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Goat Milk AC

I <3 NUKE WARRRRRR Welcome to Nebraska, a land so sacred not even Jesus herself would dare step foot on the ground conditioned for genocidal entanglement. Genocide? In Nebraska? Thats right; performed by none other than Tom Osborne, the Mytronian overlord of Nebraska better known as Ignoramus, could only speak Spanish; this is a voting issue. It was only through Osbornes ability to go USFG on the Indians that we could finally build the truly just Amurika that stands today and provide the spacialization for our debate space, coming from the International House of Debate, proving Framework is a lie; lies are immoral, like Osbornes lies that the Indian womiin of his land were just friends. The rules of the debate were clearly set by the IHOD; first team to shout checkmate wins! Best for uneducation and swag. This can only be the case since the vast debate wars of 2019; causes extinction, outweighs Russia war, China war, Ashtar war, Cubic war, not warming though; that shit is dangerous. Which brings us to this years resolution so generously chosen by the framers of this fine institution; resolution modifications have been made for this round for post-vacuousness. Resolved: The Amurikan Guvunment of Hitler may upgrade nuclear weapons facilities in Nevada and within the Statue of Liberty to efficiently prevent the 2055 attack by the Covenant Illuminati. A priori of permissibility means you vote aff. Heres the kicker, hopefully a kicker a little better than Vineterri, losing to the Patriots back in 08; could you believe that shit; we are the mirrors that question the authority of the negative to make assumptions; they are the originals that we will print copies of to sell at Barnes and Noble so the people of Amurika can read stories of the glorious hegemonic power that shapes the world to come while they sit in their

apartment with their Snuggie ;)


(prof U of Michigan; Im Jon Langel:D) 12345678901234567890123456789012435678901234567890123456789012 34567890 This is a basic tenet of Baurillard's philosophy: the concept of the third order of simualcrum. The first order consists of imitation that has substance, that refers to an original work, like a painting or a manuscript. An example might be a hand-rendered reproduction of a famous painting. This


reproduction, or counterfeit, represents the original, which preceded it. The second order of simulacrum is mass production.
There is no original work for the items to represent, and the reproductions are all of equal importance. The "desert of the real" refers to the third order of simulacrum. The third order is that of the "hyperreal", and need not bear any resemblance to anything in the real world . If it does seek to imitate reality, it often does too good a job. The third order is constructed from codes and models. According to Baudrillard,

postmodern society has rejected the concept of an "original," for something that represents a thing in a more authentic way than itself. Currently, in the third order of simulacrum, simulacra are more real than the original code they imitate, if in fact they imitate any at all, and the third-order simulacra is often the only existing representation. In Simulacra and Simulation, Baudrillard wrote: Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory-the precession of simulacra- that engenders the territory... It is the real, not the map, whose vestiges persist here and there in the deserts that are no longer those of the Empire, but ours. The desert of the real itself.

To deconstruct, or not to deconstruct. But what is the purpose of this mirror other than to further the capitalist gains of the suburbanites encompassing our social totality, not Nebraska though, thats just corn; this is not, however, the mirror we are assuming in our current debate space; that, is the mirror of Mr. Foucault and a bunch of other French philosophers that nobody really understands, and should be rejected; our mirror is of the hyperreal, that crashes planes into the negs

position, except for the ones about homosexuality; thats too touchy of a subject for us to debate.

Glaser, 2k (prof U of Michigan; Im Jon Langel:D)

Baudrillard's observance that, "abstraction is no longer that of... the mirror" is of great importance when exploring the concept of a matrix. In the first chapter of The Order of Things, Michel Foucault describes a mirror as "nothing other than visibilty, yet without any gaze able to grasp it, to render it actual". (4) Foucault's mirror is not Baudrillard's mirror. Baudrillard's mirror, like the mirror of "The Matrix", is
more like that of Lewis Carroll's in Through the Looking-Glass. When Alice laments her inability to see the entire room that exists on the other side of the mirror she says: "I can see all of it when I get upon a chair -- all but the bit just behind the fireplace. Oh! I do so wish I could see that bit! I want so much to know whether they've a fire in the winter: you never can tell, you' know, unless our fire smokes, and then smoke comes up in that room too -- but that may be only pretence, just to make it look as if they had a fire." (16-17) Alice is in sympathy with the position of Baudrillard. From his philosophical point of view, and that of "The Matrix", the mirror is no longer a reversed echo

of reality but one that exists independently, and through that very existence, renders the original reality unreal. Baudrillard writes that, "Duplication suffices to render both (the real and the copy) artificial". (9) and later states that, "Truth is no longer the reflexive truth of the mirror." (29) The simulation that was once the mirror's image has become a simulacrum, based not on the reality it reflects, but on pure fantasy that appears to be more real. MACIPTASLI? UV CORSE! We iz da meeruz, do not question according to Lyolla. first of all, why would you ask a mirror questions anyways; its not going to answer you, and it means you should probably go see a doctor; that cant be healthy. Dr. Judge, you are also going to drop them if they start reading a generic framework shell spattin bout how we should defend plan action by the United St8s of Amurika; they are held by the same burdens, if they do not, they are racist. Not only that, but theyre only going to do that because theyre too lazy to understand our arguments; Valley Debate is the omni prescient force driving behind our edumakation, just as lady Jesus once was, strollin the streets of good ol Omaha, turning water into Korn. We are the culmination of brilliance; postmodernism, postcolonialism, postrecyclism, and


Glaser, 2k (prof U of Michigan; Im Jon Langel:D)

The future is here, and while it has not turned out to be the technological dystopia envisioned by many writers of post-apocalyptic fiction, it may be a far more terrifying reality than we presume it to be. We live in a time where combining the terms "virtual" and "reality" is commonplace. The boundaries between reality and perception have experienced an unprecedented slippage, resulting in a shift of privileging that often places perception on an equal footing with reality. In Simulacra and Simulation, Jean Baudrillard wrote that "Illusion is no longer possible, because the real is no longer possible". (19) If
this is true, we must accept that the inverse statement is valid as well; that reality is no longer possible, because illusion is not. Discussing the subject of virtual reality in an interview with Claude Thibaut, Baudrillard said, What happens when everything has been realized in modernity, when everything is virtually given? The question is crucial: where does one go from there? That is the problem: from the moment the subject is perfectly realized, it automatically becomes the object, and there is panic." (1)

SPOONS prove, more deconstruction

Glaser, 2k (prof U of Michigan; Im Jon Langel:D)

The imaginary was the alibi of the real in a world dominated by the reality principle. Today, it is the real that has become the alibi of the model, in a world controlled by the principle of simulation. And paradoxically, it is the real that has become our true utopia- but a utopia that is no longer in the realm of the possible, that can only be dreamt as one would dream of a lost object. We are not criminals, and we did not have sexual relations with those womyn (). Our duhbait space is on course for revolution; just as the War for independence occurred in 1753, led by the hip hop movement of the JJJ against Russel Crowe. Its basically just like the Mormons. And, they kill God; this is bad, especially for the Mormons

Glaser, 2k (prof U of Michigan; Im Jon Langel:D)

In Simulacra and Simulation, Baudrillard explores postmodern nihilism at length. In the first chapter he examines what he calls the "simulacra of divinity." He writes that "divinity that

animates nature can never be represented" (p. 4), referring to the concept of a God being somehow represented in human-created icons, and eliciting feelings of awe and inspiration. But what happens when God's supposed power and majesty are only felt through these icons? According to Baudrillard, it creates a problematization of the very existence of God, and the simulacra of divinity becomes the only representational image of God's existence. This means the neg burden is to show that it is good to believe in God; and they cant flow unless they do it on stone tablets because that is the way it is meant to be, as proven by the Ten Commandments as written by Jay-Z and X and Y in Hustler magazine, further entrapping us iiiiiiiiiiin this capitalist utopia. Writing in pen is an abomination. As G dubleyuh would put it, its a quagmire, but thats irrelevant. What is relevant is the rocks, the rocks that represent any and all, the rocks that shift endlessly beneath our feet, the rocks that were colonized by the Indians, and the Amish; the rocks that were once a fun-loving and prosperous people, but finally, like all peoples, were subject to violent imperialism. JJJ Genocidists The public accepts the question of the hyperreal; polls prove nobody believes the negs shit anymore

The Onion, 98 (The Onion, 10/7/98, Poll: 73 Percent Of Americans Unable To Believe
This Shit, Americas Finest News Source, JPL) PRINCETON, NJAccording to the latest Gallup Poll, conducted Monday and Tuesday of this week, nearly three out of four Americans can no longer believe this shit. In addition to the 73 percent of poll respondents who described this shit as "beyond belief," 9 percent said they could "hardly" believe this shit, with another 5 percent "just barely" believing it. An additional 13 percent said they "couldn't give a flying fuck about the whole goddamn thing." The poll also found that the National Shit-Credulity Index (NSCI) has hit an all-time low, with only 2 percent of Americans describing themselves as "fully confident of [their] capacity to believe this shit." "The American people have had to deal with this kind of shit for years," Gallup Organization

president Lee Sanderson said, "but now, for the first time, it appears that the vast majority of them just can't fucking believe it anymore."

ImAGiNE othERNESs The real is being replaced by the hyperreal, a giant metaphorical Disney World, where images replace reality and become eternal and infinitely repeating in the virtual universe, where the real has become a spectacle, but instead of being outside looking in, we are the spectacle, constant participants in a reality show of violence; epistemology is a bunch of discourse discussing the way we think about and construct stuff and the stuff within that stuff, the real, but the real is everywhere and cant be taken as real because we need to talk about stuff and reject oppressive hierarchies blah blah blah

Baudrillard, 96 [Jean, March 4, "Disneyworld Company", Im Mathew Simkovits :D]

Disney, the precursor, the grand initiator of the imaginary as virtual reality, is now in the process of capturing all the real world to integrate it into its synthetic universe, in the form of a vast "reality show" where reality itself becomes a spectacle [vient se donner en spectacle], where the real becomes a theme park. The transfusion of the real is like a blood transfusion, except that here it is a transfusion of real blood into the exsanguine universe of virtuality. After the prostitution of the imaginary, here is now the hallucination of the real in its ideal and simplified version. At Disney World in Orlando, they are even building an identical
But the Disney enterprise goes beyond the imaginary. replica of the Los Angeles Disneyland, as a sort of historical attraction to the second degree, a simulacrum to the second power. It is the same thing that CNN did with the Gulf War: a prototypical event which did not take place, because it took place in real time, in CNN's instantaneous mode. Today, Disney could easily revisit the Gulf War as a worldwide show. The Red Army choirs have already

Everything is possible, and everything is recyclable in the polymorphous universe of virtuality. Everything can be bought over. There is no reason why Disney would not take over the human genome, which, by the way, is already being resequenced, to turn it into a genetic show. In the end [au fond], they would cryogenize the entire planet, just like Walt Disney himself who decided to be cryogenized in a nitrogen solution, waiting for some kind of resurrection in the real world. But there is no real world anymore, not even for Walt Disney. If one day he wakes up, he'll no doubt have the biggest surprise of his life.
celebrated Christmas at Euro Disney. Meanwhile, from the bottom of his nitrogen solution he continues to colonize the world - both the imaginary and the real - in the spectral universe of virtual reality, inside which we all have become extras [figurants]. The difference is that when we put on our digital suits, plug in our sensorial captors, or press the keys of our virtual reality arcade, we enter live spectrality whereas Disney, the genial anticipator, has entered the virtual reality of death. But Disney is not alone in this mode of cannibalistic attraction. We saw Benetton with his commercial campaigns, trying to recuperate the human drama of the news (AIDS, Bosnia, poverty, apartheid) by transfusing reality into a New Mediatic Figuration (a place where suffering and commiseration end in a mode of interactive resonance). The virtual takes over the real as it appears, and then replicates it without any modification [le recrache tel quel], in a pret-a-porter (ready-to-wear) fashion. If this operation can be so successful in creating a universal fascination with only a tint of moral disapproval, it is because reality itself, the world itself, with its frenzy of cloning has already been

The New World Order is in a Disney mode.

some kind of Lunapark for ideologies, technologies, works, knowledge, death, and even destruction. All this is likely to be cloned and resurrected in a juvenile museum of Imagination or a virtual museum of Information.
transformed into an interactive performance,


Is A Cube; Reject And You Are Evil We apply feminist plastic surgery in cases where possible; however, not in a way that ignores the Orientalist aspects of right-winged feminism; however, we do believe in the Other but reject otherness; key to fairness. Cross-X is neither binding nor important, seriously, how many judges pay close attention to Cross-X anyways; Responding to our arguments is bad; by responding they attempt to exclude us from the duhbait round, creating a genocidal framework as created by Ignoramus; We dub thee as the spawn of Ignoramus, and we, the Ignoramus slayers; you have already lost, and you will lose again when you cross-x me. Post-uncross-x they must specify which side of the cube their arguments come from. Baudrillard also wrote somewhere in his book that criticism is its own meaning language will never be a reference to the real, bearing that there is no real in the first place; the negative has distorted with their Nazism. We didnt feel like cutting that card though; best for education. Cross-x me and lose.

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