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TABLE OF CONTENTS records used in stores documents used in purchasing documents used in issuing documents used receiving


A document is a written or printed paper that bears the original official or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information. RECORDS USED IN THE STORES CELLAR RECORDS; when the value caller high keep to up date in tight food beverage control it usual the following document to be kept to

1 CELLAR INWARS BOOK ; it provides accurate reference to all beverage coming into the caller and posting date for the storekeepers its important to use against the perpetual ledger held in food and beverage control and accounts 2 BIN CARDS ;all beverages held in the stock and records all deliveries and issue made the records are fixed on shelves or racks against each beverage the bin card number refers to the same bin number as the wine list originating from the standard bottle code A BIN CARD HAS THE FOLLOWINING DETAILS Name of the commodityunit of issue date of issue Date of goods are received or issued maximum stock ..minimum stock quantity received .quality ..the balance held in stock .. 3 CELLAR CONTROL BOOK It has records of all daily deliveries to the caller and daily issues of each beverage from the caller to various bars and should cross check with entries on the bin cards and the perpetual inventory ledger held in food control account office 4 BEVERAGE PERPETUAL INVENTORY LEDGER These master ledgers which are prepared in the control or accounts office compose of cards .Each card is prepared for each beverage held in stock when stock taking is done .it should march to those of perpetual inventory ledger


It important to record breakage and ullage in standard form with their explanation and counter check signed by crew of food beverage .ullage is term used substandard e.g. bottle of weeping bottle of wine with faults cork unfit barrels of beer


Many containers of beverages such as crates kegs charged by supplier against deliveries its good that control is maintained on these charged items to ensure that they are returned to supplier 7 HOSPITALITY BOOK RECORD

Its used by kitchen staff to issue drinks 8 STORE LEDGER SHEET

This is usually found in the of a loose leaf file giving one ledger sheet to each items held in stock Content of store ledger sheet 1 Stock.. 2 dates of goods received or issued 3 from whom they received and to who issued.4 invoices or requisition NO .. 5 unit price 5 the cash value of goods received and name of commodity6 classifications . Unit 7 maximum stock.. 8 Minimum issue balance cash to the goods held in stock . 9 STOCK SHEET Stock sheet should be taken at a regular interval in month or weekly basis it normally used for sport check to end forgery and fraud in food control Content of stock sheet 1description of good. 2 Qualities received and issue and balance. 3 Price unit. 3 Cash column

DOCUMENTS USED IN PURCHASING 1 Delivery notice They are sent with good supplied as mean of checking that everything ordered has been brought. It should also be checked against duplicate order sheet

2 INVOICES They are bills sent to client setting out the cost of good supplied or services rendered .an invoice should be sent on the day the goods are dispatched or as soon as possible Content of an invoice 1The name and address telephone number . 2 the name and address of the company whom the goods or services have been supplied . 3The word invoice is in black code color.. 4The date on which goods services were supplied together with prices 5 A note concerning trading terms e.g. 10% one month which means that if the person receiving the invoice settles his or her accounts within one moth time.. 3 CREDIT NOTES

Its written to advice the client setting out allowance made for goods returned or adjustment made through errors of overcharging; they are issued to chargeable container, crates boxes. The content of a credit note is the same as those invoice note BT difference is that the name credit note is denoted in red color code 4 PROFOMA; it is a kind of invoice sent by the seller to the buyer in advance for delivery of goods Content of profoma Quality . Value.

Weight.. Transportation mode.. PURCHASING ORDER It is principal function ordering is most often accompanied through what is called purchase order

Content of the purchasing order is as follow 1 Name and address ; egg city

2 Delivery date ; filled as required of r regular or open delivery purchase order 3 Delivery instructions; the specific building section or address where delivery is desired 4 Trading terms e g discounts.. 4 Authorizing signature 5 Serial no. 6 Quality ordered 7 Quantity received .. 8 Unit price 8 Extension e.g. the number of received multiplied by unit price Less discount the discount entered in 9 Purchase order total remainder when discount is subtracted from subtotal..


1 DEPARTMENTAL REQUISATION BOOK This is a book which are held by each catering department which needs to draw goods from store; every good s are drawn from the store a requisition must be filled out and signed The store will tick goods against the requisition so that total expenses over a period of time could determined

CONTENT OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUISATION BOOK Serial number.. Date name of department Unit
Price per unit .

Issue if deferent price per unit cash column. Quality of goods issued Quantity of goods.. Signature..


1GOODS RECEIVED BOOK When quality or quantity of food delivered is not in accordance with the purchase order or may be an item has been omitted from order a requisition for credit note is raised by received clerk COTENT OF GOODS RECEIVED BOOK 1 Delivery note no 2 suppliers 3 Dates 3Quantity 4Quality 5Price 6 Order no 2 TAGGINGS: its simply a name. 1 it requires the receiving clerk to weight and record each item and check against the specific purchase weight range 2 its mostly used inmost expensive food items

3 it assist in obtaining a more accurate to daily food cost percentage figure

4 It assists in controlling the level or these items

Operation of tags _On receiving the goods they are checked against the purchased specification as to being accepted or not. _Suitable tags are attached to the good.e.g cut of a beef. _The tag is then separated along perforation with the control office copies being sent direct to control with invoice or delivery note and kitchen copy being attached by string or by wire to the food item. EXMPLE OF A TAG 1 Meat tag 2 I tem cut total . 3 Total values . 4 Cost . 5 Supplier. 6 Date received




hospitality and tourism

UNIT: food and beverage control


NAME: Samuel murage munene

ADM NO: l20/3028/11

LECTURES NAME: Madam Liza Kinyua

TASK: take away cat

DATE: 7-july-2012

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