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Critical Essay on Human Genome Project: its implication on the study of human personality, and nature vs. nurture debate

Mohd Zaki Bin Sarpan Matric no: 0426231 Psychology of Personality (PSYC 2210) Section: 3 October 2006

Department of Psychology International Islamic University Malaysia

Instructor: Sr. Mohamad Zaki Samsudin

Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project (HGP) is dedicated for sequencing the entire human genome. It also meant to identify the particular sequence of DNA molecules in the human species. Genome refers to the complete set of genes possessed by an individual. The human genome project has the aspects, which related to the study of personality. For Larsen and Buss, Personality is defined as the set of psychological traits and mechanism within the individual that are organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interaction with, and adaptation to, the intrapsychic, physical and social environment.

In my opinion, there are certain possible implications of the human genome project to the study of personality. The implications may bring positive or negative results to the study of personality.

Firstly, we will have the opportunity to explore more about personality in biological basis. The HGP will accelerate the acquisition of probes for genes that determine an individual's susceptibility to diseases like heart disease, to certain types of cancer, to diabetes, and to some types of mental illness. Based on personality side, mental illness is more concerned. Therefore, the human genome project can be one of the sources to study human personality. We can know for example the biological aspects that make the personality of human differ from one another if a person having chronic mental disorder, schizophrenia and mania. Then we can find the solution by seek the most correct combination of genes and test it by human genome.

Human Genome Project Secondly, we can expect to learn the underlying causes of many genetic diseases, including sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, Huntington disease, cystic fibrosis, and several forms of cancer. This will enable us to predict the likelihood of the disease occurrence in any individual as the personality of an individual sometimes influenced by their health. However, people should be aware of the fact that the HGP will not serve predictor of human's fate, life expectancy or potential death causes. However, it could rather be seen as a force for us to deal with more problems sooner than would otherwise eventually have occurred, but it is not the cause of creating ethical, legal, and social problems.

Thirdly, with HGP, we are in the process of taking control of life, shaping our future, and receiving the power to predict and plan our lives in ways never before possible. We will produce new species, diagnose illness long before it happens, know human beings at the biochemical level, manipulate our reproductive processes, and change us. But, we need to worry about whether genetic technology generated from the HGP will make us less accepting of people who are different. For example, if it is possible to predict and prevent the birth of a child with a gene-related disorder, how will we react to children who have that disorder? Incidentally, human genome project may cut back three different levels in study of personality; the human nature, the level of individual and group differences, and the individual uniqueness level.

Fourthly, HGP may invalidate previous theories on the personality. For example, the theory of physical appearances by William Sheldon that suggested that there were three

Human Genome Project important body type; ectomorph (skinny), mesomorph (muscular), and endomorph (fatty) that came up with three personality traits which are thoughtful and introverted, assertive and bold, and sociable and fun-loving.

The issue of nature versus nurture is an issue that is still to be debated as researchers still trying to determine the degree to which individual differences in personality are caused by genetic or environmental basis. The question that is concerned to HGP is would human genes change our views on this debate.

In my opinion, HGP does not change the debate of nature versus nurture. In fact, in the study of personality, an individual personality is influenced by environment and genetics like Genotype-Environment Interaction and Genotype-Environment and shared and nonshare environmental influences. Decoding the entire code for human life is undoubtedly a huge technical achievement. HGP is something related to genetic side and lead to an understanding of the function of every gene. If it does eventually lead to an understanding of the function of every gene, will it really allow us to predict who will develop heart disease, become violent or become homosexual? Thus, this shows that the environmental factors are still affecting the personality. In addition, environmental influences may be at least as important as genetic factors in determining the aspects of personality. A personality cannot escape from both of these factors. Some scholars said these two factors are influencing even in the childhood. For example a theory stated by Erikson on first stage of socio-emotional with the concept of trust versus mistrust.

Human Genome Project In conclusion, the complete human genome sequence will tell us something about

gene function, and let us not forget the fact that the sequenced human genome will only be a model and will not exactly reveal what is written in somebody's genome or in any other particular person's genome. This is because every human being is different. Each person's genome is unique contributing to a unique personality.

Human Genome Project References Cantor, C. R. & Smith C. L. (1999). Genomics. New York: Willey-Interscience. Cummings, M. R. (2003). Human Heredity. 6th. Canada: Thomson-Brooks/Cole. Glueck, S. & Glueck, E. (1956). Physique and delinquency. New York: Harper. Cited in Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality Psychology. 2nd. New York: McGraw Hill. Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality Psychology. 2nd. New York: McGraw Hill. Sheldon, W. H. & Stevens, S. S. (1940). The varieties of human physique. New York: Harper. Cited in, Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality Psychology. 2nd. New York: McGraw Hill. Sheldon, W. H. & Stevens, S. S. (1942). The varieties of temperament; a psychology of constitutional differences. Oxford, England: Harper. Cited in, Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality Psychology. 2nd. New York: McGraw Hill. Steward, H. (1980). Body type, personality, and psychotherapeutic treatment of male adolescents. Adolescents, 15, 927-932. cited in Larsen, R. J. & Buss, D. M. (2005). Personality Psychology. 2nd. New York: McGraw Hill.

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