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Action Research Abstract Feeling good has been a lifelong goal of mine.

For some unknown reason I ex perience painful and sometimes debilitating physical symptoms that have remained a mystery for most of my life. Doctors and health care professionals have come up with multitudes of diagnoses, but never a cure. In this action research I am taking this matter into my own hands, seeking an alternative program to follow t o make me feel better, and seeing what happens. Section One: Introduction I just want to feel good! That is my goal in life, but it has not been achi eved for any length of time. Ever since I was a teenager I have not felt good. I always have felt achy, with painful joints and tendons, back pain, constipatio n, anxiety, sensitivities to foods and toxins, fatigue, headaches, and burning, numbness, and tingling in my extremities. It began after I had a two year episode of recurring tonsillitis when I took a ntibiotics and prednisone for extended periods of time. I just suffered for two decades with the symptoms I described and went from doctor to doctor. They would always say that nothing was wrong with me. When I was in my late 30 s there was finally a name for my cluster of symptoms called Fibromyalgia. I was so excited to know there was something that I may be able to treat. I tried everything the doctors gave me; anti- depressants, physic al therapy, acupuncture, pain killers, muscle relaxers, and cortisone injections . Unfortunately the relief any of those gave was only temporary and the side eff ects of the medications were even worse. Then five years ago I underwent genetic testing because an uncle of mine, w ho had similar symptoms, was diagnosed with having the HLA-B27 gene. People who have that gene are genetically predisposed to the symptoms I described along wit h MS, Lupus, ankyolosis spondylitis, and Rheumatoid arthritis.My test result wa s positive also, so I gained hope for finding a treatment for my ailments. Nothi ng happened. My HMO turned me down to see a neurologist, who was my last hope, s aying there is nothing to be done there that my regular doctor couldn t do. So I continued to suffer, having bad days and better days, but no days when I felt completely well. I decide to see a nutritionist/healer that I had heard was amazing and see what happens. Section Two: Implementation I scheduled a consultation with Judy Owens,a naturopath for Lifedyne. She does iridology and nutrition consultation. She looked into my eyes with a specia l scope and could see what was going on in my system. She said my lymphatic syst em was clogged and that my adrenal glands were depleted due to stress and toxins . My ileocecal valve was wide open allowing uric acid to build up in my bloodst ream causing my aches and pains and affecting my nervous system. The nerve damag e had caused an impaction in my colon. My endocrine system was stressed from lac k of calcium. Based on that information she designed a program to improve my he alth, and she claims to cure my problems. The program consists of nutritional supplements, exercise, and eating healthy. The supplements are as follows: Supplement Dose AM/PM Calcium/Magnesium 2 capfuls am/pm Vitamin E 800 mgs am/pm VitaminC with bioflavnoids 2000 mgs. VitaminB complex liquid dropperful under tongue Homeopathic Kidney drops 15 drops Tummy Flattener 3 capsules am/pm Psyllium Flower powder 2 teaspoons in water

am/pm am/pm am/pm am/pm

Niacin 2 capsules am Niacin 3 capsules pm Pau De Arco 1/2 cup pm Exercise: Jump on trampoline 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the eveni ng. This exercise helps drain the lymphatic system. Eat a diet comprised of leafy dark greens, sprouted grains, fresh fruits, and le an meats. Drink only water and herbal teas. No dairy, or unsprouted grains. She also had me lay down and she manually massaged my ileocecal valve closed.

Results: I followed the program consistently everyday for six weeks. I had a follow up exam and she found an improvement in my adrenal glands, and a lower uric acid level. She did say however that the nerve wreath has not come down yet. Conclusion: I feel better with less aches and pains. I have more energy and am having r egular bowel movements. My skin has improved in appearance and elasticity. I hav e lost body fat and weight. I do notice lumps like cellulite under my skin which means the lymphatic system is still clogged. Unfortunately during this time my children's father was killed tragically in an automobile accident so my stress l evel has been skyrocketing. As things settle down I think I will make faster pro gress. I will continue on this program until Judy Owens tells me that my body is in balance. General Comments: If I wasn t on this nutritional program during this highly difficult and stress ful time in my life, I may not had the ability to get through with this Master s deg ree program. I feel an inner strength that I did not have before. I am going to spend more time with Judy Owens and hope she will mentor me in what she does. He alth has always been a focus for me along with helping others, so I could see my self becoming a nutritionist.

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