Gripen Fighter Weapon School

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Gripen Fighter Weapons School

Magnus Lewis-Olsson July 2012

1. To make good pilots great 2. To further cooperation between Gripen countries 3. To promote Gripen and Air Forces flying Gripen

1. To Make Good Pilots Great

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course philosophy Syllabus Resources Facilities First Course

1.1 Course Philosophy

Experienced Gripen pilots New, limited topic every year Intense and detailed in technology and tactics Advanced scenarios and threats Graduates becomes experts at home squadron Ground school, familiarization, technology, tactics and theatre phases Primarily for pilots but technicians and fighter controllers could join We train each other

1.2 Syllabus
2 Month course Co-written by Gripen pilots with operational experience Focused on a theme 20 flights Day & Night ops Live ordnance Guest speakers/tutors

1.3 Resources
4-6 SAAF Gripen C/D Aggressor & target aircraft Simulators & MSS Multiple radar sites Ground threats (SAMs) SAAF Navy & Army

1.4 Facilities
AFB Overberg 1000 m2 dedicated FWS building
Briefing and debriefing rooms Lecture Hall Lunchroom Purpose built locker rooms Gym & sauna Offices for students & instructors Management wing IT infrastructure w secure lines

Very large exercise area FAR 92 Denel OTB TCS Simulators Dual MSS and briefing tools EW tools

1.5 First Course

October 2013 6+ students Air to ground focus w aerial threat SAAF and SwAF instructors Commitment by end 2012

2. To further cooperation
Learning from each other Common development path Pick the best technical solutions A glue for the Gripen Users Group

between Gripen countries

3. To promote Gripen and

Air Forces flying Gripen
Will help Air Forces to promote themselves nationally and internationally

SAAF and Air Forces flying Gripen Saab SA Government Local aviation industry Weapons and technology subcontractors

Current status of FWS

Saab 100% committed SAAF onboard and supporting SwAF supportive Initial discussions w CZ, HU and TH starting Final and formal approvals with SA Government bodies outstanding

Very good weather during summer (Dry, 30, long days, very little precipitation)
Ideal flying conditions

Development Potential
Advanced aggressors New countries new requirements Non-Gripen participants Attachment courses in cold climate (Vidsel, Sweden) and hot and humid (Thailand) Short Courses (AA Gunnery, EW etc) AEW and AAR Rotary wing course?

Gripen Fighter Weapons School

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