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1 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy) Feminine (girl) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns; a/an) 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she) -demonstrative pronouns (this house, that car) -possessive adjective (his house, her chair) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and)

2 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) (-es) -common nouns -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy), (man) Feminine (girl), (women) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns; a/an/the) 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) -demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) -possessive adjective (his, her, my) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who/ where/when/which) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and, or)

3 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) (-es) -common nouns -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy), (man) Feminine (girl), (women) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns; a/an/the) 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) -demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) -possessive adjective (his, her, my) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who/ where/when/which) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and,or, but)


1 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, on, up, down)

2 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, out, on, at, up, to, up, under, down)

3 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, out, on, at, to, up, under, down) 6.VERBS -regular verbs (-d, -ed) -irregular verbs (changed of one vowel ; sit-sat) 7.ADJECTIVE OF COLOUR, SHAPE AND SIZE (blue,round, big, taller, taller than) 8.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) (plural verb for plural noun) 9.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -for habitual actions -there is .(singular) -there are .(plural) -they are -for imperatives -for instruction

6.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) 7.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -what is your name? -there is .(singular)

6.ADJECTIVE OF COLOUR, SHAPE AND SIZE (blue, round, big) 7.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) (plural verb for plural noun) 8.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -for habitual actions -there is .(singular) there are .(plural) -for imperatives


1 8.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was)

2 9.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was) -plural form of the verb be (were) -past simple with -ed

3 10.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was) -plural form of the verb be (were) -past simple with ed -past tense with change of one vowel (irregular verbs ; sit-sat) -using words that signal the past tense(yesterday, once upon a time) 11.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend) 12.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 13.POSITIVE QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? Yes, he is / No, it isnt Are they bananas? Yes, they are / Yes, arent 14.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence 15.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas (for list)

9.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend) 10.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 11.POSITIVE QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? (singular) Yes, he is 12.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence 13.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas

10.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend) 11.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 12.POSITIVE QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? (singular) Yes, he is / No, he isnt Are they bananas? (plural) Yes, they are / Yes, arent 13.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence 14.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas


1 1.TO EXCHANGE GREETINGS A: Good morning B: Good morning 2.TO THANK SOMEONE A: Thank you B: Youre welcome 3.TO BID FAREWELL A: Goodbye B: Goodbye 4.TO ASK FOR ONES NAME A: What is your name? B: My name is

2 1.EXCHANGING GREETINGS A: Good morning, teacher B: Good morning, Nana 2.INTRODUCING ONESELF A: Good morning. I am 3.TALKING ABOUT ONESELF A: Hi! I am I am years old I have 4. ASKING QUESTIONS AND GIVING INFORMATION -A: What is that? B: It is a (to identify) -A: Where do you stay? B: I stay in I stay at no. -A: Who is that? B: She is my -A: Where are you going? B: I am going to the -A: When is the circus coming? B: It is coming on friday 5.TO REFUTE STATEMENTS -It is not white -No, it is not white -Is this yours? no.

3 1.EXCHANGING GREETINGS A: Good morning, teacher B: Good morning, Nana 2.INTRODUCING ONESELF A: Good morning. I am 3.TALKING ABOUT ONESELF A: Hi! I am I am years old I have 4. ASKING QUESTIONS AND GIVING INFORMATION -A: What is that? B: It is a (to identify) -A: Where do you stay? B: I stay in I stay at no. -A: Who is that? B: She is my -A: Where are you going? B: I am going to the -A: When is the circus coming? B: It is coming on friday 5.TO REFUTE STATEMENTS -It is not white -No, it is not white -Is this yours? no.

5. TO STATE ONES NAME A: What is your name? B: Sarah


1 6.TO STATE ONES AGE I am seven years old 7.TO IDENTIFY MEMBERS OF ONES FAMILY This is my father 8.TO ANSWER SIMPLE QUESTIONS -A: Do you like this story B: Yes/no -A: What is that? B: That is a book 9.TO REFUTE STATEMENTS A: Is it number nine? B: No. It is number ten

2 6.TO ASK PERMISSION -Teacher, may I go out? -May I go out please, teacher? 7.TO REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC THINGS -May I have the book -May I have a pencil, please

3 6.TO ASK PERMISSION -Teacher, may I go out? -May I go out please, teacher? 7.TO REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC THINGS -May I have the book -May I have a pencil, please 8.THANKING PEOPLE Thank you, Mrs. Tan

9.CONGRATULATING FRIENDS AND RELATIVES Congratulations, uncle 10.TAKING LEAVE I have to go now, goodbye 11.EXPRESSING GOOD WISHES Happy Birthday, Mum 12.EXPRESSING APOLOGY Im sorry, Abbas


4 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -uncountable nouns (things that cannot be counted) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) (-es) -common nouns -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy), (man) Feminine (girl), (women) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns; a/an/the)

5 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -uncountable nouns (things that cannot be counted) -collective nouns (things, people, animals) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) (-es) -common nouns -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy), (man) Feminine (girl), (women) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns) a/an/the/some

6 1.NOUNS -countable nouns (things that can be counted) -uncountable nouns (things that cannot be counted) -collective nouns (things, people, animals) -number (singular/plural) regular plural (-s) (-es) -common nouns -proper nouns (names of person/place) -gender Masculine (boy), (man) Feminine (girl), (women) 2.ARTICLES (with singular nouns) a/an/the/some


4 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) -demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) -possessive adjective (his, her, my) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who/ where/when/which/why) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and, or, but, because, so) 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, out, on, under, at, to, up, down, across, along, against, among, next to, at the back of ) 6.ADJECTIVE OF COLOUR, SHAPE AND SIZE -blue, round, big -comparative form(-er, -er + than) -superlative form (the -est)

5 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) -demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) -possessive adjective (his, her, my) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who/ where/how) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and, or, but, because, so) 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, out, on, under, at, to, up, down, across, along, against, among, next to, at the back of, in front of, behind, through) 6.ADJECTIVE OF COLOUR, SHAPE AND SIZE -blue, round, big -comparative form(-er, -er + than) -superlative form (the -est)

6 3.PRONOUNS -personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they) -demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) -possessive adjective (his, her, my) -possessive pronouns (dads car, Alis bag) -interrogative pronouns (Wh questions for singular forms; what/who/ where/how) 4.CONJUCTIONS (and, or, but, because, so) 5.PREPOSITIONS -of location and direction (in, out, on, under, at, to, up, down, across, along, against, among, next to, at the back of, in front of, behind, through) 6.ADJECTIVE OF COLOUR, SHAPE AND SIZE -blue, round, big -comparative form(-er, -er + than) -superlative form (the -est)


4 7.ADVERBS -to show how a person does something (Adverb of manner ly) 8.MODALS -To show it is necessary to do sth (must, have to) 9.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) (plural verb for plural noun) (2 sing nouns connected by and) 10.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -for habitual actions -there is .(singular) -there are .(plural) -for imperatives -for instruction 11.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was) -plural form of the verb be (were) -past simple with ed

5 7.ADVERBS -to show how a person does something (Adverb of manner ly) 8.MODALS -To show it is necessary to do sth (must, have to, could, should) 9.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) (plural verb for plural noun) (2 sing nouns connected by and) (3 sing nouns connected by and) 10.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -for habitual actions -there is .(singular) -there are .(plural) -for imperatives -for actions (verb + ing) 11.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was) -plural form of the verb be (were) -past simple with ed -irregular verbs (keep-kept) -using words that signal the past tense (yesterday, last week) 12.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend)

6 7.ADVERBS -to show how a person does something (Adverb of manner ly) 8.MODALS -To show it is necessary to do sth (must, have to, could, should) 9.SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (singular verb for singular noun) (plural verb for plural noun) (2 sing nouns connected by and) (3 sing nouns connected by and) 10.SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE -for habitual actions -for imperatives -for actions (verb + ing) 11.SIMPLE PAST TENSE -past tense of the verb be (singular; was) -plural form of the verb be (were) -past simple with ed -irregular verbs (keep-kept) -using words that signal the past tense (yesterday, last week) 12.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend)

12.POSITIVE STATEMENTS (eg: this is my friend)


4 13.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 14.QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? Yes, he is / No, it isnt Are they bananas? Yes, they are / Yes, arent 15.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence -compound sentence 16.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas -apostrophe (to show possession)

5 13.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 14.QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? Yes, he is / No, it isnt Are they bananas? Yes, they are / Yes, arent 15.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence -compound sentence 16.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas -apostrophe (to show possession) -indent (for paragraphs)

6 13.NEGATIVE STATEMENTS (eg: he is not in the tent) 14.QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES Is Ben in bed? Yes, he is / No, it isnt Are they bananas? Yes, they are / Yes, arent -question tags 15.SENTENCE TYPES -simple sentence -compound sentence 16.PUNCTUATION -capital letters -full stop -question mark -exclamation mark -commas -apostrophe (to show possession) -indent (for paragraphs)


4 1. TO REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC OBJECTS AND TO RESPOND A: Can I have the bottle of gum, please. B: Sure. Here you are 2. TO ASK FOR HELP AND TO RESPOND ACCORDINGLY A: Please help me carry this table B: Yes, of course 3. TO TALK ABOUT ONESELF A: Hello. I am I like to play football I want to play in the school football team. 4. TO ASK QUESTIONS AND TO GIVE INFORMATION -What do you like to do? I like to -What are you doing? I am -Where are you going? I am going to -Who is that? She is my (to state) -When are you coming to my house? On Friday at 3 oclock

5 1. TO REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC OBJECTS AND TO RESPOND A: Can I have the bottle of gum, please. B: Sure. Here you are 2. TO ASK FOR HELP AND TO RESPOND ACCORDINGLY A: Please help me carry this table B: Yes, of course 3. TO TALK ABOUT ONESELF A: Hello. I am I like to play football I want to play in the school football team. 4. TO ASK QUESTIONS AND TO GIVE INFORMATION -What do you like to do? I like to -What are you doing? I am -Where are you going? I am going to -Who is that? She is my (to state) -When are you coming to my house? On Friday at 3 oclock

6 1. TO REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC OBJECTS AND TO RESPOND A: Can I have the bottle of gum, please. B: Sure. Here you are 2. TO ASK FOR HELP AND TO RESPOND ACCORDINGLY A: Please help me carry this table B: Yes, of course 3. TO TALK ABOUT ONESELF A: Hello. I am I like to play football I want to play in the school football team. 4. TO ASK QUESTIONS AND TO GIVE INFORMATION -What do you like to do? I like to -What are you doing? I am -Where are you going? I am going to -Who is that? She is my (to state) -When are you coming to my house? On Friday at 3 oclock


4 5. TO REFUTE STATEMENTS -It is not black -No, it is not black. -Is this his? No

5 5. TO REFUTE STATEMENTS -It is not black -No, it is not black. -Is this his? No 6. TO ACCEPT AND DECLINE AN INVITATION A: Can you come to my party? B: Yes, of course C: Im sorry I cant. I have to complete my Science Project 7. TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS AND RESPONDING TO THEM A: Lets go to the playground B: Yes/Okay C: No, I cant. No one is at home

6 5. TO REFUTE STATEMENTS -It is not black -No, it is not black. -Is this his? No 6. TO ACCEPT AND DECLINE AN INVITATION A: Can you come to my party? B: Yes, of course C: Im sorry I cant. I have to complete my Science Project 7. TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS AND RESPONDING TO THEM A: Lets go to the playground B: Yes/Okay C: No, I cant. No one is at home 8. TO VOLUNTEER Teacher, I can do it 9. TO SHOW APPRECIATION Thank you very much 10. TO EXPRESS PLEASURE/ HAPPINESS Im so happy! 11. TO ENCOURAGE Try again, James. You can do it 12. TO SHOW CONCERN Are you all right, Soon Eng?

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