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7/23/12 Mail - Press Release: Gulleson: Stalling on Farm Bill Unacceptable

Rob Port <>

Press Release: Gulleson: Stalling on Farm Bill Unacceptable

1 message Pam Gulleson <> Bcc: Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:04 PM


PRESS CONTACT: Hillary Price 701-367-8623

Gulleson: Stalling on Farm Bill Unacceptable

Responds to House Leaderships decision not to schedule vote on crucial ag legislation

RUTLAND, ND U.S. House Candidate Pam Gulleson expressed frustration today with House Majority Leader Eric Cantors decision to leave the 2012 Farm Bill off a list of measures the House will consider this summer, making it clear that the legislation has little chance of coming up before the August recess.

This kind of stalling is absolutely unacceptable, Gulleson said. It shows a fundamental dysfunction in the current House leadership that theyve managed to waste two weeks on political bickering and symbolic votes but havent bothered to take up the Farm Bill, which is so crucial to our nations agriculture producers. The state of North Dakota, and our country, deserve better.

If the Farm Bill is not taken up before August recess, the House will have only 13 days in September to pass it in order to avoid the September 30th deadline.

If the House choses to wait until after that deadline, farmers and ranchers will be placed in a precarious position as they plan for the coming year. The Farm Bill could also be subject to sequestration, which could mean huge cuts for essential programs like crop insurance, Gulleson said.

Gullesons opponent Kevin Cramer has flip-flopped on the bill, first calling the Senate version the stronger version, then claiming that he supported the House committee version instead, despite the fact that it more heavily favors Southern agriculture producers and does not provide for disaster aid in times like this summers devastating drought or last years floods. Cramers sudden turnaround could be due to pressure from the anti-Farm Bill Club for Growth, which has contributed over $100,000 to his campaign. 1/2

7/23/12 Mail - Press Release: Gulleson: Stalling on Farm Bill Unacceptable

Whats becoming increasingly clear is that North Dakotans need a new kind of voice in Washington the voice of an experienced farmer and rancher, who is not for sale and is willing to take on both sides in order to get the job done for North Dakota, Gulleson said. Thats what Ill bring to Washington.

### About Pam: Pam Gulleson is a life-long resident of North Dak ota. Pam and her husband Bill operate a farm and ranch near Rutland with their sons, where they also operate a cattle feedlot and custom spraying business. Pam was a legislator, representing District 26 for 16 years in the ND House of Representatives and was State Director for Senator Byron Dorgan. Pam is an independent leader committed to fighting for North Dak ota, and is focused on creating jobs for a stronger economy, supporting rural communities and reducing our national debt. To learn more about Pam, visit her website:

Paid for by Pam Gulleson for North Dakota


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