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Q.2. In which of the following circumstances a High Court cannot call for the record of a case for Revision, which has been decided by a subordinate court? (16)0 (a) Where the subordinate court has failed to exercise a jurisdiction vested in it? (b) Where the subordinate court has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it? (c) Where the subordinate court has exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it and one of the parties to that case who has a right of appeal has failed to prefer an appeal? (d) Where the subordinate court has acted in the exercise of a jurisdiction vested in it illegally are with material irregularity? Which of the above statements is correct? Support your choice with arguments and state the relevant principal of law. Q.3. Discuss and differentiate between res judicata and unilateral res-subjudice by giving examples. (16) Q.4. Which of the following of a ground for appeal to the High Court from a decree passed in appeal by a District Court? (16) (a) the decision of the District Court being contrary to the procedure provided by the Civil Court Ordinance (II of 1962); (b) the District Court having exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it; (c) the decision of the District Court being contrary to the procedure provided by the Code of Civil Procedure (V of 1908); (d) All of the above. Which of the above statements is correct? Support your choice with arguments and state the relevant principal of law.


Q2. write an exhaustive summary on the particulars that should be contained in a plaint (order 7 rule 1 CPC) (16) Q3. write a detailed note on concept of jurisdiction with reference to (Section 9): ( 16) (a) subject matter jurisdiction (b) pecuniary jurisdiction (c) territorial jurisdiction (d) inherent jurisdiction (e) original jurisdiction Q4. Explain the difference between first and second appeal against decree. State the distinguishing features. (16)

1. State the law relating to the place of the institution of suits. 2. What do you understand by the term Temporary Injunction? When and on what grounds it may be granted? 3. Write notes on: (a) Precept (b) Mesne Profits

1. What is Constructive res judicata? Elaborate. 2. What is review? Which court has the jurisdiction to entertain an application for review? 3. What do you understand by: (a) Administrative Transfer (b) Judicial Transfer of suits

1.What is pleadings and what are the important rules relating to pleadings? 2. Write short notes on: (a) Abatement (b) Receiver (c) Interpleader suit 3. Define issues. How are they framed and by whom?


1. The Doctrine of Resjudicate is of Universal application and a fundamental concept in the organization of every jural society. Comment. Also quote the relevant provisions. 2. The worries of the Decree Holder start after he obtains the decree. Elucidate. 3. Write notes on: (a) Principles of Natural justice (b) Review as enshrined in the provision of C.P.C.

1.Write a detailed note on the following of restitution. 2. Explain the meaning and scope of Inherent Powers of the Court. 3. Write short notes on the following: (a) Judgment debtor (b) Ex parte decree


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