EB MPM: April 30, 2012

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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting April 30, 2012 Start Time: 4:45 Ellyse Arrives at 4:55

Arraignments: Ellyse: Dont have her morning class, did laundry this morning, over slept, ergo late Joseph (for prior meetings absence): Excuse: I was at the doctors. Matters of Concernment Vincent Speeding up the meetings Ysrael: Proposal E-mail the E. Board Agenda on Sunday mornings: 3:0 Vincent Proposal: Decide which date to hold a special to discuss how to propose a motion: 3:0 Ysrael: Proposal - 3:0 Ysrael To Joseph Lack of communication; failure to respond to any messages Vincent reiterates the importance of keeping in communication Was using a different number and alerted no one of this change LGBT Calendar Robert: Got in touch with the Center; get in touch with another organization called New York City Up and out Sent them an e-mail but havent heard anything back. Also, got in touch with James P. Robertson from Task Force but have not heard back from him as well. E-mailing System Ysrael: Informs Board of the new system Spring Events Graduation Ball Vincent: Did not send out e-mail; will send it out tonight: Meet on Wednesday 4:15 and onward Ball is to be held on May 29th Myth vs. Fact No updates: Checked in with Ruby; She hasnt heard anything yet Budget Crisis! Old Budget: $588.97 Vincent Purchase: $64.05 Current Budget: $524.92 Office Supplies: $150 Myth vs. Fact: $100 Food: $40 Amount left over after previous allocation: $234.92 4:0 Remainder of the budget shall go towards the library Vincent receives his reimbursement check

Purchase forms given to Treasurer Office Order Purchase Ellyse and Joseph must meet with Kim Sanchez to request supplies from Staples; we dont care if the supplies arrive next semester, so long as the moneys from this semester are used up Possible Dates to meet: Thursday Monday Office Supplies: 3-hole puncher Stapler (staples) Markers Scotch tape USB Flash Drive (8G) Dry erase Board (medium sized) Dry erase Board Calendar Pens Index Cards Notepads Folders 2 Clipboards Post-its Robert will bring in a dust pan from his personal account Library We will use the remainder of the budget toward the library Robert will check with Barnes and Noble and Joseph will check with Amazon.com Budget Request Joseph and Vincent will create the projected budget for next year; estimated costs for 2012-2013 cost Approving the budget: How to do so? Vincent will request an extension from Tasheka If not possible, the requested budget form will be left in the office for officers to sign off on General Meeting Agendae May 3rd We will hold the meeting between the E and F cluster Rain or Shine If held outside, we will play Finish the Sentence Horse Ellyse will bring in a beach ball Gestures Mother May I May 10th

Dont Ask Dont Tell Discussion 4:0 Idea is removed What to do then? May 10th will be tabled until the next E. Board meeting. May 24th Elections Cupcakes will be served Motivating Students to Attend Our Meetings What can we do? 4:0 We will contact the presidents of Baruch and Hunter College to see what they are doing to maintain their membership and we will create a questionnaire to see what the general membership wants Vincent Proposal: 4:0 Ysrael will create a questionnaire and forward it to Vincent Ellyse will contact Baruch GLASS Robert will contact Hunter QSU New Business Robert: Tabling: May 3rd Ruby informed him that the table will not be in the Breezeway, instead Ellyse: 10:30 1:30 Joseph: 10:30-12:30 & 1:30 2:30 Robert: 10:30 1:30 Ysrael 11:30 12:30 & 1:30 2:30 Health Concerns for the Room Robert will ask Grounds to sweep/mop the room; special request Proceed with Deciding when hold the special lecture of how to propose motions To be held in the beginning of next E Board meeting. Adjourn: 8:00pm

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