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Author: Diana Gale

Low Dose Naltrexone is neither an immune "suppressant" nor an immune "booster". LDN orchestrates the immune system and works to restore homeostasis (balance) in whatever way YOU need. This is the reason it works well for so very many different conditions, diseases and symptoms!
PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT *BEFORE* STARTING LDN. Avoid the mistakes many people make with their starting dosage, etc. I am not a physician* and I do NOT advocate anything illegal. I do not gain in any way except spiritually by sharing my story and news about LDN. I do not work for a pharmaceutical company, nor do I have an interest, financially or otherwise, in any endeavor that sells LDN or Naltrexone. I am an ordinary person who struggled with health issues for about 25 years, before anyone even told me the official names of the diseases I had. I discovered Low Dose Naltrexone purely by coincidence when an ad popped up in Gmail in August of 2009. I googled "LDN" and learned enough about it to know I was going to try it as soon as I could. Much of the information herein is anecdotal and comes from my personal experiences, lengthy discussions with LDN users, various experts/doctors, and many Internet publications. I am an LDN advocate for the sole reason that it saved my life and I wish to offer the same happiness I have found to others. My ONLY wish is that you study LDN, become armed with the facts, and make a decision based on those facts. Please take the time to read the other documents and examine the Internet links. There is a great deal of important and amazing information there. Always consult a physician. The beneficial effects of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) were first discovered by Dr. Bernard Bihari, M.D., a physician in New York City treating addicts, some of whom also had Multiple Sclerosis. He discovered that a small dose (3 mg) stimulates the body to greatly increase production of endorphins, enkephalin and metenkephalin (also known as opioid growth factor, OGF). These orchestrate the immune system. Although Dr. Bihari did much of the early clinical work, Dr. M. Zagon did groundwork with animal research studies at Pennsylvania State University. Studies have been done that prove the efficacy of LDN for multiple conditions. One very important issue I want to bring to your attention right off is this: Many people with ONE immune/autoimmune condition will go on to get more. This is called a "constellation" and they are very common. For example, I have EBV, Hashimoto's & Interstitial Cystitis (to name a few). These appeared one after the other over a period of about 3 years. I have since run into
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

many, many other people who have this same constellation. So ... should you have only one condition, this is an extremely good and urgent reason to begin LDN as soon as possible. Prevent the piling on of other conditions now that your immune system is weakened.

Many healthy people take LDN for anti-aging and to increase stamina such as Dr. Berkson, the ALA guru:

I suggest you read Francie's post and pass this information on to everyone you know:

FAQS with a Physician & an LDN Expert

Q: I am on long-term Opiate pain medication. Can I take LDN now? A: NO. Long-term opiates, taken regularly several times per day, cannot be used for at least 2-3 WEEKS prior to starting LDN. If you are on long-term opiates, work with a medical professional as you make the change to LDN. To simplify, LDN will rip the opiates from the endorphin receptors in your body, causing withdrawal symptoms. If the use of opiates is intermittent or 'as needed' and not taken daily/several times per day, LDN can be started cautiously at a lowered dose (.50 mg) as a test. If there is a withdrawal reaction that is unbearable, stop LDN and wean off the opiates for a week or two; then try a dose of LDN again. Once on LDN for good, a single dose of an opiate 12 hours after the dose of LDN can be attempted only as needed; however, Tramadol is the only recommended opiate for this type of temporary use. Again, if there is a reaction, change to a non-opiate pain medication. Q: Does anyone profit from the promotion and sale of LDN? A: Not really. Naltrexone is an inexpensive medication manufactured by a number of large pharmaceutical corporations. The original drug is no longer under patent and cannot be successfully altered for re-patent. Low-Dose Naltrexone is made by the individual, or compounded at various pharmacies. LDN is not a radical treatment. Tell your physician that you wish to try a well-known FDA approved drug at 10 times a smaller dose than usually taken and that you can do it under his supervision, which you would very much appreciate, or you can do it on your own. Often doctors will respond to this way of looking at the topic in a positive way. Try rating your pain and symptoms on a scale of 1 to 10 and sharing your (hopefully vast) improvement with the doctor as you titrate LDN from .50 or 1.0 mg, to whatever dosage you eventually settle upon. I had surgery and took Tramadol sparingly for several days. On the day I stopped Tramadol, I took a 1.5 mg dose of LDN at night and experienced moderate withdrawal spasms that felt much
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

like restless leg syndrome, only they were body-wide. I took a prescribed Flexaril, which stopped the spasms and allowed me to sleep through the night. The next day I took 2.5 mg of LDN and had no withdrawal. Many LDN users report no need for prescription pain medication of any kind as long as they are on LDN. LDN will make all opiates work better, due to the great increase of endorphin receptors, so use caution and take a lower dose. PLEASE READ "Drugs that may interact with LDN" and "Drugs not to take with LDN", found in this packet. Q: I heard that LDN works because of the placebo effect. Is this true? A: NO. Some nay-sayers claim that the reason LDN works for millions of human beings is because of the placebo effect. Research with animals shows marked and measurable improvements in their disease. Animals do not read and cannot grasp what a placebo is, so improvement of their various diseases cannot be attributed to the placebo effect. LDN does nothing except shut down your body's endorphin production and cell receptors for a short period and this brief switch-off basically tricks production of endorphin, enkephalin and metenkephalin (also known as opioid growth factor, OGF) into high gear. Q: I heard someone say they take LDN, but they are not sick. A: Many healthy medical practitioners take LDN and prescribe it to the entire family--children and pregnant/nursing women included--as a preventative for cold, flu and virus, and to prevent infection with many chronic and autoimmune diseases. It is the experience of many LDN users that as long as they are on it they rarely experience colds, flu, viruses, depression, or anxiety and if they do get a cold/flu, they are able to fight the infection off more quickly than usual and get far fewer secondary infections. Q: Can I take LDN if I am trying to get pregnant? A: LDN is said to be safe during pregnancy, as well. Dr. Phil Boyle, a specialist in fertility says: "I am confident that LDN is perfectly safe in pregnancy and in certain cases will actually reduce the risk of miscarriage." "I have been prescribing LDN regularly during pregnancy... and the results have been excellent. Clinical experience has proven to me that it is safe. We've had over 50 babies whose moms have been on LDN throughout their pregnancies and those babies, if anything, have been even healthier than those whose moms haven't been on [low dose] Naltrexone." Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D, of the U.S., who developed the fertility treatment, has use Naltrexone up to 100 mg throughout pregnancy and during breastfeeding safely without ill effect to mother/baby since 1985.

A Letter to give to your medical professional (slightly edited)

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

"LDN is a major breakthrough, but like other innovative therapies, it's virtually ignored by conventional physicians. It's the same old song and dance: 'If it were any good, I'd know about it.' Yet this safe, economical drug stands to benefit millions - not only those with cancer and MS, but also people dealing with autism, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other autoimmune diseases. How it Works How can one drug have so many positive effects? It all has to do with the endorphin system. Endorphins are naturally occurring molecules that are similar in structure to morphine and other opioid drugs. Although endorphins are best known for boosting mood and blunting pain, they are active in almost every cell in the body. One endorphin, opioid growth factor (OGF), which regulates the immune system, is the target of LDN. LDN binds to OGF receptors, which temporarily blocks OGF utilization. Due to the perceived shortage of OGF, there is a rebound effect, where cells dramatically increase production of OGF and receptor sensitivity. Once the drug is excreted--and this only takes a couple of hours since the dose is so low--the OGF receptors are able to utilize all the extra OGF circulating in the blood. This has a profound effect on several aspects of immune function. It puts the brakes on undifferentiated growth of cancer cells. It also prevents immune system over-activity, which is the crux of autoimmune disorders, and blunts the release of inflammatory and neurotoxic chemicals in the brain. Medical conditions marked by immune dysfunction are associated with markedly low levels of OGF. LDN restores these disease-fighting endorphins to optimal levels. Cancer in Remission A promising area of treatment is cancer. Burton Berkson, MD, and colleagues published a paper describing four case histories of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer who were treated with LDN plus intravenous alpha lipoic acid (a potent antioxidant). Before we go on, you need to understand that the prospects for patients with pancreatic cancer are terrible. Most of them live only a few months after diagnosis, and the five-year survival rate is a dismal four percent. It's essentially a get your affairs in order prognosis. Two of the patients Dr. Berkson reported on, each with well-documented pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver, were alive and well 78 and 39 months after presenting for treatment. A third patient who had the same diagnosis was disease-free, as evidenced by a PET scan, five months after beginning LDN/alpha lipoic acid therapy. The final patient had a history of B-cell lymphoma and prostate adenocarcinoma in addition to metastatic pancreatic cancer. After four months of treatment, his PET scan demonstrated no signs of cancer. I'm also aware of good results in patients with melanoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, cancer of the breast, lung, prostate, kidney, and colon... this safe, inexpensive drug is certainly a reasonable adjunctive therapy. Autoimmune Disorders Respond Well A recent pilot study found that LDN improves mood, cognition, and pain scores in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis. And researchers from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine demonstrated that 67 percent of patients with
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

Crohn's disease who were treated with 4.5 mg of LDN for 12 weeks went into remission. The buzz from patients is even better than the studies. Vicki Finlayson had suffered with debilitating multiple sclerosis. After 10 years of unbearable pain, horrible fatigue, growing depression, and dependence on Vicodin and morphine to control her pain, Vicki learned about LDN. Once she started taking it--after her doctor initially refused to prescribe it and she had to wean herself off opioid painkillers--she got her life back. She's been back at work a year and a half now, she's off all other drugs, and she's feeling great. Recommendations In addition to the conditions discussed above, LDN is an excellent therapy for general health enhancement and disease prevention. The only contraindication is narcotic drugs. LDN blocks their effects and could cause withdrawal symptoms, so it should be started only after those drugs are completely out of your system. LDN is safe and well tolerated. Some people report vivid dreams at first, but in my clinical experience, sleep disturbances are rare. To avoid this, you may want to start with a [low] dose... and build up slowly over two months. To learn more about LDN, visit or simply surf the Internet. This will give you a feel for patient enthusiasm for LDN. ~ Julian Whitaker, MD."

Purchasing Naltrexone
My doctor writes me a prescription for 50 mg Naltrexone pills and I use them to make a liquid solution. Crystal Nason keeps a list of legally prescribing doctors based all over the world. Please email her at: Crystal's website: Dr. Tom Gilhooly legally uses LDN with many of his patients:

Websites that sell LDN & Naltrexone By providing this information, which is publicly available to anyone, I am not suggesting that you purchase any drug without a prescription. This information is provided for an International audience. You take full responsibility for your actions under the laws of the country in which you live. This document neither tells you what to do, nor instructs you in what choices to make--what you do is entirely up to you. 2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale


International Websites
A pharmacy may accept PayPal, but it can only be used for non-Rx items for legal reasons. It can be safer to use a Prepaid Visa from All Day Chemist 10 pills of Revia @ $16.80+50 pills of 50 mg @ $84.00+$25.00 ship = $2.18 per pill Mexican Pharmacy (script needed only if you live in Mexico) 30 pills of 50 mg @ $148.00+$12.00 ship = $5.33 per pill Euro Drugs 30 pills of 50 mg @ $133.00+$35.00 ship = $5.60 per pill EuroDrugstore.EU Anti-Aging, U.K. 30 pills of 4.5 mg @ $49.99+? ship = $1.67 per pill before shipping

River Pharmacy, Canada Complaints have been made about the consistency of their Naltima pills. Buy at your own risk! IF you do end up using these pills, I personally recommend that you make a 3-pill LDN solution to help even out the consistency of each dose.

United Pharmacies, India. Complaints have been made about the strength of their Nodict pills. There are also recent reports of fraudulent use of credit cards used there. It is recommended that you use an International cash card in the exact amount required to make purchases from this site. Trust the quality and use your personal credit/debit card at your own risk! IF you do end up using these pills, I personally recommend that you make a 3-pill LDN solution to help even out the consistency of each dose. Compounded price for 1 month supply is around $30. The following pharmacies are familiar with compounding Low Dose Naltrexone (specify a fast-release form!) Skip's Pharmacy Boca Raton, FL (800) 553-7429 (prescription required) The Compounding Apothecary Edmonds, WA (877) 522-4466 (prescription required) Grandpa's Compounding Pharmacy Placerville, CA (530) 622-2323 (prescription required) Clinic Pharmacy Oshawa, Ontario, Canada (905) 576-9090 (prescription required) Pacific Compounds Forest Grove, OR (877) 357-1771 (prescription required)
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

The Compounder Pharmacy, Aurora, IL (800) 679-4667 (prescription required) Apothecary Options Chico, CA (866) 586-4633 (prescription required) Irmat Pharmacy New York, NY (212) 685-0500 Village Apothecary New York, NY (212) 8077566 (prescription required) The Pharmacy Shoppe Canandaigua, NY (800) 396-9970 (prescription required) The Medicine Shoppe Arlington, TX (prescription required) The Prescription Center La Crosse, WI (800) 203-9066 (prescription required) Smith's Pharmacy Toronto, Ontario, Canada (800) 361-6624 (prescription required) Canadian Apothecary London, Ontario, Canada (519) 439-4100 (prescription required) The Medicine Shoppe Toronto, Ontario (416) 239-3566 (prescription required) Dartnell's Pharmacy Melbourne, Australia (prescription required) Women's International Pharmacy Youngtown, AZ (prescription required)

(800) 279-5708

Medaus Pharmacy Birmingham, AL (205) 981-2352 (prescription required) Marble City Pharmacy Sylacauga, AL (256) 245-4446 (prescription required) Cantrell Drugs Little Rock, Arkansas (501) 663-6368 (prescription required) Reed's Compounding Pharmacy Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 318-4421 (prescription required) Avondale Neighborhood Compounding Pharmacy Avondale, AZ 85392 (623) 932-9800 (prescription required) Apothecary Options Chico, CA (866) 586-4633 (prescription required) *****************************************************************************

How I Make Oral LDN Solution with a prescription Naltrexone pill

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

A video showing how to do this: Each 50 mg pill is mixed in 50 ml of distilled bottled water. 1 ml of the mixture = 1 mg of LDN. 1) I use a needle-less syringe and a container with a wide opening (I got a free syringe and orange prescription bottle with a pop-top from the pharmacy). 2) To fill, I draw water up to the 5 ml line on the syringe TEN times and squirt it into the container for a total of 50 ml. (If using a 10 ml syringe, I would draw up 10 ml FIVE times). I use a permanent marker to make a line on the outside of the container at the top of the water line and cover that with clear tape so it won't rub off. I view the liquid level by placing the container on a flat surface to make sure it is always consistent. 3) Now all I have to do is fill the container to the line, throw in a pill and let it sit for an hour or so to dissolve. It is not necessary to crush the pill, but if I am in a hurry, I break it in half. 4) I shake the mixture very well once the pill is dissolved. Thereafter, I do not shake it when taking a dose. The white filler settles to the bottom of the container. I handle the container carefully to keep the filler from mixing in and do not draw up the white substance. Medications work better without the fillers. Once the liquid has been used up, I discard the filler and rinse and dry before making another batch. I store it in the refrigerator in very warm weather, but this is not necessary if I plan to use it up within a few days. 5) Each night during Daylight Savings Time, I draw up the proper dose with the syringe at 10 p.m. and take it by mouth with a full glass of water. During winter months I swallow the dose at 9 p.m. I can also take a nightly dose by applying topical LDN. It is important that I take LDN depending on the time of year and I switch to 9 p.m. dosing for winter hours.

How I make Topical LDN Cream with a prescription Naltrexone pill

If I am unable to take LDN by mouth because of stomach issues, systemic Candida, and so on, LDN can be applied directly to the skin: I AM WORKING ON A RECIPE AND DIRECTIONS AND WILL PLACE THE INFORMATION HERE ONCE IT IS READY


I learned in 2009 that the optimal dose of prescription LDN was 4.5 mg. Recently, Dr. Gilhooly. suggested raising my dosage by .50 or 1.0 mg every 2 weeks until I reached MY optimal dose. I
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

tried this and at some point during a raise I did "hit the wall"--basically I woke up one morning feeling like I could not move physically or mentally. The wall means that the LDN has either shut down endorphin production too much, or the body doesn't have enough endorphin receptors to deal with the higher levels floating around in the blood. The "wall" can be a temporary issue. My body will be unable to make more receptors at some point and I will "hit the wall" permanently. After much experimentation, in an attempt to stop chronic shingles, I settled upon 5.0 mg nightly. I slowly went up to 7.0 mg and tried daytime and split-dosing, but my Asthma symptoms returned. 5.0 mg nightly seems to be my best dose of LDN. Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless states that one should never skip a dose of LDN for the first six months of use, as this can cause confusion in immune response. After 6 months or so, if a dose is accidentally skipped, this is not so severe, but she recommends never skipping a dose on purpose unless it is unavoidable.

Dosage is often determined by trial and error. Dr. Tom Gilhooly suggests starting with 1 mg for the first 30 days. I chose to start with .50 mg for 3 weeks and only experienced mild side-effects. If my liver is ever seriously compromised, a lower dose may be needed. I want to warn anyone with Adrenal Fatigue to start out very slowly and carefully--LDN can activate issues before addressing them, and this can cause unneeded stress. I believe LDN greatly helps adrenal fatigue, but it happens in a roundabout, indirect manner over time, so I did not expect immediate changes. It was probably a year and a half before I noticed distinct changes in my adrenal function. ONE FULL YEAR is the recommended period to trial LDN to know for certain whether it will work for a health issue.

***************************************************************** Side-Effects
Lasting clinical side-effects have not been reported for Low Dose Naltrexone and very few lasting, adverse reactions have been reported. I have been on it for 2.8 years and LDN causes me no side-effects at all. I did experience mild wakefulness and vivid dreams at first, as well as hardening of my abdomen that went away immediately if I took a bite of food with my dose. Because of the higher level of endorphins the following day, I was never tired even when I didn't sleep well! I sleep far better and more deeply than I ever did before LDN. Many other LDN users also report that even when they do experience sleep issues, they do not wake up exhausted or struggle with fatigue the following
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

day. This is probably because of the high level of endorphins produced overnight.

Herxheimer Reaction

Rapid killing-off of large amounts of fungus, bacteria and/or viruses in the body can make one feel very ill, and may occur when LDN is first started if the initial dose is too high. This is one good reason it was recommended that I raise my dosage slowly over a period of weeks and use whatever other supplements or medications I needed to combat infection, fungus or viruses. I use tsp of birch bark-derived antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial Xylitol several times a day, along with a very good probiotic and G.S.E. (Grapefruit Seed Extract), which is also an excellent antibacterial, antifungal. Both Xylitol and GSE can be used in a nebulizer.

Some Facts
LDN is mainly excreted in the urine with 60% of an orally administered dose recovered over a 48-hour period and only 23% excreted through the bowel. LDN has a half-life of about 10 hours and is approximately 20% bound to protein. LDN induces a sharp increase in pituitary and adrenal production of beta-endorphin and metenkephalin in the pre-dawn hours between 2 am and 4 am, when 90% of the body's manufacturing of those hormones occurs. Most studies have shown that Low-dose Naltrexone induces a two- to three-fold increase in the production of metenkephalin overnight. LDN only stays in the system 4 to 5 hours, so if it is taken it too early in the evening, the peak endorphin production time is missed. Taken at other times of day, the endorphin boost may not be enough to halt disease progression if disease is chronic and progressive. LDN not only increases endorphin production; over time it also increases the number of important immune cell receptors that use endorphins. OFF-LABEL USE. While it is illegal for a pharmaceutical company to market or promote a drug for a use other than that approved by the FDA, it is NOT illegal for a physician to prescribe an FDA-approved drug for a non-FDA-approved use. This is called an "off-label" prescription, and physicians do it every day. Neurontin was approved by the FDA in 1993 for the treatment of epilepsy; yet it is routinely prescribed off-label for the treatment of MS. All physicians understand that the responsible off-label use of an FDA-approved medication such as Naltrexone is perfectly ethical and legal.

A Talk by Dr. Tom Gilhooly (edited slightly)

"The 2nd European LDN conference in Glasgow this year saw the first presentation of a remarkable study into LDN for the treatment of fibromyalgia by Dr Jarred Younger of Stanford
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

University. This is the sort of top quality research that we have been crying out for, and perhaps even more remarkable than the results of the study was Dr Younger's clarity on how LDN works. The vacuum that has existed in LDN research has been filled by lots of myths and legends, such as timing of administration and dosage of the drug. Dr Younger explained that LDN is a "racemic mix" of mirror image right- and left-handed molecules. This is common in chemistry, and most drugs consist of such a natural mix. It is usual for only one of the sides to be biologically active, but in the case of LDN, both sides are active. The right handed molecule blocks the opiate receptors, which confer the action the drug is licensed for i.e., blocking the action of heroin and other illicit opiates. The more interesting part regards the left-handed molecule, which acts on the Toll-like 4 receptors on the surface of immune cells and acts as an immune modulator. Dr Younger studied the effect on microglial cells, a type of immune cell important to the neurological system, which becomes active when the immune system is activated. These cells are important in fibromyalgia, but also in MS, Parkinson's, and other neurological conditions. The left-handed Naltrexone binds to these receptors and reduces the inflammatory chemicals that are pouring out of these cells. This idea makes great sense and fits very well with our findings in the clinic. If this is the mode of action, it fits with the hypothesis of Dr Agrawal and others... This is a big discovery... This would suggest that the opiate-blocking effect of LDN is actually the limiting factor on dose and we should aim to get the highest dose possible that the patient can tolerate, to produce the greatest effect on the immune system. It also puts paid to the idea that LDN is an 'immune booster' that should not be used with other immune modulators: In fact, it is likely that LDN will be synergistic with these drugs. As if this were not enough ... along comes the much-anticipated double-blind study on Crohn's Disease by Prof Jill Smith and Ian Zagon from Penn State. This shows a remarkable 83% improvement in the LDN group, with almost half going into remission... In Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases including Celiac, there is an increase in Toll Like 4 Receptor numbers on the bowel mucosa. This could explain the rapid and dramatic response to LDN of many patients with these conditions."

Cautionary Warnings!

OPIATES. Because LDN blocks opioid receptors throughout the body for three to four hours, users cannot take a long-term narcotic like Hydrocodone, Morphine, Percocet, or codeinecontaining medication. Patients who have become dependent on daily use of narcotic-containing pain medication may require 10 days to 2 weeks to wean off of it completely before starting LDN, but it is well worth the effort! Substitute one of these non-narcotic painkillers approved for use with LDN when weaning off narcotics: Moxxor, Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Naprosyn, Ansaid, Dolobid, Orudis, Voltaren, Feldene, or Mobic. The food supplement DL 2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

Phenylalanine (DLPA) is said to enhance the effectiveness of LDN and can be taken twice a day on an empty stomach in doses of 500 mg. MS DRUGS. Some MS drugs are not indicated for use with LDN. If there is any doubt, please submit to your doctor a full list of the drugs you are presently taking so that their compatibility may be assessed. Dr. M.R. Lawrence talks about LDN for MS:,

STEROIDS. In the past it was believed one should not take them with LDN, but currently many use oral steroids like Prednisone (up to 10) and Hydrocortisone (up to 40) while taking LDN. CHEMOTHERAPY. There is no known problem combining LDN with chemotherapy, and in theory (based on work done in animals), LDN could enable the chemo to work more effectively. This is because LDN raises OGF levels that act to slow down cell division, enabling the chemo to achieve a greater effect than if taken alone. However, if any opiate pain killers are being taken with the chemotherapy, LDN would neutralize the effect of the painkillers for several hours. FILLERS Calcium Carbonate. Some pharmacies and manufacturers use a substance called Calcium Carbonate as filler when compounding or making pills, which makes the medication timerelease or slow-release in the body. LDN stimulates the body to create high endorphins at a specific time. It is this endorphin boost that triggers the immune system to modulate. Basically one wants as many endorphins as possible to jump-start the immune system. If the Naltrexone pill has CC as the filler, the drug will be slow-release and the body will never achieve that high level of endorphins. This basically shoots down any chance of getting the maximum potential for the immune system. This is an even bigger concern for cancer patients who need immediate results from LDN. Some users who switched brands of LDN had a return of their symptoms. The brands they switched to had Calcium Carbonate as filler. Dr. Bihari confirmed this in an interview, saying that anyone on LDN, particularly a cancer patient, should avoid Calcium Carbonate at all times. I will check the ingredients of every supplement and medication I take for Calcium Carbonate, especially Alpha Lopioc Acid and B-Complex vitamin pills. Common fillers that seem to have no adverse effect on LDN uptake are Lactose, Acidophilus and Avicel (which is a fast-releaser). Dr. Bihari has been quoted as saying Lactose is his preference. Ask the pharmacist and avoid Calcium Carbonate to get the most out of each LDN dose. LDN has the top-rated ability to raise endorphin counts. Dr. Bihari said that about 65% of his
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

patients experienced a complete stop of disease progression. Of those, 30% went into full remission. If success is reliant on endorphin production; then perhaps we should be focusing on doing other things to stimulate that. Some natural ways to do this are aerobic exercise and acupuncture. Chocolate has a substance called Phenylalanine, which slows the breakdown of endorphins in the body.

Google LDN by Joseph Wouk (free e-book attached with this email).

201 Reasons for LDN by the LDN Research Trust for International LDN Awareness Week 1824 October 2010. (free e-book attached with this email). Download: His Video: The Faces of Low Dose Naltrexone created for the First International Low Dose Naltrexone Awareness Week. (free e-book attached with this email) Download:

Those Who Suffer Much Know Much - Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Why Weren't You Told? 51 case studies compiled by Cris Kerr of Case Health, fifth revised. (free e-book attached with this email) Download: The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders by Elaine Moore, McFarland Publishing. Up the Creek with a Paddle: Beat MS and All Autoimmune Disorders with LDN, by Mary Bradley.

LINKS (See Google LDN e-book for longer list of Studies)

Transparency Life Sciences | drug development you control

An Internet Study Fibromyalgia study Joseph Wouk's website a consumer driven Health 2.0 company that brings patients with hundreds of conditions together in overlapping data communities, to share and learn from each other privately.

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale Dr. Bihari's 20 years of clinical experience with LDN for MS, cancer, HIV, etc. Worldwide Petition Drive for LDN Research over 11,000 so far - add your vote! UK LDN Research Petition Drive and Interview How To Talk to Your Doctor about LDN RemedyFind/RevolutionHealth LDN Q&A with Dr. Skip Lenz, Pharm. D. F.A.S.C.P. LDN Patient Tracking Database for all diseases started in 2009. Not just anecdotes -- this is Patient Based Evidence! Post your results! Project LDN: Funding Clinical Trials - and organizer of the USA LDN Conferences. PatientsLikeMe SammyJo Profile Resource for tracking your MS, and many patients using LDN. Neuro Immune Disease Dr. Tom Gihooly's program for MS, Chronic Fatique, ME, Fibromyalgia. MS Naltrexone Information by The Compounder, Dr. Larry Frieders, R. Ph. This is MS: Unbiased MS Community An easy to understand explanation for LDN & MS, and Forum. Crystal's MS, TM and LDN Website LDN Research Trust Fund raising for a clinical trial of LDN against MS. The Mystery Journey ~Multiple Sclerosis an LDN user's story. Polish Language LDN Site Italian Language LDN Site Julie's Low Dose Naltrexone Journal Julie Stachowiak, Ph.D.

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

General Discussion Forums

Yahoo Discussion Group: lowdosenaltrexone over 4000 members. Yahoo Group: LDN_Information - Extensive files collection on LDN research. Yahoo Group LDN_Users - Support group, talk to others using LDN. Started by Crystal, who maintains the MS, TM and LDN Website. Yahoo Discussion Group: MSWatchers Histamine, LDN & Alternative MS Therapies Earliest LDN forum. LDN_4_Cancer - LDN and cancer yahoo group. Hepatitis Children & CAM Alternatives - Discussion forum including LDN. Healing Parkinsons - Destiny's discussion group on LDN & other alternatives for PD. Neurotalk forum discussion on DM and LDN for Parkinson's (also see Research section) NeuroTalk, search LDN and Naltrexone to see all the conditions patients are using it for. Low Dose Naltrexone Forum (no registration required)

Facebook Groups
Low Dose Naltrexone - LDN for Autoimmune, EBV, IC, Thyroid, IBD, MS etc... Diana Gale's (Closed) Group LDN Research Trust - Low Dose Naltrexone CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME/FIBROMYALGIA (CFS/FM) IS TREATABLE

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

All Conditions LDN may help Discussion Powerpoint Link Autism-LDN Yahoo Group Autism LDN information from Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless. Check the Files section. Book Videos: 2006, 2008 AHSTA Alternative Health Solutions for Thyroid Autoimmunity, LDN topics and surveys. LDN for Fibro Discussion group of patients using LDN for Fibromyalgia. LDN4cancer Dee's story & LDN info, including published papers on treating cancer w/ LDN. The Mali HIV + AIDS LDN Initiative, Dr. McCandless LDN Org LDN and Cancer. Doctor Mercola supports LDN use. Article on topical LDN cream

Pets & LDN A Database for pets on LDN Dr. Skip Lenz knows quite a bit about LDN for pets a Yahoo group Clinical trials

A working list of conditions and diseases for which LDN is used

Google "LDN" or "LDN+any condition" for the most current information. For videos, go to Youtube and search for "LDN" or "Low Dose Naltrexone". Some have links for more
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

information. We have many contacts and friends who have improved or become well on LDN. The conditions with which I am having success are starred * ADHD/ADD Adrenal Fatigue * Allergies * Asthma (autoimmune mast cell* and other types) Asperger's Alzheimer's Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Ankylosing Spondylitis Aphasia/Dysphasia/Dysnomia * Autism Spectrum Disorders Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathycandidiasis-ectodermal Dystrophy (APECED) Becker's Disease Behcet's Disease Bipolar Disorder Brain Fog/ Memory issues * Celiac Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) * CREST Syndrome Crohn's Disease ,

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Common Cold/Flu/Pneumonia * Depression/Social Withdrawal * Depressed Immune Function * Dermatomyositis Diabetes Emphysema (COPD) Endometriosis * Endorphin/Dopamine Deficiency Syndrome Epstein-Barre Virus (EBV/CEBV) * Esophageal Spasm * Fibromyalgia * Food Sensitivities * Gingivitis Hashimoto's Thyroiditis * Heat Stroke/Exhaustion*,
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

Herpes/HSV HIV/AIDS Hypoglycemia/Severe Reactive (postprandial) Hypoglycemia * Hypothermia Infertility Insulin Resistance * Interstitial Cystitis (IC) * Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) * Lyme Disease Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome (MAS) Migraine * Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) * Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Murine Inflammatory Bowel Disease Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, post viral illness) Myasthenia Gravis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Ocular Rosacea * Parkinson's Disease Pemphigoid Post-Exertional Neuroimmune Exhaustion (PENE) Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Syndrome (PCOS) Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) Psoriasis Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) * Rheumatioid Arthritis (RA) Rosacea * Sacoidosis Scleroderma Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) Self-injurious behaviors Seizures * Sensitivity to heat and cold*,

Shingles (chronic)* Sjogren's Syndrome Sleep Disorders * Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE)
2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

Torticollis * Transverse Myelitis Ulcerative Colitis Wegener's Granulomatosis Wounds Cancer: Bladder Cancer Breast Cancer Carcinoid Colon & Rectal Cancer Glioblastoma Liver Cancer Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell) Lymphocytic Leukemia (chronic) Lymphoma (Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's) Malignant Melanoma Multiple Myeloma Neuroblastoma Neuropathy * Ovarian Cancer,

Pancreatic Cancer Post-Herpetic Neuralgia * Prostate Cancer (untreated) Renal Cell Carcinoma Reynaud's Syndrome* Throat Cancer Uterine Cancer

Other Cancer Links

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

Author: Diana Gale

Personal LDN Stories My personal LDN story is part this packet and can also be found online: Art's MS/LDN story, 1988 - 2011 Bill's LDN story Brenda's MS/LDN story Larry's LDN story Other personal LDN Stories & Updates

2009 by Diana Gale. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. *This document does not constitute medical advice. I make no claim, nor do I mean to imply, that what I do for my own health has merit for other persons. I make no claim that anything I do for my own health is legal where you reside. Documents generated by me are not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a medical professional. I am not responsible for consequences incurred by those who employ the remedies or treatments I choose. I make no claim that any disease or condition is curable. I make no claims to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition. It is strongly recommended that you devote time to researching all possible treatment options and avail yourself of a medical practitioner. I do not profit from the sale of Low Dose Naltrexone and am in no way associated with any seller, manufacturer, or pharmacy.

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