Teza 10A. 2

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NAME: TERM PAPER No.2 A. Choose the best option: 1. Jims never seen / never saw this film.

Im sure hell like it. 2. Wow! Did you already do/ Have you already done the housework? 3. They didnt get / havent got married in the end. 4. Stan had / has had that car for years. 5. Frances has been/ gone to Jamaica
B. Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences:

E. Complete the words in bold with a suitable negative prefix: 1. I would trust anyone who says they can invest your money and double it in six months. Its just too credible to be true. 2. Hes a very active person, and because he smokes hes rather healthy person. F. 1. Rephrase the following sentences: Shes very clever. However, shes also very lazy.

1. Withdrawalhuman contact can actually affect a childs physical development. a). to b). at c). by d). of 2. There has been a significant reduction.the number of fatalities since wearing a helmet became obligatory. a). of b). to c). in d). from 3. I could tell the look in his eyes that he was sorry for that terrible mistake. a).in b).of c).by d). onto C. Underline the correct word in the contexts below. In some cases both are possible. 1. They worked for three days, hard / hardly stopping to eat or rest. 2. As I left the house, it was raining hard / hardly. 3. Do you like these shoes ? I got them cheap / cheaply in the market. 4. Be careful; there are lots of snakes in the forest, some of them are dead / deadly . 5. He was dead / deadly tired that night and thats probably led to the crash. D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. I was . to ask Kevin where hed been but I resisted the temptation. (die) 2. When I was younger I . to go out with friends, but now my would be to spend time at home. (prefer) 3. The only . character in the whole book is the detectives wife (like)

on Shes very clever, but ..shes also very lazy. 2. The food in this restaurant is much better than the food in the other restaurant. nearly The food in the other restaurant as the food in this restaurant. 3. Shes never seen such a beautiful dress! the This shes ever seen. G. Choose the correct alternative: 1. I look as/like my mother, but in other respects I take after my father. 2. Ive always thought of English as/like a very colourful language. H. Underline the correct word:


Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or -.

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