Drug Summary March 23,2012

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DRUG SUMMARY Name Of Drug Generic (Brand) Ciprofloxacin Date Ordered Classification Date Frequency Route 500 mg 1 cap

q 12 P.O. Mechanism Of Action Specific Indication Side Effects Nursing Implications


Antibacterial Fluoroquinolo ne

Bactericidal; interferes with DNA replication in susceptible bacteria preventing cell production

For the treatment of infections caused by susceptible organisms: urinary tract infections

Competetivel BEFORE: y inhibits Observe the 10 gastric acid rights in giving secretions by medications blicking the DURING: effect of Instruct pt to histamine on drink plenty of Histamine H2 fluid while taking receptors. the drug Both daytime AFTER: and nocturnal basal gastric acid secretioin, as well as foodand pentagastrinstimulated gastric acod are inhibited. Food increaces bioavailability . Relief of heartburn associated with acid ingestion and sour stomach. GI: Constipation,

N&V, diarrhea,abdo minal pain, pancreatitis (rare). CNS: Headache, dizziness, malaise, insomia, vertigo, confusion, anxiety, agitation, depression, fatigue, somnolence, hallucinations . CV: Bradycardia or tachycardia, premature ventriclar beats, following rapid IV use, vasculitis, cardiac arrest. Hepatic: hepatotoxicity , jaundice, hepatitis, increase in ALT. Dermatologic: Erythema

multiforme, rash, alopecia. Allergic: Bronchospas ms, anaphylaxis, agionecrotic edema (rare), rashes, fever, eosinophilia.

Reference: 2011 Lippincotts Drug Guide

DRUG SUMMARY Name Of Drug generic (brand) Date Ordered Classification Dose Frequency Route Mechanism Of Action Specific Indication Sid Effects Nursing Considerations

Ferrous sulfate


Iron preparation

1 tab BID P.O.

Elevates the serum iron concentration, and is then converted to Hgb or trapped in the reticuloendothelial cells for storage and essential conversion to a usable form of iron.

Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemias Dietary supplement for iron

GI upset, nausea, vomitin g; diarrhea or constipa tion; dark or green stools

BEFORE: Confirm pt does have deficiency anemia before treatment Observe the 10 rights in giving medications DURING: Instruct pt to take drug on an empty stomach with water. Take after meals if GI upset is severe(avoid milk, eggs, coffee, and tea). AFTER: Warn pt that stool may be dark or green Arrange for periodic monitoring of Hct levels State and explain the side effects to pt that she may experience

Reference: 2011 Lippincotts Nursing Drug Guide

DRUG SUMMARY Name Of Drug Generic Date Ordered Classification Dose Frequency Route Mechanism Of Action Specific Indication Side Effects Nursing Implications

(brand) Mebendazole



500mg 1tab @ HS

Irreversibly blocks glucose uptake by susceptible helminthes, depleting glycogen stores needed for survival and reproduction of helminthes, causing death

Treatment of tricburistrichiura(whipworm), enterobiusvermicularis(pinworm), ascarislumbrioides(roundworm), ancyostomaduodenale(common hookworm), necatoramericanus (American hookworm)

Nausea, BEFORE: abdominal Observe the 10 pain, rights in giving diarrhea medications DURING: Administer drug with food AFTER: Instruct pt to use strict handwashing and hygiene measures. Launder undergarments, bed linens, and nightclothes daily. State and explain the side effects of this drug to pt that she may experience Instruct pt/SO to report if pt is experiencing fever, return of symptoms, severe diarrhea

Reference: 2011 Lippincotts Nursing Drug Guide


Name Of Drug Generic (Brand) Albendazole

Date Ordered


Dose Frequency Route 1 tab P.O. @ HS SD

Mechanism Of Action

Specific Indication

Side Effects

Nursing Implications


Interferes with the production and survival of helminths by inhibiting the formation of microtubules depleting glycogen stores in the helminth.

Roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, whipworm. Strongyloidiasis. Giardiasis, capillariasis

GI discomfort, rash, headache and dizziness

BEFORE: Assess ptscondition(stool exam) before therapy. Reassess during treatment and also 1-3 weeks after treatment is completed. Observe the 10 rights in giving medications DURING: Give this drug with a fatty meal to achieve optimal absorption. AFTER: Monitor for allergic reaction an drug induced adverse transient abdominal pain and diarrhea

Reference: PPDS Nursing drug guide 2nd edition

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