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04:17:32 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *He pauses with the arrow firing, glancing at Anelace* Say, Anelace, do you happen

to be hungry? 04:20:05 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She had to think about it. "I guess I am a little." Really a lot, but like she's going to say that. "Why?" 04:22:05 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *GRIIINS* How would you like to go hunting with me? 04:23:37 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She perks up at this a slight smile on her face. "Of course, I did say I would go with you, didn't I?" 04:25:56 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: Great! *He lets his shadow bow go 'poof' for now, wiping his hands together* I'll lead the way. There's usually game to be found near the river. This way~! *Starts trotting off into ze jungle* 04:27:19 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She follows after him letting him lead even though she goes hunting in the jungle for meals quite often. She kept a wary eye on their surroundings, last thing they needed was something getting the jump on them. 04:31:49 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: We are close to the side of the island that has the swamp, I think. I have not gone hunting here before! When we find something, I'd like to skin it. You can eat the meat, I'm only interested in the skin~ 04:33:12 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She laughed at that. "Alright, I know a few other people who might enjoy a good meal too." If she doesn't eat it all. She continues to follow him, looking out for potential prey. 04:34:05 PM <Black-Ratchet> The Jungle: *plays it cool . . . for now* 04:36:37 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Once they reach the banks of the river, he begins following it! Keepin' an eye out for animals* Nothing yet. I'll tell you when I spot an animal. 04:37:29 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Still not going to let her guard down. Despite what Sibbi says, she's going to look to, but mostly for anything dangerous. "Alright, I trust you." Liessss. 04:39:21 PM <Black-Ratchet> *there was a faint rustling in the undergrowth, slowly approaching the two recruits* 04:40:01 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Yaaay, thinks he's being trusted~! He smiles proudly to himself-- until he hears that rustling. He immediately stops, quickly drawing up a new shadow bow and looking around in that direction* Did you hear that? 04:41:53 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Of course she hears that. The hair on her tail raising in warning. "Yes." Her hands glow faintly ready to defend or attack whatever is in the brush. 04:47:27 PM <Black-Ratchet> Rustling in the undergrowth: *pauses as Anelace draws on her powers, then starts up again, more frantically, spreading out to try and encircle them and trap them on the riverbank* 04:50:16 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *He quickly steps closer to Anelace, and then starts stepping back closer to the river. Whatever that is, it sounds fast, and he suddenly feels really uncomfortable about the whole situation* ...That does not sound like a capybara. 04:51:56 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She frowns at whatever it was that was circling them. "Sibbi...." She whispered. "Don't miss and get ready to run." She stands protectively by the blonde, before sending a blast of light at whatever it was. 04:55:23 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Thing #1: *is hit by the beam of light, withering and thrashing madly, screaming like a small human child as it dies*

04:56:10 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things #2-99: *pop out of the bushes, looking at their fallen comrade, and slooooowly turn to stare at the recruits. JUDGING THEM* 04:57:30 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: "Alright now would be a good time to run." With that she sends a larger more blinding flash of light at Dem things, before grabbing Sibbi's hand and taking off. 04:57:49 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *..CRAP. DEM THINGS. He looses his concentration and his bow dissolves into useless smokey mist, but he hardly notices since he's busy being pulled along by Anelace!!!* 05:02:01 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things #2-99: *have had plenty of time to from a perimeter around the derps, about 20 yards from them. They squirm and clack their mandibles angrily at the flash of light, but hold their line* 05:04:14 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She hisses seeing dem things in front of them. Figuring Sibbi is going to be pretty useless right now, she takes a deep breath she creates a large amount of light like shards and throws them at them in an attempt to create an opening for them to run through. 05:08:38 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *He watches Anelace throw them shards, but he knows how tricky dem things are* Anelace, let's just cross the river! Perhaps they will not go through water?! 05:11:01 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things #2-27: *scatter, screaming in their all-too human voices, as the shards rain down into them*

Dem Things #28-99: *charge them*

05:11:20 PM ** Pinaydoll has joined 05:13:49 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Hears SIbbi's suggestion and doesn't even bother to answer how bad an idea that could be. So when they scatter and try to charge he hopes this to be her chance, to try and get them threw, creating more light to launch at them as they ran. 'Please let this work.' 05:14:27 PM <Bell-Cat> through** 05:19:25 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *His instinct is to take to the water!! But Anelace doesn't seem to be budging. So he TRIES to help, pulling up another shadow bow and spazz-shooting one arrow vaguely towards the bugs.* 05:19:57 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things #28-99: *decide it's time to showw off their mad dance skills, leaping and somersaulting at them form all directions, causing a delightful rain of meter-long centipede demons, squealing and shrieking as some of them were caught in Ane's blastsand possibly even Sibbi's crap arrow* 05:20:08 PM ** wonderwart has joined 05:23:37 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Yep this has to be her chance, she keeps on pulling Sibbi ahead back the way they came. More blasts of light being aimed at Dem Things because it seemed to be rather effective against them. 'Just leave me alone.

05:25:31 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Starts getting pulled along again! His bow disappears once more and he just runs after the girl, hoping those mad dance skills won't catch up with them!* 05:31:22 PM <Black-Ratchet> *And now it's time for Good News/Bad News. Good News: Most of Dem Things are scattered by the blasts. Bad News: Only MOST of them. Three meter-long centipedes crash down onto each of the two, clacking their mandibles angrily . . . and . . . giggling? The rest pull back and start to regroup* 05:34:21 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *wandering at the edge of the forest, looking for Jenner. She was holding onto something in her pocket* 05:35:23 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She shows Sibbi away to protect him. "Run and don't stop!" She ordered. She heard them giggling?, she figured they were just happy to be about to get a meal. Sending precise blasts at the ones on and near Sibbi so he could flee. 05:35:35 PM <Bell-Cat> shoves*** 05:37:05 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *is in the Feast Clearing, training, the stone table charred and covered with scorchmarks* . . . 05:37:56 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Dem things are on him!! Despite Anelace's efforts, he panicks like a fool. He nopes right into the river, trying his brillian plan of swimming away to the other side to get them off of him!* 05:40:21 PM <Black-Ratchet> Sibbi's Dem Things (henceforth kown as Fred and Barney): *giggle as they all fall into the river, then start taking rather large bites out of the

Narwhegian* *HAOOOOWMMMM* 05:41:18 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *stops on the edge of the clearing, watching him for a moment, ignoring a strange twinging pain that almost feels like bites.* Am I interrupting? 05:41:24 PM <Black-Ratchet> Rest of Dem Things: *keep chasing after Anelace, clacking their mandibles angrily and slipping into the underbrush after her* 05:42:34 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *...Omg maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. He regrets this decision immediately and turns right back around, flopping back onto the bank so he can struggle and try rolling around to get Fred and Barney off of him* 05:44:20 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Sees Sibbi derp off into the water. 'If he just listened to me.' She veers off, knowing very well she'd never be able to live with herself if he died. So she darted to the river bank, hissing as she sends bolts of light at Fred and Barney. Seriously hoping some of them don't leap at her while she tries to assist him. 05:44:22 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *pauses, catching his breath, looking over and smiling softly at Bell* Not at all, My Night. What is it? 05:47:03 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *stepping into the clearing, looking at the scorch marks* You've made quite remarkable improvement, since your rebonding. *twisting her hand in her pocket* I- I have something that belongs to you. 05:48:17 PM ** Caity-Mayhem has left [connection closed] 05:48:31 PM <Black-Ratchet> Fred and Barney: *are far too large to be crushed by Sibbi's weight, so they just roll along with him, giggling merrily as they bite whatever exposed bits of sweet, sweet derp that pop up, until a blast of light fries Fred and another

narrowly misses Barney, who pauses, glaring at Anelace* *with that, he chomps down hard on Sibbi's abdomen, legs clawing frantically at him as it tries to hide from the Light blasts- inside Sibbi* 05:49:52 PM ** Caity-Mayhem has joined 05:49:54 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: "Oh no you don't." She snarls her hands lighting up brightly as she aimed to grab a hold of the thing and let the light pierce it's body. 05:53:25 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *tilts his head, curiously, walking over and plucking up his shirt, wiping the sweat from his face* Thank you. . . I did not expect to recover so quickly. . . but I suppose even less is known about rebonding than the Single Bond. *sighs* . . . you say you have something of mine . . ? 05:53:57 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *OW. OW. OW. These bite REALLY hurt. When Anelace fries Fred he thinks he's saved! Until Barney bites into his abdomen. He lets out a pained yell, assistin Ane in getting dat thing off of him* 05:54:06 PM <Golly-chan> *assisting* ) 05:56:06 PM <Black-Ratchet> Barney: *refuses to give up, thrashing and chewing his way away from the holy power. HIS WILL BE THE MANDIBLES THAT PIERCE THE HEAVENS* 05:57:18 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *is really trying to ignore the fact that she keeps getting these strange pain flashes* Yes- I should have given it to you a long time ago. I meant to- but then everything just started happening at once. Also, I was a little reluctant to give it up. 05:58:48 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She breathes in, feeling tired from this exertion but refusing to give up. She places her hand on where Barney was and without warning sends a thin needle like jab of light to kill the centipede. 06:00:25 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *He groans and holds his stomach, rolling around slightly from the paaaaaaaain* Anelace--;; *Is like hurry up and kill it so you can heal me, woman!* 06:00:44 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *lowers himself to one knee, resting a hand on Bell's shoulder* I am not certain what it is, but it seems precious to you. Keep it. *inspects her closer* Are . . . are you well? 06:02:42 PM <Black-Ratchet> Barney: *is speared through his tiny Dem Thing Brayn, his body instinctively thrashing about, knocking Anelace away, the death scream muffled but reverberating through all of Sibbi's precious organs as he finally goes limp, head still halfburied in Sibbi's gut* 06:02:58 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell:*not going to wince* I am- fine. I think Sibbi has stumbled into something again. But- I want you to have it back. It belongs to you. *reaching in her pocket and holding out the golden wing* Iago found it, on the beach. It's yours. 06:05:25 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She knocked backward onto the ground, hitting her head. The jungle is spinning for a moment. "Never.. again." She mumbles. Then sits up looking around, hoping there was no more, before sliding towards Sibbi, grabbing the carcass and ripping it out, not being gentle about. 'I am not impressed with you.' She places a hand on the wound and begins treatment.. slowly.

06:06:29 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *FFFFFFFFFFFF. FFFFFFFFFFF! FINALLY IT'S DEAD. But he looks at Anelace, kinda half panicked and half dazed as she rips the thing out of his ORGANS* Am I going to die?! *When she starts healing him he groans again, pained all over again from the effects of the Light magic* 06:08:42 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She smacks the blonde with her tail. "No, now be still." Not a happy kitty. Her hands shake as the flesh is knitting itself back together. Glad to be alive cause if she had died before apologizing to Carter she would have been a very vengeful spirit. 06:09:06 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *looks at the medallion and sways slightly, hand gripping Bell's shoulder a bit tighter to steady himself* How . . . he did . . . ? *his free hand reached up and clutched at the mate to the necklace tightly* 06:10:38 PM ** Pinaydoll has left [connection closed] 06:12:43 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *lets Jenner lean on her, the expression on his face making her worry* I didn't mean to upset you. The day we came here, when we washed up on the beach. . . I thought you were dead. I thought- this was all I had left of you. But I don't need it any more. It means more to you. 06:14:48 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Gets whacked with her kitty tail, and he tries to get it together! He steadies his breathing, wincing and clenching his hands into fists as she heals the wound* When you're done we need to move, there could be more of them. I'm never hunting near the swamp again! 06:16:51 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: 'And I am never hunting with you again.' She thinks to herself, seeing as he was pretty useless in that fight. She finishes up the major wound, he had other bites, but she'd rather get out of here first. Standing up on shaky legs she looked at him. "Can you lead the way back?" 06:18:07 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *takes the medallion from Bell with trembling hands* I . . . thank you, Bell. *he wraps her in his arms, clinging to her tightly* Thank

06:20:32 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *are sitting quietly at the edge of the jungle, with a "What, did you think we forgot about you?" look* 06:20:32 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Breathes out a sigh of relief as she finishes. Yay for not dying! He stands up, too, putting a hand on one of dem bloody wounds* I think so... *He's feeling a little whoozy from that experience, but he starts to stumble his way down the river* This should lead out to the ocean, back to the beach. 06:20:43 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *........SHIT. DEM THINGS* 06:20:46 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *holding Jenner tight* Of course. I know- how much Dominic meant to you. And I can never tell you how sorry I am that you had to lose him. But, I could never tell you the joy I feel that I didn't lose you, My Daybreak. 06:27:38 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: Oh, Bell . . . *his voice hitched a bit* I . . . He . . . I am glad you did not have to know this pain, My Night. *buries his head in her shoulder* 06:29:10 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She sees the Dem things, but really doesn't think she can run from them. "Go!" She mumbled weakly trying to pushing him along ahead of her. 'Never can catch a break.' 06:29:59 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Doesn't argue, just goes! He may be all chewed up, but his legs still work fine. He grabs Anelace by the arm, pulling her along with him!*

06:32:26 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *stroking Jenner's hair, holding him close* As long as he is in your memory, he will forever be with you. And we will sing to the stars in honor of him. 06:33:34 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *give chase merrily, flowing after them like a clicking, giggling wave* 06:35:13 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Thanful that Sibbi grabbed her, because she was focused on putting each foot in front of the other, than direction they were going. ;-; 06:35:32 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *pulls away from Bell a bit, looking at her with red, watery eyes* I . . . yes. Though I do not yet know that song. You will teach me, yes . . . ? 06:36:14 PM ** assbuttbatteries has left [timed out] 06:36:18 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *He glances back behind them as they run, gritting his teeth when he sees those giggly bugs are after them* Go away, damn it! *Yeah, that will totally work!* 06:36:19 PM ** assbuttbatteries has joined 06:39:22 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *give up and leave at Sibbi's comma- LOLNOPE* 06:40:03 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell *brushing her hand against his face, smiling sadly* That was a song I was hoping I would never have to teach you. But yes- of course I will. Of course. 06:40:30 PM ** assbuttbatteries has left [timed out] 06:40:37 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Just keeps running, not looking back at them. How far in did they go? They had to be almost to the end. Just keep running. 06:44:06 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *leans into her hand, silver eyes closing* Thank you. There are so many more that deserve to be honored, as well. . . . 06:46:27 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *letting her thumb brush his temple* I know. Jace has started to- perhaps we could speak to someone-- about a gathering to honor those that have fallen. 06:47:28 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Just keep running indeed! He can see the end of the river up ahead. He's getting completely out of breath, so his main hope is that they'll turn around and leave if they manage to get to the beach.* 06:49:06 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *nods, swallowing hard* Yes . . . I think many of us need the closure. . . We cannot . . . spend our lives in the past. *he gripped Dom's pendant harder* Oh, Dominic . . . I
am so sorry . . .

06:49:36 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She's starting to get slower, exhausted. ;-; 06:50:22 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *looks up at the two recruits bursting out from behind him* . . . what the hell?! 06:50:51 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *pile out onto the beach, hot on their heels* 06:51:35 PM ** assbuttbatteries has joined 06:51:37 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *trying not to think of Dante-* No- I suppose we cannot live in the past. *tilting Jenner's chin up so he's looking at her* You know that he has forgiven you. He loved you. 06:51:44 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *RUNRUNRUNRURNR-- wait, who's that guy? As he runs out into the beach he looks at Lee, and in that moment he ends up tripping over his own feet, crashing to the sand*

06:53:48 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *nods, smiling faintly* I know. I loved him as well. But . . . *sighs* He was less than a mile from this spot. And I did not find him in time. 06:53:54 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Yay the beach, oh god they're still coming. She notices the stranger. "Help us please" She sees Sibbi trip, and attempts to pull him to his feet, but is feeling rather weak right now. 06:55:36 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *sees the swarm of Dem Things and leaps to his feet, running straight at the wave of demons* Go! Run, dammit! I'll take care of this! *his hands clench into fists, rays of blinding yellow-white light escaping through the cracks between his fingers* 06:56:05 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *slow down as Lee charges them, cirlcling him cautiously* 06:56:58 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: I do not know what to tell you- I wish that I did. And I know that you cannot forgive yourself right now. But-- there are things we are not meant to control. 06:58:26 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *quickly gets up with Anelace's help, breathing hard from the run. He takes one fast glance back at Lee before he starts running again, pulling Anelace with him further down the beach* 06:58:44 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *sighs, looking exhausted* I suppose
you are right. but you know how well I deal with failure, My Night . . .

06:59:16 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Relieved that he was helping them. She runs with Sibbi. 07:00:22 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *scowls at the swarm of demons* Well, don't just stand there, you miserable lackeys! Come get me! 07:02:04 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *worried about how tired he looks* I know all too well, My Day. But it cannot be counted as a failure if it was not within your power to suceed. *looking down for a second* At least, that is what I keep telling myself. But I understand- I feel like I failed Dante. It is something we will have to carry. 07:02:16 PM <Black-Ratchet> Dem Things, the Revenge: *pause, then oblige him, leaping in unison onto him* 07:02:26 PM <Caity-Mayhem> *succeed 07:04:46 PM ** assbuttbatteries has left [connection closed] 07:05:31 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *strokes her cheek* Do not blame yourself for Dante. There was nothing you could do. Nothing either of us could do. *pulls her close* We will sing him off to rest soon, My Night. . . 07:07:16 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *As he runs, he glances back at Lee and Dem things and finds himself kind of torn. They totally just led a swarm of demons onto this stranger!* Should-- should we try to... help him? *Looks at Anelace, sounding very out of breath* 07:08:59 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: "He told us to run...." Then she falls to her knees in the sand. Her heart pounding in her chest, utterly exhausted. "I can't... keep ... running." She mutters through pants. 07:12:13 PM <Black-Ratchet> *The beach is rocked by a eye-watering flash and a low shockwave that pushes Ane and Sibbi down, a wave of heat and stinging sand following an instant later* 07:13:20 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *half smiles* Yes. It will be good, to put them to rest. *looking at Jenner, concern in her big black eyes* Jenner, you look so tired.

07:13:33 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *stands in a small glowing crater, covered in ash* Damned stupid things . . . *he steps out of the hole, which smokes and makes a brittle pinging sound* . . . are you two all right? 07:14:33 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: Well Since she was already down, laying on the beach didn't bother her. She laid there feeling incrediably hot and bits of pain from the sand. She blinks a few times, trying to pull herself to a sitting position when she sees Lee. "I'll... be fine. Thank you." 07:15:11 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *When Ane falls, he at first tries to help her up-- but that shockwave just makes him flop down beside her. He doesn't bother to try getting up, panting for breath. When he hears Lee he squints his eyes open and nods* Yes. Thank you. 07:16:40 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *gives her an exhausted smile* Do I? I suppose I am not yet fully recovered . . . or perhaps my limits truly are greater now. *sighs* I will be fine, Bell. 07:18:23 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *still looking worried, brushing a bead of sweat from his forhead* Rest with me? Just for a little while. 07:18:45 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *brushes the remains of Dem Things off his jacket* Of course. Do I want to know how on earth you got into such a bad spot? 07:19:42 PM <Bell-Cat> Anelace: She'd like to point at Sibbi but can't muster it. "He decided to go hunting in the swamp." And I had to protect your ass. 07:21:30 PM <Golly-chan> Sibbi: *Is thrown under de bus* We were-- just by the river, and then-- suddenly they were everywhere? *Sloowly sits up, wincing as he's reminded that he has big chunky bites taken out of him in various places* 07:22:13 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *nods, smile growing a bit wider* If you insist, My Night. I . . . have been neglecting you of late. I am sorry. *stands up, offering his hand* . . . shall we? 07:23:42 PM <Caity-Mayhem> Black-Ratchet: Bell: *taking his hand* I am more concerned that you are neglecting yourself. *smiles at him* I can wait for you. But for now, I think we both could use a nap. 07:25:29 PM <Black-Ratchet> Lee: *sighs, shaking his head, causing some ash to shower off his head* Kids. Ah, damn it all . . . *starts scrubbing Dem Things ash out of his hair* Look, just aviod the river. I was pretty sure that was implied in our agreement. If I hadn't been here, you two'd be centipede warmers right now. 07:27:32 PM <Black-Ratchet> Caity-Mayhem: Jenner: *smiles down at Bell* As you wish, My Night.

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