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Apostle Clarence Langston

Word In Action Christian Center

January 2008- February 2008 Volume 1, Issue

Apostle and First Apostle Langston and the WIACC family praying
outside the new church building.
Lady Langston and
the entire Word in
Action Christian
Center Church
Family! May God
continue to richly
bless you and your
Moving Into the Vision
endeavors as you go Except the LORD build the house, and remarks during this blessed the tense look on Apostle’s face as
forth as soldiers in they labour in vain that build it: . . event. Just as we herded in, he listened and watched as church
. Psalm 127:1a booming praise music filled members went in and out of
your new territory
the church, boasting a different areas. He wanted
pulling down After only 23 months of ministry,
state-of-the-art sound everything to be perfect—for us.
strongholds of the Word In Action Christian Center
system. When you first He knew God was pleased, but
moved into its vision on Sunday,
enemy with November 25, 2007. It was a cold walk in, you see the name our approval was important to
Word In Action Christian him, also. Lastly, the sanctuary.
deliverance and with morning as everyone began
It was positively stunning. The
gathering in the church parking Center Apostle Clarence
power from on Langston in large, shiny focal point of the room is the
lot. We fellowshipped and
gold letters on the wall of approximately seven foot tall gold
huddled together for warmth in
the reception area. Also logo. It is an intricately designed
the thirty-degree temperature
behind the reception area, orb displaying the finest details of
while we waited anxiously to go
is the bookstore. Looking the emblem set atop a gold cross
inside. Finally, Apostle and First
around the beautiful lobby, that’s hung high on the center wall
Lady Langston showed up with
the only words I could of the pulpit. There are rows
their armor bearers, and we all
muster was “Oh, my God!” and rows of cushiony violet fabric
gathered around the front doors of
over and over. This was all done covered seating. Mother Joyce
the New church, as Apostle led us
in God-like quality and richness. I walked slowly past me in tears.
in prayer. After the prayer
walked over to where Apostle and There were others already on the
concluded, Apostle and First Lady
First Lady were standing and gave alter giving honor and glory to the
went in first and stepped aside to
each one a hug. I noticed briefly Lord. It was truly
observe everyone’s astonishment
overwhelming; beyond anyone’s

Despise Not Small Beginnings . . .

Inside ThisIssue:
“Though thy beginning was 17 years of combined, as he knew, according to
God’sThis Issue:
Agape Pics of2Our Church
small, yet thy latter end obedient service to Bishops Ephesians 1:4a,
2 should greatly increase.” Wayne T. Jackson and “According as he hath
Before Faith Is of 2 Job 8:7 Kenneth Hogan of Great chosen usApostle
in him Langston
before theand the
After Pics of Our Church
Our Church 2
But Seek
3 Ye First 3 In the midst of dealing Faith Ministries, Word in foundationWIACC
of the praying
dope on the streets of Action Christian Center the new church building.
After Pictures
Words of ofAgape Love 4
Our ChurchGod’s 3 Detroit, a young man by the was born. In December of
Encouragement 4 name of Clarence Langston 2005, with just five
Words of Encouragement members in his basement,
God’s Agape Love
God’s Agape Love 4
4 heard a call that would
change his life forever. “I he embarked on a non-stop,
2008ofNew Beginnings
New Beginnings4 4 am the God of Abraham, faith-filled journey to build
Encouragement 4
Isaac and Jacob! Clarence, God’s house. In spite of
To First Lady 5 what it seemed like, and in
Harvest Night 5 build my house!” He
2008 New Beginnings 4 spite of what it looked like,
Harvest Night 5 answered the call, and after
To First Lady 5 this young man pressed on Apostle teaching our last
Harvest Night
Devotion 6 66 5 Tues. Nite Bible Class at
Devotion 6 Focus Hope Nov. 20, 07
To First Lady 5

Devotion 6
Page 2 Word In Action Christian Center

“Now Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped For,

The Alter and the Pulpit

The Pulpit
The Lobby outside the Sanctuary

God is Love

. . . the Evidence of Things Not Seen.” Heb. 11:1

The Bookstore

The Children’s Church

The Sanctuary

Bro. Darius
Across from the Ladies’ and Men’s Rooms pondering

Apostle’s Office
Word of Action Christian Center Page 3

“But Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness;. . .

The Pulpit
The Alter and The Lobby
The Pulpit

The Sanctuary

Bookstore The Children’s

. . . and all these things shall be added unto thee” Matthew 6:33

Apostle’s Office

(See before pic of Bro.

Darius and Bro. Greg)

(See before pic of Bro.

Darius pondering)
Page 4 Word in Action Christian Center

God’s Agape Love

Words can’t describe how collection of spiritual enrichment, before you today. It will bless
awesome it is to experience and WIACC’s bookstore has just what you. You’ll also discover that
be a part of something so you need; from Juanita Bynum’s WIACC has its own designer
remarkable. Church members, “No More Sheets” to Mary K. clothing line that includes long
friends and family, walked Baxter’s “Divine Revelation of sleeve shirts, tee shirts, sweat
fellowshipped and cried until it Hell”. And let’s not forget shirts and a leather starter jacket.
was time for service. From the Apostle Langston’s teaching CD Everything comes with the
beautifully tiled floors to the fresh sets comprised of “The Jonah WIACC logo embroidered on
flowers in the ladies’ room, you Series”, “The Seven Blessings of them. And when you see the
can feel God’s love in the Abraham Series”, “Don’t Lose children’s church with all the
atmosphere. An intercom system the Dream the Story of Joseph wonderful colors and cute little
is conveniently installed Series,” etc. Also for a real treat, tables and chairs and posters, you
throughout the building so you when you stop by the bookstore, can almost hear Jesus saying,
won’t miss out on service. There please check out the beautifully “Suffer little children, and forbid
are flat panel television monitors framed articles of Apostle’s them not, to come unto me: for of
in the lobby, the sanctuary, the inspiring, true testimony of how such is the kingdom of heaven.”
bookstore, Apostle’s and First God completely and totally Matt. 19:14
Lady’s offices for future live changed him from a drug dealer
broadcasts, etc. And when on the streets of Detroit to the
God isLove you’re ready to add to your radical Man of God you see

Words of Encouragement from Mother Joyce

“Refuse to quit. Storms control. Determine in See you in church, and let’s
come for a reason. They also yourself to stand firm while pray one for another. Pray
come for a season. Discover those around you are falling for those who are falling and
the reason and grow wiser. or running away. Now faith running away, they just
Outlast the season and grow tells you, that you can make might be somebody we
stronger—but never quit. it because the LORD is for love. “
Difficulty and pressure are you, and that’s more than the
Love You,
part of the course. Be like whole world against you.
the Apostle Paul, and know And also, what God did for Joyce
how to be content in the this church, He wants to do
smooth and the rough times for our lives as long as
of life, because there are ups we’re walking in obedience.
and downs. God is still in

2008 – New Beginnings

“But the man who looks intently —which is to live for God and He pleasing Him, then you are not
into the perfect law that gives will bless you! Let this be the year operating in His favor, but you are
freedom, and continues to do this, that you depend on God totally for operating in luck and your own
not forgetting what he has heard, all that you need. Let this be the ability! Let this be a true year for
but doing it—he will be blessed in year that you trust him for what you the favor of God your life. If you
“But most what he does.” James 1:25 NIV should desire and your total keep seeking Him, you will find
direction. But most importantly, let Him. And if you keep pleasing
importantly, let this A new year is already here, and this be the year that God can depend Him, you have His favor.
be the year that God there are so many things that come on you. No more in and out. No
with a new year, including the need more doubt and fear. No more self See Also: 2 Tim. 4:3, Gal. 6:16,
can depend on you.” for resolutions. People usually feel serving spells. Let this be a true James 5:12
that the beginning of the year is year of soul prosperity and peace.
when change should occur and new Those things come by serving Him. Taken from EX Daily Word
ideas, behaviors, direction, etc. Remember, if your ways please
should begin. Well, there is nothing Him, he will grant you favor. GOD G. Craig Lewis EX Ministries
wrong with setting goals for GRANTS FAVOR WHEN HE IS
yourself, but never forget the basics PLEASED! But if you are not
Word In Action Christian Center Page 5


Back in the day, you went warlocks, just beautiful

door to door through the princesses, cute little
neighborhood collecting fairies, and even Zorro
gooey treats, and at the showed up. There was
end of the night, you musical chairs, the penny
would try to gorge game, dancing and plenty
yourself until your of fellowshipping. Near
stomach ached. It was so the end of the night, pizza,
much fun! cupcakes and juice was
served. Each child
In this present time, received a candy-filled
families celebrate jack-o-lantern and toys on
collectively at church or at the way out.
someone’s house in a safe Kudos to Sis. Shawnice as
environment. Baby Huey, and Sis. Gerri
WIACC had a blast on as the Laundry Lady.
Harvest Night. There
were no evil witches or

To First Lady Robyn Langston, With

WIACC church family
family and friends. as laughter and
really knows how to Apostle snuck in an conversations was
show love. It was adorable picture of her heard from every
First Lady’s birthday as a naked baby and table.
celebration and it was “awww” was
After dinner, those
held in the Focus Hope heard all over the
that had gifts and
banquet room. There room. He wanted
cards were told to
were about 25 linen to make sure he
bring them up front in
covered round tables wouldn’t get into
the basket next to
with colorful balloons trouble about
First Lady. She
that stood tall on each submitting the picture
greeted each person
one. so he asked First Lady
in line with a smile
(jokingly) in front of
Many came forth and that could light up
witnesses, (WIACC)
honored her with heaven.
and she partially
sweet and tender
agreed that he wasn’t. FIRST LADY: You are a
words of adoration as
It was all in fun. very sweet and
she fought back tears
humble person with
from all the accolades Dinner was finally
endearing qualities.
she received. Later, served and everything
You radiate beauty
there was a slideshow was delicious. It was
and love inside and
capturing some of her an enjoyable, family-
out, and you are truly
achievements with oriented atmosphere
an inspiration as you
take on the

Word In Action Christian Center RECIPE FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR

18901 Wyoming Take twelve whole months. Clean them thoroughly of all
Detroit, MI 48221 bitterness, hate, and jealousy. Make them just as fresh
1 block S. of W. 7 Mile Rd. and clean as possible. Now cut each month into 28, 30, or
31 different parts, but don’t make up the whole batch at
once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Sunday Morning Worship: 10 a.m. Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of
Tuesday Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. patience, one part of courage, and one part of work. Add
AM 1340 The Gospel Station to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and
Weekdays at 7:30 a.m. kindness. Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation,
and one good deed. Season the whole with a dash of good
“Come as you are . . . spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupful of
you won’t stay as you are.”
good humor. Pour all of this into a vessel of love. Cook
thoroughly over radiant joy, garnish with a smile, and
serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness.
See us at You’re bound to have a happy new year. - Author Unknown

Devotion: Fruitful Suffering

“It is because God has roots are going deep into the anointing yet lack character.
made me fruitful in the land spiritual soil of our soul But God is raising up
of my suffering.” (Gen. because of our pressing in to Josephs who not only have
41:52) God during our time of great anointing for these
suffering. This is producing days but also great
Joseph named his second
a work in our character that character. Suffering
son Ephraim was given to
cannot be seen until it produces character. If you
him after he had been
finishes the process. Such find yourself in a time of
delivered from his suffering
was the case of Joseph. suffering, now is the time to
of 13 years. Joseph said
press into God. Let your
that he named him this It was not until several years
roots grow deeper.
because God had made him after such a time of
Whenever there is a famine,
fruitful in the land of his suffering that I began to see
tree roots are forced to drive
suffering. Ephraim means the fruit of the trials that the
deeper into the soil to find
“twice fruitful.” Lord allowed me to
water. These times are
experience. How grateful I
Joseph was fruitful in two designed to create such a
am to understand some of
instances. He was fruitful deep-rooted faith that our
the “why” that has led to a
during his time of adversity natures will be changed
new life in Him that I would
and in his prosperity. When forever.
never have had without this
God brings us into a time of
period. Samson had great This article was generously
suffering, it can be a fruitful
anointing but lacked donated by Sis. Marietta for
time. It’s rare for us to see
character. We see many the purpose of this newsletter
the fruit during the suffering
today who have great for which it is appreciated.
period. But know that the
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