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The Chartered Institute for Management of Assessment Practice (CIMAP)

CIMAP Membership Introduction Pack
CIMAP VISION: To promote the highest standards of professionalism, quality, competence and integrity in Assessment, Moderation, and ETD Practice.

Thank you for becoming a member of CIMAP!

Message from the Chairperson: D. E Damons (CEA) U.K.
The Chartered Institute for Assessment Practice (CIMAP) is appreciative of your efforts to professionalise the assessment practice industry. We have reached the proverbial tipping point that dictates the need to organise ourselves into a coherent representative body. CIMAP strives to ensure that professional standards are maintained and that the advancement of ETD Practitioners and private providers are the central theme of our efforts. CIMAP seeks to explore fair and transparent practices that ensure maximum benefit to practitioners by creating a credible and respected professional framework, which has accountability and competence as its central theme. Our board members and regional committee members have invested their time and personal resources to establish a professional body for the benefit of the entire community of expert practitioners. CIMAP values our vision, mission and values. CIMAP Mission - To promote Quality Education and Training practice through voluntary self-regulation while assisting our members to achieve success through the provision of relevant expertise, educational opportunities, business resources and social & business networking opportunities. CIMAP values inculcate - Integrity, Ethics, Accountability, Credibility, and Discipline. It is easy to be a critic, sitting ideally by whilst others resolve industry challenges. CIMAP realises that it is essential to formulate a coherent integrated strategy to face the challenges of private providers and ETD practitioners. CIMAP service offering: Setting and maintaining a professional standard through high levels of involvement with the community of expert practice; A Channel for CPD activities , events, seminars and workshops hosted by approved training providers to assist members to keep their professional knowledge current; Regular communication with individual members via the CIMAP website, electronic mail and other social networks; Formulation of a personal development plan & verified skills passport; Professional profile match to queries from vetted organisations including training providers with the consent of members; A Channel for fostering a culture of Lifelong Learning by awarding professional designations; A dedicated website where members can manage their own professional development and network with other ETD Practitioners; CIMAP is a professional body that is dedicated to supporting the needs of everyone involved in assessment, moderation, facilitation, and ETD Practice. CIMAP is focused on creating a voice for these critical players in education, training, and development field in South Africa. CIMAP commits to maintaining standards of best practice as for the professionalization of assessors, moderators, and ETD Practitioners in South Africa. CIMAP offers a professional recognition pathway, Code of Professional Conduct and the management of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes. CIMAP further seeks to: Ensure the highest possible standards of excellence; Achieve and sustain self-regulation in the industry; Promote equitable contracting regimes; Provide the framework for training, certification, competence and recruitment; and to Support and sustain the industry; Address industry transformation; Resolve industry issues; and Promote co-operation across the industries. Possibly the greatest challenge in this vast educational landscape is to unify a group of professionals that are engaged at different levels, with different elements of the framework and across different sectors. This is also the very reason for creating a professional body that can take up this role and bear the responsibilities involved in driving the professional behaviour of members to create credibility in industry. Leonardo da Vinci in his quote below reminds us that it is those individuals that actually did something in life that will be counted. It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

Yours in assessment excellence! Deonita Damons (MSc, FCIEA, CEA U.K)

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Benefits of CIMAP Membership

CIMAP promotes improvements in quality, transparency, and technical standards through the publication of guidance and information notes, codes of practice, and by other appropriate means. Among the benefits of membership are: Membership skills passport - based on members cumulative global experience; Regular updates, with opportunities for input into the development process; Regular newsletters, briefing notes on technical issues, regulatory developments and appropriate events; Access to a secure website, with beneficial downloads; The site also includes discussion forums, facilitating communication between members and progressing the Associations overall work programme; Quarterly regional forums to tackle local issues; Seminars and workshops on numerous topics of interest; Single voice lobbying on regulatory matters, with client organisations and representation with other related bodies; A platform to report unscrupulous and unprofessional behaviour from providers, assessors, moderators and other bodies; CIMAPs work programme is set out on our extensive website at

CIMAP Board Members

CIMAP Board Members came together as an industry interest group. The initial engagement was to discuss current challenges and the lack of formal representation and consolidated submissions regarding legislative amendments. Members of the interest group agreed to establish an industry professional body that would lobby relentlessly for the interests of our members. Members have volunteered their time and financial resources for the benefit of all professional practitioners and providers. Regional structures will become the lobby groups, as national position papers are prepared on behalf of CIMAP. Structure and Activities The CIMAP Management Committee, with direction and support provided by CIMAP Board representatives, leads CIMAP.

CIMAP Board Members

Chairperson: Ms. D. E Damons MSc; (FCIEA U.K) Vice-Chairperson: Prof. M. C. Mehl, Prof. D S. Matjila; Prof. W. Goosen, (FCIEA U.K) (Convener Strategic Alliances); Mr. T. Tshabalala (Convener SMME Development); Dr. W. Guest-Mouton (Convener Provider Forum); Dr. M. Serfontein, (FCIEA U.K) (Convener Professional Bodies and Associations); Mr. P. Mathebula (B Ed Hons); Dr. K. Deller (Convener CPD activities); Dr. L. Meyer, (FCIEA U.K); (Convener Designations, Membership and International Relationships) Ms. R. Pillay (M.Ed.)

Dissemination of Member Profiles

CIMAP values the importance member privacy. CIMAP will not compromise credibility of our members or distribute their personal information without their consent. Members may elect to have their personal profiles shared with providers and employers will be reflected in the member section of the CIMAP website. An updated list of constituency status will be provided to verified organisations on request and with your consent as set out in the membership application form. Please note that CIMAP is a professional body that ascribes to excellent professional standards. Please be vigilant when making your personal information available to individuals that have no affiliation to the professional body.

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Message from the Vice-Chairperson: Prof. M. Mehl,


We have in place a government that spends an inordinate amount of its budget on education. Additionally it has signaled very clearly that education is a major priority of government. From the didactic side is the fact that we now know more about how the brain works and how proficiency and competence develops in any area of human endeavour, than at any time in human history. In the last 20 years, we have learnt 95% of what we today know of the human brain. Recent books on the subject propose a very seductive message: every human is born with unimaginable ability and capacity. We are capable of achieving anything we want if we go about it properly.

The statistics are dismal. In January 2000, around 1.2 million children enrolled in Grade 1 full of hope of a bright future. 12 years later in 2011, some 50 % of them only write the matriculation examination. Around 50% of those who write do mathematics, not mathematics literacy generally regarded as a dead-end subject. Of those who write mathematics, around 30% only achieve more than 40% of the marks while just 12% of them get more than 50% - around 36000 in all. Therefore, of the 1.2 million who started 12 years ago, just 3% of them pass mathematics with more than 50% of the final mark. That this is a disaster is obvious. Its impact plays out further up the line when we compare the number of engineers our universities produce in comparison, per capita to a country like India, or indeed any of the rapidly emerging economies. While we need not lionize mathematics, it is a fairly good gold standard for some measure of quality in education provision. In addition, in truth we seem to constantly be going in the opposite direction. The pass mark at school level is now 30%. Imagine that! A learner can be blissfully incompetent in 70% of a subject and can still be deemed competent enough to Pass. I notice in a recent copy of the QCTO Newsletter that the issue of Fundamental learning mathematics and communication in SAQA qualifications (as minimalist as these were in the first place) has been refined and a part qualification Foundational Learning Competency is now interposed. Why do we always keep lowering the bar instead of raising it and developing the methodologies that enable? The irony of the situation in South Africa is that we are now better equipped than at any time in our history to bring about dramatic improvements in the situation.
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This does not mean that the opportunity to achieve is the same for everybody obviously, it is not but rather that we are all born with stupendous potential. Some titles that illustrate this by drawing on recent research include: The genius in all of us: The Talent Code: Talent is Overrated Outliers The Myth of Ability David Shenk Daniel Coyle Geoff Colvin Malcolm Gladwell John Mighton

to indicate but a few. The challenge, of course, is to translate this research into reality in the lives of every individual. Few people get anywhere near to realizing this potential and, in fact, the majority of people in all likelihood do not even believe it! How can this be changed? While everybody can read the research, some of the ideas we all hold about talent, intelligence, genetic endowment and creativity of individuals are so deeply entrenched, that mere reading is unlikely to change it. We all have the experience of schooling with its inherent intellectual hierarchy that firmly embeds the idea that some (few) have it but many do not. It is surprising how many people carry this measure of relative cleverness with them through their life. Very few people regard themselves as capable of genius in any field will have begun. We have a unique opportunity in South Africa to do this on a national scale. The advent of CIMAP is an important contributor to the effort at re-conceptualization and renewal of our prevailing system of education.

The centrality of dynamic assessment, carried out within a framework of intensive, sustained and knowledgeable endeavour focused on improving not only the capabilities of the individual, but of the nation as a whole, should not be under-estimated. To change individual perceptions, people need to experience talent development in their own case. This means that individuals need to be enabled to do something, which they deemed impossible for themselves. However, not only does each individual need to be enabled, he/she must understand the mechanism used that made it possible. So the methodology for talent development must be made explicit so that it never appears to be some magic available only to a few. The research is unanimous in identifying Deliberate continuous assessment with immediate feedback that enables persons to try-fail-try again with success at ever increasing levels of competence in fields as diverse as mathematics, sport, music, art etc. Even within a much shorter timeframe than years, individuals start seeing significant indicators of improvement in their competence levels. If this process can be initiated in areas in which the individual has always struggled, then the enabling process Professor M C Mehl 10 April 2012

Message from Dr. W. Guest-Mouton (Convener Provider Forum);

Registered DHET FET Provider Forum
The Chartered Institute for the Management of Assessment Practice (CIMAP) is committed to taking the lead in the process of professionalization of the sector. Stakeholders established CIMAP during 2011 and practitioners, including DHET registered FET providers, assessors and moderators now have a platform to articulate collective needs in a democratic structure. Our immediate priorities are: Providing professional membership for practitioners and stakeholders, including assessors, moderators, and DHET registered FET providers (corporate membership). (Accredited providers will be eligible to join CIMAP if they have proof of registration with DHET as corporate members), (providers in the phases of their registration process as corporate affiliate members). Constructively addressing the challenges facing private providers operating within the SETA ETQA environment. These challenges include protracted payment complications, securing programme approval and external moderation dates from ETQAs, ineffective communication channels etc. The imperative need to strengthen the formal relationships with the regulators, industry professional bodies, and collective and representative bodies must be lobbied immediately.

CIMAP Annual Industry ETD Awards;

Training Providers may apply for CIMAP blue, bronze, silver, gold and platinum status awards. A rigorous validation process is applied. The award categories include: CIMAP top 50 Training Provider Awards; Assessor and Moderation Awards; Annual ETD Practitioner Awards.

We must embrace the opportunity to stand together as professionals and participate as active members for our collective sustainability!

Please send all provider input on green papers and regulatory policy frameworks affecting our industry to Dr Wilma Guest-Mouton


We can no longer afford to sit idly by hoping that someone will look after our interests!

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Message from Dr. L Meyer

(Convener Designations, Membership and International Relations)
'Every reform was once private opinion.' Ralph Waldo Emerson CIMAP membership and designations are an important differentiator when engaging the services of an ETD Practitioner. Organisations making use of Assessors, Moderator and ETD Practitioners will have a credible level of assurance in relation to individuals capacity, qualifications and experience. Most individuals that complete Assessor, Moderator or ETD Practice training are not provided with adequate mentoring and support. Said individuals are placed in an untenable position of attending training for a week, and then being expected to participate in a complex environment with limited support. CIMAP values credibility in assessment, and stands by our value proposition that confirms quality in assessment, moderation and ETD practice. CIMAP Membership is available to: 1. Student members 2. Constituent Assessors 3. Constituent Moderators 4. ETD Practitioners 5. Corporate Membership 6. Private FET and HET Training Providers Membership Designations 1. Affiliate Members 2. Practitioner 3. Fellow 4. Chartered Assessor 5. Master Assessor Top Award Membership Articulation Path Affiliate Assessor Master Assessor Chartered Assessor

Members will be required to attend at least three CPD activities per annum to retain designations. The Professional Body will provide a register of approved providers and activities. It will be up to individual members to select their own activities in relation to their personal development path. All members that are constituently registered Assessors and Moderators may progress to the Practitioner level on application once they have attended three CPD activities. Modules offered by the Chartered Institute of Assessment Practice U.K are very specific and will allow members to progress to different status levels on the successful completion of modules by submitting a Portfolio of Evidence. Qualifications and experience are central to the awarding of professional designations. Applicants will be expected to prepare a portfolio and may be requested to meet with members from the designation committee to present reflexive competence.

Membership Designations
Members may use the following acronyms behind their names once the relevant CIMAP membership committee has endorsed their applications in writing: Student Member - Open to anyone with an interest in assessment. Affiliate Assessor - Affiliate Membership is open to anyone with an interest in assessment, and confirmation of achievement of the national assessor standard (ACIMAP). Practitioner Assessor - 1-3 years' experience in educational assessment, and must have achieved a National Diploma (NQF 5) (PCIMAP). Fellow Assessor - Fellowship is available to the most experienced and expert practitioners in educational assessment and a NQF 6 level qualification (FCIMAP). Chartered Assessor (CCIMAP). Masters degree and five years of educational assessment experience. Master Assessor (MCIMAP). Doctoral degree and extensive assessment and moderation experience. Applying for evaluated membership designations: Applications for membership status reassignment will be accepted by CIMAP. Please apply on the CIMAP website and supply supporting documentation to ! Does anybody really think that they did not get what they had because they did not have the talent, the strength, the endurance, or the commitment? Nelson Mandela



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CIMAP Professional Designation Progression

Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela

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CIMAP has a working relationship with the Chartered Institute for Educational Assessment U.K. The Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors is a professional body dedicated to supporting the needs of everyone involved in educational assessment. CIEA members include everyone involved in assessment, from senior examiners, moderators and markers to individuals with an interest in or responsibility for assessment in primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, training centers and other educational organisations. Membership of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors will cement your position as a member of the assessment community, providing you with access to a network of likeminded professionals as well as the latest thinking in educational assessment and a range of exclusive products and support services. "It is the Institute's ambition to confer recognised status on its best practitioners. The integrity of the examining process and the credibility of the results it produces depend upon the often unrecognized and underestimated skills of examiners. It is timely to recognise, help develop, and make official the contribution they make to the educational life of this country." - Dr Julian Pattison, Deputy Head, Wolverhampton Grammar School

The CPD website allows you to analyse your own skills, to analyse the skills of those members of the team with which you work and to look for advice and guidance to support those specific skills or to improve them. The CIEA website is the most comprehensive source of educational assessment information available online. Here you can search through over 8,000 periodicals, articles, research reports and other documents about educational assessment from all over the world. Members can access the full range of information by logging into the member's area in the box on the top right of the screen. Non-members and visitors to the site will be able to view abstracts of articles and journals only. The CIEA campaigns on behalf of members are designed to provide a voice for the assessment community and raise the profile and relevance of effective educational assessment, as well as the contribution it makes to society. Through the campaigns, the CIEA aim to engage with a variety of leading stakeholders, including the education community, government, the media and the public. The CIEA has developed a matrix, or framework of competencies, known as the Professional Framework, based on the current activities performed by educational assessors. This Professional Framework will help to inform our thinking of the types of courses and support that educational assessors require in order to fulfill their role more effectively. Members may access a number of educational routes in assessment including: CIEA Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Assessment could be for you. ostgraduate_diploma.aspx Masters Degree in assessment. The Professional Master's Programme fees vary according to the academic year and status of the applicant. The first step in formulating the relationship between the CIEA and CIMAP was for a selected group of Assessors to complete the Chartered Assessor Training. Candidate CEAs had to submit a Portfolio of Evidence over a twelve-month period. Five South African candidates were awarded the converted CEA status after their PoEs were assessed as compliant. The CIEA and CIMAP will be presenting a number of interventions in South Africa for CIMAP members.

CIMAP Members qualify for the following discounts from mid June 2012: Associate: Member: Fellow: R 120.00 per year R 145.00 per year R 280.00 per year (Must meet requirements)

Normal fees directly paid to the CIEA are: Associate: Member: Fellow: 25.00 per year 45.00 per year 80.00 per year

CIEA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) related tools and resources are extensive and provide an in-depth view of the skills and competencies associated with the Professional Framework.

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Message from Dr. Karen Deller

Convener on CPD Activities
The basic premise of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is that professionals have to make a commitment to continually update their skills and personal and professional competence. CPD is most critical in professions that face constant change and have a huge impact on the well-being of others. Part of the CIMAP philosophy is that assessors and moderators are the backbone of the skills revolution. We literally make the difference between a successful and meaningful skills development initiative that encourages lifelong learning and a weak and demotivating one. The starting point of the typical three-day assessor course is simply not enough to create sufficient technical competence to make informed decisions about a learners level of competence. Members will be required to attend at least three CPD activities per annum to retain their CIMAP designations. Potential CPD providers will be required to submit programmes to the CIMAP CPD board for inclusion onto the list approved developmental opportunities. In addition, formal higher education qualifications will also be considered where their content is deemed by the CPD board to offer continuing professional development for assessors or moderators. All members that are constituently registered Assessors and Moderators may progress to the Practitioner level on application, once they have attended at least three CPD activities. The CIMAP board plans to keep the CPD system simple and as inexpensive as possible, while retaining the absolute need to ensure that all assessors and moderators who are members diligently spend time enhancing their professional skills so that training and development in South Africa continues to go from strength to strength on the back of quality assessment practices. Any provider wishing to apply to have courses registered for CPD should please contact or with their proposal and letter of intent to provide CPD courses.

Message from Mr. Tsidiso Tshabalala

(Convener SMME Development) & Dr. L. Meyer
Entering the market place as a new provider does not mean you are a fly by night. Without proper support structures, and a coherent structure for engagement and evolution, the ETD system is geared to set individuals and SMME organisations up for failure. Providers and ETD Practitioners must actively sculpt their future. Individuals and organisations entering the private provision space have very different needs than providers and practitioners that have been working in the system for a number of years. Transformation, BBBEE opportunities and development agendas must be supported in a coherent and structurally defined manner, as we drive the agenda of change. Providers in the FET space that have a record of accomplishment of excellent assessment and provision practice must be afforded a level of trust and the ability to progress as is evident in the HET sector. Peer review mechanisms are a global norm, and well developed in the SA HET sector. A cautious aversion is however evident in the FET sector, as many providers that lack maturity are not aware of the benefits of sharing best practice mechanisms with peers. An inadequate mentoring system exists to ensure that providers and assessors can be supported in the best possible way, and within the realm of their respective requirements. CIMAP will play an active role in ensuring that different categories of members and organisations affiliated to us are supported in the best possible way. CIMAP will actively seek to engage with ETQAs, SAQA, the QCTO and other relevant statutory and regulatory bodies to ensure that the playing field supports our members in the best possible way. CIMAP appreciates all member input in this regard, and we look forward to your active participation as a CIMAP member.

'One can never consent to creep when one feels the compulsion to soar'. Helen Keller

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Dr. M. Serfontein
(CEA U.K) (Convener Professional Bodies and Associations); & Dr. L Meyer
Professionalization of industries through the development of professional recognition frameworks has been a pivotal process in systemic change. Professional certification of numerous industries in South Africa has seen the evolution and structuring of industries including payroll, marketing, labour recruitment, beauty, health & skincare and real estate, financial services etc. CIMAP values the pioneering work done into the registration of professional designation instruments onto the NQF. The challenges the current definition of "professional qualifications" has posed systemic historic challenges. CIMAP believes that Professional Bodies must be afforded an opportunity to play a momentous role in representing their constituencies. CIMAP will play a national, collaborative voice within the given constituency, in relation to education and training. For too long professional bodies have had to become accredited as training providers to gain some kind of identity within the education and training environment in South Africa. Industries need their professional bodies to play the role of referee, rather than player. This implies that professional bodies should be moderators and standards setters for education in their industries, and be supported and have an active membership base. Critically embracing change requires an industry to embrace a new paradigm, critically engage with assumptions and the facilitation of quality conversations. This will consequently allow for the facilitation of quality in thinking processes. The consequence will permit growth or reinforcement of historic beliefs. The main objectives of Professional Bodies and Association have always been to originate and promote the general advancement of individual industries and the fortification of members interest. Professional Bodies are normaly not-forprofit organisations formed for a particular profession that furthers the interests and development of its members and of the profession itself. Employers that are faced with screening job applicants are able to differentiate very little from presented CVs. Each possesses the same category of information in a generic context. New incumbants often display analogous placement capabilities and lack real-world working experience.

In the event that one applicant is the member of a professional body, employers will view this in a positive light. Members of profesional bodies are regulated by a professional code of conduct and professional standards of excellence. More importantly professional bodies regulate and enforce member conduct, and may sanction members that fail to comply with prerequisite standards of ethics and professional conduct.

Embracing A New Paradigm


Reinforce Values and Truths

Quality of Conversation

Quality Thinking

To gain maximum benefit from your membership to a professional body, you must: Become involved and actively participate in the professional body; Access the network of professionals; Educate yourself on member benefits; Participate in CPD activities.

CIMAP memberships provides access to qualifications, the use of membership designations, discounted education and training opportunities, admission to a wide knowledge base; and the chance to network with concurring professionals. CIMAP allows members the opportunity for keeping abreast of recent developments in assessment; moderation and ETD Practice. As a member, it is important that you get involved in regional structures or steering committees, contributing directly to the running of CIMAP. Taking control of your career and your professional development, displays to your employer that you are ambitious and dedicated to advancing yourself professionally. In a global climate where many well-qualified individuals are competing for limited employment opportunities, no one can afford not to take advantage of every opportunity to add to your skill set and make you stand out as a professional!

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Message from: Ms. A. Roode

B.Com. (Hons) - (Convener - Quality Standards)
Quality is the backbone of assessment and moderation processes whilst values form the foundation. Quality in assessment means: Competent and productive candidates who are able to reflect and committed to their life-long learning journeys; Ethical and mindful assessors and moderators who are vigorous in their quest for credible assessment practices; Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are linked to personal effectiveness and national goals; Processes and practices through which assessors and moderator skillfully apply outcomes-based methodology with well-designed materials for credible recognition and growth. Vision: Creating a common picture of quality assessments and achieving it through teamwork. Our immediate goals are: To develop quality standards and best practice guidelines for Assessors and Moderators; To develop a Competence Framework for Assessors and Moderators. Some challenges in our system include: Insufficient guidance at national level; Lack of trust between stakeholders; Limited professional development. Our approach: We appreciate the system with its challenges and complexity. We value the collective effort and recognize the need to collaborate at national level. . We apply lateral and systems thinking in our approach to planning and problem solving. Stakeholder input: Your contributions in the development of the quality standards are needed and appreciated because it is the right thing to do. I am looking forward to working with individuals and organizations that are passionate about quality standards and believe that together everyone achieves more!

Message from Prof. W. Goosen

(FCIEA U.K), - (Convener Strategic Alliances)

The development of strategic alliances and protocols for reciprocity promotes the advancement of international best practice in assessment. Assessment practice globally has the opportunity to develop in both the educational sphere as well the field of performance assessment. Much work is still needed to consolidate thinking to present assessment as a uniform practice for both learning and workplace achievements. Assessment is the basis of adding norms and value to human life, thus at the core of creating recognition. Recognition however enables human motivation, as it allows the individual the opportunity to quantify achievements and subsequently understand his or her own achievements and challenges so much better. Through the clarity the individual can plan, the skills set and develop a personal vision for future achievements. Assessment enables us to see what where we are, so that we may plan where will go!

'Complexity creates confusion, simplicity focus.' Edward de Bono

Regional Conveners
Please contact CIMAP for the name of your closest regional representative. Regional Conveners: H. Van Twisk, S. Louw, N. Khumalo, P. Lala, H. Edwards, E. Findley, J. Topping, D. Van Rooyen, D. Padayachie, P, Mugumo.

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Membership Benefits
Professional Recognition and Designations Once members have demonstrated that they have the requisite experience, qualifications and skills, you may join CIMAP and add the appropriate letters behind Your name known as designations. Designations confirm your status against predefined criteria that must be complied with. Designations also confirm the levels of expertise and qualifications of practitioners. Credibility and uncompromising quality are at the heart of CIMAPs existence. Information, Advice and Communication CIMAP offers members access to industry news, surveys, reports, updates, career information, jobs, and details of events. CIMAP communicates regularly with members through communiques and newsletters. Networking Opportunities CIMAP has regional networking and professional development events that members may attend to confirm current developments in our sector. CIMAP conferences will offer tremendous networking and research opportunities. Career Development Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is essential to forge a successful career. Professional development will include access to local and international experts. Public Relations and Marketing CIMAP will actively market to stakeholders on the scope and benefits of CIMAP and our industry. CIMAP will seek to ensure the expansion of opportunities for or members. By investing in research and building alliances, CIMAP will focus on building credibility and position. Professional bodies are growing their membership globally. The value of professional bodies cannot be overstated. 'You may feel like a voice in the wilderness, but it is your voice we are waiting to hearyou are the determining factor.' Neale Donald Walsh Author

Advocacy A professional body can only lobby to the extent of its membership support. All professional assessors, moderators and ETD Practitioners should join CIMAP. A group of industry practitioners that recognised the need for a cohesive and credible voice has started CIMAP. CIMAP is a professional body that will lobby government and regulatory institutions for tangible benefits to our members. CIMAP opportunities CIMAP will focus on finding career advice and uncover new industry resources. Getting the most out of any professional association membership is like anything else in life -- you are going to get out of it as much as you put into it! CIMAP would like members to actively participate in all structures and drive the industry forward. CIMAP Memberships opens a pathway to join the rapidly expanding world of the professional; national members and an international community of like-minded individuals and organisations. Membership presents opportunities for competition, professional recognition and access to educational forums. Referral Service As a core benefit to CIMAP members, is that CIMAP will maintain an online database of members and their areas of expertise / specialisation (with their permission). Corporate referrals for prospective clients looking for assessment, moderation and ETDP services will be done for members. Support system CIMAP Members can take advantage of formal coaching or mentoring relationships with assessors that are more experienced, moderators and ETD Practitioners. Mentors will provide guidance and useful insights. Such relationships can be a source of answers and solutions when you are facing a challenging situation. Mentoring will allow members a support network behind you can boost your confidence when problems arise. Yours in assessment excellence! CIMAP Board and Members.

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Whatever your business, with our simple to use tool you can get your own website up and running in under an hour - for FREE! MAHALA! GRATIS! No catch. Simply choose your template, add a few details about your business, and tell people how to contact you and press publish. It is time to Woza Online! Here is what you get: FREE easy-to-build professional website FREE sub-domain name on FREE hosting FREE access to training materials and workshops FREE custom domain name for the first 10 000 participants for one year**

Childs Play Programme



Your childs mind-set stems from her beliefs and this influence her thoughts. Her thoughts determine her actions. Her actions have a positive or negative result. Beliefs are the assumptions that we make about ourselves, about others in the world and about how we expect things to be. Beliefs are about how we perceive things. Our values stem from our beliefs. Their vision and mission also determine a persons selfesteem and confidence. A vision is a statement of who you are and who you can become. It is the framework for the process of creating your life, based on your beliefs and values. A child who knows and understands her uniqueness and who has a DREAM will be inspired and remain focused. Some parents live their lives through their children because they have not taken responsibility to create their own dreams when they should have done so. This is very selfish and the child will not value care and respect as a result thereof.

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Negotiated Member Benefit

BEE Exemption Letters R 860.00 (Ex Vat) Full BEE compliance audits (dependent on size of organisation). Full accounting services (including invoice preparations, SARS compliance etc. requirements from R 1800.00 per month. Please contact: Dirk on / / 012 546 8622

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Contact us: Amanda - 082 551 0497

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