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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting Monday, December 5, 2011 Start Time: 6:26 Final Review for

r December 8th o Flyers have not been printed for posting o Food Orders Everything has been done Lody is attempting to get the original receipt Kim Sanchez A-228 Vincent will call tomorrow to verify details Verify delivery time 3:30pm Bring the original receipt o Time Schedule 3pm Social Hour Music Ellyse will create a playlist The Ball Game Ellyse will supply a cloth ball 4pm 5:30pm Movie 5:30 6:00pm Cleanup o Preparation DVD is not in possession DVD will picked up in Barnes and Noble Stream from Netflix o Do some magic with the equipment Winter Semester o Executive Meetings Mondays 3pm 5pm Dean Dalpes Tuesday December 13th at 10am 12pm o General Meetings 3 Meetings; One every 2 weeks Same time: 3 4pm Send out a poll question Keeping the same room: E-113 o Winter Tabled o Spring Semester First Meeting March 1st AIDS Walk Pride Parade Karaoke We could use this event as a fundraiser Gay Prom

Dates: o 3rd Choice: Thursday May 10th o 2nd Choice: Thursday May 17th o 1st Choice: Thursday May 24th MAC Rotunda U-220/219 Charge $5 for non-valid KCC ID People to cosponsor with: o Liberal Arts Council o CAB o Odyssey

Movies Once a month o March Create an event March 14th March 21st March 27th Blood Drive Give out cookies? o April During meeting April 19th o May During Meeting Wednesday May 17th

End Time: 10:10pm

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