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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting Wednesday March 28th (Original Set Date was March 26th)

Start Time: 4:30pm Exchange of Documents Maintenance of Order Code of Conduct Executive Board Ellyse describes to tighten up on focus General Meetings Ellyse describes 4:0 - Vote passed that in the case of disorder, the chair is the sole responsible one to bring order Unannounced Announcements 4:0 Proposal passes that in order for someone to make an announcement in the beginning of a General Meeting, it must be approved by of the Board Motion: How much time should we allot to the announcements? 3:1 Vote passes to allot 5 minutes What constitutes as New Business in GM? 4:0 Motion passes that all New Business must be related to LGBT issues on campus and/or Kingsborough activities. Recess taken: 5:00 Resume 5:11 Brooklyn Pride Ellyse failed to properly read the e-mail ergo did not contact the appropriate people Feminist Panel Decided not to be on the panel Event was held yesterday Katia spoke with Ellyse before the event; Katia was disappointed that Ellyse chose not to be on the panel; described that she and former President Maldonado had a stronger connection Honors Club Spring Events A Day at the Movies Online Votes The Birdcage 2 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert 2 Boys Don't Cry 1 Chuck and Larry 5 Prayers for Bobby 2 Punks 1 Marine Story 2 General Meeting 3/22 Votes

The Birdcage 7 The Adventures of Priscilla 4 Boys Dont Cry 6 Chuck and Larry 7 Prayers for Bobby 9 Punks 2 Marine Story 3 Total Count Birdcage - 9 Priscilla - 6 Boys Dont Cry - 7 *Chuck and Larry - 12 *Prayers for Bobby - 11 Punks - 3 Marine Story 5 After announcement of the votes, the President and Vice-President want to remove Chuck and Larry from the table; This cannot be done unless it is brought to the General Membership Myth vs. Fact Robert managed to hand the papers to Ruby Dates April 26th is not possible May 10th Back up dates in case the ones are not possible May 8th and 9th Treasurers Review Joseph has managed to get the forms in order; all that is left is the sign in for Paris is Burning General Meeting 3/29 Movie Winner Announcement Discussion on Bisexuality Recess 6:26 Resume: 6:38 April Agendae National Day of Silence April 20th Question comes into whether to create an event or a special day for it Proposal: Hold a special tabling event on April 19th in the morning, then when it comes time for the general meeting, we will have a Breaking the Silence; there will be refreshments and food; there will be an icebreaker to speak out times when we were silenced, and we will cap it off with the movie, Prayers for Bobby. Vote: 4:0 Distribute beads One of each rainbow colour 4 Bags of each colour 12 in a bag

April 5th Political Discussion: Know Your Nominees New York Primary April 24th April 26th Tabled CUNY LGBT Task Force Update from Ellyse End Time:7:00pm

Ysrael will check to see the party store that we will be able to order them from Have a black board and allow people to write on it about Why am I joining NDS? Gel pens to write on Paper paper index/squares downloaded from the website Safety pins provided by Ellyse to pin them to the shirt Duct Tape Any volunteers from the club can take a piece of tape and put it on their mouths as they give out information. If people wish to do so as well, then a roll of tape will be provided Invite to our meeting: Breaking the Silence Prayers for Bobby

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