LetterToEditor ArmExpress 24july2012

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24 July 2012 Stephen Jeffrey Journalist The Armidale Express stephen.jeffery@ruralpress.

com Dear Stephen




Dear Stephen The New England Wind community group would like to thank Liz Roan for raising her concerns about the consultative process undertaken by New England Wind in Wednesdays letters page. We have made a considerable effort to engage the community on this project over the past two and a half years (probably more than any other energy project in the States history given that we are still years away from formally applying to develop the project). This has included several advertised open community forums across New England, and many hours of individual consultation. Our latest effort to publicise the project has resulted in the article published by the Armidale Express (and coverage in other media). While the response from Liz Roan has highlighted that there may have been some gaps in our individual consultation up till now, we are grateful that this has been brought to our attention so early in the project. We see this as a valuable opportunity to highlight a few important facts about this project: New England Wind is currently led by a small group of dedicated volunteers, who are passionate about creating this project with the community; to create jobs, reduce energy costs, and help the environment. The project is in its very early stage, and although the Herbert Park site is currently nominated as the preferred site, it will require at least a year of wind monitoring, followed by a range of community and environmental impact studies and a development application before it is considered viable. Community engagement and consultation will be continued through this whole process. Many details of the project have not been decided at this stage, and may not be for some time (even the preferred site was decided only very recently).

is a partnered community enterprise by www.starfishenterprises.net PO Box 991 ARMIDALE NSW 2350 | ABN 26 150 552 962 Page 1 of 2

While there has been great support from this community to date, we certainly recognise that some people may not have much information about wind energy, and thus may be legitimately concerned about its impact. It is our goal to inform people as objectively as possible about wind energy, to help the community make an informed decision as to its future. A project of this nature can only be successful if the community is legitimately involved from start to finish. We would sincerely ask for anyone with concerns about or interest in the community wind farm to make contact and even become involved. We will provide as much information as possible. We also offer an open invitation for any interested persons or groups to join our wind farm study tour to Lake George in September. More information at www.newenglandwind.coop.

Adam Blakester Project Director New England Wind 02 6775 2501 | 0419 808 900 | adam@starfishenterprises.net


is a partnered community enterprise by www.starfishenterprises.net PO Box 991 ARMIDALE NSW 2350 | ABN 26 150 552 962 Page 2 of 2

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