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Lets think about this Hillarys Chief of Staff (with a long history with Hilary) has ties to the

Muslim Brotherhood who is a terrorist organization. THIS IS FACT! This same group has now control of Egypt that Hilary and BHO help overthrow our ally Mubarack (sp?) And we have senators that REFUSE to look at this and ATTACK a former Presidential Candidate for questioning this? REALLY? WRITE THESE TRAITORS NAMES DOWN IN BLOODcause they are coming after YOURS and when Sharia Law has come in and destroyed our country and attacked, raped and killed your wife, daughter, mother remember you didnt think it was a big deal what these TRAITORS DID John McCain, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, and John Boehner. Should be on the phone telling these people where they can goand I WILL BE TODAY McCain 202 224 2235, Brown 202 224 4543, Rubio 202 224 3041 and Speaker Bonehead 202 225 0600 (Chief of Staff Barry Johnson) and if you feel like it call Michelle and THANK HER 202 225 2331. Please call and blow these number up!!! If you dont we wont have to travel with a Muslim countrywe will LIVE IN ONE! ~victoria

Exclusive: Proof of Humas Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

By admin on July 23, 2012 in Blog, General There is a reason that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) chose to smear Michele Bachmann after the Congresswoman from Minnesota responded to Ellisons hollow, 3-page screed by sending him a 16-page letter with 59 separate footnotes he refuses to acknowledge. That reason is that Michele Bachmann is telling the undisputed truth about why Americans should be very concerned about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. We have produced a 37-page report that unequivocally proves Hillary Clintons Deputy Chief of Staff and closest advisor Huma Abedin does in fact have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Republicans who defend her (John McCain, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, and John Boehner) are on the wrong side of history and are putting their country at great risk by choosing the wrong side on an issue with very grave possibilities. Here is the report: Bachmann-Final_072312 Its time for McCain, Rubio, Brown, and Boehner to face the Undisputed Truth:

OK all of you senators and representatives who want to down grade Michele Bachmann on her letter

referencing Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Blood is thicker than water!
That reason is that Michele Bachmann is telling the undisputed truth about why Americans should be very concerned about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. Read our 37-Page report that conclusively shows Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood Exclusive: Proof of Humas Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

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