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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting December 12th, 2011 Start Time: 4:06 December 8th Holiday

ay Party Overview o Overall it was successful Most people stayed o Food was almost on par, but cookies were very short in quantity. o Proposal to create a committee to help setup and breakdown events In the beginning of the Spring semester, introduce the event schedule to the general membership and that we would like to create a committee for setup/breakdown and see who would like to join Motion is seconded o Budget Original Budget: $300 Price Originally Charged: $244 Price Actually Charged: $264 Deans Meeting o Vincents Understanding: The Dean would review our previous demands: o Issue of Office Hours Vincent: They felt that that they werent prepared because they werent trained as councilors, but now that this semester is over, they see thats not what office entails. Knowing that now, they are more comfortable establishing these hours. Winter Module Meetings o We will wait some time to allow people to take their vote on the poll question. o Agenda 1st Rychelle will announce her resignation Present to them about Gay Prom: Preliminary Committee 2nd 3rd Ballot Vote o Elections By using the internet, we will try to reach out to the general membership Post video speeches online Hold electronic ballots Total of 9 meetings total; must have attended 6 meetings Vote will be held tomorrow after the Deans meeting. Spring Semester o Executive Meetings Decided to keep the same times: Mondays 6pm - 8pm o General Meetings First meeting is March 1st Decide on food to be available

Light Refreshments

o Events Gay Prom Budget will be tabled $914.25 is currently left with the budget Rychelle estimates that we will need $2,000 for the event What we want o Prom Committee We will contact the membership the first day of the winter meeting; also send out a mass e-mail the day before that meeting to introduce and gather interest o Decorations o DJ o Food Menu: Catering o Invitations/Flyers o Setup/Breakdown o Swag Movie Night Food o Popcorn We will check if we can purchase ready made popcorn from a larger retailer o Bottled Water V-219 Table the rest of the events o End Comments None o Adjourn at 7:08

Emergency Append December 13th, 2011 11:25am Office Hours will be established at the next official E.B. meeting Vote is taken: o Proposal: Hold vice-president elections on the last day of the winter module meetings. Vote is passed

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