Dbms Final Project

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NUST Business School

Database Management Systems Final Project

Submitted by: Submitted to: Abdul Haseeb Khan Ann ul Huda Sarah Asad Khan Shah Faisal Mohammed Ahmed Ghafoor Date: May 22, 2011 BBA 2k9 (F) A Sir Asad Amjad

Abstract This document is a detail analysis of The Rock Musicarium, a dining restaurant with live quality music in Lakeview Park, about the technical requirements that would be needed for its Database Management system. Currently, the Musicarium features a studio, a caf, an Amphitheatre and various lawns for different events. The operations run simultaneously and to increase the existing efficiency we are a designing a database for the Musicarium. The company right now has no existing database system. There are various operations that go simultaneously but for this project, we tend to cover only the Event Management segment.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS

Company Introduction
Rock Musicarium, a startlingly amazing cafe started in 2004. It is located in Phase 2 lake View Park. It has an open-air Arena, a lake side purpose built Amphitheatre set up with an audience capacity of 500 people. It features a cozy theme Cafe with various lawns, terraces and courtyards. The basic proposition is the concept of dinning with quality live music with a lake side view. They have successfully conducted 20 events and are constantly going towards improvement. The engine room for the Musicarium is its music Studio for recording National and International Artists. The rock is currently working on inter-cultural exchange of Artists on National and international level. The Musicarium is also focused on bringing newer forms of Music to the region. The company also tends to hold Conferences and Seminars with its partner organizations to work on these lines on both micro and macro level for the promotion of inter-cultural harmony. The rock has been successful in doing so by also producing few young bands and bringing a youth the opportunity that is approachable.

A purpose built project for the creation, understanding, documentation, promotion, preservation and publication of music on the global level. Thus, A place for all aspiring artists, bands and the veterans of the region to regularly play music in the exclusiveness of nature and light minded listeners, which will create freedom of creative expression.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS

Industry Background
The rock Musicarium comes under the hotel industry of Pakistan. Generally, Pakistans hotel industry is not very large to begin with. While the hotel industry appears to be flourishing and healthy in Pakistan, that is not really the case. The hotel business of Pakistan is declining because of growing terrorism, tourism, changes in technology, Lack of Tourism and most important government instability etc. Pakistans hotel industry remains in the red for the last two years because unabated incidents of terrorism and violence have not only slashed room-occupancy to less than 40 per cent, but also the number of daily customers, top industry officials said on Wednesday. As for the Rock Musicarium, the industry has little to contribute. This is one of the very few or may be the only Dining place of Pakistan with the proposition of live quality music and rather than the hotel side of the business, it concentrates more on the promotion of different forms of music and artists in the country. It seems to have made an important mark in the industry with so many events already conducted in a very short span of time and has set a standard of high demanding differentiation from other competitors. As considering the local market of Islamabad, there to seems to be a rapid growth in restaurants and hotels. Competition between restaurants is intense, since dining options abound. And, while there are certainly dominant players in this industry (especially among fast-food purveyors), no one company has the market cornered. Indeed, virtually every restaurant location must compete not only against other publicly traded chains, but also a wide array of small, local establishments.

Customer Perception
Customer Perception about the Rock Musicarium is an exclusive dining experience with quality live music, which is at relatively higher prices than other competitors present in the market. The quality about the experience of dining and feel of the environment at the Musicarium is perceived to be high and exclusive. Customers have been observed to have been ready to pay high prices for all the services. It is also perceived by the customer about the general idea of the Musicarium that is one of the most unique and different projects so far, and that the Musicarium has been able to successfully deliver what has they been aiming at.
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It has been received by the customers as a general feedback about the Musicarium that as it is one of the most exclusive places, a manual system of management of accounts and member-base, portrays an ineffective image of the Musicarium and hence, The Rock should be concentrating more on automating the management system of the Musicarium which the management has been looking seriously into. This is what we plan to do for the Rock Musicarium, automating and developing the Event management system as database, which would not only record but will also allocate days for the events too.

Business Rules
Following are the business rules of Rock Musicarium:

There is only one mode of payment, i.e. Cash The workers do not serve more than 2 shifts No bargaining with customers : Fixed prices Only the owner can receive payments and agree on demands Time assigned to each event is strictly observed All the equipment requirements are presented to management one week prior to the event The customer is liable for any damage or loss, in any circumstances All the strategic decisions are taken by the top management

Current Scenario
The current scenario of the rock Musicarium in terms of the business and sales, the rock is working very well in the market. It has been seen to be able to make a strong mark in the market. The rock Musicarium has not only managed to seem to have made higher sales but also has been able to gain a large market share. In technical terms, the Rock Musicarium currently has a manual file management system and does not has an automated computer system in order to record transections, events, inventory management and supply chain management. This does not only offer problems in accurate recording but also in regaining the files if wanted. The rock Musicarium has been facing serious problems in the record keeping management about their business, which have added to both; their reputation and costs.
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Currently, the rock Musicarium is taken serious consideration about the file management system in form an electronic database. It would not only help them understanding the trends of the customers, the time of the season/year, who and when received the payments and sales did and most importantly, the records would be only a simple keyword search away.

Data entry and searches are all manual There is no security of data, the details could be leaked easily Manual system is slow and in efficient In consistent, incomplete and un-updated information makes the system inept Searches are painfully slow, inefficient and disorganized Updating information is slow and hefty Difficult to keep track of data Time consuming to enter the details in the register Registers occupy large spaces No data verification techniques are applied which result in mistakes which are not easily recognizable Too much paper work is involved which increases the expenses It is difficult to update and delete a record; it results in untidiness and loss of data. The data could be easily lost in case of inevitable hazards as there are no backups Human error while entering the data cannot be rectified.

Importance of Database Management system:

The main reason why people go to Rock Musicarium is to get good quality food and to enjoy the concerts and ambiance. It is a huge business with an ever increasing market with tough competition. It is difficult to find clients and to meet their needs and demands. Most dealers are unorganized and have a very haphazard way of dealing with their clients, potential buyers and arranging meeting. This particularly wastes a lot of time and energy and creates a lot of frustration among potential clients when they do not find what they are looking for. Moreover
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agents have incomplete information; they do not maintain or update their files and they mostly provide incorrect information to clients because of lack of organized and updated files. Therefore a system is needed to organize and provide a faster way of storing and extracting information that is required. In order to help Rock Musicarium to work efficiently & manage and organize their information; a Database Management System can do wonders for the entire system of managing data. In the DMS, data is organized into tables where rows represent data records, columns describe the specific data elements about those records-often called data fields or attributes-and to form links between the different data tables, primary and foreign keys are added. The advantages of such a Database Management System include: Controlled data redundancy Consistent data Integrated data where users can link data items regardless of where they are physically located Shared data which allows data items to be accessible by everyone Improved response to information queries Data independence Consistent and controlled enforcement of data standards allows uniformity in database formats

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


Technical requirements:
The hardware requirements for a database diverge extensively depending on the implantation of DBMS chosen. It also depends on the number of proposed users and the type of processing database is intended for. Apart from that internet or intranet connectivity is also required.
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Some hardware factors we consider for the implementation of our DBMS include memory, CPU speed, number of CPUs available, network connectivity and storage space. Other factors are scalability, hardware platform and affordability. On the other side, different decisions need to be made during the planning phase of DBMS implementation. These decisions have an impact on DBMS hardware requirements. The number of users and number of processes that will need to use DBMS at any given time The amount of data that will be stored in the DBMS The processing pattern DBMS will follow The minimum requirements of a database

Calculate Memory Requirements Calculate the memory requirements carefully; it will do no one any good to create a program that cannot be run due to memory constraints of the system. Factors to be combined when calculating memory requirements are: the

operating system, the program, and the data to be input. By taking into consideration the memory requirements of each of these factors, there should be no problems (as far as memory goes) with running the programs Requirements

It's important to do a careful needs analysis before you dive in and commit to a database solution. You'll often find that a desktop database is suitable for your business requirements when you originally planned to purchase an expensive server-based solution. You may also uncover hidden requirements that necessitate the deployment of a scalable server-based database.

The needs analysis process will be specific to your organization but, at a minimum, should answer the following questions:
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Who will be using the database and what tasks will they perform? How often will the data be modified? Who will make these modifications? Who will be providing IT support for the database? What hardware is available? Is there a budget for purchasing additional hardware? Who will be responsible for maintaining the data? Will data access be offered over the Internet? If so, what level of access should be supported?

1. Networking As there will be four computers working therefore it is necessary to have proper networking between them so that when commands are inserted in one computer they will automatically get updated in the other PC. 2. Anti-Virus Data security and safety are the other major requirements of our database. There is fear of data loss in case of any file being corrupted. For the security purposes, latest version of antiviruses will be required to avoid danger from viruses. 3. SQL Latest Versions To keep record of the students using the facilities of modern database, the latest version of SQL software will be required. This will make our work easier.

1. Training:
Educating all users is an important part of implementing DBMS. This can often be the most time consuming part of the implementation process, outside. If the processes are well defined and fairly straightforward, then the learning curve will be a relatively short one. Making sure that all users understand how to use the new DBMS will minimize downtime and other issues that are commonly associated with a new implementation.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


(How to Implement DBMS | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4425646_implementdbms.html#ixzz1Mu7ek7wf)

2. Labour Requirements:
The Rock Musicarium will need at least four people for handling all the database system. 3 of them will be operating in different departments, which will include; Supply chain management, customer base management, even management and one, the overall system and finance manager. An expertise will be required in technical terms for the whole database that will not only be handling and monitoring all the transactions but will also be regulating and monitoring all the activity and any problems, if so might occur. It will also need someone who would be trained of how to take care and clean all the equipment, as a lay man might not be able to cater the equipment well and as per required. He is duties will include turning on and shutting down of the system, In case of electricity fluctuations. It will also include in monitoring the position and site of the equipment, so it does not get damaged.

3. Costs:

Cost of Hardware & Software

A processor with high speed of data processing and memory of large size is required to run the DBMS software. It means that you have to upgrade the hardware used for file-based system. Similarly, DBMS software is also very costly.

Cost of Data Conversion

when a computer file-based system is replaced with a database system, the data stored into data file must be converted to database file. It is very difficult and costly method to convert data of data files into database. You have to hire database and system designers along with application programmers. Alternatively, you have to take the services of some software house. So a lot of money has to be paid for developing software.
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Cost of Staff Trailing

Most DBMSs are often complex systems so the training for users to use the DBMS is required. Training is required at all levels, including programming, application development, and database administration. The organization has to be paid a lot of amount for the training of staff to run the DBMS.

Appointing Technical Staff

the trained technical persons such as database administrator, application programmers, data entry operators etc. are required to handle the DBMS. You have to pay handsome salaries to these persons. Therefore, the" system cost increases.

Database Damage
In most of the organizations, all data is integrated into a single database. If database is damaged due to electric failure or database is corrupted on the storage media, then your valuable data may be lost forever

Skills: Who will implement it? Will the work be contracted out or will you employ people to do
the work

Hardware: You need something for it to live on. This could either be bought, or hired. Maintenance: The system will at some point require updating - costs of this will need to be
considered. There will also be essential maintenance from time to time although this may be covered under your contract if you get an external company to do it for you. If you own the hardware then you will also have to consider staffing to do the maintenance part - does your team have the skills or do you need another.

Software: Lots of free software lots of expensive software - what are you going to use and
whats best for the job.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


Location: If you own everything where will it be physically located? Do you need a DB on each
continent or is one in your office enough?

Risk Factors:
Database systems have many advantages; however, before implementing database systems over the traditional le processing system, the cost and risk factors of implementing database systems should also be considered. The various cost and risk factors are given here. High cost: Installing new database system may require investment in hardware and

software. The DBMS requires more main memory and disk storage. Moreover, DBMS is quite expensive. Therefore, a company needs to consider the overhead cost of implementing a new database system. Training new personnel: When an organization plans to adopt a database system, it may

need to recruit or hire a specialized data administration group, which can coordinate with different user groups for designing views, establishing recovery procedures, ne tuning data structures to meet the organization requirements. Hiring such professionals is expensive. Explicit backup and recovery: A shared corporate database must be accurate and available at all times. Therefore, a system using online updating requires explicit backup and recovery procedures. System failure: When a computer system containing the database fails, all users have to

wait until the system is functional again. Moreover, if DBMS or application program fails a permanent damage may occur to the database.


Organizational Conflicts: Pooling data in a common database may not be politically

feasible in some organizations. Certain user groups may not be willing to relinquish control over their data to the extent needed to integrate data. Moreover, the risk
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involved in data sharing for example, that one group may damage another groups data and the potential system problems that may limit a groups access to its own data may be viewed as more troublesome than beneficial. Such people problems could prevent the effectual implementation of a database system.

Development Project Failure: For a variety of reasons, the project to develop a

database system may fail. Sometimes management was not fully convinced of the value of the database system in the first place. A database project that seems to be taking too long may be terminated. A project too large in scope may be almost impossible to complete in a reasonable time. Again, management and users become disenchanted and the project fails. During the course of a project, key personnel may unexpectedly leave the company. If replacement personnel cannot be found, then the project might not be successfully completed.

System Failure: When the system goes down, all users directly involved in accessing
must wait until the system is functional again. This may require a long wait. Moreover, if the system or application software fails, there may be permanent damage to the database. It is very important, therefore to carefully evaluate all software that will have a direct effect on the database to be certain that it is as free as errors as possible. If the organization does not use a database, it is not exposed to this risk, since the data and its software are distributed.

Overhead Costs: The database approach may require an investment in both

hardware and software. The hardware to run large DBMS must be efficient and will generally require more main memory and disk storage than simpler file-based system. Tape drivers for rapidly backing up the database are also required. In addition, the DBMS itself may be quite expensive.
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The DBMS may also need increase operating costs, since it requires more execution time. For example, an application system using a DBMS will usually execute more slowly than a system not using a DBMS.

Need for Sophisticated Personnel:

The database administration function requires skilled personnel who are capable of coordinating the needs of different user groups, designing views, integrating those views into a single schema, establishing data recovery procedures and fine tuning the physical structure of the database to meet acceptable performance criteria. There is a risk involved in identification of personnel for the DBA, since if no person having the requisite skills can be found, the DBA function may not be properly performed. This could result in significant problems and may even result in the failure of a database implementation.


The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


SQL Commands
create table Employee_table( Employee_ID number(6) not null, Name varchar2(10) null, Type varchar2(5) null, Status varchar2(6) null, Designation varchar2(7) null, constraint pk_Employee primary key(Employee_ID) ); create table Project_Information( Project_ID number(6) not null, Project_Name varchar2(10) null, Type varchar2(5) null, Start_Date date null, End_Date date null, Memo varchar2(7) null, constraint pk_Project_Information primary key(Project_ID) ); ALTER TABLE Project_Information add constraint fk_emp_projinfo foreign key (Employee_ID) references Employee_table(Employee_ID) ON DELETE CASCADE;
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create table Event( Event_ID number(6) not null, Type varchar2(5) null, Request_Date date null, Memo varchar(5) null, Time varchar2(10) null, Requirements varchar2(6) null, constraint pk_Event primary key(Event_ID) ); ALTER TABLE Event add constraint fk_Event foreign key (Project ID) references Project_Information(Project ID) ON DELETE CASCADE; create table Reservation_Status( Status_ID number(6) not null, Status_Type varchar2(7) null, Client_name varchar2(15) null, constraint pk_Reservation_Status primary key(Status_ID) ); create table Services( Service_Type varchar2(10) not null, Sound_system varchar2(3) null,
The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS 17

Light_equipment varchar2(5) null, Stage_design varchar2(5) null, Artist_equipments varchar2(10) null, constraint pk_Services primary key(Service_Type) ); create table Customer_Information( Customer_ID number(7) not null, Customer_name varchar2(10) null, Customer_address varchar2(30) null, contact_information varchar2(10) null, email varchar2(25) null, phone_number number(12) null, constraint pk_Customer_Information primary key(Customer_ID) ); create table Imbursement( Imbursement_type varchar(10) not null, Client_Name varchar2(15) null, Imbursement_mode varchar2(10) null, Imbursement_date date null, Status varchar2(5) null ); ALTER TABLE Imbursement add constraint fk_Imbursement
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foreign key (Customer_ID) references Customer_Information(Customer_ID) ON DELETE CASCADE; insert into Employee_table Values (34534,'Jack','senior','active','HR'); insert into Project_Information (Project_ID,Type) values (93857,'conference'); insert into Event (Event_ID,Type) values (2345,'Corporate',); insert into Reservation_Status (Status_ID,Status_Type,Client_Name) values (80328,'confirmed','vungle'); insert into Customer_Information (Customer_ID,Customer_name) values (928392,'vungle',);
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As we plan to make the database management system for the event management only, we would similarly need the same kind of database system for the other portfolios too. Which include supply chain management, equipment management and member-base management system. When the entire database made, it would require an overall integration with the other database system for the whole organization. Database would cater only those entries which are added by the operator. This often leads to theft in terms if some entries are not catered, as later they cannot be traced on the system. Limitations in terms of the acceptance by the employees might occur too. Despite of the training and friendly database, employees might still not want to shift to an automated system. The Rock Musicarium has now been operational for more than five years and has been working properly somehow properly. It at times occurs that employees not keeping the growth consideration factor in mind do not accept the new system. The database made once is not much flexible. If in future they plan to expand further into other portfolios, they will have to have to make a new database for that specific portfolio which would now require the integration with the whole database. As the technology quickly outdates, the database management will have to face a technological barrier too. It would mean that the technology will have to be updated again and again, ultimately meaning that the hardware and software once installed would not be self-sufficient for life long.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


The database system developed has been selected since it is more appropriate and more
beneficial than the online solution as well as improving the current system does not provide much benefit for Rock Musicarium .Thus it should adopt this system It clearly has more advantages, is more user friendly and easily maintainable. It also does not need very technical skills or IT Expertise. Some formal training on the part of Rock Musicarium will be enough to acquaint the users and teach them the basics as well as maintenance. The employees of Rock Musicarium are not computer literate. They would need to be trained to a certain extent to be able to use the computer and the software. Thus the employees will have no problem in understanding the system and learning how to operate it. The computer system will have to be installed in order to maneuver well.

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/ppfiles/dbms.pp.pdf http://www.mightystudents.com/essay/Hardware.Factors.considering.34603 http://databases.about.com/od/administration/a/choosing_a_db.htm http://www.tpub.com/content/istts/14223/css/14223_98.htm How to Implement DBMS | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4425646_implement-dbms.html#ixzz1Mu7ek7wf http://www.google.com.pk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=12&ved=0CBwQFjABOAo&url= http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cis.usouthal.edu%2Fshare%2Fchapman%2FCIS%2520324%2FDa tabase%2520Administration.ppt&rct=j&q=training%20requirements%20for%20imple menting%20DBMS&ei=X4DWTZK7BtSwhQev9eHWBg&usg=AFQjCNFFkgimOM_4NXT WIQw-Rmr7Jcp4Ww&cad=rja http://books.google.com.pk/books?id=628ArHnYOR8C&pg=PA523&lpg=PA523&dq=tr aining+requirements+for+implementing+DBMS&source=bl&ots=F_WZHcwyhZ&sig=XZ ZnOKYAasmORGOD91SmQNKbfc&hl=en&ei=y4bWTdHsMIawhQfpubzFBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=resul t&resnum=8&ved=0CEwQ6AEwBzgU#v=onepage&q&f=false http://www.blurtit.com/q734867.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070501050831AA70l7M http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/databases/9788131731925/databasesystem/ch01lev1sec6 http://www.scribd.com/doc/3136641/DBMS-Unit-I http://www.therock.pk/

The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


The Rock Musicarium | Final Project DBMS


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