly. The pediatric surgeon sighed and turned back to the motionless girl on the bed. "I'm afraid there isn't." Santana composed herself and placed a hand on Quinns cheek. "Its been a while now. Her dreary eyes, tired from staying up late, squinted as she examined the younger blondes facial features. Arizona looked at the Latina. At that very moment, nostalgia flooded her senses. It was more than a year ago when she was sitting right where the Latina was sitting right then. "I really miss my best friend, my frenemy, my" The brunette's eyes were filled with tears, on the verge of falling. The pediatric surgeon stared back at the ex-Cheerio. She knew that the agony of waiting was just too much to take for someone who really cares. She felt how great the affection Santana has for her bedridden friend. Her eyes were screaming it. She need not to say it out loud. I know its hard, what youre going through right now. But I have my faith on your friend, shell come back soon. Arizona said, flashing an assuring smile to the Latina. Doctors don't make promises to patients or their families. It was unethical knowing that even in the simplest procedure, something could go wrong. But Arizona did. She was that optimistic with Quinn. She had too much confidence as if the battle was her own. Santana smiled bitterly. "Dr. Robbins, She paused for a moment. Why are you so positive about Quinn anyway?" The blonde surgeon showed her rare smirk to the young brunette as if the question was, kind of, stupid. She closed her eyes for moment, before she looked back at those brown eyes longing for her answer. "I just do." Santana's eyebrows met in confusion. "You just do?" The perky doctor unknowingly flashed her super magic smile at the young Latina. Uh, huh. She reaffirmed. You know, youre quite different from the other doctors around here. Santana said, not taking her crossed bows in curiosity which earned a low chuckle from the surgeon. Yeah I get that a lot. Arizona said, winking at the young Latina. The ex-Cheerio shrugged and smiled. She turned back to the sleeping beauty in front of her. At least youre not that badnot bad at all.

San smiled. Santana Lopez smiled. Its been ages since I last saw my Santana smiled. WaitSans not mine, or at least not yet. Or if I ran out of luck, maybe she will never be. But Im happy that she did smile. Doctor Robbins sure knows how to make things bright. Im glad shes around. I was so engrossed in what I was witnessing when I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I almost jumped in surprise to feel someone differently from the way I felt Santana or Brittany, or the nurses visiting me once in a while. It hasnt been a year yet, but I am already estranged to such senses. Anyway, it was a guy in a military uniform who tapped me. His hair was neatly shaven and he wore a sweet smile on his face. There was sorrow in his eyes but he seemed to be a nice person, I could tell by his aura. He's wearing an official military uniform so he must be a hero of some kind. I don't really trust just an acquaintance but this guy was different. If I was not in the hospital, I swear I could have said I was looking at an angel. He gestured somewhere towards the end of the corridor, asking for me to follow him. I'd rather not move away from my Santana, but he was persistent. I thought, there's nothing to lose anyway, so I followed him. I left my San and I followed him. After minutes of silence, Arizonas pager went berserk, beeping like hell. The blondes bright face turned the opposite as she looked into it. Santana noticed the change of atmosphere but thought it was just another case of a dying child. Crap! It couldnt be This is way off the schedule! The pediatric surgeon panicked. She almost ran as soon as she glanced at her pager, but stopped herself for a moment to calm herself. I-I have to Its a She said. Her voice was half trembling. The young Latina, confused at Arizonas odd behavior to a supposedly normal situation at a hospital, nodded at surgeon. I understand. Go, kick some ass. Santana smirked at the surgeon. She then saw a hint of tears at the womans eyes. However, the blonde forced a smile and that reassured Santana. People we love never really leave us, you know. The doctor said before she finally exited the room. That left Santana quite hanging. I had a lot of questions to the guy, like where we were headed, what was his name or why he asked me to come. But the guy was too reserved. I was not even sure if he was aware of my existence behind him. I know you have a lot of questions in mind, Lucy. The guy in the military uniform spoke. Wait, what did he just call me?

Yes, I know your name. We all do. In fact, theyre all expecting you already. He continued, occasionally glancing at Quinn as he spoke. Fuck, this guys a mind reader! Dont worry. I cant read your mind. I just assumed that youre wondering how I got your name. Quinn raised an eyebrow and stopped walking. The guy stopped too, a few steps ahead of her. Okay, so youre not reading my mind but youre answers are kind of exactly what my questions are about. She said to him, who then started to look worried. The guy was fidgeting too. Well, yeah. I just get that a lot. Im used to it already. I dont understand. Quinn started to pace back and forth. We can talk about it as we go on. Go on to where? The guy almost rubbed his temple but kept his hands on his sides. I shouldnt really be the one to tell you stuff. You have to see it for yourself. Wait, I couldnt be No, Im not Nah, Im not buying that. You see, were both etherealyou and I, and I have been so patient following you into this seemingly endless corridor when, in fact, I wanted to go back to my room so bad. So unless you tell me the what, when, where, how and why of all of this Quinn pointed to nowhere in particular. Im not taking another step forward. Quinn crossed her arms; her HBIC mode on as she glared at the guy. Ha. Youve got the wrong bitch, buddy. Okay, I guess we can delay for a moment. The guy gave in. He scratched the back of his head. He composed himself and faced the confused blonde. His face turned serious, without the entire worried look he had earlier. My names George OMalley, and you, Lucy Quinn Fabray Could you stop calling me that, please? The blonde exclaimed, irritated by the guy, George, using her full name. George was quite stunned by the blondes cut, but he continued. You are making the transition. Howwhat transition? What do you mean? George let out a deep sigh before he continued.

It means youre dying. And then it just happened. "Q-Quinn?" Santana screamed. Quinn's heart beat rate increased rapidly. The nurse nearby entered the room and pushed the button on the bed. Instantly, a number of nurses and doctors flooded the room. One of them escorted Santana out of the room. "W-what's happening? Tell me whats going on!" The young Latina exclaimed. Her eyes were filled with horror. "I will after I learn it myself, okay?" The guy wearing a light blue robe said to the young Latina. She wanted to argue a bit more, but the doctor rushed back in and helped everyone inside. Everything was happening too quickly that she didn't even have time to panic. Her mind shut down. All she could do was watch from the outside as the doctors pull a familiar machine closer to Quinn. Santana wanted to move. She wanted to return back to the room but her feet were glued to the ground. She couldn't process what was happening, not until she heard them. "We're losing her!" "No, no, no! Charge to 200, clear!" And then a continued plain sound of the ECG losing heart beat echoed in her ears. There was no more heartbeat even if the machine was supposed to put it there. She was losing her, that's what's happening. She's losing Quinn Fabray.

Appendix A thousand years by Christina Perri Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave How can I love when I'm afraid To fall But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought Your heart to me I have loved you for a Thousand years One step closer I'll love you for a Thousand more I have died everyday Waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for a Thousand more

I have died everyday waiting for you Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years I'll love you for aThousand more

One step closer One step closer

(Repeat Chorus)

Time stands still beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything Take away What's standing in front of me Every breath, Every hour has come to this

One step closer

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