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Executive Board Meeting Minutes Per Meeting October 13th, 2011 Start Time: 6:15pm Events: o Tabling November

er 2nd 10am 2pm Ellyse & Ysrael are available December 1st Ellyse & Ysrael are available 10am 2pm Question is if we should establish another tabling date: Aim for October 27th 10am 2pm; Breezeway Rychelle will submit the paperwork for the tabling request o Go to the following to request an official meeting room for general meetings: Ms. Maureen Daly Office: A-209 Phone Number: 718-368-5028 Office of the VP for Finance & Administration o Homophobia in the Work Place Planned for November 10th but debate is up to decide when is more appropriate in order to accommodate people to participate on the panel. Issue is to pinpoint what is the exact plan and point of the event Q&A session at the end Students have interaction Scheduled Time: Pre-Access: 3pm Event Start: 3:30pm Event End: 5:30pm Breakdown: 6:00pm Discussion of the Mission To educate Pre-employment discrimination What occurs when youre at work What are the approaches people receive for being openly gay in the workplace? There are some positive and negative things that happen as youre out in the workplace. **Begin by defining Homophobia**

Being out in the workforce *Ysrael proposes creating a committee to organize and do research for the event* o Vincent Cuccia volunteers to head the committee o Ellyse volunteers to join the committee Possible Co-Sponsors o We are collaborating with Safe Zone o DECA Consideration is made to move the date of this event to a later date: o Vote is taken: 3:1 vote for moving it back Establish a movie night December 1st to be announced: MAC Center o Paris is Burning o Before S o Poetry Club Proposal If we co-sponsor, then itll make a good addition to the event list. All that Taylor is asking for is poems, plays, short skits Vote is taken to decide whether to co-sponsor or merely participate: all vote for co-sponsor Next meeting, it will be announced to see if there is anyone that is interested in joining in the event to demonstrate their works o Bracelets, T-Shirts, & Pins Pins with the logo Yamil: proposes a website that will provide wrist bands that will have LGBTS Alliance on them Vote to distribute the bands for free T-shirts: vote is not in favor Pins: Vote to get pins: With our logo and something inspirational End Time: 8:09pm

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