Lesson 9 - Final - Ed

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FLUENCY Objective: To check / monitor students progress in reading Materials Reading Material: Own PM+ Level books for each group (depends on proficiency level of each student group)

1. Teacher recaps previous lesson taught and get student response. 2. Ask each student to read the book aloud. 1 set for teacher, 1 3. Teacher checks reading of each student. for pupil While student reads: 1. Teacher corrects any mistakes made. Worksheet: Lesson 9 2. Students write down words not read correctly in their notebook /worksheet. 3. While teacher is assessing a particular student, the rest will read on their own while waiting for their turn.

10 minutes

WORD STUDY Whiteboard / Flip chart (to explain as a Objective: Students will learn the use of ed in CVCC large group) words (excluding those that end with t) / Small magnetic and learn its pronunciation. boards (to explain in small groups) 1. Hand out sentence cards to students with CVCC words written in the present tense. Teacher Resource: Lesson 9 2. Focus each students attention to the underlined words and make them Student worksheet: pronounce the word. 3. Engage student participation by making Lesson 9 them write the sentence in past tense. (Make them write on their worksheet.) 4. Correct student work and check for pronunciation (the end consonant ed must be heard clearly) 5. Ask student to do the same with the other sentences found in their worksheet. 6. Check student work and do necessary

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Lesson Plan STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 9: FINAL -ED correction in terms of pronunciation and spelling. 7. Explain difference between present and past tense. 8. End this part of the lesson by highlighting when -ed is added to CCVC words (when it is in past tense) and its correct pronunciation.

20 minutes

INSTRUCTIONAL READING Objective: Students will learn the importance of characters in a story. Before reading: 1. Pass the books to students. 2. Engage student interest by asking them to guess what the story is about by looking at the title and its cover picture. 3. Discuss student answers. Reading: 1. Make students read books in their own groups. 2. Engage student by asking them to write the main ideas of their story as they read it. After reading: 1. Ask student to present their story in a story telling manner in their own way. 2. If student is hesitant, guide them with guiding questions (e.g. first what happened in the story, then what and what happens at the end? Is it a happy or sad ending?) and student tells the story through answering teacher questions. 3. Reward student for best story telling. 4. Highlight to students the importance of getting the main idea of a story (to check whether students fully understand the story they have read)

Reading Material: Own PM+ Level books for each group (depends on proficiency level of each student group) HA: Runaway Rowdy (Level 24) MA: Katies Butterfly (Level 14) LA: The Swan Family (Level 10)

Student Worksheet: Lesson 9

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Lesson Plan STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 9: FINAL -ED 5. Get student response on whether they have enjoyed story and if they have not which part would they change and why? 6. Guide student response.

10 minutes

WRITING Worksheet: Lesson 9 Objective: Students will improve writing fluency 1. Review the final ed words learnt in the lesson and encourage students to write as many words as they can remember from the words they have seen or read. 2. Ask each student to stand up and read the words they have written and share to the class. 3. Monitor and help students with their spelling and pronunciation.

30 minutes BOARD GAMES Objective: Students will reinforce their understanding in topics taught (in this lesson or previous) by engaging in educational games. 1. Hand out games appropriate to each level. 2. Monitor students progress and understanding in games. 3. Wrap up lesson by highlighting what students have learnt. Any games students have not played before.

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Teachers Resource LESSON 9: FINAL ED WORDS

Sentences with CVCC words in them. (exclude CVCC words that end with t)

They kick the ball. The children lick their ice cream. The girls push their bags away. The men pack their bags. All the boys jump together. I walk with my sister to school. The men lock the gate. They hush while she talks.
After going through all these, make students change the tenses of the underlined words in their worksheets

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Student Worksheet STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 9: FINAL ED WORDS Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Part 1: Reading Fluency Write down the words you had difficulty pronouncing in the box below. Book title: _______________________________________________

Part 2: Word Study Read the following sentences in the present tense and change the underlined words (verbs) into past tense form.

Present Tense
They kick the ball. The children lick their ice cream. The girls push their bags away. The men pack their bags. All the boys jump together. I walk with my sister to school. The men lock the gate. They hush while she talks.

Past Tense
They ______________ the ball. The children _________________ their ice cream. The girls _____________________ their bags away. The men _______________________ their bags already. All the boys ______________________together. I ___________________ with my sister to school. The men ____________________ the gate just now. They _______________________ while she talked.

Why are the verbs in past tense? Ask you teacher.

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ed words as taught by your teacher in the box below.

Part 3: Instructional Reading (Title of book: _____________________________________________ ) Jot down the main points of your story in the space provided below (for example, first what happen, then next what happen, and finally what happen in the story?) After writing the main ideas, tell your story to your friends. (in a story telling manner)

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Student Worksheet STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 9: FINAL ED WORDS Vocabulary What are the new words you have learnt today?

Part 4: Writing Write as many final -ed words (from your reading) as you can in the box below in the shortest time possible.

Check Time: How do you feel after todays lesson? (Tick the box)

Why do you feel so? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What have you learnt today?

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