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University of Mississippi Center for Writing and Rhetoric Writing 100/101 ePortfolio Reflective Introduction Writing Prompt After

reviewing the learning outcomes listed in the syllabus and reflecting on the major assignments you have completed for this course, please write an essay of 750 - 1500 words to answer the following questions: Which one (1) course learning outcome would you identify as being the most significant in your personal learning experience this semester? Which one (1) assignment, completed for this course, would you point to as most significant toward your progress toward this outcome? As you compose your response, be sure to: Identify or reproduce (cut and paste) the learning outcome, and put it into your own language if doing so clarifies the outcome for you and/or the reader; Describe the major assignment and related coursework that was significant in helping you work toward this outcome; Apply the work to the learning outcome, explaining how the work is related to the outcome. You might describe specific ways in which you have made progress toward the outcome and specific ways you have struggled or still struggle with the outcome; Analyze why your work toward this outcome is significant to your class learning experience; Consider how your work toward this outcome may help you in other contexts outside of this class. You might consider what this learning experience means to you now or what it might mean to you in the future. You might consider if this experience has led to a change in your thinking. Please do not compose statements for each bullet point in a question and answer format. Rather, your response should be in the form of a complete essay that explores your learning experience. Your essay will be addressed to a private audience composed of you, your classmates, and your teacher, with an emphasis on yourself (this is a reflective exercise). You do not need to provide documentation (i.e., a works cited page or bibliography) for either the course syllabus or your work. Any one major paper/project you have completed for this course is eligible to be considered as evidence of your work toward a learning outcome. Please place the selected assignment in your Google Sites ePortfolio. Any artifact(s) related to that assignment may also be used to support your Reflective Introduction. For example, you might reference a homework assignment, an inclass activity, or a reading that took place during the composition of that paper/project.

Short video instructions on getting started with Google Sites are posted on the CWR website at this link:

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