Art 1 Syllabus2012

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254-968-4141 ext 6455

Mrs. McLemore Stephenville High School Visual Arts 1 Creative talent comes in many forms from figure drawing to 3D design, from scientific exploration to complex mathematical equations, but inherently, all people are creative. In Visual Arts I, students are taught basic art principles and techniques and are asked to consider their world from an artistic perspective. Through the creative process in art 1, students are stretched and taught new ways of thinking and expression that involve drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and more. By doing so, students begin to see that art effects every person in a unique way. In fact, many of the decisions that are made each day involve issues of color, style, and design. Therefore, it could be said that ART is at the very core of everyday life! Course Description As the foundation of all other art courses, Art I curriculum focuses on giving students a broad understanding of the elements and principles of art. Students participate in a variety of learning experiences including traditional drawing and painting activities as well as contemporary and experimental art projects. Students that excel in Art I are invited to enroll in advanced art courses and to consider preparation for AP Studio Art courses. Advanced art curriculum provides many opportunities to develop progressively higher levels of critical and creative thinking. Because the courses accommodate various learning styles and emphasize independent and guided research, students gain valuable knowledge and skills that enable them to successfully pursue interests in other careers. Artistic Integrity Students are expected to work from observation and imagination. Work should show evidence of critical thinking and should illustrate original ideas. Students are not allowed to use photographs, published images and/or other artists works as primary sources as this is merely duplication and is plagiarism. Students who make use of others work for inspiration are required to show how their work is 80% different than the original as to prove that their work is not plagiarism. Additionally, as part of the critique process, students will be required to discuss inspiration sources and will not be allowed to move on to their final piece until they demonstrate original thought and an individualized approach. Expectations Students will be expected to work to develop artistic skills. Art 1 students are instructed in technique and guided in projects and class activities that teach artistic thought and processes. Students will be expected to complete assignments on or before deadlines, will learn how record their work in their portfolios and participate in classroom critiques. Homework- - Students will be expected to complete one sketchbook assignment outside of class each week. Sketchbook assignments are not difficult and should take no more than 10 or 15 minutes to complete. In order to receive full credit, sketchbook assignments must be on topic, show effort, exhibiting good technique, be drawn IN the sketchbook and labeled correctly. Sketchbook assignments are daily grades. Critiques - - The majority of class time is spent actively working on assigned projects, however, all students are expected to participate in group and individual critiques throughout the course. In order to facilitate critiques, students will be required to meet with the instructor as they complete rough drafts so that the teacher can provide instruction and ongoing assessment. Then prior to turning in the final project, students will participate in peer reviews for further feedback.

254-968-4141 ext 6455

Student Objectives

Learn how to draw/render what you see. Work through and solve visual problems effectively. Understand how art elements and design principles communicate content. Increase awareness of the creative process. Increase knowledge of art tools and materials. Exhibit artistic behavior.

Grading Student grades fall into two categories: major grades (50 percent) and daily grades (50 percent). This is the district grading policy. Major grades are made up of projects and tests. All artwork is graded on a rubric in order to take an objective grade on a subjective creation. Daily grades come from students participation in group and individual critiques, sketchbook assignments, class assignments and appropriate use of supplies. Supplies Many expensive specialty supplies and most equipment will be provided by the school; however, each student will be expected to supply their own basic supplies. Students will have an opportunity to purchase supplies directly from Visual Art Boosters at the discounted cost of $27.50 starting on the first day of school. Supplies may be purchased from other vendors, but the quality of the supplies must be equivalent or better. Required supplies include:

Drawing pencil kit: o This includes drawing pencils, white eraser, needed eraser and a sharpener. Prang colored 24/pkg pencils (consider upgrading to Prismacolor pencils) Sargent Watercolors Ruler 12 Sketchbook 9x12 sketchbook Ultra Fine Point Black Sharpie White school glue Cardboard (15 1/8 x 11 1/8 x 2) box for supplies ($2.00) Students with the last name of A-K need to bring a box of facial tissue and a box of zipper top QUART bags. Students with the last name of L-Z need to bring a roll of paper towels and a box of zipper top GALLON bags.

Bibliography Sale, Teel and Claudi Betti. Drawing A Contemporary Approach. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Brooke, Sandy. Drawing as Expression.Pearson. Hobbs, Salome and Vieth. The Visual Experience. Davis Publications Brommer and Kinne. Exploring Painting. Davis Publications Rose, Tedd. Discovering Drawing. Davis Publications Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Penguin Putnam Inc. All art students will be assigned a copy of the state adopted textbook The Visual Experience for use in class and to refer to throughout the year.

254-968-4141 ext 6455

Late Work Policy Late projects and assignments are penalized. Due dates are posted early and often, while some students are always shocked when due dates arrive; it is not because the information was not available! A late project is a project that is not complete on the due date. To be complete, the piece must be dry/fixed, documented and ready for the portfolio. Penalties: The student will be given 1 week to turn in project after the due date. The highest grade possible will be an 85. This additional time is NOT class time. After one week, the student may turn in a project until the end of the current grading period for up to a 50. This means that a piece that would have received a 95 would receive a 50, a piece that would have been graded a 50 on the due date would receive a 25. Portfolio Students will be expected to keep their work throughout the year in a cardboard file called a portfolio. It is imperative that students who wish to continue art in the following years have a portfolio of work to draw upon. At the end of the year, when all work is digitized and uploaded to the server, students may take their work home. Additionally, throughout the year, as projects are completed, student work will be added to the school website and Artsonia (online art gallery). Information about Artsonia will be sent home the second week of school. Last Thoughts Every class day is an important class day. While this course is just an art class, it is a core class and is included in your GPA. Along with that, there are expectations of your work, attitude and behavior. From the moment the tardy bell rings until the bell rings for class to be over, you are expected to work. Art class is not the class for you to catch up on homework for another course or to do your make-up or to sleep. Like any other course, what you get out of this class is directly related to what you are willing to invest in it.

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