NARCONON Chilocco 89-1993

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NARCONON Chilocco, 1989 - 1993 summary

Written by Tilman Hausherr Fairly long table in document; may take some time to load and display Here's a summary about the articles about Narconon Chilocco in Oklahoma, from the FACTNet file. It started with a series of articles and editorials by Bob Lobsinger, owner and editor of The Newkirk Herald Journal. The editorials were extremely cool and funny - Bob would make a good a.r.s. poster, and somewhat reminds me of "The Squirrelle". At the beginning, Narconon had said that they have no ties with the Co$, and A.B.L.E. showed up as an "independent" group praising Narconon. They obviously thought that people out there were dumb. They made one mistake: not "investigating" the local library. Bob Lobsinger went there, found out that NARCONON is bullshit, and wrote it. I have never seen so much scientologists lying in one file. (OK, it was 750K big) Not everything is by Bob Lobsinger: other newspapers also reported. I do not have information after 1993. Everything is welcome ! European date format because that's the way I like it.


"Narconon-Chilocco Drug Treatment Plant May Be Part Of Notorious Religious Cult", by Bob Lobsinger This article pictures basically explains what scientology is about, also tells that the arrests in Spain were because of the Narconon scams. "Backwater Cowboys": "Their own propaganda says their treatments 'cannot be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medication and it is undertaken or delivered by anyone on his own responsibility.' In other words, if it don't work, tough cookies." He calls them "mental messiahs with forked tongues" and "The Oklahoma Health Planning Commission, which must have had its head plugged into an E-meter not to discover the true nature of this malignity." Sounds to me like Bob is inspired by "Bob" ! (he apologizes for this publicly later)


"State Boys Say Chilocco Is A Done Deal" A meeting with city officials doesn't change anything. "If It Looks Like A Duck, Don't Overlook the Obvious" another funny editorial: "Narconon, it rams out, is a wonderful program after all: They said so." Lobsinger also says that the head of Mr. Miles is not hooked to an e-meter.


"Planned Newkirk Drug Clinic May Be World's Biggest" By Michael McNutt, Enid Bureau "Harold Miles, with the State Department of Health and a member of the Health Planning Commission which approved a certificate of need license for Narconon in January, said no one opposed the organization then and now it is too late to appeal the state decision. Narconon still must get a license and be certified by the state, Miles said. " A press release issued Monday by Hogarth [from A.B.L.E.] said that Narconon has obtained a Certificate of Need from the Oklahoma State Planning Commission to establish a 75-bed facility at Chilocco for drug and alcohol abusers. Opening of the facility is now scheduled for September, according to Hogarth. The journal also reprinted articles from the SP Times (and you bet those articles were not favorable for scientology)



Mail From Everywhere... Newkirk Mayor Launches Narconon Inquiry After Receiving Adverse Reports From At Least Five Other States Commission, Chamber, School Board City Leaders Call For State Review Of Narconon Program At Chilocco Indian School North Of Town Narconon Researches Opposition Scientology Group Hires Investigator, Buys Ad

17.8.1989 31.8.1989

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