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Name: Viet (Jim) Dang, Regina Stanley, JoAnne Taylor, Gurtej Grewal Grade Level: 9th Subject: Technology Title of Lesson: Cyberbullying Establishing the Lesson Framework NETS-S: 5. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology TEKS: 126.22. Computer Science I (3) Foundations. The student complies with the laws and examines the issues regarding the use of technology in society. The student will: Applicable Student Expectations: (A) discuss copyright laws/issues and model ethical acquisition and use of digital information, citing sources using established methods Objectives: The student will: define cyberbullying identify types of cyberbullying recognize signs of cyberbullied victims develop methods to prevent cyberbullying Rational: Digital citizenship pertaining to digital communication must be addressed to ensure the safety of students in our technological world. Understanding, identifying, and preventing cyberbullying is essential to safeguard from devastating effect, including fear, depression and even suicide.

Designing Supportive Learning Environments: Materials: Teacher Use Supplies Resources Information about avoiding cyberbullying Research, stories and tips on cyberbullying Rate your online behavior What to do if you are bullied? How to stop bullying PowerPoint Student Use Pencil and/or pen Paper Pre-Assessment 3 x 5 Note cards Interactive Notes on PowerPoint Post-Assessment

Technology Setting:

Computer PowerPoint

Classroom setting will be 20-30 regular and special education, freshmen students. This is a first year computer class, and the student is assigned to individual computers or laptops. Posted will be Computer Lab rules and safety guidelines. Organized handouts will be put on the teachers desk and ready to disseminate. Student Needs/Adaptations: Special Education students with Individual Education Plan (IEP) accommodations such as guided note taking, extended time, peer grouping, and/or any modification will be adhered. Students that may have auditory or visual impairments will have appropriate equipment at their disposal. For lower level learners, appropriate teacher assistance will be provided. Groups are arranged according to differentiated learning levels.

Instructional Strategies: Introduction/Focus: (15 minutes) Students will take the pre-assessment to give the teacher a baseline of student knowledge.

Students will take one 3 x 5 note card for the video. During the video, the student is to (anonymously) write down one observation, and how it relates to them or someone they know. The Catch Video is the Emily Osmont trailer for the ABC movie Cyberbully, to get the students attention. This video is age appropriate and relates to freshmen level students. Class discussion will follow pertaining to the video. Collect the 3 x 5 cards and redistribute them to different students after the main lesson PowerPoint.

Instructional Procedure: Students will view and use the guided note taking packet on the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint will cover the definition of cyberbullying, types of cyberbullying, signs of cyberbullied victims, and preventative methods of cyberbullying Teacher will encourage discussion during the PowerPoint by stopping at key note slides. Ask for a show of hands, Who has a card that reads false information about them? Other possible questions depending on responses How would this make you feel? How would you respond, if false information was posted about you, on a Facebook or other social networking site? Why do you think other kids cyberbully? Have you ever sent a text, instant message, or email when you were angry at somebody? Is it fine to send a derogatory message to somebody even one time? Do you think that you have been a cyberbully yourself? Can you think of a way that you can prevent yourself from being cyberbullied? Have you or someone you know pretended to be other people online to trick others? Have you or someone you know spread lies or rumors about other people online? Do you know if somebody has been tricked into revealing personal information about them? Do you know somebody who had pictures posted of them without their consent? Closure: (15 minutes) From the group discussion with the 3 x 5 cards, the teacher writes several different cyberbullying scenarios on the board. The students get into their assigned groups and brainstorm a role play scenario with prevention methods. Each group will act out the scenario assigned. Then the students observing will determine, Who is the cyberbully?, Who is the victim?, and What can we do to help prevent this from happening?. Class discussion will follow each scenario. Students will take the post-assessment on the pre-assessment form by adding to what they already had previously written. The students may use their knowledge acquired from the video, PowerPoint, class discussions and role plays.

Evaluation Strategies Pre-Assessment The students will take a pre-assessment at the beginning of class to assess their basis of knowledge in regards to cyberbullying. The pre-assessment involves basic, open-ended questions that relate to the objectives that the students will be responsible for learning. Formative: During the video, students will write down one observation and how it related to them or someone they know. Class discussion following the video. Class discussion during the PowerPoint. Take notes through the PowerPoint Presentation. Role play scenarios of certain situations. Summative: The students will be given their pre-assessments to retake. They are to fill in all the blanks from their pre-assessment. From the notetaking guide, discussions and role play scenarios, the student will be successful in the post-assessment as the student's continued role as a digital citizen is further enhanced. Rubric (50 points) Pre-Assessment 0 5 points Will be part of the post-assessment The student did not provide an observation on the video. 6 8 points Will be part of the post-assessment The student only provided the observation. 9 10 points Will be part of the post-assessment The student provided an observation and how it relates to them.

Video Observation

PowerPoint Notes

Student completed less than 50% of the notes.

Student completed at least 75% of the notes.

Student completed all of the notes.

Role Play Scenarios

Student did not participate.

Student participated in the role play scenario. Student answered 6 8 questions correctly. (12-16 pts)

Post-Assessment [20 pts]

Student answered less than half of the questions correctly. (010 pts)

Student active participated and portrayed accurately and appropriately. Student answered 9 10 questions correctly. (18-20 pts)

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