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Mark Ryan T. De Lunas SPEECOM S11 Panel Discussion July, 17 2012 Outline: I.

Introduction Role: SOE student Attention Getter: What do you think about SOE student? Goal: To inform the Students that stereotyping can separate different colleges in this university Thesis Statement: Stereotyping in their own (SOE students) college and other colleges perception and their reaction to this misconception can result to the separation of different colleges. II. Body A. Stereotyping in their own perception (SOE Students) a. What they think about themself? b. Reason of this perception B. Stereotyping in other colleges perception a. What they think about the SOE student b. Reason of this perception C. Reaction to this Misconception a. How SOE student feel about this misconception b. How other colleges react on this misconception III. Conclusion Reference Survey https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/gform? key=0AtG3mL2bQ1gSdGxRZUZ2SGw5THc2NVQycElLT25Gc0E&gridId=0#edit Theories S. R. Levy, S. J. Stroessner, C. S. Dweck(1998) Journal of personality and social Psychology : Stereotype Formation and Endorsement: The Role of Implicit Theories, Vol. 74 No. 6 pages 1421-1436, retrieved from http://www.stanford.edu/dept/psychology/cgi-bin/drupalm/system/files/Stereotype

%2520Formation%2520and%2520Endorsement-%2520The%2520Role%2520of %2520Implicit%2520Theories.pdf Good morning What do you think about SOE students? My goal is to inform you that stereotyping can separate the different colleges in this university. Stereotyping in their own (SOE students) college and other colleges perception and their reaction to this misconception can result to the separation of different colleges. Stereotyping in SOE Students perception is quite good. They think of themselves as average students, not like the College of engineering who handle most of the math stuff. Some of the student responses to me that SOE really are friendly, approachable and responsible. While the other colleges is very envious because SOE students have a social life unlike the CCS and COE that doesnt have much time in socializing if there is some deliverables. The reason of this perception through them might come from their own subjects and their family or friends. In other colleges perception, they think of the SOE students as serious, Math geek, smart, The people who knows graphs, strategist and philosopher and many more. They think that SOE students are not approachable and the snob type of people but some of the student that have a SOE friend they think of them as nice and kind. This perception might come from the other students who gossip or the people they meet.

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