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Project Timeline & Stages

Define project scope Define outline budget Secure necessary surveys Define project team Contract review & signing

Schematic Design
Acquaint client with project framework and processes Visit to site by design team Prepare draft sketches based on project scope and modify as client requires Secure revised estimate from QS based on draft sketches Contractor to submit estimate of construction.

Design Development
Design Team prepares detailed drawings to more fully describe the project based on approved draft sketches. Prepare & secure client approval for design development report.1 Secure revised estimate from QS based on design development drawings and report.

Construction Documents
Design Team prepares detailed drawings to fully describe the project for the purpose of construction and building approval. QS prepare full budget estimate and bills of quantities. Agree construction price with contractor. Agree Form of Contract with contractor. Make building approval application to the KSAC.2

Negotiate final construction price with contractor. Establish project construction schedule. Signing of contract between client ad contractor.

Contract Administration
Construction begins! Monthly meetings and monitoring of work progress. Design Team supplies whatever additional information may be required by the contractor. Upon completion of works, a list of defects will be generated for correction by the contractor. Client occupy home! Maintenance period3 by the contractor begins! Corrections of defects by the contractor & settling of final accounts with said contractor. Stage is deemed complete upon handing over of keys to the client by the contractor.

Activities & Milestones

Stage is deemed complete with client sign contract(s) & paying retainers.

Stage is deemed complete with client approval of draft sketches.

Stage is deemed complete with client approval of Design development drawings and report.

Stage is deemed complete with one copy of the full set of construction drawings submitted to the client.

Stage is deemed complete upon signing of contract with selected contractor.

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Determine project financing approach Pay surveyor(s) Pay retainers

End of Stage payments to Design Team

End of Stage payments to Design Team

End of Stage payments to Design Team Pay building approval application fee

End of Stage payments to Design Team Contractor Mobilised usually 10% contract value.

Monthly payments to contractor. Payments to design team. Final payment to contractor and design team at end of maintenance period.

Notes: 1. Design Development Report: This document outlines the systems, materials and finishes including the respective suppliers proposed to be used on the project. This will also serve to establish client supplied items versus contractor supplied items. 2. Approvals are beyond the control of the design team. Approvals cannot be guaranteed. 3. Defects liability or maintenance period is a period during which any observed defects in the building are to be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the client.

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