5.04 - My Intresting Interest

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The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Lampiran 5.04

My Interesting Interest!
Name: __________________________________________________________________
College No.: _____________

HR: ______________

Class: ____________

1. Pretend that your class has decided to put on a play to raise money for a class trip.
Each person has been asked to sign up for his or her first, second, or third choice for
one of the jobs listed below. Mark your first choice with a 1, second choice with a 2,
and the third choice with a 3 in spaces provided.
______ Actor/Actress

______ Playwright

______ Director

______ Musician

______ Design Costume

______ Dancer

______ Make Costume

______ Singer

______ Light/Sound Person

______ Business Manager

______ Design Scenery

______ Design Advertisement

______ Build Scenery

______ Photographer

______ Other (specify) ____________

2. Pretend that someday you will be the famous author of a well known book. What type
of book will it be. [History, Fiction, Poetry, Fashion, Science, etc]
Type of book: _________________________________________________________
The Book will be about: _________________________________________________
Can you think of a good title for the book?


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The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Lampiran 5.04

3. Pretend that you can invite any person in the world to be a teacher in a special
program for two weeks. Who would you invite?
First Choice __________________________________________________________
Second Choice ________________________________________________________
Third Choice _________________________________________________________
4. Are you a collector? Do you collect stamps, sea shells, post cards, telephone cards,
match boxes, key chains, or other things? List the things you collect and the number
of years you have been collecting.
Things I Collect

No. of Years I Have Been Collecting









5. What are some of the things you would like to collect if you had the time and money?
6. Pretend that you class is going to take a trip to a large city. After visiting the
designated site you are given an entire afternoon to spend at the place of your choice.
Mark you first, second, and third by placing a 1, 2, or 3 in the spaces below.
______ Art Museum

______ Science Museum

______ Museum of Natural History

______ Television Studio

______ Ballet

______ Parliament Seating

______ Stage Play/Theater

______ Symphony Orchestra

______ Opera

______ Stock Market

______ Newspaper Office

______ Computer Center

______ Fashion Show

______ Court Room


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The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

______ Hospital

Lampiran 5.04

______ Planetarium

______ Other (specify) ______________

7. Newspapers often have special feature columns or sections such as the one listed
below. Pretend that you have just been given a job as a feature writer. Which of the
following columns would you like to write? Mark your first, second, and third choice
with a 1, 2, or 3 in the spaces below.
_______ Gardening

______ Personal Advice

_______ Science

______ Business

_______ Political Cartoon

______ Humor

_______ Crossword Puzzle

______ Editorials

_______ Local History

______ Famous People

_______ Horoscope

______ Weather

_______ Outdoor Life

______ Stock Market

_______ Music Review

______ Book Review

_______ Film Review

______ Travel

_______ Sports

______ Consumers

_______ More Reviews

______ Other (specify) ________________


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