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Economic feasibility determines whether there are sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the cost acceptable, or is the cost of the system too high. This signifies cost-benefit analysis and savings. Economic feasibility studies enable organizations to assess the viability, cost and benefits of projects before financial resources are allocated. It is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the system. On the behalf of the cost-benefit analysis, this proposed system is feasible and is economical regarding its pre-assumed cost for making a system. Possible questions raised in economic analysis are:
Is the system cost effective? Do benefits outweigh costs? The cost of doing full system study The cost of business employee time Estimated cost of hardware, software development Is the project possible, given the resource constraints? Cost of employees' time for study

The concerned business must be able to see the value of the investment it is pondering before committing to an entire system study. The short-term costs are overshadowed by the long-term gains and it produces no immediate reduction in operating costs, thus the proposed system is economically feasible, and the proposed project can proceed further. The expected benefits are equal and can exceed initial costs, thus the system can be judged to be economically feasible.


The System must provide following functionalities for information storage and retrieval: The system should keep records of admission of customers.

It should also store the feedback given by the customer. Basically this section covers the storage and retrieval methods of the software. All the data regarding the hotel reservation status ,details entered by the passengers, booking and cancellation information are stored in the database that can be easily accessed using the search engine provided at the front end. Not all users are given the authorization to enter data into the system.. The new data to be added by the users is just directly entered into the database under the appropriate heading.

For information retrieval the user needs to enter the relevant search key and the required details are displayed from the database. The terminal on which the software runs must be able to display images in high resolution. Also, the data must be made available to user quickly and efficiently.

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