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CHEMISTRY FORM 5 CHAPTER 1 : RATE OF REACTION 1. Rate of reaction is ............................................................................. .................................................................................


(c)' Temperature Temperature of reactant Rate of reaction ....................... .......................... Graph of temperature against time:

2. R.O.R Period

(d) Cataylst Catalyst?

3. Average rate of reaction is ............................................................................. ................................................................................. Formula:

Positive Catalyst Rate of reaction ................... Negative Catalyst Rate of reaction ................... Characteristics of catalyst: ......... the rate of a chemical reaction Most catalyst are ............... element May undergo ............ changes It is ................ in its action
Only ....... amount needed to achieve big change in the rate. ......divided catalyst is more better than ..catalyst

4. Factor that Affect Rate of reaction:(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) Surface area For a fixed mass: Size of reactant Total exposed surface are

Rate of reaction

Remains chemically unchanged during reaction. (e) Pressure

(b) Concentration Concentration of Rate of reaction reactant ................... ..................... Graph of concentration against time:

- Pressure only affect if the reaction involved ............ reactant. - Reaction at higher rate at a higher pressure.

Collision theory and factors affecting the r.o.r 5. Apps of catalyst in daily life and in industry a) Combustion of charcoal b) Storing food c) Cooking food in pressure cooker d) Haber process e) Contact process f) Ostwald process 6. Collision Theory Concentration & Pressure Effective collison Ineffective collision LOW Concentration Num of particle Frequency of effective collision Exothermic reaction Endothermic reaction LOW Rate of reaction Temperature Energy of particles Movement
Frequency of effective collision

Effect of surface area BIG Size of solid Total surface area Frequency of effective collision Rate of reaction SMALL



Rate of reaction Frequency of effective collision HIGH LOW Catalyst More colliding particles are able to achieve the ......... activation energy. Frequency of effective collision .................... Rate of reaction .................. Rate of reaction ........ Rate of reaction ........

Created by: SHAN

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