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PERSONAL INFORMATION ADDRESS TELEPHONE E-MAIL DOB EDUCATION Aug 07 (current) 2002 2003 1999 2002 Other: PhD (Philosophy, supervised by John Collier); UKZN, Durban, SA On intuition; what they are, how they work, if they can be improved. Based on tacit knowledge & aimed towards developing new teaching and conceptual frameworks. MA: Postmodernism & Contemporary Culture; Royal Holloway, University Of London BA: English, 2:1 (Ibid.) Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) (Oxford House College, London) PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (Flora Bay Divers, P. Besar, Malaysia) Emergency First Response Instructor (ibid.) 77 Archer Crescent, Manor Gardens, Durban, 4001 07535 578 909 findchirag 21st Janurary 1980

WORK EXPERIENCE Experience: Feb 11 - (current): Project founder/ Director Feeding the Self (NPO), Durban Developing tutor training materials Develop material for in and partnership with schools in need Install productive food gardens within under-resourced schools Develop community and outreach programs for learners within grades six and seven Develop integrated material to bring the garden into the classroom and carriculum July 08 - (current) Tutor Administrator The Writing Place, UKZN Developing tutor training materials Administration (academic / financial) Developing short, intensive writing courses & interventions Writing funding proposals, reports to college exco., &c Liasing with internal and external bodies and organizations re: good practice. August 09 Nov 09 Lecturer (News & Features) Journalism department, DUT Full control of design & assessment for feature writing course Primary focus upon teaching critical thinking through writing Focus upon market awareness & responsiveness

July 09 - Nov 09 Lecturer/ Lesson designer Writing Centre, DUT (Faculty of Art & Design) Lessons given/ materials designed for Fine Art Lessons given/ materials designed for Graphic Design Hosted workshop on Writing Intensive courses for lecturers across university Aug 08 Jan 09 Journalist Local & national politics General news articles General features Club & restaurant reviews

Jan 08 Oct 08 First Year Tutor English Department, UKZN Tutoring first year students (English 101) Teaching of basic essay writing, critical analysis and summary skills. Dealing with extremely large classes (27+) of widely variant skill levels Aug 07 Dec -07 TEFL (Academic English, postgraduate entry) ALE/ language department, UKZN Teaching incoming postgraduate students Academic English for research, papers, &c. Designed course to fit required examination, high majority pass rate Primarily taught advanced reading and writing skills. Feb 06 Jul 07 TEFL teacher Malvern House, London (Piccadilly Centre & Bloomsbury Academy) Teaching English as a Foreign Language to all levels from beginner to proficiency One to one teaching Teaching & managing large classes (->25) Organisation of extra-curricular/ social activities July 05 to sept 05 NAREY File Clerk Charles Street Police Station, Leicester Collating and chasing files for magistrates court Database work with charged persons Some work with Trials and Witness Care units Nov 04 to Apr 05 Manager Town Street Stores Accounts, stock, supply, invoicing etc. Dealing with suppliers Recurrent post 3 months each year 1998-2005. Aug. `04 - Oct. `04 Manager / Open Water Scuba Instructor Perhentian Pro Divers / Spice Divers, Perhentian Is., Malaysia Teaching ranging across all ages, abilities, nationalities Management of dive-shop Accounts, stock, supplies, invoicing etc.

Oct. `03 to Aug.`04 writing

Crisis Management - Travel (India, South-east Asia, Australasia) Building up dive grades/ experience,

May `03 - Sept. `03 Mentoring & Volunteering `Croydon Young Peoples Project Teaching ranging across all ages, abilities, nationalities Creative engagement with young offenders: Art and music, photography and videography, poster/flyer design May `02 to May `03 Editor `The Orbital (Royal Holloway student magazine) Full managerial,editorial and administrative control Layout and design Responsible for all Printers, Union, distribution, sub-editors and overall vision CONFERENCE PAPERS & PRESENTATIONS The Problems Of Access Programmes & Foundational Provision (Access Workshop, UKZN, Jan 2009) Why Machines Dont Have Souls; Essential Criteria For Personhood (Philosophy PPA, UCT, April 2009) The Relevance Of Relevance ; The Unavoidability Of Rhetoric (Spring Colloquium, Rhodes, Sept 2008) The Pragmatism Of Religion; How Metaphysical Concepts Have Pragmatic Value (PPA, UJ, Feb 2008)

FORTHCOMING PAPERS The Art of Teaching Thinking; How Writing Places Address The Most Critically Underrecognised Problem Of Contemporary South Africa Education (Education, Book chapter) The Pragmatism of Religious Intuitions (Theology, in review) What To Believe About Our Intuitive Beliefs (Philosophy, in review)

Marc James Hugh Robson Date of Birth Cell phone Email Nationality Health Education: Aug 05 (current) Feb Nov 2010 2004 2005 2000 2003 1991 - 1995 Other: 1998 - 1999 77 Archer Crescent Durban 4001 : 13 July 1977 : 084 261 3244 : : South African : Excellent MA: Philosophy (part-time) UKZN, Durban, SA PGCE: Foundation Phase, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Edgewood campus BA Honors: In English & Philosophy; University Of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Howard College Campus (Durban). BA: Majors English, Media and Communication & Philosophy; University of Natal, Durban. (Certificate of merit: Media and Communication) School: Saint Henrys; matric subjects: English, Accounting, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Geography and Biology. National Certificate in Information Technology: Technikon South Africa

Experience: Feb 11 - (current): Founding member & materials design of/for Feeding the Self Feeding the Self, Durban Develop material for in and partnership with schools in need Install productive food gardens within under-resourced schools Develop community and outreach programs for learners within grades six and seven Develop integrated material to bring the garden into the classroom and carriculum Feb `11 (current): Lecturing students with identified academic needs Food & Nutrition department, DUT Teaching to a range of abilities and educational needs Developing content appropriate to the needs of the students Helping students improve their academic and writing skills Developing critical thinking skills Mar - Aug 10: Completed teaching practicals for PGCE Mar - Apr Effingham Heights Primary; Jul - Aug Athloton Primary Experienced the wide range of educational needs within SA Taught in under-resourced & well-resourced schools Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Identifying and helping students with in need Feb - Dec 09: Lectured Journalism Lectured first year students for Damelin College Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Identifying practical needs of industry and preparing the students appropriately Teaching academic content for non-academic contexts and people Jun - Nov `07: Lectured second & third year communications Varsity College, Durban North

Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Identifying needs of industry and preparing students for the work place Helping people identify and overcome problems in communicating across ethnic, social and economic divisions

Aug - Dec `06: Developed and lectured a course for third year philosophy Developing content for and lecturing in contemporary political theory Designing course material appropriate for third year level students Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Setting appropriate exam and essay questions Identifying and helping students with in need 2006 - 2008: Facilitation work with brain injury patients Hardy and Associates Helping people with brain injuries adjust and integrate back into life Identifying a variety of needs and problems Responding to those needs and problems appropriately 2005 - Jun `11: Tutoring in the Philosophy Department Tutored first and second year courses in Political & General Philosophy and ethics. Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Creatively expressing complex content to a variety of students 2005 - Jun`06: Tutoring & Lecturing for Academic Learning in English Teaching disadvantaged students with poor educational backgrounds Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Lecturing the critical thinking module of the course. Identifying the needs of the students and helping them improve their academic and writing skills. 2004 - 2007: Tutoring in the English Department Teaching first, second and third year students in Literature & Theory Teaching a range of ages, abilities and ethnic groups Managing content for a wide variety of students Identifying and helping students with in need 1999 2002: Manager/Deliveries Ring and Bring call centre Receiving calls from customers Coordinating drivers and deliveries Doing deliveries when short on drivers Closing up float Non-Academic Presentations: (2011) Working with the Environment to make a difference in community life at the Diakonia Environmental Justice Series of workshops. Conferences and Presentations: (2008) Why I am doing Philosophy. Philosophy Graduate Conference. (Johannesburg, University of Johannesburg).

(2008) Hobbes state of nature is not a one-shot prisoners dilemma. Philosophical Society of Southern Africa Conference. (Pretoria, University of Pretoria). Current Projects/Interests: This year (2011) the project I have put time into, aside from lecturing at the Durban University of Technology (DUT), is education outreach. This has taken place through the NGO Feeding the Self, of which I was a founding member. In partnership with ELET (Environment and Language Education Trust) the project has installed productive food gardens into under-resourced school environments. Through my involvement in coursework and material design these gardens and the learners work therein were integrated directly in to the natural sciences elements of the schools grade 6 and 7 classes. The material was designed to further integrate with the languages, mathematics and life orientation elements of the curriculum. The learners were, as a result of course design, encouraged to take what they had learnt in the school gardens and reproduce/apply it within their homes and communities by starting their own productive garden projects. Beyond this I read extensively keeping abreast of the latest events in the world of economics, science, culture and political theory. I also write and am working on several book projects, and have completed my first novel.

References: Mr Deepak Mistrey, lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at UKZN. Work number: 031-2601185 (office hours). Email: Ms Julia Clare, lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at UKZN. Work number: 031-2601726 (office hours). Email: Mr Doug Mundell, CEO Juiced Media Group, Durban. Office: 031-7132500, Fax: 031-7132519, Cell: 082-7778821. Email:


Contact Details Home Phone: Cell: E-mail: Home/Work Address: (031) 2613269 078 062 2204 77 Archer Crescent, Manor Gardens, Durban, 4001, South Africa

Personal Data First Names: Surname: Date Of Birth: I.D. Number: Sex: Marital Status: Licenses: Nationality: Home Language: Criminal Offenses: Nicholas Rex Molver 23 January 1987 8701235067084 Male Single None South African English None

Educational Qualifications Honours: Classics; University of KwaZulu-Natal - Howard College Campus (2008) Dissertation received 80% and a certificate of Merit General BA: Classics and History; University of KwaZulu-Natal - Howard College Campus (2005 2007) High School Attended: Durban High School (DHS) (2000 - 2004) Member of Golden Key Honours Society

Matric Certificate: Other:

Work Experience Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer: Oversight, Logistics & Analysis (Founding member) 2011 - present Feeding The Self (NGO)

Editing All document styles, academic and otherwise. Grammar and sentence structure. Rephrasing. Proof-reading Logistics Oversight Analysis Troubleshooting & strategy.

Notes - Feeding The Self is a 12-week course that starts by building gardens in schools, where the gardens are tended as part of grade 6/7 Natural Science classes). The course itself is designed to teach creative problem solving and effective community and personal development. A successful pilot has been run and we are currently expanding. 1

Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer:

Researcher/Editor 2011 Dr. Vukile Khumalo (University of Kwazulu-Natal History Department)

Editing Academic style documents. Grammar and sentence structure. Rephrasing. Proof-reading Missions Project Research and information gathering on Mission stations established in Kwazulu-Natal.

Post Held: Writing Place Tutor Date of Employment: 2011 Employer: University of Kwazulu-Natal (The Writing Place) Editing Academic style documents and creative writing pieces. Grammar, sentence structure and style. Proof-reading Essay writing guidance and advice for all students approaching The Writing Place. Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer: 1st Year Tutor February 2009 to present University of KwaZulu-Natal Classics Department

Tutoring 1st year students (Classics 101 and 102) Greek Words and Ideas course (101) Roman Words and Ideas course (102) Research Assistant September 2007 June 2008 Professor Emeritus Bernhard Kytzler

Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer:

Library cataloging Computer/technical consultant Administration Research Research Assistant Jan 2007 Dec 2008 University of KwaZulu-Natal: Classics Department

Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer:

Research Assistant to Department Head Professor John Hilton Library cataloging Administration Research Waitron/ Manager 2006 Euphoria (Coffee bar and art gallery) Assistant/Usher 2005 M-Net Idols Television Show (Durban)

Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer: Post Held: Date of Employment: Employer:

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