Feasibility Study Outline

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FEASIBILITY STUDY OUTLINE (*DAP Format) 1. Project Summary 2. Market Study a. Product Description b. Demand c. Supply d.

Demand-Supply Analysis e. Price Study f. Factors Affecting the Market g. Marketing Program 3. Technical Feasibility a. Products b. Manufacturing Process c. Plant Size and Production Schedule d. Machinery and Equipment e. Plant Location f. Plant Layout g. Building and Facilities h. Raw Materials and Supplies i. Utilities j. Waste Disposal k. Production Cost l. Labor Requirements 4. Financial Feasibility a. Major Assumptions b. Total Project Cost c. Sources of Financing the Project d. Preparation of Financial Statements e. Financial Analysis 5. Socio-economic Study 6. Organization and Management Study a. Form of Ownership b. Organizational Chart c. Officers and Key Personnel d. Project Schedule

Technical Feasibility 1. Products i. Description of the products (specifically relating to physical, mechanical and chemical properties) ii. Economic uses of the product 2.Manufacturing Process iii. How shall the product be manufactured? (Show detailed flow charts indicating material and energy requirement at each step, and the normal duration of the process) iv. Other processes and factors considered to determine the process to be adopted v. Processes used in existing plants and in similar projects in the Philippines or abroad 3.Plant Size and Production Schedule vi. Daily and annual production capacity of the plant vii. Production days per year viii. Factors used in determining plant size ix. Expected attainable annual production volume for the next five (5) years considering start-up and technical factors 4.Machinery and Equipment x. Machinery layout (Indicate the number, specifications, rated capacities of major machineries, prices of equipment, and balancing of capacities of each major and auxiliary equipment, and standby units) xi. Quotations from suppliers, machineries guarantees, delivery, terms of payments and other arrangements 5.Plant Location xii. Plant location (Show map of the proposed plant) xiii. Is the location desirable in terms of distance to source of raw materials and markets and other factors? 6.Plant Layout xiv. Show layout xv. Effect of layout on materials flow and treatment of materials handling and storage xvi. Provision for expansion 7.Building and Facilities xvii. Building/s to be constructed xviii. Cost of construction xix. Other structures and their respective costs xx. Other improvements (Specifically relates to roads, drainage facilities, etc.) xxi. Cost of improvements

8.Raw Materials and Supplies xxii. Description of raw materials specifically relating to their physical, mechanical and chemical properties xxiii. Alternative raw materials considered and factors used in selecting the raw materials xxiv. Material combination xxv. Availability of raw materials. Will there be a continuous supply? xxvi. Current and prospective sources of raw materials xxvii. Current and prospective costs of raw materials and will there be any long term contract with the suppliers? 9.Utilities xxviii. Utilities (electricity, fuel, water, steam and supplies) required xxix. Uses, quantity required, balances of utilities, availability of sources and alternative sources and costs 10.Waste Disposal xxx. Waste and volume to be disposed of xxxi. Waste disposal method to be adopted xxxii. Waste disposal methods used in other plants xxxiii. Cost of waste disposal xxxiv. Clearance and cost and how could it be secured from proper authorities 11.Production Cost 12.Labor Requirements

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