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Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.

Gervais School District #1 School Board Regular Session Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 21, 2012

Director Rush called the School Board of Gervais School District #1, Marion County into Regular Session at 5:30 p.m. in the Gervais School District Conference Center on Thursday, June 21, 2012. Board Members present included: Jose Ayala, Maria Caballero, Brent LaFollette, and Steve Rush. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & BUDGET HEARING 1.1 Pledge of Allegiance Director Rush called the School Board Meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:31 p.m. 1.2 Modifications to 2012-2013 Budget Ms. Wolfer stated that there have been no changes, and recommended the budget be approved. There were no modifications to the 2012-2013 Budget. Discussion of 2012-2013 Budget Mr. Kaup recommended that the Budget Committee convene in late October to allow more time for discussion of the budget and proposed changes. Budget Hearing Closed Director Rush closed the Budget Hearing at 5:40 p.m., and resumed the Regular Session.




INTRODUCTIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS 2.1 Public Forum Sign-Up There were no guests signed-up for Public Forum. 2.2 Visitor Guest Book Those present included: Kim Brooks, Clare Columbus, Sharman Ensminger-Stapp, Jami Hammer, Rick Hensel, Lenthal Kaup, Lindsay Keefer, Tony Miller, Ann OConnell, Crystal Olson, Arturo Oropeza, Esther Oropeza, Sylvia Valentine-Garcia, and Melissa Wolfer. Announcements Mr. Hensel reminded the Board about the upcoming 2012 OSBA Summer Board Conference in Bend, Oregon this July. Director Ayala expressed interest in attending.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: There was a motion by Director Caballero and seconded by Director LaFollette to approve the minutes from the Regular and Executive Board Meetings on May 17, 2012, as written. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. CONSENT ITEMS Motion: Director Caballero moved and Director LaFollette seconded to approve the revised consent items as listed en masse. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. 4.1 Approve New Hire / Temporary: Kim Brooks, Special Programs Licensed Specialist Juan Flores, GHS Head Boys Soccer Coach Crystal Olson, GHS Language Arts/Computer Teacher Extra Duty: Shanna Andrews, Special Education Stipend Dave Beebe, Dean of Students Stipend and GMS Student Council Advisor Tim Bowman, GHS Athletic Director


Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.2

Kerry Broadhurst, BES Lead Teacher and Technology Representative Kim Brooks, Special Education Stipend Steve Buchheit, Alarm Response Laura Eavenson, TAG Advisor Theresa Gatchet, EES Lead Teacher Hilary Grey, Counselor Stipend Sofia Guzman, Technology Representative Darnell Hall, GHS Asst. Football Coach Paul Henderson, GHS Head Boys Basketball Coach Gabe Hobart, GHS Head Track Coach Karie Hoffman, FFA Advisor/FFA Instructor Alexa Holum, GMS Volleyball Coach Deb Holum, .5 FTE Pageant Coordinator and GMS Extra Curricular Director Javier Huerta, GMS Soccer Coach Mihail Kalugin, GHS Asst. Wrestling Coach Jese Kirsch, GHS Asst. Boys Basketball Coach Margaret Krauss, Special Education Stipend Kristin Lebsack, Special Education Stipend Christina Maddy, Technology Representative Celia Marquez, Technology Representative Bob Martin, Student Council Advisor Lindsay McCargar, Sophomore Class Advisor and GHS Head Boys Baseball Coach Becky Miller, GHS Head Volleyball Coach Gil Miller, GHS Head Wrestling Coach Dina Miller, Lead Office Manager David Moreno, Alarm Response Daniel Murray, Freshman Class Advisor and GHS Asst. Track Coach Todd OConnor, Drivers Training Instructor Michele Paton, Dean of Students Stipend and Senior Class Advisor Duane Riddell, GHS Head Football Coach Josh Riddell, GHS Asst. Football Coach Mike Solem, Stipend for Overseeing Two Buildings Ken Stott, Data Specialist Lauri Stott, Aguilar De Oro Advisor Rob Tavares, TAG Advisor Pam Vandecoevering, Special Education Stipend Adam Vasas, GHS Head Girls Basketball Coach and GHS Asst. Football Coach David Williams, GMS Track Coach Brittany Wilson, GHS Asst. Volleyball Coach Justin Wilson Gabor, Junior Class Advisor, GHS Asst. Softball Coach, and GHS Head Girls Soccer Coach Terry Witter, .5 FTE Pageant Coordinator Dawn Zielinski, TAG Advisor Summer School: Connor Bowman, Activity Leader Kara Buchheit, Instructional Assistant Anuar Cortes, Activity Leader Monica Fuentes-Schott, Activity Leader Isaac Gallaway, Instructional Assistant 4.2 Approve Contract Change / Renewal: Bonny Atwood, from GHS to GMS Lindy Flood, from GMS to GHS

Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.3


Approve Resignation / Termination: Everardo Castro, GHS Boys Head Soccer Coach Bob Martin, GMS Football Coach Beth Peters, Instructional Assistant Tom Shinn, GHS Softball Coach and Teacher Michelle Soto, Instructional Assistant Approve 2012-2013 Student Accident Insurance: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves Myers-Stevens and Toohey and Co., Inc. as Student Accident and Health Insurance Company for the 2012-2013 school year. Approve Licensed 2012-2014 Contract: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves the Licensed 2012-2014 Contract, as shown, in Agenda Item 06-12-4.5. Approve Administrative Employees 2012-2013 Salaries/Benefits: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves that the Licensed and Classified Administrators will receive a 4.8% increase for the 2012-2013 school year and the district will contribute up to $1200 a month for their insurance benefits. Approve Confidential Employees 2012-2013 Salaries/Benefits: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves the renewal for the Executive Secretary and Payroll & Benefits Specialist through June 30, 2013, as shown: Executive Secretary Wage: $18.46/hour, insurance cap: $1200/month, change to 4 paid personal leave days, and revise the contract to allow for a vacation following the probationary period. Payroll & Benefits Specialist Wage: $22.50/hour, insurance cap: $1200/month, change to 4 paid personal leave days, and revise the contract to allow for a vacation following the probationary period.






Approve Gervais School District Job Description: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves the Gervais School District Job Description Special Programs Licensed Specialist, as shown, in Agenda Item 06-12-4.8. Approve Appropriation Increase: Increase Appropriation Special Funds (250) Increase Community and Enterprise Services (function3000): $75,000



Approve Budget Transfer: Budget Transfer Special Funds (261) Decrease Instruction Services (function1000): Increase Support Services (function 2000):

<$5,000> $5,000

Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.4


Approve 2012-2013 Northwest Dairy Distribution Contract: Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves that Gervais School District, along with Woodburn and North Marion School Districts, award the dairy contract for the 2012-2013 school year to Northwest Dairy Distribution, with the option to extend the agreement for three (3) additional years.


REPORTS 5.1 Student Council Report There was no Student Council Report. 5.2 Administrator Reports Eldriedge and Brooks Elementary K-5 Schools: Ms. Ensminger-Stapp stated that preparations are already underway for the 2012-2013 school year. The framework is complete for the Common Core Standards in K-5. There will be overlapping of subjects to reintroduce elementary students to science and social studies. Ms. Ensminger-Stapp stated that she would like to have a webpage dedicated to curriculum. Ms. Ensminger-Stapp stated that in collaboration with Willamette University, there will be 24 student teachers working in the district. They will each already have a Masters Degree in Teaching, and will work closely with the teachers at the elementary schools. Ms. Ensminger-Stapp will invite the student teachers to a Board Meeting in the fall to introduce them to the Board. Gervais Middle and High 6-12 Schools: Mr. Hensel introduced Crystal Olson, as the new Gervais High School Language Arts and Computer Teacher. Mr. Hensel stated that he was impressed with Ms. Olsons writing capabilities. The Board welcomed Ms. Olson, and thanked her for attending the Board Meeting. Douglas Avenue Alternative School and Special Programs: Ms. Valentine-Garcia stated that preparations are underway for Summer School. She said that curriculum obtained for Summer School will also be utilized at the elementary schools for students returning in the fall. Because of limited space and funds, Summer School is by invitation only. There will be a class offered for each grade level, along with two preschool classes. Ms. Valentine-Garcia stated that the district was awarded with the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Initiative Grant of $20,000 for the 2012-2013 school year. This will be used to help fund various projects in the district, including providing science experiments to Brooks Elementary School students, with the help of Gervais High School students. Special Services and Federal Programs: Ms. OConnell introduced Kim Brooks, as the new Gervais School District Special Programs Licensed Specialist. Ms. OConnell stated that Ms. Brooks will be providing Speech and Language services to more than 40 students district-wide. The Board welcomed Ms. Brooks, and thanked her for attending the Board Meeting.


Financial Report Ms. Wolfer expressed her appreciation of the Superintendent, Administrators, and Board for their assistance and support during her first year as Business Manager for the district. The Board thanked Ms. Wolfer for the work she has been doing, and for having an impressive first year in her role as Business Manager. Superintendent Report Mr. Hensel stated that the redesign of the Gervais School District website is going well, and it should be available to the public in the near future. He said that key words and phrases, such as all-day kindergarten and preschool, will direct people to the district website. Ms. Wolfer stated that the look of the new website is clean and classy.


Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.5

Safety Committee Quarterly Report: Mr. Hensel distributed the report given by the districts SAIF Representative, from the quarterly hazard inspection on Wednesday, June 06, 2012. Ms. Wolfer said that in her role as the Safety Officer for the district, she has been in regular contact with SAIF. She said that Gervais School District is only one in three in the state to have the lowest policy rate available, due to the low levels of incidents. Mr. Hensel said that safety is a high priority and a daily issue.

6.0 7.0

BOARD FOCUS PUBLIC FORUM 7.1 Public Participation in Board Meetings (Gervais School District Policy BDDH-AR) There was no Public Forum. ACTION ITEMS 8.1 Policy Second Readings Motion: Director LaFollette moved and Director Caballero seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors adopt revisions to the policies listed below. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. EFAA-AR GBJ JFCJ Reimbursable School Meals Program Weapons in Schools Staff Weapons in Schools


8.2 Equity in Meal Pricing Discussion: Ms. Columbus stated that the new federal program will not allow for more food to be offered. Portions will be smaller. Director Caballero suggested that the district stress this information to families. Motion: Director LaFollette moved and Director Ayala seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approve to increase the paid lunch category by the required 5 cents for the 2012-2013 school year. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar.

8.3 Proposal to Change Paid Meal Prices Motion: Director LaFollette moved and Director Ayala seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approve to lower the paid meal price by $1.00. The 2012-2013 paid lunch prices are listed below, and the cost would be transferred to the Food Services budget from the General Fund. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. K-5 $.65 6-8 $.90 9-12 $1.15

8.4 Adopt, Appropriate, and Levy Taxes Motion: Director Caballero moved and Director Ayala seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors resolve to approve the budget, as shown in Agenda Item 06-12-8.4.1. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. ADOPTING 2012/2013 BUDGET Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Gervais School District #1 hereby adopts the budget for 2012-2013 in the total sum of $ 16,395,919.00 now on file in the district administrative office. MAKING APPROPRIATIONS Be it resolved, that for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012, the amounts shown below are hereby appropriated for the purpose indicated with the funds listed:

Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.6

GENERAL FUND 1000 Instruction 2000 Support Services 3000 Enterprises & Community Service 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction 5000 Debt Service 5000 Transfers 6000 Contingencies Appropriations 7000 Un-appropriated General Fund Balance $ 5,689,625.00 $ 4,754,951.00 $ 63,966.00 $ $ $ 341,960.00 $ 644,309.00 $ 11,494,811.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 12,494,811.00

SPECIAL FUNDS / GRANTS 1000 Instruction 2000 Support Services 3000 Enterprises & Community Service 4000 Facility Acquisition & Construction 5000 Debt Service 6000 Contingencies TRUST & AGENCY 3000 Enterprises & Community Service DEBT SERVICE 5000 Debt Service - Long Term Total Appropriations

$ 1,442,714.00 $ 536,669.00 $ 886,702.00 $ 210,765.00 $ 61,300.00 $ 41,158.00 $ $ 3,200.00 718,600.00

$ 15,395,919.00

LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES AND CATEGORIZATION OF LEVY Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of Gervais School District #1hereby imposes the taxes provided for in the adopted budget in the amount or at a rate of $4.6427 per $1000 of assessed value for operations; and that these taxes are hereby imposed and categorized for the tax year 2012-2013 upon the assessed value of all taxable property within the district as follows: Subject to the: Permanent Rate Tax Local Option Tax Debt Service Levy Education Limitation $4.6427 / $1000 -0-0Excluded from Limitations

8.5 Common Core Compact Discussion: Ms. OConnell distributed the Common Core Compact handout that included more data computed into the document than what was originally released, along with definitions of terms used. By the year 2025, the Common Core Standards will expect to have 40 percent of students enrolled into college, 40 percent enrolled in post-secondary school, and 20 percent to complete high school. Ms. OConnell stated that kindergarten assessments will begin next year for statistical purposes. All statistics will be reviewed by OEIB to determine if goals are being met. The bottom five percent of schools in the state will be considered a priority school. Ms. OConnell will review all goals set, prior to submission. Motion: Director Caballero moved and Director LaFollette seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approve the Common Core Compact, as presented at the School Board Meeting on Thursday, June 21, 2012. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar.

8.6 Consolidation of School District Discussion: Mr. Hensel distributed handouts on General Obligation Bonds and Notes, a Long-Range Building Timeline from a 2002 maintenance plan, Valuations Northwest appraisal, and figures of the building appraisals, loan and lease considerations, and repair and maintenance costs of each of the elementary schools. Mr. Miller hired an independent inspector to inspect Gervais Middle School. It was determined that there were no structure issues, only cosmetic work that was recommended. Mr. Miller stated that the structure is sound, and will only require proper and routine maintenance. Director Caballero thanked Mr. Miller for his efforts. Mr. Hensel explained that the building sales are contingent on vacating no less than a year from now. However, if the buildings do not sell, then the plan in place will need to change. Mr. Hensel stated that if a loan could be obtained for 2 million dollars, the monthly payment would be about $8,700.00. He said

Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.7

that raising 3 million dollars would cover all necessary costs. Mr. Hensel will keep the Board apprised of any changes or updates. Motion: Director LaFollette moved and Director Caballero seconded that the Gervais School District #1 Board of Directors approves that Gervais School District be allowed to proceed with plans to consolidate the School district, including the selling of any district-owned buildings, provided that sufficient funding Becomes available by Thursday, September 20, 2012. Motion passed 4-0. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar.

9.0 10.0


10.1 10.2 10.3 Consent Items: 2012-2013 Organizational & Procedural Appointments (July 2012) 2012-2013 School Board Meeting Schedule (July 2012) 2012-2013 Per Diem Rate (July 2012) 2012-2013 Sub Rate (July 2012) 2012-2013 Board Guidelines (August 2012) 2013 Graduation Date (September 2012) Reports: E-Rate (December 2012) Recommendations for Program Changes (December 2012) Safety Committee Reports (January, April, & June 2013) Audit Report (February 2013) Action Items: Elect 2012-2013 Board Chair and Vice-Chair (July 2012) Division 22 Standards for K-12 Education within the OARs (January 2013) Discussion: School Board and Superintendent Goals (September 2012) Other: Probationary Staff Review (Executive Sessions January & June 2013) Superintendent Evaluation Process Board Only (Executive Session January 2013) Timeline for Textbook Adoption (September 2012) WESD Resolution Services (January 2013) Contract Employee Extensions (February 2013) Renew Probationary Employee Contract (February 2013) 2013-2014 Calendar (March 2013) Renew Classified Employees (April 2013)

Textbook Committee Recommendation (April 2013) Counseling Report (May 2013) SAT Information / Alumni Survey Update (May 2013)

Audit (March 2013) Textbook Adoption (May 2013)



Budget 101 (February 2013) Superintendent Evaluation (Executive Session February 2013)

Director Rush recessed the Regular Session at 7:17 p.m. and called the School Board of Gervais School District #1, Marion County into an Executive Session, under 192.660(2)(e) Real Estate Transactions on Thursday, June 21, 2012 at 7:24 p.m. in the Gervais School District Conference Center. Board Members present included: Jose Ayala, Maria Caballero, Brent LaFollette, and Steve Rush. Board Members not present included: Molly McCargar. Those present included: Jami Hammer and Rick Hensel. Discussion of the possibility of selling Eldriedge, Brooks, North Howell, and Pioneer Elementary Schools. Discussion of the possibility of moving the modular buildings located at the elementary schools to Gervais. Discussion of the total funds required, in order to proceed with building new classrooms in Gervais. Discussion of hiring a Temporary Hourly Employee as a Project Director, to oversee the complete district consolidation process and the selling of the buildings.

Agenda Item 07-12-3.1.8

Director Rush adjourned the Executive Session at 7:56 p.m., and resumed the Regular Session. Director Rush adjourned the Regular Session at 7:57 p.m.


________________________________________ Board Chairperson

________________________________________ Board Secretary

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