Request For Modification (RFM) Process: Definition and Design of The SLR RFM Process

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Request for Modification (RFM) Process Definition and Design of the SLR RFM Process

Author: David A Morton

July 12, 2012 Version: 1.0 - Draft

2012 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX and XEROX and Design are trademarks of the Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. BRXXXXX Other company trademarks are also acknowledged. Document Version: 1.0 (July 2012).

Table of Contents
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1 <Heading 1>
Request for Modification Process
Request for Modification This section provides information regarding the process used to submit changes, defects, and other issues to the SLR Product Team. The Request for Modification Form can be found on the SLR User Group.

Request For Modification

New Request for Modification: Figure X.X New Request for Modification Form:

Please Select to open the Request for Modification screen shown below

<Footer> Document Name

Xerox iGen 3 Digital Production Press Index System Level Error! Unknown document property name. Figure X.X Request for Modification Form:

Please Select Colorado from Client Submiiting Drop Down

Provide as many details as you can describing the Change or Defect

Provide details why correction or change is needed.

Select client priority from drop down: Immediate = Showstopper Next Open Release = High Priotity Next Three Months = Medium Priority Next Six Months = Low Priority No Priority = Nice to have

Priorities Definition Request for Modification Process Level 1 (Immediate) Showstopper issue. Must be fixed to allow providers to submit attestations. Level 2 (Next Open Release) High priority issue. Causes problems but attestation can be completed with work arounds. Level 3 (Next Three Months) Medium priority issue. Does not prevent provider from submitting attestation but presents negative user experience. Level 4 (Next Six Months) Low priority issue. Does not present significant issue in submitting attestation but should be fixed when possible. Level 5 (No Priority) Nice to have. Does not need to be addressed immediately and should be addressed in a future release.

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Xerox iGen 3 Digital Production Press Index System Level Error! Unknown document property name. <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody> <tbody>

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<Footer> Name, i.e., User Guide, Install Procedure, etc. 1-5

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