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foregoing said, written, or encountered just before; previous, occurring previously, antecedent: refer to the foregoing figures. first in time or place; ahead of all others, especially in position or rank; in the front or first position; soonest, so as to be most important. at once; immediately, without delay. precedente, anterior em primeiro lugar, antes de tudo






henceforth hereabout(s)


hereat Hereby







imediatamente, sem demora, em seguida the act of furthering, advancing, or helping avano, forward: "pakistan does not aspire to any . . . role promoo, in furtherance of the strategies of other powers" fomento, favorecimento, incremento in addition; moreover. ademais, demais, alm disso. for this reason; therefore, from this source; from daqui; this time; from this place conseqentemente; disso; disto; por isso; por esta razo from this time forth; from now on doravante in this general vicinity; around here por aqui somewhere near the place where you are aqui por pero nesta redondeza In the future from the production of this document Doravante Immediately following this in time, order, or place; Daqui em diante after this Mais adiante In a future time or state at this time; when this happened. by reason of this; neste momento; because of this. por esta razao By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; Pelo presente by this means. Por meio deste Resulting from this document Neste ato Desde j Appearing somewhere in this document No presente In or into this Neste instrumento Ora Listed later in this document Denominado doravante, no In a following part of this document, statement, or presente book. in a preceding part of this document, statement, or antes book acima atrs Relating to this document or part of it Do presente Of this. Deste A este respeito on this; hereupon. sobre isso acerca disso imediatamente em seguida a isto To this document, matter, or proposition. Em anexo Following this document Em apenso
Ao presente instrumento Para este fim Up to the present time; before this; previously Anteriormente Heretofore Previous to the production of this document Antes disso At agora Under below this, subsequent to this, under De acordo com os termos do Hereunder authority of this presente instrumento Mentioned n this same section of this document Segundo este Abaixo hereto; to this document, matter, or proposition. a isto, a este assunto, hereunto em anexo, em apenso, ao hereto 1. immediately after this. 2. at or on this. imediatamente em seguida, sobre hereupon isto, com realacao a isto Along with this. By this means; hereby. Em anexo Herewith Accompanying this document Em apenso because of the fact that; since; to the extent that, visto que; inasmuch insofar that desde que; porquanto; porque beyond what has been stated; besides alm disso moreover notwithstanding in spite of :the teams played on, notwithstanding no obstante; the rain; all the same, nevertheless:we proceeded, apesar de; notwithstanding; although todavia Noway, in no way, respect, or degree; not at de modo algum. nowise all; nowise: he was noway responsible for the accident. in no way, manner, or degree; not at all. 1) near that place, about there. 2) about that 1) por ai, nas imediaes. 2) mais thereabout number, amount, or time. 3) near a particular time, ou menos assim, mais ou menos (s) place, number, etc, but not exactly. tanto. From a specified time onward; from then on. Posteriormente Thereafter From the production of that document until now Por conseguinte Dai em diante Conseqentemente Depois disso 1) against or in opposition to that. thereagainst at that place; there; at that event; place or time, por isso mesmo, por causa disso, thereat upon that, at that incentive, on account of that. por esse motivo, nessa altura. By that means; because of that. . In connection with Assim Thereby that Deste modo Resulting from that document or decision Por este / aquele motivo for that reason or cause; consequently or hence. por conseqncia, por esse therefore motivo, portanto, logo, ento. For that reason or cause; consequently or hence Ento Therefore For that reason or purpose Portanto Por isso Por conseguinte Logo 1) from that place, time or thing. disto, daquilo, da, dali, de l, therefrom daquele lugar. In that place, time, or thing. In that circumstance or Nesse lugar Therein respect. A esse respeito Appearing somewhere in that document Nisto / naquilo Nesse particular In a later part, as of a speech or book. Adiante Thereinafter Listed later in that document Naquele documento Mentioned previously in that document Acima naquele documento Thereinbefore
Thereinunder Thereof Anteriormente naquele documento Mentioned in that section of that document Ento mencionado Of or concerning this, that, or it. From that cause or A este respeito origin; therefrom Do mesmo Relating to that document Disso Daquilo Concernente Da Dali 1) on or upon this, that or it. 2) following that 1) nisso, naquilo. 2) aps isso, immediately; thereupon. 3) on the thing that has depois disso, logo aps. 3) sobre just been mentioned. isso, nisso. To that, this, or it. A isso Following that document Para esse fim Until that time; before that. Antes disso In the time before that document was produced At ento Anteriormente 1) abaixo disso, abaixo, debaixo 1) under this, that, or it. 2) under something that has just been mentioned. 3) according to a disso. 2) menos que isso. document, law, or part of an agreement that has just been mentioned. 1)to that, this, or it; thereto 1) para a, para isso, a esse lugar. 2) a ele, a ela. 1) concerning that matter, upon that. 2) directly 1) logo aps, nisso. 2) por causa following that; forthwith. 3) the consequence of disso, por isso, a esse respeito, em that; therefore. 3) immediately after something else razo disso. 3) imediatamente. 4) has happened, and usually as a result of it. 4) com referncia a isso. concerning a subject that has just been mentioned. With that, this, or it.. In addition to that Alm disso Accompanying that document Ademais Com isso Logo aps Anexo (do/daquele) documento from where; from what place; from what origin or de onde; da; por isso; por que source; by reason of which, from which. the dog motivo was coal black from nose to tail, whence the name shadow. 1. while on the contrary: one arrived promptly, considerando. // conj 1 whereas the others hung back. considerando que, atendendo a 2. it being the case that, or considering that (used que. 2 enquanto que, ao passo esp. in formal preambles).1. it being the fact that; que. 3 desde que, j que, visto inasmuch as. 2. while at the same time. 3. while que. on the contrary. --1. an introductory statement to a formal document; a preamble. 2. a conditional statement. in accordance with which, by or through which. by por meio do qual, pelo qual, com what or by which, under the terms of which (by o qual. // adv como, de que forma. what? how?) 1. archaic. for what? why? para qu? por qu? 2 para que, 2; for that cause or reason: wherefore let us be por que, pelo que. grateful. 3. the cause or reason: to study the whys and wherefores of a situation. 1. in what or in which. 2. in what way or respect? em qu? dentro de qu? 2 em que, adv. 1. in what way; how: wherein have we no qual, como. sinned?


Thereto Theretofore


thereunto thereupon






whereof conj. 1. in which location; where: the country wherein those people live. 2. during which. 3. in what way; how: showed them wherein they were wrong. of what, which or whom. of what: i know whereof i speak. of which: ancient pottery whereof many examples are lost. of whom. --whereof adv. archaic. of what. upon what or upon which. at or after which. archaic. upon what?on which. in close consequence of which: the instructor entered the room, whereupon we got to our feet. adv e conj do que, a respeito do que, de quem.


o respeito de qu? concernente a qu? 2 ao que, em conseqncia do que, depois do que.

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