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Technology Evaluation of T High School

School Demographics:
T High School is located in a very conservative, middle class environment. Even so, 12% of the students attending T High fall under the poverty line. Because of boundary lines, T High tends to grab more of the affluent part of town, mixed with seldom represented, below poverty neighborhoods. T High tends to be very polarized between those who would be considered more financial secure and those requiring financial assistance. The population of students increased this past year bringing the total amount of students to 1902. Because of the increasing number of incoming freshmen, classroom sizes have increased in recent years. The average amount of students per classroom tends to be from 25 to 30, although particular classes, such as electives, have larger classrooms. Ethnically, T High is prodominately White, followed by an increasing Hispanic population.

Demographic Charts of T High School:



Behavior:INTEGRATED Appropriate technology use is formalized and embraced in many parts of the school. Resource/Infrastructure: INTEGRATED Formal policy exists, but is not comprehensive in nature or has not been approved by the governing body.

technology moments in staff meetings Policy of technology has been discussed during smaller technology team meetings but has not been approved by the body as a whole technology use is embraced throughout the school is evidenced by resources such as computers, laptops projectors are found in every classroom Technology planning is usually used to complete other tasks just as testing No evidence of connection to a district wide comprehensive plan review of technology planning is usually informal in a staff meeting and not a formal training Small technology group of staff for technology planning, but often there is not a larger consensus Budget for technology is set aside small technology group surveyed technology needs of staff and teachers priority of technology needs and when to implement has been established grants and budget for technology is used only for technology needs budget established is not long term, but rather for the next few years Paperless systems like email and teacher evaluations are in place but have not completely replaced paper systems Paperless systems can be found in


Behavior: INTEGRATEDSchool-wide comprehensive planning receives informal review, and is connected to other planning efforts. Resource/Infrastructure: INTEGRATEDComprehensive technology plan that receives informal review and some connection to planning efforts.


Behavior: INTEGRATED-Technology budgeting process with high priority; multiple budgets considered, but long- term budgeting is not. Resource/Infrastructure: INTEGRATEDSpecific technology budget is provided in addition to line items in other budgets.

Administrative Information

Behavior: INTEGRATED-Administrative systems are utilized by most of the staff members; some paperless systems are in place.

Resources/Infrastructure- INTEGRATEDAdministrative systems are available to most administrators and staff.

more about administrative and staff information than in classroom some administrative systems are available, but not all

Behavior: INTEGRATED- Students and staff are very dependent upon information resources, and utilize them regularly. Resources/Infrastructure- INTEGRATEDResources are fairly comprehensive providing depth or diversity, but not both. Access is available to most.


Many students rely on class blogs (which most teachers have established throughout the classroom) Internet is highly accessible and used by staff and teachers- computer labs and portable labs Most all students have access to information systems through the library Students are mostly dependent on information sources online, not so much on texts or literature Staff members will occasionally use online submission of work via email Peer edits done online by teachers occasionally Self-assessment of student work can be seen by online rubrics Tools for assessment can be found in the form of online quizzes and/or surveys, but most teachers rely on traditional testing methods Staff uses online gradebooks to assess

Electronic Information


Behavior- ISLANDS-Used by many of the staff and some of the students for the evaluation of work and self- assessment. Resources/Infrastructure: ISLANDS- Some reporting and assessment tools are available, with a focus on traditional assessment measures.

student scores

Curricular Integration

Behavior: ISLANDS- Curriculum is somewhat dependent on technology and used in multiple ways. Resources/Infrastructure: INTEGRATEDTechnology and related resources are available for most curricular areas.

Research online is often incorporated in many projects Accessibility to blogs and/or class websites often make many classes more dependent on technology Resources for technology is virtually in every subject. More broader tools like blogs/websites are available to all most teachers use technology daily through one or more of the following: computers, projectors, smart boards, blogs, etc almost all teachers have access to a computer and projector. Those that dont have the library and mobile carts as an option Teachers who have the oldest equipment are first in line to be given new and updated material Student use technology often at home and/or in the library on their own time Students are limited to few options of technology use at the school: mobile lab & computer labs Some students have more access to internet depending on the teacher and their ability to plan ahead enough to reserve lab times

Teacher Use

Behavior: INTEGRATED Daily use by teachers for administration and curriculum. Resources/Infrastructure: INTEGRATED Most teachers have access to appropriate technology in their work area.

Student Use

Behavior: ISLANDS- Students use technology often, but in limited ways. Resources/Infrastructure: ISLANDS- Some students consistent and regular access to appropriate technologies.


SUBSECTIONS Stakeholder Involvement

Behavior- ISLANDS- Many of the groups are aware of the planning and implementation procedure, but few are engaged in the process. Resources- INTEGRATED- Most of the groups are represented in the planning and implementation process.


Many of the groups are aware of the planning and implementation procedures through newsletters and/or the school website Few stakeholders are engaged in the process unless they are invited by staff (with is rare) or make a point to be aware of what is going on Most of the groups are represented, although not with a large representation for every group significant time is not given from administrative support. Most administrative representation is only at the technology planning meetings for the first portion and then leave the rest up to the committee Formal support from administration is usually delegated staff members mostly participate in technology training through staff meetings Some specific technology breakout groups are available on a requested basis District training on basic technologies for gradebook and school websites given at district meetings Although the trainings are on-going, often they are given because a technology has been updated and a

Administrative Support

Behavior- INTEGRATED On-going discussion with the administration. Resources- INTEGRATED- Some formal administration, time and support allocated to the planning and implementation process.


Behavior- ISLANDS- Many staff members participate in technology training activities. Resources- INTEGRATED- On-going teacher training provided by site and district resources.

training in necessary

Technical & Infrastructure Support

Behavior- INTEGRATED- Most staff utilize formal and informal support. Resources- INTEGRATED- Formal technical assistance provided through staff release time, hired help, and/or formal district support.

Formal support usually is seen more at staff and district meetings Informal support is usually found in breakout sessions for technology training District technology support staff as well as the school technology representative led formal technical assistance

Behavior: INTEGRATED Staff use is limited to data, but is extensive and sophisticated. Resources: INTEGRATED- High-speed networking with access to all working environments.


high-speed networking is accessible to all on school property. Particular websites are blocked for content, but blogs and research based sites are all available Some computers are equipped with video, voice and other data collection sites, but not all district internet is not available for video and/or voice- only locally available several data services are available for teachers and students district networking has crashed in the past but for the most part it has been

District Area Networking (WAN)

Behavior: INTEGRATED- Staff use is limited to data, but is extensive and sophisticated. Resources: INTEGRATED- District area networking infrastructure with dedicated, highspeed lines; several data services are


reliable All teachers have access to storage through district networking Staff and students use the internet daily Most staff has made technology use a part of their curriculum through blogs, websites, Google Docs, email...etc Staff use email daily most locations in the school have access to the internet, with few dead spots Staff use email daily for administrative needs, passing on late passes, taking roll, and completing grades Email is often used between teacher and student to communicate questions about assignments or to submit homework a gmail account is given to all teachers and students

Internet Access

Behavior: INTEGRATED- Most staff and students use the Internet frequently. Use is integrated into the curriculum. Resources: INTEGRATED- Direct LAN Internet access in some locations.

Communication Systems

Behavior: INTEGRATED- E-mail is used frequently to form administrative and learning activities. Resources: INTEGRATED- E-mail is available to all staff, and many students.

Behavior: INTEGRATED- New technologies are readily accepted by most staff members. Resources: INTEGRATED- New technologies are readily accepted by the staff with


new technologies are accepted by most staff members, although not all teachers implement them into their classroom quickly Example of recent new technologies at

moderate implementation.

T High- ipads, video cameras, smart boards and document cameras technology is comprehensive by trainings provided by technology specialists Equipment has not reached full potential by not making some programs available on all school computers. more than 2 resources available- email, internet, video, voice...etc

Comprehensive Technologies

Behavior: INTEGRATED- Technology is fairly comprehensive, but lacks more advanced techniques. Resources: INTEGRATED- Available technology is used including voice, etc., but equipment has not reached full potential.

In my research and observation of T High School, I have observed that overall, T High has more often than not, found themselves on the Integrated level of the Technology Maturity Model. I have seen that in the regular use of computers throughout the high school. Computers, whether they be mobile or in the library (or other mentioned computer labs) are readily available to students on a regular schedule and can be scheduled by teachers for daily or extended use. This alone allows for more connectivity between teachers and students. This also allows for open research and data collection via the internet. Because the internet is readily available at a local and district level at no cost, students, as well as staff, are able to connect more often, thus increasing productivity and communication. T High tends to score lower when it comes to assessment, but with the resources previously mentioned, this can be remedied. Plans for policies and procedures are found on the school website, school newsletters and via email from administration and district leadership to staff. Plans, policies and procedures are often reviewed every staff and district meeting. Furthermore, the administration of T High often includes training on technology implementation through their staff and breakout meetings, providing adequate training on new and upcoming technologies. All teachers have the ability and accessibility to increase their personal technology use in the classroom. All instructional delivery in meetings is often, if not always, dependent on technology. Many of the meetings model correct technology use. The administration of T High School has also set aside allotted time for the meeting of a technology committee to review trainings and the technology budget. This committee meets once a week to discuss technology needs and how to properly train the staff. It also takes the technology budget given by the district to prioritize, according to staff requests, which needs will be met and when. The committee has written both short and long term goals and budget outlines. Because of these reasons, it it my belief that T High School is on the Integrated level of the Technology Maturity Model, with some aspects coming close to the Intelligent level.

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