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and construction industry are 1. nano-Fe2O3 and 2. nano-SiO2 3. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 4. CaCO3 Nanoparticles 5. Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) 6. zinc dioxide nanoparticles 7. Al2O3 nanoparticles 8. Nano- Flyash 9. ZrO2 Nanoparticles 10.CuO nanoparticles 11.Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO) 12.Silver Nanoparticles (Ag) 13. Wolfram (Tungsten) Oxide Nanoparticles (WO3) NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR CONCRETE: The nanotechnologies can be defined as the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the nanoscale. Nanotechnology requires advanced imaging techniques for studying and improving the material behavior and for designing and producing very fine powders, liquids or solids of materials with particle size between 1 and 100 nm, known as nanoparticles Currently, the use of nanomaterials in construction is reduced, mainly for the following reasons: the lack of knowledge concerning the suitable nanomaterials for construction and their behavior; the lack of specific standards for design and execution of the construction elements using nanomaterials; the reduced offer of nanoproducts; the lack of detailed information regarding the nanoproducts content; high costs; the unknowns of health risks associated with nanomaterials. In order to be able to use in the construction industry the nanomaterials at wide scale it is necessary that the researches to be conducted following the next stages: the choice of nanomaterials with potential use in construction and the study of their characteristics; the behavior study of the building elements that contain nanomaterials under various loads; the development of specific design and construction standards.

This paper is part of the first stage of research and represents a synthesis of nanomaterials behaviour, properties developed and the short comings that it is to be used in construction.

NANOMATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Because the size of the particles is a critical factor, the material properties significant differ at the nanoscale from that at larger scales. Physical phenomena begin to occur differently below the boundary limit: gravity becomes unimportant, electrostatic forces and quantum effects start to prevail. In the same time, the proportion of atoms on the surface increases relative to those inside, creating socalled nano-effect. All these nano-properties actually affect the materials behavior at macro-scale and, from this point, the power of nanotechnology is emphasized: if the elements are proper manipulated at the nanoscale, the macro-properties are affected and new materials and processes can be developed. We will discuss in detail each nano materials and there effects in concrete and construction industry 1. Carbon Nanotubes Nanotubes are members of the fullerene structural family and exhibit extraordinary strength and unique electrical properties, being efficient thermal conductors. Carbon nanotubes are in the structural family of fullerene. They are molecules composed entirely of carbon atoms. The carbon atoms are usually arranged in a hexagonal pattern, bonded together with extremely strong covalent bonds. A carbon nanotube can be visualized as a finite number of carbon graphite shells arranged around a hollow center axis with a constant spacing of around 0.34 nm, a tubular diameter normally ranging from 2-25 nm, and with lengths up to several microns. This number of graphite shells is the basis for the major division in carbon nanotubes, i. One layer or wall - single walled nanotube (SWNT) and ii. More than one wall - multi walled nanotube (MWNT).

CNT can be produced with different types of chirality

(the orientation of the hexagons formed by the carbon atoms with respect to the tube axis). Two tubes with the same diameter may therefore have different structures despite being formed solely of carbon atoms. The concept of either single walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes is important because the properties change significantly with respect to each other. The remarkable properties of CNTs are the cause of intense research around the world on possible applications. 1.1.1 Properties of CNT Mechanically, CNT appear to be the strongest material yet to be discovered. 1. have 5 times the Youngs modulus than steel and that exceed 1 TPa. 2. 8 times (theoretically 100 times) the strength of steel whilst being 1/6th the density. Measurements of the yield strength of SWNT of 63 GPa as well as yield strains are on the order of 6%. 3. CNT are also highly flexible, being capable of bending in circles or forming knots. Like macroscopic tubes, they can buckle or flatten under appropriate loadings. 4. Multi-walled tubes slide telescopically without resistance 5. They can be ballistically electrically conducting (with no resistance) or semi-conducting depending on the exact structure. 6. Thermal conduction is also very high along the tube axis, but very low perpendicular to it. 7. CNT are excellent reinforcing materials because of their extremely high strength, toughness and aspect ratios. Benefits of using CNT in concrete

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