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, ILLINOIS CIVIL DIVISION BankWhois suing you PLAINTIFF ) ) ) ) )CASE NO.: YourCase# ) ) ) ) )REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS ) ) ) ) )

VS PartybeingSued DEFENDANT

DEFENDANTS REQUEST FOR ADMISSIONS Note Rule 16 is Illinois Supreme Court Law, Refer to the law to see how many days are allowed, Illinois law also required the following warning WARNING: If you fail to serve the response required by Rule 216 within 28 days after you are served with this paper, all the facts set forth in the requests will be deemed true and all the documents described in the requests will be deemed genuine. ADMISSIONS 1) The Plaintiff admits that the promissory note associated with the Mortgage on Your Address has been paid in full when the note was securitized. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment: 2) The Plaintiff admits that there is zero amount outstanding to Plaintiff. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment: 1

3) The Plaintiff admits that there was no assignment of the Mortgage as required by the law of this State relating to real property recording of items relating to items affecting real property. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

4) The Plaintiff admits that they are negligent in their duties when they failed to release the Mortgage as per the terms of paragraph 23 in the Mortgage. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

5) The Plaintiff admits that they did not assign the promissory note but in fact received a payoff for the Promissory Note. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

6) The Plaintiff admits they are in breach of contract with the terms of the Mortgage according to paragraph 23. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

7) The Plaintiff understands that in the event of ambiguous language in a contract, the ruling is against the drafter of the document. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

8) The Plaintiff admits that the Promissory Note has been securitized into a Mortgage Backed Security. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment: 2

9) The Plaintiff admits they are not a Real Party of Interest of the promissory note. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

10) The Plaintiff admits they are just a servicer of the promissory note. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

11) The Plaintiff admits that they are attempting to foreclose on the subject property loan #??? under false pretense. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

12) The Plaintiff admits to being a debt collector and not the creditor of the promissory note. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

13) The Plaintiff admits that there is no chain of title present on the original wet ink signature promissory note linking from the original lender, to any third parties through securitization, and then back to the Plaintiff. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

14) The Plaintiff admits that once a promissory note has been securitized, they forever lose their right to enforce the note under IRS accounting rules under a REMIC(Real estate mortgage investment Conduit). If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment: 3

15) The Plaintiff admits the real parties of interest are the individual share holders of the REMIC. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

16) The Plaintiff admits that under FAS 140 (Financial Account Standard), once a promissory note (that secures real property) have been sold to a REMIC, the Defendant forever loses its interest and control of the underlying security. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

17) The Plaintiff admits it never used its own funds to fund the transaction. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

18) The Plaintiff admits the loan was destined to be securitized upon closing. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

19) Therefore, the Plaintiff admits that it was only a lender in name but not in substance or actuality. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

20) The Plaintiff admits that once a promissory note has been securitized, they forever lose their right to enforce the note under IRS accounting rules under a REMIC(Real estate mortgage investment Conduit). The real parties of interest are the individual shareholders of the REMIC. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment: 4

21) The Plaintiff admits the real parties of interest are the individual shareholders of the REMIC. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

22) The Plaintiff admits it received the Defendants notice asking for validation of debt but chose to ignore the request, willfully and blatantly ignoring the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

23) The Plaintiff admits it willfully and deceptively misrepresented itself as the owner of the obligation and mailed communications to the Defendant to attempt to foreclose on the subject property without any real authority to do so. If no answer provided, the answer is: "Admit". Admit:_____ Deny:_____ Comment:

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Case #: ??? I, YourName, certify that I mailed the foregoing document by Certified Mail #??? on this the ____day of ___, 2012 to: Attorney Name and Address Respectfully submitted: This ___ day of ___, 2012. _______________________ Your Name , Pro Se Your Address Your Phone Number

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