School Evaluation Summary Demographics

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School Evaluation Summary Demographics:

Anderson High School is located in a nice suburb area of Idaho. It has over 2,100 students and is still growing. There are 100 certified staff members that work at Anderson High School, along with 6 administration members and 7 counseling members. Anderson High School runs on a daily block schedule. There are four periods offered per day, classes are attended on alternate days allowing all students to take eight classes per semester. There are over 40 school recognized clubs and activities. The most recent graduating senior class had 51% attending a 4-year college and 26% attending a 2-year college. Anderson High School is in the Western School District which has over 35,101 students in grades K through 12. Anderson High School is the newest of the five major high schools in the Western School District at only 4 years old.

Policy Behavioral: Integrated Policy Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent Technology use at the Anderson school is highly encouraged from administration. Many teachers are interested and use appropriate technology to enhance student learning such as videos, projectors, Interwrite Board, iPads, CPS clickers, etc. The school is dedicated to incorporating technology as much as possible and will support teachers as much as they can with the resources they have. Planning Behavioral: Integrated Planning Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Typically there are two formal trainings provided by the district and administration to help staff members with technology. If someone is in need of extra help, informal meetings are provided frequently and will educate about technology systems. Planning is done to implement technology into the lesson plans of each subject area, help from district is provided if needed. Budget Behavioral: Islands Budget Resource/Infrastructure: Islands The administration tries very hard to provide technology materials needed by staff members, however the budget from the district is currently making it a challenge for everyone. Our district encourages all staff members to write grants in order to receive money for technology and other uses. There are many staff members who gather together to write grants in order to receive the amount needed to incorporate technology. The district's current struggle with finances has opened a new door and grant writing has been very beneficial and rewarding for Anderson High School. Administrative Information Behavioral: Integrated Administrative Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The administration mostly uses paperless/electronic forms for the school and is available for staff members at Anderson High School. It is difficult to get everyone on board to use the same standard technology base system but year by year, Anderson High School has been improving and most staff members use it daily.

Electronic Information Behavioral: Integrated Electronic Information Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated

At Anderson HIgh School the students and staff members utilize both hardcopy and electronic information resources. Most of the students prefer to use electronic/technology resources for gathering information needed and the school is starting to use the technology systems as more students are expressing their interests. Assessment Behavioral: Islands Assessment Resource/Infrastructure: Islands Most staff members still use hard copy of pencil and pen for assessment tools. They are just beginning to start using technology systems to incorporate assessments. Funding is a big issue as the staff has experienced that you need to purchase programs that will allow you to create the assessments needed. Some reporting and assessment tools are available, but there is still a big focus on traditional assessment processes. Curriculum Integration Behavioral: Islands Curriculum Integration Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The curriculum has been slowly integrated with technology. At Anderson High School, every classroom has a projector that syncs with a computer, therefore it is easy to show video clips, websites, word documents etc. This availability opens up a wider range of ideas to teach the curriculum to the students. Teacher Use Behavioral: Islands Teacher Use Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The use of projectors in the classroom allows for the teacher to use technology in many different ways. Daily use of the projectors by each teacher increases creativity in the classroom and is easy to show documents, websites, research, videos, images, etc. Student Use Behavioral: Integrated Student Use Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Smart phones, cell phones, iPads, iPods, and numerous other devices are spotted throughout the hallways of Anderson High School every day. Students are not only using their devices as a telephone and for social reasons, but they are now using it for research purposes within the classroom. Many teachers have realized that if more than half the class has a smart phone in their pocket during class, they can utilize their technology to enhance their own education. The students are not dependent on the technology use, but are regular users of their devices. It is important to note that not all students own one of these devices, therefore teachers at Anderson High School have to accommodate by putting students into groups, etc.

Stakeholder Involvement Behavioral: Integrated Stakeholder Involvement Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated All staff members at Anderson High School are aware of the implementation procedure of using technology in the classroom and are engaged in the process. Many of the staff members work together to help incorporate this type of learning into the educational environment. There is a large group of young educators at the Anderson High School. The group of younger teachers have a lot of interest in using technology and have become an aide in helping others within the building. Administrative Support Behavioral: Islands Administrative Support Resource/Infrastructure: Islands

The Administration does a fine job of helping out each individual subject area and coming up with new ways of incorporating technology during the beginning of the school year. It is difficult for the administration to continue the support of new ideas with technology during the entire school year because of all the other duties they need to complete, but I feel that they can improve and continue to help throughout the year. Training Behavioral: Integrated Training Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Most of the staff members of Anderson High School participate in technology trainings. Over the past four years, there have been formal technology trainings at the beginning and end of the school year. The district has also provided informal trainings throughout the entire school year which is helpful as well. Technical & Infrastructure Support Behavioral: Islands Technical & Infrastructure Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Many staff members utilize formal and informal support within the district and school. Those who use technology the most in their classrooms tend to use the support the most. Anderson High School has a professional technician on campus every day answering questions and solving technical problems. It is a very nice resource for administration and staff members, however with the number of students and staff growing each year it would be nice to have extra help.

Local Area Networking Behavioral: Intelligent Local Area Networking Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Anderson High School has internet use for everyone in the building. Wireless internet has been implemented as well, most students prefer this source. High speed internet is accessible for all working environments of the school. District Area Networking Behavioral: Intelligent District Area Networking Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The district has been structured so that all schools have available high speed internet for daily use and services are available. The staff uses the internet for a wide range of reasons and believe that it enhances the educational experience. Internet Access Behavioral: Integrated Internet Access Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated Almost all staff members use internet daily, especially because one of the main sources of communication is through email. Therefore it is extremely important to use the internet to be updated on information about the school. Communication Systems Behavioral: Intelligent Communications Systems Resource/Infrastructure: Intelligent As stated before, email is an integral part of communication at Anderson High School. As a staff member you are required to check your email daily to receive the latest updates and information about the school. Email is available to all staff members and students at the school.

New Technologies Behavioral: Islands New Technologies Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated

New technologies are accepted but many staff members are hesitant to try them. Before new technologies are used, it is beneficial that staff members take a training course to educate themselves on the newest device. It is important the teacher is educated with the device so they can teach their students how to use it and to use the technology the most efficient way possible. Comprehensive Technologies Behavioral: Integrated Comprehensive Technologies Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated The technology used at Anderson High School is fairly comprehensive, but does lack some advanced techniques. There are a lot of different technology sources at the high school and it is easy to get overwhelmed with all of them. It is nice that all devices are available for use, but once again training is key in order to use the technology the way it was designed.

Anderson High School is a fairly new school built in 2008, and was provided with many updated technology items for students and staff members to use in the educational system. While filling out the survey, I knew that Anderson High School would score fairly high in terms of technology use and implementation. However, it was nice to see places that the school could work on for improvement. For example, continuous formal trainings throughout the entire school year would be very helpful for staff members. Transitioning over to paperless resources would also be beneficial for the high school to implement. As stated before, each classroom has a projector that syncs with a computer and it would be nice to see every teacher utilizing this resource to the fullest potential. Right now, about 85% of the staff members at Anderson High School use the projector system every day, it would be great to see more use. Another source of technology that Anderson High School has been involved with for four years now is IEN (Idaho Education Network). This allows students to learn from a teacher in a different location through a digital device. It is nice to have technical support on campus every day, however the number of students is growing rapidly for Anderson High School and therefore it would be nice to have several technicians on site for help. I am very thankful to be working at such a technology based school and it is nice to see that there is still room for improvement. Many staff members, including myself, have written numerous grants to purchase technology items and we have achieved great success doing so, we will continue to move in that direction. In conclusion I rate the Anderson High School under the integrated category. There has been preparation, planning, trainings, support and guidance for technology use within the school. This school is off to a great start and there is still room to grow!

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