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It would seem that we have been completely blacked out of the news.

The discovery that Article the First was, in fact, ratified, brings change, and an opportunity, to the Congress. The parties in power, and the power behind them, are not going to like this. The institutional resistance may even rise to the level of physical violence and financial coercion. I anticipate that even a win in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals will not be the end of this story. What saddens me is that the individuals charged with thwarting this aspect of our Constitution have, themselves, taken a solemn oath to uphold this very same document, and the rights reserved within it. If they will break faith "just following orders" on an issue such as this, what is to stop them from objecting to or trampling on our inalienable rights. Our attorney general's office is already under scrutiny over "fast and furious". Whether the accusations are true or not, it is a symptom of a larger cancer, partisan politics. We read about "Democratic victory" in the House, or "Republican dominance" defeating a Bill in the Senate. I can't tell you who will win the Presidential race, but, if the "divide and conquer" philosophy of the lobbyists, distracting us from the real issues, is allowed to continue, I can assuredly predict the loser in November. We, the People. Frederick Douglass wrote, 150 years ago, the following: "What on earth is the matter with the American Government and people? Do they really covet the world's ridicule as well as their own social and political ruin? What are they thinking about, or don't they condescend to think at all? So, indeed, it would seem from their blindness in dealing with the tremendous issue now upon them. Was there ever anything like it before? ... The national edifice is on fire. Every man who can carry a bucket of water, or remove a brick, is wanted; but those who have the care of the building, having a profound respect for the feeling of the national burglars who set the building on fire, are determined that the flames shall only be extinguished by Indo-Caucasian hands, and to have the building burnt rather than save it by means of any other. Such is the pride, the stupid prejudice and folly that rules the hour." Today, the issue is not the slavery of the is the enslavement of the majority of the American People. If you are not beholden to the two-party system, and their supporting KStreet bandits, you need not apply. All we once aspired to has been robbed from us, and from future generations - signed, sealed, and delivered into the hands of our enemies by the very officials we appointed the guardians of our rights.

Article the First, correctly read as voted in the House and Senate, - not the diluted and crippled version passed in the engrossed "copies" - results in apportionment of the Congress in incremental districts not to exceed 50,000 persons. Today, based on the 2010 census, we would be seating, depending on the fractional number argument, between 6174 and 6189 members of Congress this Fall. Those numbers would change the construction of the Electoral College, and, in this close race, potentially could change the outcome of the election of our Chief Executive. Such a change has been proposed as "absurd" by the Attorney General's office, and I am inclined to agree - but not with the Attorneys General. I believe that a change in the House of 9.7%, exactly in keeping with the increase in our population, would be right action to be taken, and that the fact that we must now increase the size from 435 (yes, I know, 438, but I refer only to the "voting" members of the House) to 6189, rather than from the 5600 we were supposed to have following the 2000 Census. Because Article the First IS a part of the Constitution, it frankly doesn't matter what I might prefer, or what the entrenched office-holders would prefer. Each of us is compelled to hold the Constitution sacred, and to defend it AS IT IS, not as we "might like it to be". It is not that we "may", "might", or "should" adhere to this article, and apportion "the People's House" accordingly - we MUST. Allow me to illustrate certain advantages derived from such a change - advantages belonging to the PEOPLE... 1.) A Fair and Equal Apportionment, to approximate the ideal of "one man - one vote", the basis of our "popular" government. 2.) A sudden removal of the seniority of entrenched "career" politicians, beholden to the lobbyists and special interests for the whole of the present 435 would only represent 7% of the "Committee of the Whole". ("They" would argue that their experience is needed. We've "experienced" their "experience"...I've had enough - have you?) 3.) Division of labor on examination of the many issues facing our government, with more input, and a better reliance on the judgment of those not beholden to special interests. These are but three of the many reasons why a more proportional government will result in better service...and I do say "service", because Congress is not meant to RULE, they are meant to SERVE. Some would consider a Congress of 6000 unwieldy...I contend that, in this day and age, such a position is an utter falsehood. By parsing into large committees devoted to specific "families" of issues, a greater efficiency can be arrived at.

Other than ceremonially meeting as a body a few times per session, Representatives would better serve their respective districts by actually being available IN their district. None of these reasons or arguments are sufficient, however.

Adherence to our Constitution is.

Frederick John LaVergne, "Democratic-Republican" for Congress - New Jersey's Third Congressional District, 2012

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