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You know what the problem is?

Mistranslation and Misinterpretation of Man

Know and understand, the translations by men of My Word are greatly erred and lead many into even greater misinterpretation, coupled with pride and arrogance of the churches, not seeking the Truth as it was written by the children of God, in their own language... Do not add to or take away from the Word of the Lord! What is written, let it stand. Seek the Lord only, in humility, and your eyes will be opened. Only the Lord may add to His own word, So you may come into a greater understanding... Yea, an unveiling of the Words majesty, both brilliant and subtle.
Vol.7 Mistranslation and Misinterpretation Leading to Great Obscurity Among Many Faces

Sheol - The Hebrew underworld, abode of the dead Gehinnom (al. Gehinom) - Literally: Valley of Hinnom; a temporary place of
punishment in the afterlife...Hell. Abyss - to a bottomless pit, to the underworld, to the deepest ocean oor, or to hell.. Hebraic_Hebrew_Theological_Terms_Dictionary.htm

Gehenna (Greek ), Gehinnom (Rabbinical Hebrew: )/and

Yiddish Gehinnam, are terms derived from a place outside ancient Jerusalem known in the Hebrew Bible as the Valley of the Son of Hinnom (Hebrew: or - ;)one of the two principal valleys surrounding the Old City. In the Hebrew Bible, the site was initially where apostate Israelites and followers of various Ba'als and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacriced their children by re (2Chr. 28:3, 33:6; Jer. 7:31, 19:2-6). In both Jewish and Christian writing, Gehenna was a destination of the wicked. This is different from the more neutral Sheol/Hades, the abode of the dead, though the King James version of the Bible traditionally translates both with the Anglo-Saxon word Hell.

Gehenna is cited in the New Testament. In early Christian writing it represents the nal place where the wicked will be punished or destroyed after the Resurrection of the Dead.
Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the Sea yielded the dead which were in it, and Death and Sheol yielded the dead which were with them, and they were judged, one by one, according to their works. And Death and Sheol were cast into The Lake of Fire - this which is the second death. Revelation 20

In the synoptic gospels Jesus uses the word Gehenna 11 times to describe the opposite to life in the Kingdom (Mark 9:43-48). It is a place where both soul and body could be destroyed (Matthew 10:28) in "unquenchable re" (Mark 9:43). Gehenna is also mentioned in the Epistle of James 3:6, where it is said to set the tongue on re, and the tongue in turn sets on re the entire "course" or "wheel" of life. The complete list of references is as follows: Matt.5:22 whoever calls someone "you fool" will be liable to Gehenna. Matt.5:29 better to lose one of your members than that your whole body go into Gehenna. Matt.5:30 better to lose one of your members than that your whole body go into Gehenna. Matt.10:28 rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. Matt.18:9 better to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna. Matt.23:15 Pharisees make a convert twice as much a child of Gehenna as themselves. Matt.23:33 to Pharisees: you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to Gehenna? Mark 9:43 better to enter life with one hand than with two hands to go to Gehenna. Mark 9:45 better to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna. Mark 9:47 better to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna Luke 12:5 Fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into Gehenna James 3:6 the tongue is set on re by Gehenna.

Translations in Christian Bibles The New Testament also refers to Hades as a temporary destination of the dead. Hades is portrayed as a different place from the nal judgment of the damned in Gehenna. The Book of Revelation describes Hades being cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev20:14). Hades the temporary place of the dead is said to be removed for ever and cast into the Lake of Fire commonly understood to be synonymous with Gehenna or the nal Hell of the unsaved. This indicating that any who die after this would never go to a temporary place, Hades, just instead a nal judgement of saved or condemned. The King James Version is the only English translation in modern use to translate Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna as Hell. The New International Version, New Living Translation, New American Standard Bible (among others) all reserve the term hell only for when Gehenna is used. Treatment of Gehenna in Christianity is signicantly affected by whether the distinction in Hebrew and Greek between Gehenna and Hades was maintained: Translations with a distinction: The 4th century Ullas (Wulla) or Gothic Bible is the rst Bible to use Hell's Proto-Germanic form Halja, and maintains a distinction between Hades and Gehenna. However, unlike later translations, Halja (Matt 11:23) is reserved for Hades,[19] and Gehenna is transliterated to Gaiainnan (Matt 5:30), which surprisingly is the opposite to modern translations that translate Gehenna into Hell and leave Hades untranslated (see below). The late 4th century Latin Vulgate transliterates the Greek "gehenna" with "gehenn" (e.g. Matt 5:22) while using "infernus" ("coming from below, of the underworld") to translate (Hades). The 19th century Young's Literal Translation and Rotherham's Emphasized Bible both try to be as literal a translation as possible and do not use the word Hell at all, keeping the words Hades and Gehenna untranslated. The 19th century Arabic Van Dyck distinguishes Gehenna from Sheol. The 20th century New International Version, New Living Translation and New American Standard Bible reserve the term Hell only for when Gehenna is used. All translate Sheol andHades in a different fashion.

The exception to this is the New International Version's translation in Luke 16:23, which is its singular rendering of Hades as Hell. In texts in Greek, and consistently in the Orthodox Church, the distinctions present in the originals were often maintained. The Russian Synodal Bible (and one translation by the Old Church Slavonic)also maintain the distinction. In modern Russian, the concept of Hell () is directly derived from Hades (), separate and independent of Gehenna. Fire imagery is attributed primarily to Gehenna, which is most commonly mentioned as Gehenna the Fiery ( ), and appears to be synonymous to the Lake of Fire.

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures maintains a distinction between Gehenna and Hades by transliterating them. - The term "hell" is not used for Gehenna (Matthew 5:22) or Hades (Acts 2:31).

Translations without a distinction: The late 10th century Wessex Gospels and the 14th century Wycliffe Bible render both the Latin inferno and gehenna as Hell. The 16th century Tyndale and later translators had access to the Greek, but Tyndale translated both Gehenna and Hades as same English word, Hell. The 17th century King James Version of the bible is the only English translation in modern use to translate Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna as Hell.

Many modern Christians understand Gehenna to be a 1. place of eternal punishment called hell. On the other hand, annihilationists understand Gehenna to be a 2. place where sinners are utterly destroyed, not tormented forever. Christian Universalists, who believe that God will eventually save all souls, interpret the New Testament references to Gehenna in the context of the Old Testament and conclude that it always refers to the imminent divine judgment of Israel and not to eternal torment for the unsaved. The Valley of Hinnom is also the traditional location of the Potter's Field bought by priests after Judas' suicide with the "blood money" with which Judas was paid for betraying Jesus.

Sheol (/iol/ shee-ohl or /il/ shee-l; Hebrew l)

is the "grave", "pit", or abyss in Hebrew.

She'ol is the earliest conception of the afterlife in the Jewish scriptures.

It is a place of darkness to which all dead go, regardless of the moral choices made in life, and where they are "removed from the light of God" (see the Book of Job). In the Tanakh sheol is the common destination of both the righteous and the unrighteous esh, as recounted in Ecclesiastes and Job. When the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek in ancient Alexandria around 200 BCE the word "hades" (underworld) was substituted for "sheol". The New Testament (written in Greek) also uses "hades" to refer to the abode of the dead. (Revelation 20:13) The belief that those in sheol awaited the resurrection either in comfort or in torment may be reected in the story of the New Testament of Lazarus and Dives. English translations of the Hebrew scriptures have variously rendered the word sheol as hell or "the grave". She'ol is a concept that predates the Christian & Muslim ideas of judgement after death and also predates, and is different from, Heaven & Hell. Sheol in the Hebrew Bible In the Hebrew Bible, the Tanach (The Tanach includes all 3 "books" of Judaism, the Torah / ,the Kotvim / Ketuvim (writings), and the Nevi'im / Neviim (Prophets)), the word "sheol" occurs more than 60 times. It is used most frequently in the Psalms, wisdom literature and prophetic books. Jacob, distraught at the reported death of Joseph, exclaims: "I shall go down to my son a mourner unto Sheol" (Genesis 37:35). Other examples of its usage: Job 7:9 "Just as a cloud dissipates and vanishes, those who go down to Sheol will not come back." Psalm 6:45 "Turn, O LORD, deliver my life; save me for the sake of your steadfast love. For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who will give you praise?" Psalm 18:57 "The breakers of death surged round about me; the menacing oods terried me. The cords of Sheol tightened; the snares of death lay in wait for me. In my distress I called out: LORD! I cried out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 86:13: "Your love for me is great; you have rescued me from the depths of Sheol."

Psalm 139:8: "If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there." Jonah 2:2: "...Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice." Proverbs 30:16:"Sheol is never satiated..."

It is also important to note that people escaped death and were taken to be with God in Old Testament writings. Examples include the following: (Genesis 5:24) "And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him." (2 Kings 2:11) "Then it came about as they were going along and talking, that behold, there appeared a chariot of re and horses of re which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven." Sheol in the New Testament The New Testament follows the Septuagint in translating sheol as hades (compare Acts 2:27, 31 and Psalm 16:10). The New Testament thus seems to draw a distinction between Sheol and "Gehinnom" or Gehenna. The former is regarded as a place where the dead go temporarily to await the resurrection of the dead, while the latter is the place of eternal punishment for the damned (i.e.perdition). Accordingly, in the book of Saint John's Revelation, hades is associated with death (Revelation 1:18, 6:8), and in the nal judgment the dead are brought out of hades and the wicked are cast into the lake of re, which represents the re of Gehenna; hades itself is also nally thrown into the lake of re (Revelation 20:1115). The English word "hell" comes from Germanic mythology, and is now used in the Judeo-Christian sense to translate the Hebrew word Gehenna a term which originally referred to a valley outside Jerusalem used for burning refuse, but came to designate the place of punishment for sinners. Although older translations (such as the KJV) also translated hades as "hell", modern English translations tend to preserve the distinction between the two concepts by transliterating the word hades and reserving "hell re" for gehenna re.
1. 2. References ^ Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries and Strong's Concordance ^ "Hebrew word of uncertain etymology (see Sheol, Critical View), synonym of "bor" (pit), "abaddon" and "shaat" (pit or destruction), and perhaps also of "tehom" (abyss)." SHEOL websourced 02-10-2010; Wchter, ThWAT, VII, S. 901-910.

Barzakh Cold Sleep (Unconsciousness)

Web denitions In Islamic eschatology, Barzakh ( ) ! " "#is the intermediate state in which the soul of the deceased is transferred across the boundaries of the mortal realm into a kind of "cold sleep" where the soul will rest until Judgement Day.

Partition or Barrier the divide between the life on earth and the life after. This barrier cannot be crossed except by death and judgement.

The intermediate world, which includes the life in the grave between death and resurrection

The time in between our death and the day we are raised up for judgment. Our souls will be in "storage" or Barzakh. The word literally means partition or dividing line.

Intermediate state
In Christian eschatology, the intermediate state or interim state refers to a person's "intermediate" existence between one's death and one's resurrection from the dead. In addition, there are beliefs in a Particular judgment right after death and a General judgement or Last judgment after the resurrection. As long as Christians looked for an imminent end of the world, they had little interest in an interim state between death and resurrection. Later, the Eastern Church came to admit of such an intermediate state, but refrained from dening it, so as not to blur the distinction between the alternative denitive fates of Heaven and Hell. Protestants largely rejected a distinction in fates other than the difference between heaven and hell. They rejected distinctions of fate within heaven or hell and rejected purgatory almost entirely. Jewish background The early Hebrews had no notion of resurrection of the dead and thus no intermediate state. As with neighboring groups, they understood death to be the end. Their afterlife, sheol (the pit), was a dark place from which none return.

..Beloved, hear and understand, and be wise according to that presented. Listen NOT to the churches, nor their doctrines. They seek glory for themselves and have corrupted their ways before Me, as they continually pervert My Word before many witnesses... Seeking the darkness of men to expose it, when they, themselves, hold onto judgment, embracing every contemptuous word and deed. Therefore, I say to them, cleanse your hands, you sinners, and sanctify your hearts, you double-minded... Hypocrites! For the Day is coming, and is already here, when all you have built shall be tried, for the Day shall declare it, and all you have wrought shall be left wanting..
Vol.7 Mistranslation and Misinterpretation Leading to Great Obscurity Among Many Faces

Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Church of Men... In Their Word is No Mercy Found, Only the Makings of Satan
Thus says The Lord: Listen, all you churches of men!... Shall I, even I, torment My beloved, they who are tormented continually by he who is, and has, torment in his vesture?!... Satan is the tormentor!... Unknowingly, you My children, by your own mouths have called your God, satan! Repent therefore, and mend your ways! Forsake all your corrupt and evil teachings!... Become, again, a child of God, and learn to walk uprightly in Me, Leading others into love, by love, not fear. The second death is that grave, from which one shall not be raised, nor awakened, for they have been cast out... Abiding in outer darkness, forever separated from God and their part in life. These know not anything, forevermore returning to that which they were formed from. This is the eternal state of My punishment for those who have chosen death, by their forsaking of My Gift wherein is life everlasting. So then, they under condemnation are dead... In no way are they part of the living, nor are they living in torment. Their inheritance is lost, they have been blotted out... A broken vessel of dishonor, received by the earth once again. Stop blaspheming your God!...

Have greater understanding of My mercies, which endure forever... My Son did sleep in the lower parts of the earth, His tomb, for three days and three nights... By no means did He descend into the evils of mans imaginings. He is The Pure Light!... Never has He had any part in darkness... He shall destroy it utterly!

And all those, who follow and believe in Him, Shall also rise and live, meeting Him in the air... Forever shall they be with their Lord and their God, Where all shall find mercy and love. Amen.
1/14/06 Vol.4 Proclaim NOT the Hell of the Church of Men... In Their Word is No Mercy Found, Only the Makings of Satan

That, Which is Not of Me, is Against Me & Comes From the Evil One... Says The Lord
Thus says He, who is true: Have I not made the matter known?... Beloved, have you not discerned?... Tell Me, in this doctrine of eternal torment, What fruit is displayed?... Love?... Joy?... Peace?... Patience?... Kindness?...

Gentleness?... Goodness?... Mercy?! Tell Me, then, if it bears none of these fruits, according to My own Spirit... Tell Me, from what spirit must this doctrine come from?... And upon what is it built? Behold, I shall speak to it, once again: ANY, who hold fast to this false doctrine, of eternal torment, have not embraced Me in truth, nor do I know them... Neither does My spirit dwell in them. Refinement shall be their companion, in the Day of The Lord... I shall surely correct them... Even with a strong hand, of a loving Father, shall I discipline them. Therefore, forsake this doctrine of demons, And give it not a second thought... Forsake any who come to you, teaching this doctrine, For it is great blasphemy...

Come to ME, and embrace Me, as I am, And I shall also embrace you...
And that, which was brought forth from a lie, Even as a veil of darkness, to pollute My name and My teaching, Shall be destroyed by the light of true understanding And crushed beneath the weight of the Truth, Which I am and can only be received in Me... Says He who is faithful, He who is true. Amen.
6/9/10 Vol.6 That, Which is Not of Me, is Against Me, and Comes From the Evil One... Says The Lord

Redemption is NEAR!
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YahuShua YaHuWaH bless you & His Spirit be upon you.

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