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BEST OVERALL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM As Sun International Zambia Ltd, we are committed to the responsibility of protecting and

enhancing the environment, which is integral to the way we do business. Our environmental management policy clearly states our commitments to continual improvement. When we conduct our business of offering hotel, leisure and entertainment we will; develop, implement and maintain an Environmental Management System that is consistent with internationally recognized standards. The policy is communicated to guests through notice boards, tent cards and during nature walks. Staff s are also made aware of this through internal communication. Aspect and impact management All environmental impacts of the business have been identified and tabulated. Measures have been put in place to mitigate all negative impacts. See doc 3 (Aspect and impact register) Standards Our system conforms to the heritage standards and we are currently on platinum status. Our plans are to maintain the status and even improve further on the current environmental Programmes in place. Fauna and Flora Indigenous trees have been maintained around the resort. Tree growing project within the resort and the surrounding area has been implemented to reforest the area with less vegetation. Control of alien species is an on going programme. About 500 metre squared of land has been cleared of lantana camara. A partnership with the local national heritage conservation society, UNEP, GEF and ECZ has been entered to help eradicate lantana camera at the Victoria Falls. Biological and chemical control methods will be used to control lantana camara Nature walks for guest, visitors and staff is conducted within the Resort to help them appreciate the conservation of nature (photos) (see the policy) Energy Management Guests are involved in the conservation of resources .energy saving plaques have been put in all the rooms to ask guest to participate in the conservation process. Staffs have also participated in the conservation of energy through switching of lights in rooms which are not occupied. Target to reduce consumption have been set .Through the energy saving measures put in place, a 7% and 9% Energy and gas reduction respectively has been achieved. Targets of reducing energy consumption by another 5% more has been put in place.

To ensure that the targets are met, a monitoring programme is in place. Daily meter reading of water, electricity and gas are taken and consumption is compared to set bench marks. Over consumption is investigated by the maintenance team and corrective measures put in place. A total of 95% of the light bulbs used are energy saving. Room audits are done every day to ensure that staffs abide by the set procedure in the energy management policy. Low wattage bulbs have been put across the resort. (See the policy) Water Management All the water used for irrigation is drawn from the river and its monitored and targets set to reduce consumption. Water monitoring Programmes are in place. Meter reading is done on a daily basis to monitor the consumption of water. If the water consumption goes beyond the bench the cause is investigated and worked on. (See water policy) Structures and responsibility The falls resort has 3 active green teams compromising about 10 members each. Each member has been formerly appointed and they clearly understand their duties. (See the structure and responsibility policy) Waste management Through the waste management policy, Worm farm project has been implemented so as to manage organic waste from the kitchens and gardens. a total of 90kgs of waste is consumed by the worms everyday. This has drastically reduced the amount of waste going to the dump site. Artificial fertilizer used by Top turf has been replaced by worm tea and compost manure from the worm farm. To further reduce the plastic waste a water bottle programme has been introduced. By this programme guest are sold the water bottle at checking in and the will use the bottle through out their stay at the hotel. They can fill up at any point within the resort at no cost. Separation of waste within the resort is another management programme in place. Despite having no recycling facilities in the earlier; SIZ has made arrangement with enviro Serv to take care of all recyclable materials (see the policy) Procurement Sun international Zambia has a commitment of reducing pollution through responsible buying. 90% of the products are bought fro the locals. Farmers have been trained in sustainable way of producing vegetables. The buying of goods from the local farmers has greatly reduced the carbon foot print for the hotel. An onsite Herb and rose garden, hydroponics for growing vegetables is established so as to get vegetables, rose flower and herbs locally. Instead of using artificial fertilizer, organic fertilizer produced from the worm farm is used by Top turf.

About 80% of local suppliers have been certified as ideal suppliers to the resort in terms of environmental management. (See the policy) Transport Management A proper transport management policy is in place to ensure that all the contractors abide to it. Regular meeting are held with transport operators to remind them that they have an obligation to conserve the environment and that their operation do not impact negatively on the environmental. All staff members and security are involve in ensuring that all vehicle follow the raid down procedure etc no idling and washing vehicles in the Resort (see the policy) Training The kundiza heritage environment programme was introduced so as to teach staff on how to conserve the environment. The training includes contractors and concessionaires

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